    def test_build_menu_2b_1c(self):
        """Test if splitting up two buttons in one column works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1]
        m = build_menu(b, 1)  # Menu has 1 column => 2 rows

        # We have two rows (one button per row)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m))
    def test_build_menu_1b_1c(self):
        """Test if splitting up one buttons in one column works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        b = [button1]
        m = build_menu(b, 1)

        # Assert there is a single row
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m))

        # Assert that there is only a single button
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m[0]))
    def test_build_menu_2b_3c(self):
        """Test if splitting up two buttons in three columns works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1]
        m = build_menu(b, 3)  # Menu has 3 columns => 2 rows

        # We have two rows (one button per row)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m))

        # Assert that first row has 2 buttons
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m[0]))
    def test_build_menu_2b_2c(self):
        """Test if splitting up two buttons in two columns works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1]
        m = build_menu(b, 2)

        # Assert that there is only one row
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m))

        # Assert that first row has 2 buttons
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m[0]))
    def test_footer(self):
        button1 = Mock()
        button2 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1, button1, button1, button1]

        footer = button2
        m = build_menu(b, 2, footer_buttons=footer)

        # Make sure there is only a single footer button
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m[-1]))

        # Check that this footer button is actually the last button of the menu
        self.assertEqual(button2, m[-1][0])
    def test_header(self):
        """Test if adding a header button works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        button2 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1, button1, button1, button1]

        header = button2
        m = build_menu(b, 2, header_buttons=header)

        # Make sure there is only a single header button
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m[0]))

        # Check that this header button is actually the first button of the menu
        self.assertEqual(button2, m[0][0])
def language_cmd(update, context):
    Handler for /language commands
    buttons = []

    for lang in get_available_languages():
        display_name = lang.get("display_name")
        lang_code = lang.get("lang_code")
        buttons.append(InlineKeyboardButton(text=display_name, callback_data="lang_{}".format(lang_code)))

    lang_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(build_menu(buttons, n_cols=3))

    lang_id = Database().get_lang_id(update.effective_chat.id)
    update.message.reply_text(text=translate("select_lang", lang_id), reply_markup=lang_keyboard)
    def test_build_menu_3(self):
        """Test if splitting up the buttons in several rows works as intended"""
        button1 = Mock()
        b = [button1, button1, button1, button1, button1]
        m = build_menu(b, 2)

        # We have 3 rows
        self.assertEqual(3, len(m))

        # First row has 2 buttons
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m[0]))
        # Second row has 2 buttons
        self.assertEqual(2, len(m[1]))
        # Third row has one button
        self.assertEqual(1, len(m[2]))