    def _is_address_valid(self, address):
        """Checks is an address string is valid"""

        digits_58_pattern = r'[^123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz]'

        # check for invalid characters
        if re.search(digits_58_pattern, address):
            return False

        # check for length (26-35 characters)
        # TODO: need to confirm the possible length!
        if len(address) < 26 or len(address) > 35:
            return False

        # get data, network_prefix and checksum
        data_checksum = b58decode(address.encode('utf-8'))
        data = data_checksum[:-4]
        network_prefix = data_checksum[:1]
        checksum = data_checksum[-4:]

        # check correct network (depending on address type)
        if self.get_type() == P2PKH_ADDRESS:
            if network_prefix != NETWORK_P2PKH_PREFIXES[get_network()]:
                return False
        elif self.get_type() == P2SH_ADDRESS:
            if network_prefix != NETWORK_P2SH_PREFIXES[get_network()]:
                return False

        # check address' checksum
        data_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest()

        if data_hash[0:4] != checksum:
            return False

        return True
    def __init__(self, rpcuser=None, rpcpassword=None, host=None, port=None):
        """Connects to node using credentials given

        rpcuser : str
            as defined in bitcoin.conf
        rpcpassword : str
            as defined in bitcoin.conf
        host : str, optional
            host where the Bitcoin node resides; defaults to
        port : int, optional
            port to connect to; uses default ports according to network

            if rpcuser and/or rpcpassword are not specified

        if not rpcuser or not rpcpassword:
            raise ValueError('rpcuser or rpcpassword is missing')

        if not host:
            host = ''

        if not port:
            port = NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORTS[get_network()]

        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy("http://{}:{}@{}:{}".format(rpcuser, rpcpassword, host, port))
    def to_wif(self, compressed=True):
        """Returns key in WIFC or WIF string

        |  Pseudocode:
        |      network_prefix = (1 byte version number)
        |      data = network_prefix + (32 bytes number/key) [ + 0x01 if compressed ]
        |      data_hash = SHA-256( SHA-256( data ) )
        |      checksum = (first 4 bytes of data_hash)
        |      wif = Base58CheckEncode( data + checksum )

        # add network prefix to the key
        data = NETWORK_WIF_PREFIXES[get_network()] + self.to_bytes()

        if compressed == True:
            data += b'\x01'

        # double hash and get the first 4 bytes for checksum
        data_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest()
        checksum = data_hash[0:4]

        # suffix the key bytes with the checksum and encode to base58check
        wif = b58encode(data + checksum)

        return wif.decode('utf-8')
    def to_string(self):
        """Returns as address string

        Uses a segwit's python reference implementation for now. (TODO)

        # convert hex string hash to int array (required by bech32 lib)
        hash_bytes = unhexlify( self.witness_hash.encode('utf-8') )
        witness_int_array = memoryview(hash_bytes).tolist()

        return bitcoinutils.bech32.encode(NETWORK_SEGWIT_PREFIXES[get_network()],
                                          self.segwit_num_version, witness_int_array)
    def to_string(self):
        """Returns as address string

        |  Pseudocode:
        |      network_prefix = (1 byte version number)
        |      data = network_prefix + hash160_bytes
        |      data_hash = SHA-256( SHA-256( hash160_bytes ) )
        |      checksum = (first 4 bytes of data_hash)
        |      address_bytes = Base58CheckEncode( data + checksum )
        hash160_encoded = self.hash160.encode('utf-8')
        hash160_bytes = unhexlify(hash160_encoded)

        if self.get_type() == P2PKH_ADDRESS:
            data = NETWORK_P2PKH_PREFIXES[get_network()] + hash160_bytes
        elif self.get_type() == P2SH_ADDRESS:
            data = NETWORK_P2SH_PREFIXES[get_network()] + hash160_bytes

        data_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()).digest()
        checksum = data_hash[0:4]
        address_bytes = b58encode(data + checksum)

        return address_bytes.decode('utf-8')
    def _address_to_hash(self, address):
        """Converts an address to it's hash equivalent

	The size of the address determines between P2WPKH and P2WSH.
        Then Bech32 decodes the address removing network prefix, checksum,
        witness version.

        Uses a segwit's python reference implementation for now. (TODO)

        witness_version, witness_int_array = bitcoinutils.bech32.decode(
            NETWORK_SEGWIT_PREFIXES[get_network()], address)
        if witness_version == None:
            raise ValueError("Invalid value for parameter address.")
        if witness_version != self.segwit_num_version:
            raise TypeError("Invalid segwit version.")

        return hexlify(bytes(witness_int_array)).decode('utf-8')
    def _from_wif(self, wif):
        """Creates key from WIFC or WIF format key

        Check to_wif for the detailed process. From WIF is the reverse.

            if the checksum is wrong or if the WIF/WIFC is not from the
            configured network.

        wif_utf = wif.encode('utf-8')

        # decode base58check get key bytes plus checksum
        data_bytes = b58decode(wif_utf)
        key_bytes = data_bytes[:-4]
        checksum = data_bytes[-4:]

        # verify key with checksum
        data_hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(key_bytes).digest()).digest()
        if not checksum == data_hash[0:4]:
            raise ValueError('Checksum is wrong. Possible mistype?')

        # get network prefix and check with current setup
        network_prefix = key_bytes[:1]
        if NETWORK_WIF_PREFIXES[get_network()] != network_prefix:
            raise ValueError('Using the wrong network!')

        # remove network prefix
        key_bytes = key_bytes[1:]

        # check length of bytes and if > 32 then compressed
        # use this to instantite an ecdsa key
        if len(key_bytes) > 32:
            self.key = SigningKey.from_string(key_bytes[:-1], curve=SECP256k1)
            self.key = SigningKey.from_string(key_bytes, curve=SECP256k1)
文件: init.py 项目: GeneFerneau/gc
def init_network():
    if setup.get_network() == None: