def get_patterns(size: int, error_size: int) -> List[List[int]]:
    patterns = []
    for i in range(2**size):
        pattern = BitArray(uint=i, length=size)
        if pattern.count(1) == error_size:

    return patterns
def floatable(mem_addr: bitstring.BitArray, mask: bitstring.BitArray):
    amount_of_trues = mask.count(True)
    for possible_setting in range(2**amount_of_trues):
        possible_setting = get_bitsstring(possible_setting)
        possible_setting_index = -1
        for index in mask.findall([1]):
            mem_addr[index] = possible_setting[possible_setting_index]
            possible_setting_index -= 1
        yield mem_addr
def encode(data: list, encoding: str) -> List[BitArray]:
    """encodes elements of the list into packets and generates parity bit for each packet"""
    ready_packets = []
    for d in data:
        tmp = BitArray(bytearray(d, encoding))
        if tmp.count(True) % 2 == 1:
            tmp.append(BitArray(uint=1, length=1))
            tmp.append(BitArray(uint=0, length=1))
    return ready_packets
文件: rcv.py 项目: croutonage/mpt1327
class mpt1327_state:
	def __init__(self):
		self.data = BitArray(uint=0, length=64)
		self.cnt = 0
		self.codeword = 0
		self.prev = 0
		self.base_freq = 170.8
		self.step_freq = 0.0125

	def crc(self):
		data, checksum = self.data.unpack('uint:48, uint:15')
		return CRC.calcWord(data, 48) == checksum and self.data.count(1) % 2 == 0 # Even parity
def test_valid_replace_bits(num, start, stop, bit_idx, count):
    ga = RealGA(fitness_test_sin_func, cross_prob=1)
    ga.interval = (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf)

    source_bstr = BitArray(floatbe=num, length=ga._bin_length).bin

    new_chromosome = ga._replace_bits(num, 0, start, stop)
    actual_bstr = BitArray(floatbe=new_chromosome, length=ga._bin_length).bin

    for i in bit_idx:
        assert actual_bstr[i] == source_bstr[i]

    assert actual_bstr.count('1') == count
def test_valid_replace_bits(num, start, stop, bit_idx, count):
    ga = RealGA(fitness_test_sin_func, cross_prob=1)
    ga.interval = (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf)

    source_bstr = BitArray(floatbe=num, length=ga._bin_length).bin

    new_chromosome = ga._replace_bits(num, 0, start, stop)
    actual_bstr = BitArray(floatbe=new_chromosome, length=ga._bin_length).bin

    for i in bit_idx:
        assert actual_bstr[i] == source_bstr[i]

    assert actual_bstr.count('1') == count
    def test_dirty_bit_pos(self):
        Test ``bbc.dirty_bit_pos()`` against all possible bytes.

        for bits in it.product(*it.repeat(['0', '1'], 8)):
            byte = BitArray(bin=''.join(bits))

            if byte.count(1) == 1:
                # offset byte found
                self.assertEqual(bbc.dirty_bit_pos(byte), byte.find('0b1')[0])
                # non-offset byte found
                self.assertEqual(bbc.dirty_bit_pos(byte), -1)
def monobits(s, v):
    res = True
    chkvals = []
    b = BitArray(s)
    c = b.count(True)

    if v == 1:
        chkvals = [9654, 10346]
    elif v == 2:
        chkvals = [9725, 10275]

    if c <chkvals[0] or c>chkvals[1]:
        res = False

    return res, c
    def get_distance(self):
        Assuming that the two bit strings are the same length:
        1. XOR the two bit strings. This will calculate which positions are different.
        2. Count the number of set bits from the result of step 1.

        bit_str_len = self.bit_str1.len
        resulting_diff_stream = BitArray(bin='0')

        for i in range(0, bit_str_len):
            result = self.bit_str1[i] ^ self.bit_str2[i]

        return resulting_diff_stream.count(1)
def set_hammingArray(character):
    #make a bitarray for the input character
    char_bitarray = BitArray('int:8=' + str(ord(character)))
    #make a bit array to hold the channel coded version of the character.
    char_hammingArray = BitArray('0b0000000000000')
    #transfer all bits from the char_bitarray to the char_hammingArray skipping the parity bit positions
    i = 0
    j = 0

    length = len(char_hammingArray)
    while (i < length):
        if i in parity_positions:
            i += 1
        if char_bitarray[j]:
            char_hammingArray[i] = 1
            char_hammingArray[i] = 0
        i += 1
        j += 1

    #set each parity bit for the hamming code: 1 if checksum is odd, 0 if checksum is even
    for bit in parity_positions:
        #calculate the value of the check sum for the current parity bit

        check_sum = calc_checksum(char_hammingArray, bit)

        #if the checksum is odd, set the parity bit to 1, otherwise leave at 0
        if (check_sum % 2 != 0):
            char_hammingArray[bit] = 1
    char_hammingArray[-1] = 0

    total_parity = char_hammingArray.count(1)

    if (total_parity % 2 != 0):
        char_hammingArray[-1] = 1
    return char_hammingArray
def set_hammingArray(character):
	#make a bitarray for the input character
	char_bitarray = BitArray('int:8='+str(ord(character)))
	#make a bit array to hold the channel coded version of the character.
	char_hammingArray = BitArray('0b0000000000000')
	#transfer all bits from the char_bitarray to the char_hammingArray skipping the parity bit positions
	i = 0
	j = 0

	length = len(char_hammingArray)
	while (i < length):
		if i in parity_positions:
			i += 1
		if char_bitarray[j]:
			char_hammingArray[i] = 1
			char_hammingArray[i] = 0
		i += 1
		j += 1

	#set each parity bit for the hamming code: 1 if checksum is odd, 0 if checksum is even
	for bit in parity_positions:
		#calculate the value of the check sum for the current parity bit

		check_sum = calc_checksum(char_hammingArray, bit)

		#if the checksum is odd, set the parity bit to 1, otherwise leave at 0
			char_hammingArray[bit] = 1
	char_hammingArray[-1] = 0

	total_parity = char_hammingArray.count(1)

		char_hammingArray[-1] = 1
	return char_hammingArray
class KalmanFilterPID(Parser):
    """ generated source for class KalmanFilterPID """

    # sampling rate
    def __init__(self, param):
        generated source for method __init__

        self.param = param
        self.differ = Differential(self.param.Seed)

        self.predict = []
        self.interval = None

        # Kalman Filter params
        self.P = 100

        # estimation error covariance (over all time instance)
        self.Q = 1000

        # process noise synthetic data
        self.R = 1000000

        # measurement noise optimal for alpha = 1, synthetic data
        self.K = 0

        # kalman gain
        # PID control params - default
        self.Cp = 0.9  # proportional gain, to keep output proportional to current error
        self.Ci = 0.1  # integral gain, to eliminate offset
        self.Cd = 0.0  # derivative gain, to ensure stability - prevent large error in future

        # fixed internally
        self.theta = 1  # magnitude of changes
        self.xi = 0.2  # gamma (10%)
        self.minIntvl = 1  # make sure the interval is greater than 1

        self.windowPID = 5  # I(integration) window
        self.ratioM = 0.2  # sampling rate

        self.isSampling = False

    def adjustParams(self):
        # adjust params
        if self.ratioM < 0.1:
            self.theta = 20
        if 0.1 <= self.ratioM < 0.2:
            self.theta = 14
        if 0.2 <= self.ratioM < 0.3:
            self.theta = 2
        if 0.3 <= self.ratioM < 0.4:
            self.theta = 0.5
        if 0.4 <= self.ratioM < 0.5:
            self.theta = 0.3
        if 0.5 <= self.ratioM:
            self.theta = 0.1

    # test
    def main(self, args):
        """ generated source for method main """
        if len(args) < 5:
            print "Usage: python KalmanFilterPID.py input output privacy-budget process-variance Cp(optional) Ci(optional) Cd(optional)"

        output = open(args[2], "w")
        budget = eval(args[3])
        Q = float(args[4])
        if budget <= 0 or Q <= 0:
            print "Usage: privacy-budget AND process-variance are positive values"

        p = Params(1000)
        kfPID = KalmanFilterPID(p)

        kfPID.orig = Parser.getData(args[1])

        kfPID.publish = [None] * len(kfPID.orig)

        # adjust R based on T and alpha
        kfPID.setR(len(kfPID.orig) * len(kfPID.orig) / (0.0 + budget * budget))

        # set optional control gains
        if len(args) >= 6:
            d = args[5]
            if d > 1:
                d = 1

        if len(args) >= 7:
            d = args[6]
            if d + kfPID.Cp > 1:
                d = 1 - kfPID.Cp
            kfPID.setCi(1 - kfPID.Cp)

        if len(args) >= 8:
            d = args[7]
            if d + kfPID.Cp + kfPID.Ci > 1:
                d = 1 - kfPID.Cp - kfPID.Ci
            kfPID.setCd(1 - kfPID.Cp - kfPID.Ci)

        # kfPID.adjustParams()

        start = time.time()
        end = time.time()

        Parser.outputData(output, kfPID.publish)

        print "Method:\tKalman Filter with Adaptive Sampling"
        print "Data Series Length:\t" + str(len(kfPID.orig))
        print "Queries Issued:\t" + str(kfPID.query.count(1))
        print "Privacy Budget Used:\t" + str(
            kfPID.query.count(1) * kfPID.epsilon)
        print "Average Relative Error:\t" + str(kfPID.getRelError())
        print "Time Used (in second):\t" + str(end - start)

    def kalmanFilter(self, orig, budget, samplingRate=None):
        self.totalBudget = budget
        self.orig = orig
        if samplingRate is not None:
            self.isSampling = True
            self.ratioM = samplingRate
            self.isSampling = False

        # self.adjustParams()

        self.publish = [None] * len(self.orig)

        # adjust R based on T and alpha
        self.setR(len(self.orig) * len(self.orig) / (0.0 + budget * budget))


        return self.publish

    def getCount(self, value, epsilon):
        return true count or noisy count of a node, depending on epsilon.
        Note that the noisy count can be negative
        if epsilon < 10**(-8):
            return value
            return value + self.differ.getNoise(1, epsilon)  # sensitivity is 1

    # data publication procedure
    def publishCounts(self):
        """ generated source for method publish """

        self.query = BitArray(len(self.orig))
        self.predict = [None] * len(self.orig)

        # recalculate individual budget based on M
        if (self.isSampling):
            M = int(self.ratioM * (len(self.orig)))  # 0.25 optimal percentile
            M = len(self.orig)

        if M <= 0:
            M = 1
        self.epsilon = (self.totalBudget + 0.0) / M

        # error = 0
        self.interval = 1
        nextQuery = max(1, self.windowPID) + self.interval - 1

        for i in range(len(self.orig)):
            if i == 0:
                # the first time instance
                self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                self.query[i] = 1
                self.correctKF(i, 0)
                predct = self.predictKF(i)
                self.predict[i] = predct
                if self.query.count(1) < self.windowPID and self.query.count(
                        1) < M:
                    # i is NOT the sampling point

                    self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                    self.query[i] = 1

                    # update count using observation
                    self.correctKF(i, predct)
                elif i == nextQuery and self.query.count(1) < M:
                    # if i is the sampling point

                    # query
                    self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                    self.query[i] = 1

                    # update count using observation
                    self.correctKF(i, predct)

                    # update freq
                    if (self.isSampling):
                        ratio = self.PID(i)
                        frac = min(20, (ratio - self.xi) / self.xi)
                        deltaI = self.theta * (1 - math.exp(frac))
                        deltaI = int(deltaI) + (random.random() <
                                                deltaI - int(deltaI))
                        self.interval += deltaI
                        self.interval = 1

                    if self.interval < self.minIntvl:
                        self.interval = self.minIntvl
                    nextQuery += self.interval  # nextQuery is ns in the paper
                    # --> predict
                    self.publish[i] = predct

                    # del self.orig
                    # del self.predict
                    # del self.query

                    # if self.isPostProcessing:
                    # self.postProcessing()

    # def postProcessing(self):
    # print len(self.samples), self.samples
    # remainedEps = self.totalBudget - len(self.samples) * self.epsilon
    # self.epsilon = self.epsilon + remainedEps/len(self.samples)
    # # recompute noisy counts
    #     prev = 0
    #     for i in self.samples:
    #         self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
    #         if i > prev + 1:
    #             self.publish[prev + 1 : i] = [self.publish[prev]] * (i - prev - 1)
    #         prev = i

    def setR(self, r):
        """ generated source for method setR """
        self.R = r

    def setQ(self, q):
        """ generated source for method setQ """
        self.Q = q

    def setCp(self, cp):
        """ generated source for method setCp """
        self.Cp = cp

    def setCi(self, ci):
        """ generated source for method setCi """
        self.Ci = ci

    def setCd(self, cd):
        """ generated source for method setCd """
        self.Cd = cd

    # prediction step
    def predictKF(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method predictKF """
        # predict using Kalman Filter
        lastValue = self.getLastQuery(curr)

        # project estimation error
        self.P += self.Q  # Q is gaussian noise
        return lastValue

    # correction step
    def correctKF(self, curr, predict):
        """ generated source for method correctKF """
        self.K = (self.P + 0.0) / (self.P + self.R)
        correct = predict + self.K * (self.publish[curr] - predict)

        # publish[curr] = Math.max((int) correct, 0)
        if curr > 0:
            # only correct from 2nd values
            self.publish[curr] = correct

        # print correct, "\t", self.publish[curr], self.K, self.P

        # update estimation error variance
        self.P *= (1 - self.K)

    def getLastQuery(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method getLastQuery """
        for i in reversed(range(curr)):
            if self.query[i]:
        return self.publish[i]

    # adaptive sampling - return feedback error
    def PID(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method PID """
        sum = 0
        lastValue = 0
        change = 0
        timeDiff = 0
        next = curr
        for j in reversed(range(self.windowPID - 1)):
            index = next
            while index >= 0:
                if self.query[index]:
                    next = index - 1  # the last nextQuery
                index -= 1
            if j == self.windowPID - 1:
                lastValue = abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (
                    0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                change = abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (
                    0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                timeDiff = index
            if j == self.windowPID - 2:
                change -= abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (
                    0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                timeDiff -= index
            sum += (abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) /
                    (0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1)))

        ratio = self.Cp * lastValue + self.Ci * sum + self.Cd * change / (
            0.0 + timeDiff)
        return ratio
文件: client.py 项目: wevial/downpour
class Client(object):
    def __init__(self, torrent):
        self.torrent = torrent
        self.torrent_state = 'random'
        self.reactor = Reactor()
        self.reactor_activated = False
        self.peer_id = '-TZ-0000-00000000000'
        self.peers = [] 
        self.handshake = self.build_handshake()
        self.stitcher = Stitcher(self)

    def decode_torrent_and_setup_pieces(self):
        f = open(self.torrent, 'r')
        metainfo = B.bdecode(f.read())
        data = metainfo['info']  # Un-bencoded dictionary
        self.info_hash = H.sha1(B.bencode(data)).digest()
        self.announce_url = self.find_http_announce_url(metainfo)
        #self.announce_url = 'http://tracker.ccc.de:6969/announce'
        self.file_name = data['name'] # Dir name if multi, otherwise file name
        self.piece_length = data['piece length']
        if 'files' in data: # Multifile torrent
        self.setup_pieces(self.piece_length, data['pieces'])

    def find_http_announce_url(self, metainfo):
        print metainfo.keys()
#        print metainfo['announce-list']

        if self.is_http_url(metainfo['announce']):
            return metainfo['announce']
        elif 'announce-list' in metainfo.keys():
            for url in metainfo['announce-list']:
                url = url[0]
                if self.is_http_url(url):
                    print url
                    return url
        raise SystemExit('UDP announce urls are not supported. Currently only HTTP is supported.')

    def is_http_url(self, url):
        return 'http://' in url

    def setup_multi_file_info(self, metainfo):
        self.is_multi_file = True
        self.files = metainfo['files'] # dictionary of file lengths + paths
        self.file_length = sum([file_dict['length'] for file_dict in self.files]) # file_length = total # bytes to dload

    def setup_single_file_info(self, metainfo):
        self.is_multi_file = False
        self.file_length = metainfo['length']

    def build_handshake(self):
        logging.info('Building handshake')
        pstr = 'BitTorrent protocol'
        handshake = struct.pack('B' + str(len(pstr)) + 's8x20s20s',
                                # 8x => reserved null bytes
        assert handshake != None
        assert len(handshake) == 49 + len(pstr)
        logging.info('Handshake constructed.')
        return handshake

    def setup_tracker(self):
        self.tracker = Tracker(self, self.announce_url)

    def setup_peers(self):
        peer_ips = self.tracker.send_request_and_parse_response()

    def connect_to_peers(self, peer_tuples):
        peers = [Peer(ip, port, self) for ip, port in peer_tuples]
        logging.debug('Attempting to connect to peers %s', peer_tuples)
        for peer in peers:
                if peer.ip == self.get_self_ip():
                    logging.info('Skipping peer; cannot connect to self')
                peer_handshake = peer.send_and_receive_handshake(self.handshake)
                logging.debug('Handshake returned.')
                if peer.verify_handshake(peer_handshake, self.info_hash):
                    logging.debug('Handshake verified. Adding peer to peer list')
                    if not self.reactor_activated:
                        self.reactor_activated = True
            except IOError as e:
                logging.warning('Error in construct_peers! %s', e)

    def get_self_ip(self):
        # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/166506/finding-local-ip-addresses-using-pythons-stdlib/166520#166520
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        s.connect(('', 80))
        ip = s.getsockname()[0]
        return ip

    def add_peer(self, peer):
        logging.info('Adding peer %s to peer list (in add_peer)', peer)

    def activate_reactor(self):
        logging.debug('Activating reactor.')

    def process_raw_hash_list(self, hash_list, size):
        tmp_hash = ''
        piece_hashes = []
        for char in hash_list:
            if len(tmp_hash) < size:
                tmp_hash = tmp_hash + char
                tmp_hash = char
        return piece_hashes

    def setup_pieces(self, length, hash_bytes):
        hash_list = self.process_raw_hash_list(hash_bytes, 20)
        logging.info('setting up pieces for file length, %s',  length)
        pieces = []
        self.num_pieces = len(hash_list)
        logging.info('dividing up file into %s pieces', self.num_pieces)
        self.bitfield = BitArray(self.num_pieces)
        last_piece_length = self.file_length - (self.num_pieces - 1) * length
        for i in range(self.num_pieces):
            if i == self.num_pieces - 1:
                length = last_piece_length
            pieces.append(Piece(self, i, length, hash_list[i], self.dload_dir))
        self.pieces = pieces
        self.piece_queue = PieceQueue(pieces)

    def setup_download_directory(self):
        dir_name = self.torrent
        if dir_name.endswith('.torrent'):
            dir_name = dir_name[:-8]
        self.dload_dir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), dir_name)
        except OSError:
            if not os.path.isdir(self.dload_dir):
                raise SystemExit('Cannot create directory to download torrent files into. Please check if a file named ' + dir_name + ' exists') 
                # raise OSError('Cannot create directory to download torrent files to.')

