    def test_define_dynamic(self):
        # Define an element-wise blaze function
        f = blaze_func("test_func", dshape("(A... * T, A... * T) -> A... * T"), elementwise=True)

        # Define implementation of element-wise blaze function
        # use implementation category 'funky'
        signature1 = T.Function(*[dshape("float64")] * 3)
        kernel1 = lambda a, b: a * b
        kernel(f, 'funky', kernel1, signature1)

        signature2 = T.Function(*[dshape("Axes... * float64")] * 3)
        kernel2 = lambda a, b: a * b
        kernel(f, 'funky', kernel2, signature2)

        # See that we can find the right 'funky' implementation
        overload = f.best_match('funky',
                                T.Tuple([dshape("float32"), dshape("float64")]))
        self.assertEqual(overload.resolved_sig, signature1)
        self.assertEqual(overload.func, kernel1)

        overload = f.best_match('funky', T.Tuple([dshape("10 * 10 * float32"),
                                                  dshape("10 * 10 * float64")]))
                         dshape("(10 * 10 * float64, 10 * 10 * float64) -> 10 * 10 * float64")[0])
        self.assertEqual(overload.func, kernel2)
    def test_define_dynamic_nargs(self):
        # Define an element-wise blaze function
        f = blaze_func_from_nargs("test_func2", 2)

        # Define implementation of element-wise blaze function
        # use implementation category 'funky'
        signature = T.Function(*[dshape("float64")] * 3)
        kernel(f, 'funky', lambda a, b: a * b, signature)

        # See that we can find the right 'funky' implementation
        overload = f.best_match('funky', [dshape("float32"), dshape("float64")])
        self.assertEqual(overload.resolved_sig, signature)
    def test_define_dynamic(self):
        # Define an element-wise blaze function
        f = blaze_func("test_func", dshape("a -> a -> a"), elementwise=True)

        # Define implementation of element-wise blaze function
        # use implementation category 'funky'
        signature1 = T.Function(*[dshape("float64")] * 3)
        kernel(f, 'funky', lambda a, b: a * b, signature1)

        signature2 = T.Function(*[dshape("axes..., float64")] * 3)
        kernel(f, 'funky', lambda a, b: a * b, signature2)

        # See that we can find the right 'funky' implementation
        overload = f.best_match('funky', [dshape("float32"), dshape("float64")])
        self.assertEqual(overload.resolved_sig, signature1)

        overload = f.best_match('funky', [dshape("10, 10, float32"),
                                          dshape("10, 10, float64")])
                         dshape("10, 10, float64 -> 10, 10, float64 -> 10, 10, float64"))
def create_overloaded_add():
    # Create an overloaded blaze func, populate it with
    # some ckernel implementations extracted from numpy,
    # and test some calls on it.
    #d = blaze.overloading.Dispatcher()
    @function('A -> A -> A')
    def myfunc(x, y):
        raise NotImplementedError

    # overload int32 -> np.add
    ckd = _lowlevel.ckernel_deferred_from_ufunc(np.add,
                  (np.int32, np.int32, np.int32), False)
    kernel(myfunc, "ckernel", ckd,
           "A..., int32 -> A..., int32 -> A..., int32")

    # overload int16 -> np.subtract (so we can see the difference)
    ckd = _lowlevel.ckernel_deferred_from_ufunc(np.subtract,
                    (np.int16, np.int16, np.int16), False)
    kernel(myfunc, "ckernel", ckd,
           "A..., int16 -> A..., int16 -> A..., int16")

    return myfunc
def scidb_kernel(blaze_func, kern, signature, **metadata):
    """Define a scidb kernel implementation for the given blaze function"""
    kernel(blaze_func, AFL, kern, signature, **metadata)
文件: kernel.py 项目: xsixing/blaze
def scidb_kernel(blaze_func, kern, signature, **metadata):
    """Define a scidb kernel implementation for the given blaze function"""
    kernel(blaze_func, AFL, kern, signature, **metadata)