    def connect(self, node="", rpcuser="", rpcpassword="", **kwargs):
        """ Connect to BitShares network (internal use only)
        if not node:
            if "node" in config:
                node = config["node"]
                raise ValueError("A BitShares node needs to be provided!")

        if not rpcuser and "rpcuser" in config:
            rpcuser = config["rpcuser"]

        if not rpcpassword and "rpcpassword" in config:
            rpcpassword = config["rpcpassword"]

        self.rpc = BitSharesNodeRPC(node, rpcuser, rpcpassword, **kwargs)
    def get_statusbar_message(self):
        node = self.config['node']
            start = time.time()
            BitSharesNodeRPC(node, num_retries=1)
            latency = (time.time() - start) * 1000
        except BaseException:
            latency = -1

        if latency != -1:
            return "ver {} - Node delay: {:.2f}ms".format(__version__, latency)
            return "ver {} - Node disconnected".format(__version__)
    def set_statusbar_message(self):
        config = self.main_ctrl.load_config()
        node = config['node']

            start = time.time()
            BitSharesNodeRPC(node, num_retries=1)
            latency = (time.time() - start) * 1000
        except BaseException:
            latency = -1

        if latency != -1:
            self.ui.status_bar.showMessage("ver {} - Node delay: {:.2f}ms".format(__version__, latency))
            self.ui.status_bar.showMessage("ver {} - Node disconnected".format(__version__))
    def measure_latency(nodes):
        """ Measures latency of first alive node from given nodes in milliseconds

            :param str,list nodes: Bitshares node address(-es)
            :return: int: latency in milliseconds
            :raises grapheneapi.exceptions.NumRetriesReached: if failed to find a working node
        if isinstance(nodes, str):
            nodes = [nodes]

        # Check nodes one-by-one until first working found
        for node in nodes:
                start = time.time()
                BitSharesNodeRPC(node, num_retries=1)
                latency = (time.time() - start) * 1000
                return latency
            except (NumRetriesReached, OSError):
                # [Errno 111] Connection refused -> OSError

        raise NumRetriesReached
class BitShares(object):
    """ Connect to the BitShares network.

        :param str node: Node to connect to *(optional)*
        :param str rpcuser: RPC user *(optional)*
        :param str rpcpassword: RPC password *(optional)*
        :param bool nobroadcast: Do **not** broadcast a transaction! *(optional)*
        :param bool debug: Enable Debugging *(optional)*
        :param array,dict,string keys: Predefine the wif keys to shortcut the wallet database *(optional)*
        :param bool offline: Boolean to prevent connecting to network (defaults to ``False``) *(optional)*
        :param str proposer: Propose a transaction using this proposer *(optional)*
        :param int proposal_expiration: Expiration time (in seconds) for the proposal *(optional)*
        :param int proposal_review: Review period (in seconds) for the proposal *(optional)*
        :param int expiration: Delay in seconds until transactions are supposed to expire *(optional)*
        :param str blocking: Wait for broadcasted transactions to be included in a block and return full transaction (can be "head" or "irrversible")
        :param bool bundle: Do not broadcast transactions right away, but allow to bundle operations *(optional)*

        Three wallet operation modes are possible:

        * **Wallet Database**: Here, the bitshareslibs load the keys from the
          locally stored wallet SQLite database (see ``storage.py``).
          To use this mode, simply call ``BitShares()`` without the
          ``keys`` parameter
        * **Providing Keys**: Here, you can provide the keys for
          your accounts manually. All you need to do is add the wif
          keys for the accounts you want to use as a simple array
          using the ``keys`` parameter to ``BitShares()``.
        * **Force keys**: This more is for advanced users and
          requires that you know what you are doing. Here, the
          ``keys`` parameter is a dictionary that overwrite the
          ``active``, ``owner``, or ``memo`` keys for
          any account. This mode is only used for *foreign*

        If no node is provided, it will connect to the node of
        http://uptick.rocks. It is **highly** recommended that you pick your own
        node instead. Default settings can be changed with:

        .. code-block:: python

            uptick set node <host>

        where ``<host>`` starts with ``ws://`` or ``wss://``.

        The purpose of this class it to simplify interaction with

        The idea is to have a class that allows to do this:

        .. code-block:: python

            from bitshares import BitShares
            bitshares = BitShares()

        All that is requires is for the user to have added a key with uptick

        .. code-block:: bash

            uptick addkey

        and setting a default author:

        .. code-block:: bash

            uptick set default_account xeroc

        This class also deals with edits, votes and reading content.
    def __init__(self,

        # More specific set of APIs to register to
        if "apis" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["apis"] = [

        self.rpc = None
        self.debug = debug

        self.offline = bool(kwargs.get("offline", False))
        self.nobroadcast = bool(kwargs.get("nobroadcast", False))
        self.unsigned = bool(kwargs.get("unsigned", False))
        self.expiration = int(kwargs.get("expiration", 30))
        self.proposer = kwargs.get("proposer", None)
        self.proposal_expiration = int(
            kwargs.get("proposal_expiration", 60 * 60 * 24))
        self.proposal_review = int(kwargs.get("proposal_review", 0))
        self.bundle = bool(kwargs.get("bundle", False))
        self.blocking = kwargs.get("blocking", False)

        # Store config for access through other Classes
        self.config = config

        if not self.offline:

        self.wallet = Wallet(self.rpc, **kwargs)
        self.txbuffer = TransactionBuilder(bitshares_instance=self)

    def connect(self, node="", rpcuser="", rpcpassword="", **kwargs):
        """ Connect to BitShares network (internal use only)
        if not node:
            if "node" in config:
                node = config["node"]
                raise ValueError("A BitShares node needs to be provided!")

        if not rpcuser and "rpcuser" in config:
            rpcuser = config["rpcuser"]

        if not rpcpassword and "rpcpassword" in config:
            rpcpassword = config["rpcpassword"]

        self.rpc = BitSharesNodeRPC(node, rpcuser, rpcpassword, **kwargs)

    def newWallet(self, pwd):
        """ Create a new wallet. This method is basically only calls

            :param str pwd: Password to use for the new wallet
            :raises bitshares.exceptions.WalletExists: if there is already a wallet created

    def finalizeOp(self, ops, account, permission):
        """ This method obtains the required private keys if present in
            the wallet, finalizes the transaction, signs it and
            broadacasts it

            :param operation ops: The operation (or list of operaions) to broadcast
            :param operation account: The account that authorizes the
            :param string permission: The required permission for
                signing (active, owner, posting)

            ... note::

                If ``ops`` is a list of operation, they all need to be
                signable by the same key! Thus, you cannot combine ops
                that require active permission with ops that require
                posting permission. Neither can you use different
                accounts for different operations!
        # Append transaction

        if self.unsigned:
            # In case we don't want to sign anything
            self.txbuffer.addSigningInformation(account, permission)
            return self.txbuffer
        elif self.bundle:
            # In case we want to add more ops to the tx (bundle)
            self.txbuffer.appendSigner(account, permission)
            return self.txbuffer.json()
            # default behavior: sign + broadcast
            self.txbuffer.appendSigner(account, permission)
            return self.txbuffer.broadcast()

    def sign(self, tx=None, wifs=[]):
        """ Sign a provided transaction witht he provided key(s)

            :param dict tx: The transaction to be signed and returned
            :param string wifs: One or many wif keys to use for signing
                a transaction. If not present, the keys will be loaded
                from the wallet as defined in "missing_signatures" key
                of the transactions.
        if tx:
            txbuffer = TransactionBuilder(tx, bitshares_instance=self)
            txbuffer = self.txbuffer
        return txbuffer.json()

    def broadcast(self, tx=None):
        """ Broadcast a transaction to the BitShares network

            :param tx tx: Signed transaction to broadcast
        if tx:
            # If tx is provided, we broadcast the tx
            return TransactionBuilder(tx).broadcast()
            return self.txbuffer.broadcast()

    def info(self):
        """ Returns the global properties
        return self.rpc.get_dynamic_global_properties()

    def create_account(
        """ Create new account on BitShares

            The brainkey/password can be used to recover all generated keys (see
            `bitsharesbase.account` for more details.

            By default, this call will use ``default_account`` to
            register a new name ``account_name`` with all keys being
            derived from a new brain key that will be returned. The
            corresponding keys will automatically be installed in the

            .. warning:: Don't call this method unless you know what
                          you are doing! Be sure to understand what this
                          method does and where to find the private keys
                          for your account.

            .. note:: Please note that this imports private keys
                      (if password is present) into the wallet by
                      default. However, it **does not import the owner
                      key** for security reasons. Do NOT expect to be
                      able to recover it from the wallet if you lose
                      your password!

            :param str account_name: (**required**) new account name
            :param str registrar: which account should pay the registration fee
                                (defaults to ``default_account``)
            :param str owner_key: Main owner key
            :param str active_key: Main active key
            :param str memo_key: Main memo_key
            :param str password: Alternatively to providing keys, one
                                 can provide a password from which the
                                 keys will be derived
            :param array additional_owner_keys:  Additional owner public keys
            :param array additional_active_keys: Additional active public keys
            :param array additional_owner_accounts: Additional owner account names
            :param array additional_active_accounts: Additional acctive account names
            :param bool storekeys: Store new keys in the wallet (default: ``True``)
            :raises AccountExistsException: if the account already exists on the blockchain

        if not registrar and config["default_account"]:
            registrar = config["default_account"]
        if not registrar:
            raise ValueError(
                "Not registrar account given. Define it with " +
                "registrar=x, or set the default_account using uptick")
        if password and (owner_key or active_key or memo_key):
            raise ValueError("You cannot use 'password' AND provide keys!")

            Account(account_name, bitshares_instance=self)
            raise AccountExistsException

        referrer = Account(referrer, bitshares_instance=self)
        registrar = Account(registrar, bitshares_instance=self)

        " Generate new keys from password"
        from bitsharesbase.account import PasswordKey, PublicKey
        if password:
            active_key = PasswordKey(account_name, password, role="active")
            owner_key = PasswordKey(account_name, password, role="owner")
            memo_key = PasswordKey(account_name, password, role="memo")
            active_pubkey = active_key.get_public_key()
            owner_pubkey = owner_key.get_public_key()
            memo_pubkey = memo_key.get_public_key()
            active_privkey = active_key.get_private_key()
            # owner_privkey   = owner_key.get_private_key()
            memo_privkey = memo_key.get_private_key()
            # store private keys
            if storekeys:
                # self.wallet.addPrivateKey(owner_privkey)
        elif (owner_key and active_key and memo_key):
            active_pubkey = PublicKey(active_key,
            owner_pubkey = PublicKey(owner_key,
            memo_pubkey = PublicKey(memo_key,
            raise ValueError(
                "Call incomplete! Provide either a password or public keys!")
        owner = format(owner_pubkey, self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])
        active = format(active_pubkey, self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])
        memo = format(memo_pubkey, self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])

        owner_key_authority = [[owner, 1]]
        active_key_authority = [[active, 1]]
        owner_accounts_authority = []
        active_accounts_authority = []

        # additional authorities
        for k in additional_owner_keys:
            owner_key_authority.append([k, 1])
        for k in additional_active_keys:
            active_key_authority.append([k, 1])

        for k in additional_owner_accounts:
            addaccount = Account(k, bitshares_instance=self)
            owner_accounts_authority.append([addaccount["id"], 1])
        for k in additional_active_accounts:
            addaccount = Account(k, bitshares_instance=self)
            active_accounts_authority.append([addaccount["id"], 1])

        # voting account
        voting_account = Account(proxy_account or "proxy-to-self")

        op = {
            "fee": {
                "amount": 0,
                "asset_id": "1.3.0"
            "registrar": registrar["id"],
            "referrer": referrer["id"],
            "referrer_percent": referrer_percent * 100,
            "name": account_name,
            'owner': {
                'account_auths': owner_accounts_authority,
                'key_auths': owner_key_authority,
                "address_auths": [],
                'weight_threshold': 1
            'active': {
                'account_auths': active_accounts_authority,
                'key_auths': active_key_authority,
                "address_auths": [],
                'weight_threshold': 1
            "options": {
                "memo_key": memo,
                "voting_account": voting_account["id"],
                "num_witness": 0,
                "num_committee": 0,
                "votes": [],
                "extensions": []
            "extensions": {},
            "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        op = operations.Account_create(**op)
        return self.finalizeOp(op, registrar, "active")

    def transfer(self, to, amount, asset, memo="", account=None):
        """ Transfer an asset to another account.

            :param str to: Recipient
            :param float amount: Amount to transfer
            :param str asset: Asset to transfer
            :param str memo: (optional) Memo, may begin with `#` for encrypted messaging
            :param str account: (optional) the source account for the transfer if not ``default_account``
        from .memo import Memo
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")

        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        amount = Amount(amount, asset, bitshares_instance=self)
        to = Account(to, bitshares_instance=self)

        memoObj = Memo(from_account=account,

        op = operations.Transfer(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "from": account["id"],
                "to": to["id"],
                "amount": {
                    "amount": int(amount),
                    "asset_id": amount.asset["id"]
                "memo": memoObj.encrypt(memo),
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account, "active")

    def _test_weights_treshold(self, authority):
        """ This method raises an error if the threshold of an authority cannot
            be reached by the weights.

            :param dict authority: An authority of an account
            :raises ValueError: if the threshold is set too high
        weights = 0
        for a in authority["account_auths"]:
            weights += a[1]
        for a in authority["key_auths"]:
            weights += a[1]
        if authority["weight_threshold"] > weights:
            raise ValueError("Threshold too restrictive!")

    def allow(self,
        """ Give additional access to an account by some other public
            key or account.

            :param str foreign: The foreign account that will obtain access
            :param int weight: (optional) The weight to use. If not
                define, the threshold will be used. If the weight is
                smaller than the threshold, additional signatures will
                be required. (defaults to threshold)
            :param str permission: (optional) The actual permission to
                modify (defaults to ``active``)
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
            :param int threshold: The threshold that needs to be reached
                by signatures to be able to interact
        from copy import deepcopy
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")

        if permission not in ["owner", "active"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Permission needs to be either 'owner', or 'active")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)

        if not weight:
            weight = account[permission]["weight_threshold"]

        authority = deepcopy(account[permission])
            pubkey = PublicKey(foreign, prefix=self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])
            authority["key_auths"].append([str(pubkey), weight])
                foreign_account = Account(foreign, bitshares_instance=self)
                    [foreign_account["id"], weight])
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown foreign account or invalid public key")
        if threshold:
            authority["weight_threshold"] = threshold

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                permission: authority,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        if permission == "owner":
            return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "owner")
            return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def disallow(self,
        """ Remove additional access to an account by some other public
            key or account.

            :param str foreign: The foreign account that will obtain access
            :param str permission: (optional) The actual permission to
                modify (defaults to ``active``)
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
            :param int threshold: The threshold that needs to be reached
                by signatures to be able to interact
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")

        if permission not in ["owner", "active"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "Permission needs to be either 'owner', or 'active")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        authority = account[permission]

            pubkey = PublicKey(foreign, prefix=self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])
            affected_items = list(
                filter(lambda x: x[0] == str(pubkey), authority["key_auths"]))
            authority["key_auths"] = list(
                filter(lambda x: x[0] != str(pubkey), authority["key_auths"]))
                foreign_account = Account(foreign, bitshares_instance=self)
                affected_items = list(
                    filter(lambda x: x[0] == foreign_account["id"],
                authority["account_auths"] = list(
                    filter(lambda x: x[0] != foreign_account["id"],
                raise ValueError(
                    "Unknown foreign account or unvalid public key")

        removed_weight = affected_items[0][1]

        # Define threshold
        if threshold:
            authority["weight_threshold"] = threshold

        # Correct threshold (at most by the amount removed from the
        # authority)
            log.critical("The account's threshold will be reduced by %d" %
            authority["weight_threshold"] -= removed_weight

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                permission: authority,
                "extensions": {}
        if permission == "owner":
            return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "owner")
            return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def update_memo_key(self, key, account=None):
        """ Update an account's memo public key

            This method does **not** add any private keys to your
            wallet but merely changes the memo public key.

            :param str key: New memo public key
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")

        PublicKey(key, prefix=self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"])

        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        account["options"]["memo_key"] = key
        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": account["options"],
                "extensions": {}
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def approvewitness(self, witnesses, account=None):
        """ Approve a witness

            :param list witnesses: list of Witness name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(witnesses, (list, set)):
            witnesses = set(witnesses)

        for witness in witnesses:
            witness = Witness(witness, bitshares_instance=self)

        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))
        options["num_witness"] = len(
                filter(lambda x: float(x.split(":")[0]) == 1,

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def disapprovewitness(self, witnesses, account=None):
        """ Disapprove a witness

            :param list witnesses: list of Witness name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(witnesses, (list, set)):
            witnesses = set(witnesses)

        for witness in witnesses:
            witness = Witness(witness, bitshares_instance=self)
            if witness["vote_id"] in options["votes"]:

        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))
        options["num_witness"] = len(
                filter(lambda x: float(x.split(":")[0]) == 1,

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def approvecommittee(self, committees, account=None):
        """ Approve a committee

            :param list committees: list of committee member name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(committees, (list, set)):
            committees = set(committees)

        for committee in committees:
            committee = Committee(committee, bitshares_instance=self)

        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))
        options["num_committee"] = len(
                filter(lambda x: float(x.split(":")[0]) == 0,

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def disapprovecommittee(self, committees, account=None):
        """ Disapprove a committee

            :param list committees: list of committee name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(committees, (list, set)):
            committees = set(committees)

        for committee in committees:
            committee = Committee(committee, bitshares_instance=self)
            if committee["vote_id"] in options["votes"]:

        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))
        options["num_committee"] = len(
                filter(lambda x: float(x.split(":")[0]) == 0,

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def approveworker(self, workers, account=None):
        """ Approve a worker

            :param list workers: list of worker member name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(workers, (list, set)):
            workers = set(workers)

        for worker in workers:
            worker = Worker(worker, bitshares_instance=self)
        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def disapproveworker(self, workers, account=None):
        """ Disapprove a worker

            :param list workers: list of worker name or id
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        options = account["options"]

        if not isinstance(workers, (list, set)):
            workers = set(workers)

        for worker in workers:
            worker = Worker(worker, bitshares_instance=self)
            if worker["vote_for"] in options["votes"]:
        options["votes"] = list(set(options["votes"]))

        op = operations.Account_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account": account["id"],
                "new_options": options,
                "extensions": {},
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def cancel(self, orderNumbers, account=None):
        """ Cancels an order you have placed in a given market. Requires
            only the "orderNumbers". An order number takes the form

            :param str orderNumbers: The Order Object ide of the form ``1.7.xxxx``
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, full=False, bitshares_instance=self)

        if not isinstance(orderNumbers, (list, set)):
            orderNumbers = set(orderNumbers)

        op = []
        for order in orderNumbers:
                        "fee": {
                            "amount": 0,
                            "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                        "fee_paying_account": account["id"],
                        "order": order,
                        "extensions": [],
                        "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def vesting_balance_withdraw(self, vesting_id, amount=None, account=None):
        """ Withdraw vesting balance

            :param str vesting_id: Id of the vesting object
            :param bitshares.amount.Amount Amount: to withdraw ("all" if not provided")
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)

        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)

        if not amount:
            obj = Vesting(vesting_id, bitshares_instance=self)
            amount = obj.claimable

        op = operations.Vesting_balance_withdraw(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "vesting_balance": vesting_id,
                "owner": account["id"],
                "amount": {
                    "amount": int(amount),
                    "asset_id": amount["asset"]["id"]
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def approveproposal(self, proposal_ids, account=None, approver=None):
        """ Approve Proposal

            :param list proposal_id: Ids of the proposals
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        from .proposal import Proposal
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        is_key = approver and approver[:3] == self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        if not approver and not is_key:
            approver = account
        elif approver and not is_key:
            approver = Account(approver, bitshares_instance=self)
            approver = PublicKey(approver)

        if not isinstance(proposal_ids, (list, set)):
            proposal_ids = set(proposal_ids)

        op = []
        for proposal_id in proposal_ids:
            proposal = Proposal(proposal_id, bitshares_instance=self)
            update_dict = {
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                'fee_paying_account': account["id"],
                'proposal': proposal["id"],
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
            if is_key:
                    'key_approvals_to_add': [str(approver)],
                    'active_approvals_to_add': [approver["id"]],
        if is_key:
            self.txbuffer.appendSigner(account["name"], "active")
            return self.finalizeOp(op, approver, "active")
            return self.finalizeOp(op, approver["name"], "active")

    def disapproveproposal(self, proposal_ids, account=None, approver=None):
        """ Disapprove Proposal

            :param list proposal_ids: Ids of the proposals
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        from .proposal import Proposal
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        if not approver:
            approver = account
            approver = Account(approver, bitshares_instance=self)

        if not isinstance(proposal_ids, (list, set)):
            proposal_ids = set(proposal_ids)

        op = []
        for proposal_id in proposal_ids:
            proposal = Proposal(proposal_id, bitshares_instance=self)
                        "fee": {
                            "amount": 0,
                            "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                        'fee_paying_account': account["id"],
                        'proposal': proposal["id"],
                        'active_approvals_to_remove': [approver["id"]],
                        "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def publish_price_feed(self,
        """ Publish a price feed for a market-pegged asset

            :param str symbol: Symbol of the asset to publish feed for
            :param bitshares.price.Price settlement_price: Price for settlement
            :param bitshares.price.Price cer: Core exchange Rate (default ``settlement_price + 5%``)
            :param float mssr: Percentage for max short squeeze ratio (default: 110%)
            :param float mcr: Percentage for maintenance collateral ratio (default: 200%)
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)