    def check_if_dload_file_exists(self):
        file_path = os.path.join(self.dload_dir, self.file_name)
        if os.path.exists(file_path):
            raise SystemExit('This file has already been downloaded.')
            # Do something to cancel the rest of the setup

    def add_piece_to_queue(self, piece):

    def add_piece_to_bitfield(self, index):
        if not self.bitfield[index]:
            logging.warning('Should never get save same piece more than once!')

    def add_peer_to_piece_peer_list(self, piece_index, peer):
        # print 'Adding piece', piece_index, 'to peer', peer

    def manage_requests(self, num_pieces=1):
        logging.info('Sending more piece requests')
        logging.info('Piece queue has %s pieces', self.piece_queue.length())
        if not self.piece_queue.empty():
            for i in xrange(num_pieces):
            logging.info('Cleaning up piece queue')
            # Count outstanding requests to decide when to go into endgame
            self.torrent_state = 'endgame'

    def start_endgame(self):
        self.blasted_requests = []
        for i in xrange(ENDGAME_MAX_BLASTS):
    def send_endgame_request(self):
        block_info = self.select_outstanding_request()
        if block_info:

    def select_outstanding_request(self):
        # TODO: Use filter instead of picking at random
        peers_with_requests = filter(lambda peer: len(peer.outstanding_requests) > 0, self.peers)
        if len(peers_with_requests):
            peer = random.choice(peers_with_requests)
            block_info = random.choice(peer.outstanding_requests)
            return block_info

    def manage_piece_queue_state(self):
        # This should probably only get called occasionally
        logging.debug('Have received %s pieces, need %s more', self.bitfield.count(1), self.bitfield.count(0))
        if self.bitfield.count(1) > PIECE_THRESHOLD and self.piece_queue.length() > PIECE_THRESHOLD:
            self.torrent_state = 'rarest_first'

    def request_block(self, block_info):
        piece_index = block_info[0]

    def request_next_piece(self):
        next_piece = self.piece_queue.get_next_piece(self.torrent_state)
        logging.info('Requesting piece %s', next_piece)
        if next_piece:
            except IndexError as e:

    def add_block(self, block_info, block):
        (piece_index, begin, block_length) = block_info
        logging.info('Writing block of length %s at index %s for piece %s',
                block_length, begin, piece_index)
        piece = self.pieces[piece_index]
        logging.info('Piece has index %s', piece.index)
        piece.add_block(begin, block)
        if self.torrent_state == 'endgame' and block_info in self.blasted_requests:
            piece = self.pieces[block_info[0]]
            piece.cancel_block(block_info, self)
            if self.bitfield.count(0) > 0:
        if self.num_pieces - self.bitfield.count(1) == 0:

    def finalize_download(self):
        logging.info('Finalizing download')
        if not self.tracker.is_download_complete():
            raise SystemExit('Download didnt complete. Shutting down.')
        logging.info('Shutting down connection with peers')
        for peer in self.peers:
        print 'Quitting client'
        logging.info('Download completed. Quitting client.')

    def stitch_files(self):
        print 'stitching...'
        logging.info('Wrote all pieces, stitching them together')
        logging.info('Stitching completed.')

    def finalize_piece(self, piece):
        if piece.check_info_hash():
            logging.debug('Yay! Correct info hash!')
            logging.debug('Incorrect infohash, starting over with piece %s', piece_index)
if not os.path.isdir("data"):

for (index_bits, fill_perc) in sets:
    size = pow(2, index_bits)

    fill_count = round(fill_perc * size / 100)
    inv_count = size - fill_count if fill_perc > 50 else fill_count

    # slower method
    # registry.invert(range(0, fill_count))
    # random.shuffle(registry)

    if fill_perc == 50:
        registry = BitArray(os.urandom(size // 8))
        filled = registry.count(1)
        if filled > fill_count:
            filled = size - filled
        filled = 0
        registry = BitArray(length=size)

    for _ in range(index_bits):
        registry.set(1, random.choices(range(0, size), k=(inv_count - filled)))
        filled = registry.count(1)
        if inv_count - filled < 10:

    while filled < inv_count:
        pos = random.randrange(size)
def test1(s):
    b = BitArray(s)
    c = b.count(True)
    return c
class KalmanFilterPID(Parser):
    """ generated source for class KalmanFilterPID """

