                            sentence_aux = sentence.replace('<strong>', '').replace('</strong>', '').replace(',', '')
                            if article_id and pub_date and section_name and web_url and term_category and term_aux and sentence_aux:
                                row_df = DataFrame(
                                    [[article_id, pub_date, section_name, web_url, term_category, term_aux, sentence_aux]],
                                    columns=['article_id', 'pub_date', 'section_name', 'web_url', 'term_category', 'term', 'sentence']
                                rows_df = rows_df.append(row_df)

            total_rows_df = total_rows_df.append(rows_df)

            if count % percent == 0:
                percentage = count // percent
                print('{} out of {} processed.'.format(count, total))
                print('{}% completed.'.format(percentage))
                total_rows_df.to_csv('total_rows_{}.csv'.format(percentage), index=False)
            count +=1

        except Exception as e:
            print('Error:', e)
            print('Document:', doc)
    print('{} out of {} processed.'.format(total, total))
    print('100% completed.')
    total_rows_df.to_csv('total_rows_100.csv', index=False)

except Exception as e:
    print('Error:', e)
    total_rows_df.to_csv('total_rows.csv', index=False)