def lightsBlinkstick(response): if response == "success": try: # For BlinkStick for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(name="green") bstick.pulse(name="blue") time.sleep(3) bstick.turn_off() continue # End BlinkStick except: print('Blinkstick had some sort of error') elif response == "error": try: # For BlinkStick for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(name="red") time.sleep(3) print("Blinkstick lights command successful") bstick.turn_off() # End BlinkStick except: print("blinkstick had some sort of error")
def update_bstick_nano(bgcolor, fgcolor, mode): # This function drives the BlinkStick Nano (two LEDs, one on each side) if mode == 'normal': try: for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=1, name=bgcolor) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = bgcolor except Exception as e: print('[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n', e) bstickStatus = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc() pass elif mode == 'flash': # print("BStick is in Flash mode") try: for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=1, name=bgcolor) bstick.blink(channel=0, index=0, name=fgcolor, repeats=1, delay=500) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = bgcolor except Exception as e: print('[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n', e) bstickStatus = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc() pass return bstickStatus
def change_led_color(colors): if blinkstick.find_all() > 0: print 'Changing colors to: ', colors[0:3] for ledstrip in blinkstick.find_all(): for x in range(0, 32): ledstrip.set_color(0, x, int(colors[0]), int(colors[1]), int(colors[2])) return 'ok'
def detect(self, req): try: data = rospy.wait_for_message('/camera/rgb/image_color', Image, 10.0) imgO = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data, "bgr8") except CvBridgeError as er: print(er) result = PoiDetectResponse() result.detected = False result.color = 'Error' return result imgC = cv2.cvtColor(imgO, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # bild optimierungen imgC = cv2.erode(imgC, None, iterations=2) imgC = cv2.dilate(imgC, None, iterations=2) # red green maskierungen maskRed = cv2.inRange(imgC, self.redLow, self.redHigh) maskGreen = cv2.inRange(imgC, self.greenLow, self.greenHigh) # Konturen finden cntsGreen = cv2.findContours(maskGreen, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] cntsRed = cv2.findContours(maskRed, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)[-2] detectedColor = "None" if len(cntsGreen) > 0: # die groeste kontur finden c = max(cntsGreen, key=cv2.contourArea) ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c) if radius > 70 and radius < 150: detectedColor = "Green" for bs in blinkstick.find_all(): bs.set_color(name='green') if len(cntsRed) > 0: c = max(cntsRed, key=cv2.contourArea) ((x, y), radius) = cv2.minEnclosingCircle(c) if radius > 70 and radius < 150: detectedColor = "Red" for bs in blinkstick.find_all(): bs.set_color(name='red') # wenn was erkannt wurde, merken if detectedColor != "None": posdata = self.mapServicePos() pi = PoiInfo() pi.position = posdata.position pi.color = detectedColor self.detections.append(pi) else: for bs in blinkstick.find_all(): bs.turn_off() result = PoiDetectResponse() result.detected = detectedColor != "None" result.color = detectedColor print result return result
def bstick_control(bgcolor, fgcolor, dot): try: # Setting background color first for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for currentLED in range (0,32): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=currentLED, name=bgcolor) # Then taking care of the foreground (one single dot) for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=dot, name=fgcolor) bstickStatus = bgcolor except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n", e) bstickStatus = "unknown" return bstickStatus
def bstick_control(bgcolor, fgcolor, dot): # This function drives the BlinkStick Flex (32 LEDs) try: # Setting background color first for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for currentLED in range (0,32): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=currentLED, name=bgcolor) # Then taking care of the foreground (one single dot) for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=dot, name=fgcolor) bstickStatus = bgcolor except Exception as e: print('[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n', e) bstickStatus = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc() return bstickStatus
def turn_off(_, __): sticks = blinkstick.find_all() for stick in sticks: stick.set_led_data(0, [0, 0, 0] * stick.get_led_count()) print("\nLater skater :)") exit(0)
def main(): global sticks global done sticks = blinkstick.find_all() # assume the first stick. change this if you want; I only have one. stick = sticks[0] command = sys.argv command.pop(0) command = ' '.join(command) try: done = False pulse = threading.Thread(target=heartbeat, args=(stick,)) pulse.start() status = os.system(command) done = True if status == 0: stick.set_color(0,127,0) else: stick.set_color(127,0,0) print "Press enter to finish" raw_input() stick.set_color(0,0,0) except Exception as e: print e print "Unable to run heartbeat" return 0