    # sampling rate
    def __init__(self, param):
        generated source for method __init__

        self.param = param
        self.differ = Differential(self.param.Seed)

        self.predict = []
        self.interval = None

        # Kalman Filter params
        self.P = 100

        # estimation error covariance (over all time instance)
        self.Q = 1000

        # process noise synthetic data
        self.R = 1000000

        # measurement noise optimal for alpha = 1, synthetic data
        self.K = 0

        # kalman gain
        # PID control params - default
        self.Cp = 0.9  # proportional gain, to keep output proportional to current error
        self.Ci = 0.1  # integral gain, to eliminate offset
        self.Cd = 0.0  # derivative gain, to ensure stability - prevent large error in future

        # fixed internally
        self.theta = 1  # magnitude of changes
        self.xi = 0.2  # gamma (10%)
        self.minIntvl = 1  # make sure the interval is greater than 1

        self.windowPID = 5  # I(integration) window
        self.ratioM = 0.2  # sampling rate

        self.isSampling = False

    def adjustParams(self):
        # adjust params
        if self.ratioM < 0.1:
            self.theta = 20
        if 0.1 <= self.ratioM < 0.2:
            self.theta = 14
        if 0.2 <= self.ratioM < 0.3:
            self.theta = 2
        if 0.3 <= self.ratioM < 0.4:
            self.theta = 0.5
        if 0.4 <= self.ratioM < 0.5:
            self.theta = 0.3
        if 0.5 <= self.ratioM:
            self.theta = 0.1

    # test
    def main(self, args):
        """ generated source for method main """
        if len(args) < 5:
            print "Usage: python KalmanFilterPID.py input output privacy-budget process-variance Cp(optional) Ci(optional) Cd(optional)"

        output = open(args[2], "w")
        budget = eval(args[3])
        Q = float(args[4])
        if budget <= 0 or Q <= 0:
            print "Usage: privacy-budget AND process-variance are positive values"

        p = Params(1000)
        kfPID = KalmanFilterPID(p)

        kfPID.orig = Parser.getData(args[1])

        kfPID.publish = [None] * len(kfPID.orig)

        # adjust R based on T and alpha
        kfPID.setR(len(kfPID.orig) * len(kfPID.orig) / (0.0 + budget * budget))

        # set optional control gains
        if len(args) >= 6:
            d = args[5]
            if d > 1:
                d = 1

        if len(args) >= 7:
            d = args[6]
            if d + kfPID.Cp > 1:
                d = 1 - kfPID.Cp
            kfPID.setCi(1 - kfPID.Cp)

        if len(args) >= 8:
            d = args[7]
            if d + kfPID.Cp + kfPID.Ci > 1:
                d = 1 - kfPID.Cp - kfPID.Ci
            kfPID.setCd(1 - kfPID.Cp - kfPID.Ci)

        # kfPID.adjustParams()

        start = time.time()
        end = time.time()

        Parser.outputData(output, kfPID.publish)

        print "Method:\tKalman Filter with Adaptive Sampling"
        print "Data Series Length:\t" + str(len(kfPID.orig))
        print "Queries Issued:\t" + str(kfPID.query.count(1))
        print "Privacy Budget Used:\t" + str(kfPID.query.count(1) * kfPID.epsilon)
        print "Average Relative Error:\t" + str(kfPID.getRelError())
        print "Time Used (in second):\t" + str(end - start)

    def kalmanFilter(self, orig, budget, samplingRate=None):
        self.totalBudget = budget
        self.orig = orig
        if samplingRate is not None:
            self.isSampling = True
            self.ratioM = samplingRate
            self.isSampling = False

        # self.adjustParams()

        self.publish = [None] * len(self.orig)

        # adjust R based on T and alpha
        self.setR(len(self.orig) * len(self.orig) / (0.0 + budget * budget))


        return self.publish

    def getCount(self, value, epsilon):
        return true count or noisy count of a node, depending on epsilon.
        Note that the noisy count can be negative
        if epsilon < 10 ** (-8):
            return value
            return value + self.differ.getNoise(1, epsilon)  # sensitivity is 1

    # data publication procedure
    def publishCounts(self):
        """ generated source for method publish """

        self.query = BitArray(len(self.orig))
        self.predict = [None] * len(self.orig)