            .. note:: The ``account`` needs to be allowed to produce a
                      price feed for ``symbol``. For witness produced
                      feeds this means ``account`` is a witness account!
        assert isinstance(
            settlement_price, Price
        ), "settlement_price needs to be instance of `bitshares.price.Price`!"
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account, bitshares_instance=self)
        asset = Asset(symbol, bitshares_instance=self, full=True)
        assert asset["id"] == settlement_price["base"]["asset"]["id"] or \
            asset["id"] == settlement_price["quote"]["asset"]["id"], \
            "Price needs to contain the asset of the symbol you'd like to produce a feed for!"
        assert asset.is_bitasset, "Symbol needs to be a bitasset!"
        assert settlement_price["base"]["asset"]["id"] == asset["bitasset_data"]["options"]["short_backing_asset"] or \
            settlement_price["quote"]["asset"]["id"] == asset["bitasset_data"]["options"]["short_backing_asset"], \
            "The Price needs to be relative to the backing collateral!"

        # Base needs to be short backing asset
        if settlement_price["base"]["asset"]["id"] == asset["bitasset_data"][
            settlement_price = settlement_price.invert()

        if cer:
            if cer["base"]["asset"]["id"] == asset["bitasset_data"]["options"][
                cer = cer.invert()
            cer = settlement_price * 1.05

        op = operations.Asset_publish_feed(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "publisher": account["id"],
                "asset_id": asset["id"],
                "feed": {
                    "settlement_price": settlement_price.json(),
                    "core_exchange_rate": cer.json(),
                    "maximum_short_squeeze_ratio": int(mssr * 10),
                    "maintenance_collateral_ratio": int(mcr * 10),
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def upgrade_account(self, account=None):
        """ Upgrade an account to Lifetime membership

            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account)
        op = operations.Account_upgrade(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "account_to_upgrade": account["id"],
                "upgrade_to_lifetime_member": True,
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"]
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def update_witness(self, witness_identifier, url=None, key=None):
        """ Upgrade a witness account

            :param str witness_identifier: Identifier for the witness
            :param str url: New URL for the witness
            :param str key: Public Key for the signing
        witness = Witness(witness_identifier)
        account = witness.account
        op = operations.Witness_update(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "prefix": self.rpc.chain_params["prefix"],
                "witness": witness["id"],
                "witness_account": account["id"],
                "new_url": url,
                "new_signing_key": key,
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account["name"], "active")

    def reserve(self, amount, account=None):
        """ Reserve/Burn an amount of this shares

            This removes the shares from the supply

            :param bitshares.amount.Amount amount: The amount to be burned.
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        assert isinstance(amount, Amount)
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account)
        op = operations.Asset_reserve(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "payer": account["id"],
                "amount_to_reserve": {
                    "amount": int(amount),
                    "asset_id": amount["asset"]["id"]
                "extensions": []
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account, "active")

    def create_worker(self,
        """ Reserve/Burn an amount of this shares

            This removes the shares from the supply


            :param str name: Name of the worke
            :param bitshares.amount.Amount daily_pay: The amount to be paid daily
            :param datetime end: Date/time of end of the worker


            :param str url: URL to read more about the worker
            :param datetime begin: Date/time of begin of the worker
            :param string payment_type: ["burn", "refund", "vesting"] (default: "vesting")
            :param int pay_vesting_period_days: Days of vesting (default: 0)
            :param str account: (optional) the account to allow access
                to (defaults to ``default_account``)
        from bitsharesbase.transactions import timeformat
        assert isinstance(daily_pay, Amount)
        assert daily_pay["symbol"] == "BTS"
        if not begin:
            begin = datetime.utcnow()
        if not account:
            if "default_account" in config:
                account = config["default_account"]
        if not account:
            raise ValueError("You need to provide an account")
        account = Account(account)

        if payment_type == "refund":
            initializer = [0, {}]
        elif payment_type == "vesting":
            initializer = [
                1, {
                    "pay_vesting_period_days": pay_vesting_period_days
        elif payment_type == "burn":
            initializer = [2, {}]
            raise ValueError(
                'payment_type not in ["burn", "refund", "vesting"]')

        op = operations.Worker_create(
                "fee": {
                    "amount": 0,
                    "asset_id": "1.3.0"
                "owner": account["id"],
                "work_begin_date": begin.strftime(timeformat),
                "work_end_date": end.strftime(timeformat),
                "daily_pay": int(daily_pay),
                "name": name,
                "url": url,
                "initializer": initializer
        return self.finalizeOp(op, account, "active")