def cmd_tx(infile, frequency, rate, gain, device=None, channel=_bladerf.CHANNEL_TX(0), **kwargs): b = _bladerf.BladeRF(device) ch = b.Channel(channel) # Get underlying binary stream for stdin case infile = infile.buffer if isinstance(infile, io.TextIOWrapper) else infile # Configure BladeRF ch.frequency = frequency ch.sample_rate = rate ch.gain = gain # Setup stream b.sync_config(layout=_bladerf.ChannelLayout.TX_X1, fmt=_bladerf.Format.SC16_Q11, num_buffers=16, buffer_size=8192, num_transfers=8, stream_timeout=3500) # Enable module ch.enable = True # Create buffer bytes_per_sample = 4 buf = bytearray(1024 * bytes_per_sample) try: while True: # Read samples from file into buf num = infile.readinto(buf) if num == 0: break # Convert number of bytes read to samples num //= bytes_per_sample # Write to bladeRF b.sync_tx(buf, num) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Disable module ch.enable = False b.close() infile.close()
def _print_cmd_info(device=None, devinfo=None, verbose=False): b = _bladerf.BladeRF(device, devinfo) devinfo = b.get_devinfo() flash_size, fs_guessed = b.flash_size if verbose: print("Object ", repr(b)) print("Board Name ", b.board_name) print("Device Speed ", print("FPGA Size ", b.fpga_size) print("FPGA Configured ", b.fpga_configured) if b.is_fpga_configured(): print("FPGA Version ", b.fpga_version) else: print("FPGA Version ", "Not Configured") print("Flash Size ", (flash_size>>17), "Mbit", "(assumed)" if fs_guessed else "") print("Firmware Version ", b.fw_version) if verbose: print("Clock Select ", b.clock_select) print("Clock Output ", _bool_to_onoff(b.clock_output)) print("Power Source ", b.power_source) print("Bus Voltage {:.3f} V".format(b.bus_voltage or 0)) print("Bus Current {:.3f} A".format(b.bus_current or 0)) print("Bus Power {:.3f} W".format(b.bus_power or 0)) print("RFIC temperature {:.3f} C".format(b.rfic_temperature or 0)) print("Loopback ", b.loopback) print(" Modes ", _strify_list(b.loopback_modes)) print("RX Mux ", b.rx_mux) print("PLL Mode ", _bool_to_onoff(b.pll_enable)) if b.pll_enable: print("PLL Refclk ", b.pll_refclk) print("PLL Locked ", _bool_to_onoff(b.pll_locked)) print("RX Channel Count ", b.rx_channel_count) for c in range(b.rx_channel_count): ch = b.Channel(_bladerf.CHANNEL_RX(c)) _print_channel_details(ch, verbose) print("TX Channel Count ", b.tx_channel_count) for c in range(b.tx_channel_count): ch = b.Channel(_bladerf.CHANNEL_TX(c)) _print_channel_details(ch, verbose) b.close()
for s in [ss for ss in config.sections() if board_name + '-' in ss]: if (s == board_name + "-load-fpga"): # Don't re-loading the FPGA! continue # Print the section name print("{:<35s} : ".format(s), end='') if (config.getboolean(s, 'enable')): print("RUNNING") if (s == board_name + '-tx'): tx_ch = _bladerf.CHANNEL_TX(config.getint(s, 'tx_channel')) tx_freq = int(config.getfloat(s, 'tx_frequency')) tx_rate = int(config.getfloat(s, 'tx_samplerate')) tx_gain = int(config.getfloat(s, 'tx_gain')) tx_rpt = int(config.getfloat(s, 'tx_repeats')) tx_file = config.get(s, 'tx_file') # Make this blocking for now ... status = tx_pool.apply_async( transmit, (), { 'device': b, 'channel': tx_ch, 'freq': tx_freq, 'rate': tx_rate, 'gain': tx_gain, 'tx_start': None,