        # recalculate individual budget based on M
        if (self.isSampling):
            M = int(self.ratioM * (len(self.orig)))  # 0.25 optimal percentile
            M = len(self.orig)

        if M <= 0:
            M = 1
        self.epsilon = (self.totalBudget + 0.0) / M

        # error = 0
        self.interval = 1
        nextQuery = max(1, self.windowPID) + self.interval - 1

        for i in range(len(self.orig)):
            if i == 0:
                # the first time instance
                self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                self.query[i] = 1
                self.correctKF(i, 0)
                predct = self.predictKF(i)
                self.predict[i] = predct
                if self.query.count(1) < self.windowPID and self.query.count(1) < M:
                    # i is NOT the sampling point

                    self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                    self.query[i] = 1

                    # update count using observation
                    self.correctKF(i, predct)
                elif i == nextQuery and self.query.count(1) < M:
                    # if i is the sampling point

                    # query
                    self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
                    self.query[i] = 1

                    # update count using observation
                    self.correctKF(i, predct)

                    # update freq
                    if (self.isSampling):
                        ratio = self.PID(i)
                        frac = min(20, (ratio - self.xi) / self.xi)
                        deltaI = self.theta * (1 - math.exp(frac))
                        deltaI = int(deltaI) + (random.random() < deltaI - int(deltaI))
                        self.interval += deltaI
                        self.interval = 1

                    if self.interval < self.minIntvl:
                        self.interval = self.minIntvl
                    nextQuery += self.interval  # nextQuery is ns in the paper
                    # --> predict
                    self.publish[i] = predct

                    # del self.orig
                    # del self.predict
                    # del self.query

                    # if self.isPostProcessing:
                    # self.postProcessing()

    # def postProcessing(self):
    # print len(self.samples), self.samples
    # remainedEps = self.totalBudget - len(self.samples) * self.epsilon
    # self.epsilon = self.epsilon + remainedEps/len(self.samples)
    # # recompute noisy counts
    #     prev = 0
    #     for i in self.samples:
    #         self.publish[i] = self.getCount(self.orig[i], self.epsilon)
    #         if i > prev + 1:
    #             self.publish[prev + 1 : i] = [self.publish[prev]] * (i - prev - 1)
    #         prev = i

    def setR(self, r):
        """ generated source for method setR """
        self.R = r

    def setQ(self, q):
        """ generated source for method setQ """
        self.Q = q

    def setCp(self, cp):
        """ generated source for method setCp """
        self.Cp = cp

    def setCi(self, ci):
        """ generated source for method setCi """
        self.Ci = ci

    def setCd(self, cd):
        """ generated source for method setCd """
        self.Cd = cd

    # prediction step
    def predictKF(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method predictKF """
        # predict using Kalman Filter
        lastValue = self.getLastQuery(curr)

        # project estimation error
        self.P += self.Q  # Q is gaussian noise
        return lastValue

    # correction step
    def correctKF(self, curr, predict):
        """ generated source for method correctKF """
        self.K = (self.P + 0.0) / (self.P + self.R)
        correct = predict + self.K * (self.publish[curr] - predict)

        # publish[curr] = Math.max((int) correct, 0)
        if curr > 0:
            # only correct from 2nd values
            self.publish[curr] = correct

        # print correct, "\t", self.publish[curr], self.K, self.P

        # update estimation error variance
        self.P *= (1 - self.K)

    def getLastQuery(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method getLastQuery """
        for i in reversed(range(curr)):
            if self.query[i]:
        return self.publish[i]

    # adaptive sampling - return feedback error
    def PID(self, curr):
        """ generated source for method PID """
        sum = 0
        lastValue = 0
        change = 0
        timeDiff = 0
        next = curr
        for j in reversed(range(self.windowPID - 1)):
            index = next
            while index >= 0:
                if self.query[index]:
                    next = index - 1  # the last nextQuery
                index -= 1
            if j == self.windowPID - 1:
                lastValue = abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                change = abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                timeDiff = index
            if j == self.windowPID - 2:
                change -= abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1))
                timeDiff -= index
            sum += (abs(self.publish[index] - self.predict[index]) / (0.0 + max(self.publish[index], 1)))

        ratio = self.Cp * lastValue + self.Ci * sum + self.Cd * change / (0.0 + timeDiff)
        return ratio
from Crypto.Cipher import DES
from bitstring import BitArray
import itertools
import sys
import copy

L = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F']

odd_parity = dict()
for i in range(pow(2,7)):
	k = BitArray(uint=i, length=7)
	p = copy.copy(k)
	if k.count(1)%2 == 0: p.append('0b1')
	else: p.append('0b0')
	odd_parity[k.bin] = p.tobytes()

def replace(indices, elements, keylist):
	for i in range(len(indices)):
		keylist[indices[i]] = elements[i]

def DES_crypt(keybits, plainbytes, mode):
	rev_keybytes = ''
	for k in range(0, 56, 7):
		rev_keybytes += (odd_parity[keybits[k:k+7]])

	obj = DES.new(rev_keybytes, DES.MODE_ECB)
	if mode == True:
		cipherbytes = obj.encrypt(plainbytes)
		cipherbytes = obj.decrypt(plainbytes) 
class Sidewalk:
    """Models a sidewalk aas a MxM grid with BitArray
    Note that for efficiency, the grid is alternatively set to 0 or 1
    The filling algorithm is varied based on dot size and binning
    def __init__( self, mesh, dot ):
        self.mesh_side = mesh
        self.mesh_size = mesh*mesh
        self.dot_side = dot
        self.dot_size = dot*dot
        self.safe_side = self.mesh_side - self.dot_side
        self.sidewalk = BitArray( length=self.mesh_size )
        self.current =  False
        self.nex = True
    def SingleDot( self ):
        self.sidewalk[random.randrange(self.mesh_size)] = self.nex

    def MultiDot( self ):
        iy = random.randrange(self.mesh_side)
        ix = random.randrange(self.mesh_side)
        for jy in range(self.dot_side):
            ky = ((iy+jy) % self.mesh_side)*self.mesh_side
            if ix <= self.safe_side:
                self.sidewalk.set( self.nex, range( ix+ky, ix+ky+self.dot_side ) )
                # split range
                for jx in range(self.dot_side):
                    self.sidewalk[ ky + (iy+jy)%self.mesh_side] = self.nex
    def Cover( self ):
        """One pass covering sidewalk, return number needed"""
        cover_count = 0
        if self.dot_side == 1:
            #simpler single dot
            while True:
                left = self.mesh_size - self.sidewalk.count(self.nex)
                if left == 0:
                    break ;
                cover_count += left
                for i in range(left):
            while True:
                left = self.mesh_size - self.sidewalk.count(self.nex)
                if left == 0:
                    break ;
                for i in range(0,left,self.dot_size):
                    cover_count += 1
        self.current = self.nex
        self.nex = not self.nex
        return cover_count
    def Coverbin( self, binwidth ):
        """One pass covering sidewalk, return bins needed"""
        bin_number = 0
        if self.dot_side == 1:
            #simpler single dot
            while True:
                if self.sidewalk.count(self.current) == 0 :
                    break ;
                bin_number += 1
                for i in range(binwidth):
            while True:
                if self.sidewalk.count(self.current) == 0 :
                    break ;
                for i in range(binwidth):
                    bin_number += 1
        self.current = self.nex
        self.nex = not self.nex
        return bin_number
    def Header(self):
        if Globals.quiet<2:
            print( "Sidewalk coverage\n\tMesh {:d} X {:d} = {:d}\n\tDot {:d} X {:d} = {:d}\n".format(self.mesh_side,self.mesh_side,self.mesh_size,self.dot_side,self.dot_side,self.dot_size))
    def split(self, A):
        gain_list = []
        A_count = float(A.count(True))
        d = self.mean(A)

        if A_count <= self.count_thresh:
            #print "Node has few elements:", A_count
            return None,None,d,None,None
        mse_A = self.mse([A])
        #if mse_A <= 15:
        #    print "Node has small MSE:", mse_A
        #    return None,None,d,None,None
        print "Elem, MSE:",A_count,mse_A

        F = self.X.T
        for f in range(len(F)):
            #print f
            # Sort the relevant column and keep indices
            indices = F[f].argsort()
            pairs = zip(indices, F[f][indices])
            s = len(pairs)*'0'
            B = BitArray(bin=s)
            C = A.copy()
            i = 0
            gain_prev = 0.0
            # Threshold emulator loop
            while i < len(pairs)-1:
                if A[pairs[i][0]]:
                    B[pairs[i][0]] = 1
                    C[pairs[i][0]] = 0
                    if pairs[i][1] < pairs[i+1][1]:
                        t = pairs[i+1][1]
                        # Calculate MSE for the split
                        mse_curr = self.mse([B,C])
                        gain_curr = mse_A - mse_curr
                        if gain_curr < 0:
                            print gain_curr
                        #print mse_curr
                        if gain_curr < gain_prev:
                            gain_prev = gain_curr
                        # Check if entropy for any branches is below thresh
                        if B.count(True) == 0 or C.count(True) == 0:
                i += 1

        if gain_list == []:
            print "mse_list empty"
            return None,None,d,None,None
            max_val = max(mse[0] for mse in gain_list)
            gain,f,t,d,B,C,mse_A,mse_curr = [mse for mse in gain_list if mse[0] == max_val][0]
            if B.count(True) == 0 or C.count(True) == 0:
                print "Count of B or C = 0:",B.count(True), C.count(True)
                for elem in gain_list:
                    print elem[4].count(True), elem[5].count(True)
                return None,None,d,None,None
                return f,t,d,B,C