def turn_off(): for led in blinkstick.find_all(): try: led.turn_off() except Exception: print "Failed to communicate with led" return "Turend off"
def blink_random(): try: for led in blinkstick.find_all(): time.sleep(0.020) led.set_random_color() except Exception as e: return jsonify(status="error", message=str(e)) else: return blink_info()
def update_bstick_color(bstickColor): try: for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for currentLED in range (0,32): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=currentLED, name=bstickColor) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = bstickColor print("bstickStatus=" + bstickStatus) except Exception as e: print("[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n", e)
def scan(): """ returns (list of 2-tuple): name, kwargs Note: it's obviously not advised to call this function if a device is already under use """"Looking for blinksticks...") found = [] # (list of 2-tuple): name, kwargs for d in blinkstick.find_all(): found.append(("Blinkstick led", {"sn": d.device.serial_number})) return found
def blink_blink(): turn_off() leds = blinkstick.find_all() time.sleep(0.200) try: while blinkstick.find_all(): try: leds[0].blink(name="red", delay=100, repeats=1) time.sleep(0.020) leds[1].blink(name="red", delay=100, repeats=1) time.sleep(0.020) except Exception as e: print str(e) except Exception as e: return jsonify(status="error", message=str(e)) else: return jsonify(status="success", message="all led's could be activated")
def blink_info(): serial_list, color_list = [], [] for led in blinkstick.find_all(): serial_list.append(led.get_serial()) color_list.append(led.get_color(color_format="hex")) serial_colors = [{ "serial": s, "color": c } for s, c in zip(serial_list, color_list)] return json.dumps(serial_colors)
def update_bstick_color(bstickColor): # This function drives the BlinkStick Flex (32 LEDs) try: for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for currentLED in range (0,32): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=currentLED, name=bstickColor) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = bstickColor except Exception as e: print('[ERROR] Failed to update Blinkstick color.\n', e) bstickStatus = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc() pass return bstickStatus
def main(): global colour_hex colour_hex = RED_HEX if sys.argv[1] == 'random': colour_hex = get_random_colour() else: if check_hex_arg(sys.argv[1]): colour_hex = sys.argv[1] else: raise ValueError('not valid colour hex, try again') for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for i in range(8): bstick.set_color(index=i, hex=colour_hex) print bstick.get_serial() + " " + bstick.get_color( color_format="hex")
def attractMode(self): for b in blinkstick.find_all(): if (self.attractModeState == 0): b.turn_off() elif (self.attractModeState == 1): b.set_color(0,0,255,0,0) elif (self.attractModeState == 2): b.turn_off() elif (self.attractModeState == 4): b.set_color(0,0,0,0,255) elif (self.attractModeState == 5): b.turn_off() self.attractModeState +=1; if (self.attractModeState == 6): self.attractModeState = 0 self.root.after(100,self.attractMode);
def get_blinksticks(self): found_blinksticks = [] led_counts = [] blinksticks = blinkstick.find_all() # Discover multiple Blinksticks. for stick in blinksticks: count = stick.get_led_count() led_counts.append(count) found_blinksticks.append(stick) # Verify we're addressing the same number of LEDs for both sticks. led_count = set(led_counts) # Set will deduplicate. if len(led_count ) == 1: # Should be left with one, if everything is equal. for count in led_count: self.led_count = int(count) else: print( 'ERROR - LED Count is NOT equal between Blinksticks: {} - Values should match.' .format(led_count)) sys.exit(1) return (found_blinksticks)
def update_blinkstick(blinkstick_color, blinkstick_darkness_ratio): try: for stick in blinkstick.find_all(): blink_red = int(blinkstick_color[0]) - (100 - blinkstick_darkness_ratio) blink_green = int(blinkstick_color[1]) - (100 - blinkstick_darkness_ratio) blink_blue = int(blinkstick_color[2]) - (100 - blinkstick_darkness_ratio) if blink_blue < 0: blink_blue = 0 if blink_red < 0: blink_red = 0 if blink_green < 0: blink_green = 0 for x in range(7): stick.set_color(channel=0, red=blink_red, green=blink_green, blue=blink_blue, index=x) except: pass
def set_blinkstick(vars): from blinkstick import blinkstick while True: for bs in blinkstick.find_all(): if vars.status_initial or vars.status_error or vars.status_connected: if status_initial: try: bs.blink(name="Yellow", repeats=3, delay=1000) except: bs.turn_off() if vars.status_error: try: bs.blink(name="Red", repeats=3, delay=1000) except: bs.turn_off() if vars.status_connected: try: bs.blink(name="Blue", repeats=3, delay=1000) except: bs.turn_off() else: bs.set_color(name="Green")
def main(): global sticks print "BlinkStick MQTT script" print "" sticks = blinkstick.find_all() if len(sticks) == 0: print "BlinkStick not found..." return 64 mqttc = mosquitto.Mosquitto() mqttc.on_message = on_message mqttc.on_connect = on_connect mqttc.on_publish = on_publish mqttc.on_subscribe = on_subscribe mqttc.connect("", 1883, 60) mqttc.subscribe("cheerlights", 0) rc = 0 while rc == 0: rc = mqttc.loop() return 0
from blinkstick import blinkstick for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): print('Serial: {}'.format(bstick.get_serial()))
def light_yellow(self): bstick = blinkstick.find_first() for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): for x in range(1, 60): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=x, name="yellow")
def main_blinkstick_util(): global options global sticks parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [color]", formatter=IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL()) parser.add_option("-i", "--info", action="store_true", dest="info", help="Display BlinkStick info") parser.add_option( "-s", "--serial", dest="serial", help= "Select device by serial number. If unspecified, action will be performed on all BlinkSticks." ) parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Display debug output") group = OptionGroup(parser, "Change color", "These options control the color of the device ") group.add_option("--channel", default=0, dest="channel", help="Select channel. Applies only to BlinkStick Pro.") group.add_option("--index", default=0, dest="index", help="Select index. Applies only to BlinkStick Pro.") group.add_option("--brightness", default=100, dest="limit", help="Limit the brightness of the color 0..100") group.add_option("--limit", default=100, dest="limit", help="Alias to --brightness option") group.add_option( "--set-color", dest="color", help= "Set the color for the device. This can also be the last argument for the script. " "The value can either be a named color, hex value, 'random' or 'off'.\n\n" "CSS color names are defined e.g. red, green, blue. " "Specify color using hexadecimal color value e.g. 'FF3366'") group.add_option("--inverse", action="store_true", dest="inverse", help="Control BlinkSticks in inverse mode") group.add_option( "--set-led-count", dest="led_count", help="Set the number of LEDs to control for supported devices.") parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup( parser, "Control animations", "These options will blink, morph or pulse selected color. ") group.add_option( "--blink", dest="blink", action='store_true', help= "Blink LED (requires --set-color or color set as last argument, and optionally --delay)" ) group.add_option( "--pulse", dest="pulse", action='store_true', help= "Pulse LED (requires --set-color or color set as last argument, and optionally --duration)." ) group.add_option( "--morph", dest="morph", action='store_true', help= "Morph to specified color (requires --set-color or color set as last argument, and optionally --duration)." ) group.add_option( "--duration", dest="duration", default=1000, help= "Set duration of transition in milliseconds (use with --morph and --pulse)." ) group.add_option( "--delay", dest="delay", default=500, help="Set time in milliseconds to light LED for (use with --blink).") group.add_option( "--repeats", dest="repeats", default=1, help="Number of repetitions (use with --blink and --pulse).") parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup( parser, "Device data and behaviour", "These options will change device mode and data stored internally. ") group.add_option( "--set-mode", default=0, dest="mode", help= "Set mode for BlinkStick Pro:\n\n 0 - default\n\n 1 - inverse\n\n 2 - ws2812\n\n 3 - ws2812 mirror" ) group.add_option("--set-infoblock1", dest="infoblock1", help="Set the first info block for the device.") group.add_option("--set-infoblock2", dest="infoblock2", help="Set the second info block for the device.") parser.add_option_group(group) group = OptionGroup(parser, "Advanced options", "") group.add_option( "--add-udev-rule", action="store_true", dest="udev", help= "Add udev rule to access BlinkSticks without root permissions. Must be run as root." ) parser.add_option_group(group) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.serial is None: sticks = blinkstick.find_all() else: sticks = [blinkstick.find_by_serial(options.serial)] if len(sticks) == 0: print("BlinkStick with serial number " + options.device + " not found...") return 64 #Global action if options.udev: try: filename = "/etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules" file = open(filename, 'w') file.write( 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="41e5", MODE:="0666"' ) file.close() print("Rule added to {0}").format(filename) except IOError as e: print(str(e)) print( "Make sure you run this script as root: sudo blinkstick --add-udev-rule" ) return 64 print("Reboot your computer for changes to take effect") return 0 for stick in sticks: if options.inverse: stick.set_inverse(True) stick.set_max_rgb_value(int(float(options.limit) / 100.0 * 255)) stick.set_error_reporting(False) #Actions here work on all BlinkSticks for stick in sticks: if options.infoblock1: stick.set_info_block1(options.infoblock1) if options.infoblock2: stick.set_info_block2(options.infoblock2) if options.mode: if options.mode == "0" or options.mode == "1" or options.mode == "2" or options.mode == "3": stick.set_mode(int(options.mode)) else: print("Error: Invalid mode parameter value") elif options.led_count: led_count = int(options.led_count) if led_count > 0 and led_count <= 32: stick.set_led_count(led_count) else: print("Error: Invalid led-count parameter value") elif print_info(stick) elif options.color or len(args) > 0: if options.color: color = options.color else: color = args[0] # determine color fargs = {} if color.startswith('#'): fargs['hex'] = color elif color == "random": fargs['name'] = 'random' elif color == "off": fargs['hex'] = "#000000" else: if len(color) == 6: # If color contains 6 chars check if it's hex try: int(color, 16) fargs['hex'] = "#" + color except: fargs['name'] = color else: fargs['name'] = color fargs['index'] = int(options.index) fargs['channel'] = int( # handle blink/pulse/morph func = stick.set_color if options.blink: func = stick.blink fargs['delay'] = options.delay fargs['repeats'] = int(options.repeats) elif options.pulse: func = stick.pulse fargs['duration'] = options.duration fargs['repeats'] = int(options.repeats) elif options.morph: func = stick.morph fargs['duration'] = options.duration func(**fargs) else: parser.print_help() return 0 return 0
def blinkoff(): for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.turn_off() print('status: blinkstick off') return redirect("/")
def blinkon(): for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_random_color() print('status: blinkstick on') return redirect("/")
# Read values from access.txt to use with accessing Twitter stream access = dict() with open('access.txt', 'r') as fp: for line in fp: y = line.split('=') access[y[0].strip()] = y[1].strip() API_KEY = access['consumer_key'] API_KEY_SECRET = access['consumer_key_secret'] ACCESS_TOKEN = access['access_token'] ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = access['access_token_secret'] HASHTAG = '#' + access['hashtag'] bsticks = blinkstick.find_all() class MyStreamListener(tweepy.StreamListener): def on_status( self, status): # When a status has been posted with certain keywords print status.text str = status.text # The text from the tweet index_of_hashtag = str.find( HASHTAG) # finding the index of the hashtag str = str[index_of_hashtag:len( str
def blinkpreset(): for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(name=request.form['color']) print('status: blinkstick color - ' + request.form['color']) return redirect("/")
def turn_off(): sticks = blinkstick.find_all() for stick in sticks: stick.set_led_data(0, [0, 0, 0] * stick.get_led_count())
def main(): global options global sticks parser = OptionParser( formatter=IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL() ) parser.add_option("-i", "--info", action="store_true", dest="info", help="display BlinkStick info") parser.add_option("-s", "--serial", dest="serial", help="select device by serial number. If unspecified, action will be performed on all BlinkSticks.") parser.add_option("--inverse", action="store_true", dest="inverse", help="control BlinkSticks in inverse mode") parser.add_option("--channel", default=0, dest="channel", help="Select channel") parser.add_option("--index", default=0, dest="index", help="Select index") parser.add_option("--set-color", dest="color", help="set the color for the device. The value can either be a named color, hex value, 'random' or 'off'.\n\n" "CSS color names are defined e.g. red, green, blue." "Specify color using hexadecimal color value e.g. '#FF3366'") parser.add_option("--duration", dest="duration", default=1000, help="Set duration of transition in milliseconds (use with --morph and --pulse).") parser.add_option("--delay", dest="delay", default=500, help="Set time in milliseconds to light LED for (use with --blink).") parser.add_option("--repeats", dest="repeats", default=1, help="Number of repetitions (use with --blink and --pulse).") parser.add_option("--blink", dest="blink", action='store_true', help="Blink LED (requires --set-color, and optionally --delay)") parser.add_option("--pulse", dest="pulse", action='store_true', help="Pulse LED (requires --set-color, and optionally --duration).") parser.add_option("--morph", dest="morph", action='store_true', help="Morph to specified color (requires --set-color, and optionally --duration).") parser.add_option("--set-infoblock1", dest="infoblock1", help="set the first info block for the device.") parser.add_option("--set-infoblock2", dest="infoblock2", help="set the second info block for the device.") if sys.platform != "win32": parser.add_option("--cpu-usage", dest="cpu_usage", action="store_true", help="Use BlinkStick to display CPU usage.") parser.add_option("--connect", dest="access_code", help="Connect to and control the device remotely.") parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Display debug output") parser.add_option("--add-udev-rule", action="store_true", dest="udev", help="Add udev rule to access BlinkSticks without root permissions. Must be run as root.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() print("BlinkStick control script {0}".format(blinkstick.get_blinkstick_package_version())) print("(c) Agile Innovative Ltd 2013") print("") if options.serial is None: sticks = blinkstick.find_all() else: sticks = [blinkstick.find_by_serial(options.serial)] if len(sticks) == 0: print("BlinkStick with serial number " + options.device + " not found...") return 64 #Global action if options.udev: try: filename = "/etc/udev/rules.d/85-blinkstick.rules" file = open(filename, 'w') file.write('SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="20a0", ATTR{idProduct}=="41e5", MODE:="0666"') file.close() print("Rule added to {0}").format(filename) except IOError as e: print(str(e)) print("Make sure you run this script as root: sudo blinkstick --add-udev-rule") return 64 print("Reboot your computer for changes to take effect") return 0 for stick in sticks: if options.inverse: stick.set_inverse(True) #Actions here work only on the first BlinkStick found if sys.platform != "win32" and options.cpu_usage: show_cpu_usage(sticks[0]) elif options.access_code: while True: connect() print("Attempting to reconnect in 15s") time.sleep(15) #Actions here work on all BlinkSticks for stick in sticks: if options.infoblock1: stick.set_info_block1(options.infoblock1) if options.infoblock2: stick.set_info_block2(options.infoblock2) if print_info(stick) elif options.color: # determine color args = {} if options.color.startswith('#'): args['hex'] = options.color elif options.color == "random": args['name'] = 'random' elif options.color == "off": args['hex'] = "#000000" else: args['name'] = options.color args['index'] = options.index args['channel'] = # handle blink/pulse/morph func = stick.set_color if options.blink: func = stick.blink args['delay'] = options.delay args['repeats'] = int(options.repeats) elif options.pulse: func = stick.pulse args['duration'] = options.duration args['repeats'] = int(options.repeats) elif options.morph: func = stick.morph args['duration'] = options.duration func(**args) else: parser.print_help() return 0
def blinkcustom(): var1 = "#" + request.form['color'] for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(hex=var1) print(var1) return redirect("/")
from blinkstick import blinkstick from time import sleep for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): try: while True: for x in xrange(0, 8): #trail bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = (x-1)%8, name="blue") bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = (x-2)%8, name="blue") bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = (x-3)%8, name="blue") bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = (x-4)%8, name="blue") #clear previous last light bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = (x-5)%8) #head bstick.set_color(channel =3, index = x, name="green") sleep(0.1) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
from blinkstick import blinkstick all_blink_sticks = blinkstick.find_all() if len(all_blink_sticks) > 0: for bstick in all_blink_sticks: bstick.morph(hex='#00ff00', duration=1000) else: print("No BlinkSticks found...")
'N': '-.', 'O': '---', 'P': '.--.', 'Q': '--.-', 'R': '.-.', 'S': '...', 'T': '-', 'U': '..-', 'V': '...-', 'W': '.--', 'X': '-..-', 'Y': '-.--', 'Z': '--..', '_': '..--.-'} sticks = blinkstick.find_all() if len(sticks) == 0: print "No blinkstick found." sys.exit() # We work with the first blinkstick bstick = sticks[0] words = iter(sys.argv) next(words) for word in words: for letter in str(word): sys.stdout.write(letter) sys.stdout.write(': ') for symbol in CODE[letter.upper()]: if symbol == "-":
def update_local_bstick_nano(tR, tG, tB, bR, bG, bB, topMode, bottomMode, enableLocalBStick): # This function drives the local BlinkStick Nano (two LEDs, one on each side) if enableLocalBStick == '1': try: if topMode == 'on': for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=0, red=int(tR), green=int(tG), blue=int(tB)) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = topMode elif topMode == 'flash': for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.blink(channel=0, index=0, red=int(tR), green=int(tG), blue=int(tB), repeats=1, delay=500) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = topMode elif topMode == 'off': for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=0, red=0, green=0, blue=0) if bottomMode == 'on': for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=1, red=int(bR), green=int(bG), blue=int(bB)) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = topMode elif bottomMode == 'flash': for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.blink(channel=0, index=1, red=int(bR), green=int(bG), blue=int(bB), repeats=1, delay=500) time.sleep(0.1) bstickStatus = topMode elif bottomMode == 'off': bstick.set_color(channel=0, index=1, red=0, green=0, blue=0) except Exception as e: print('[ERROR] Failed to update local Blinkstick color.\n', e) bstickStatus = 'unknown' traceback.print_exc() pass else: bstickStatus = 'disabled' for bstick in blinkstick.find_all(): bstick.turn_off() return bstickStatus