def test_commands():
    commands = Commands(
            FuncCmd(doc='clear status'),
            IntCmd(doc='standard event status enable register'),
            IntCmdRO(doc='standard event event status register'),
            IntCmdRO(set=None, doc='operation complete'),
            IntCmdRO(doc='return model number of any installed options'),
            IntCmdWO(set=int, doc='return to user saved setup'),
            IntCmdWO(doc='save the preset setup as the user-saved setup'),
            IntCmdWO(doc='service request enable register'),
            StrCmdRO(doc='status byte register'),
            FuncCmd(doc='bus trigger'),
            Cmd(get=lambda x: not decode_OnOff(x), doc='self-test query'),
            FuncCmd(doc='wait to continue'),
            ErrCmd(doc='return and clear oldest system error'),
        }, {
            'MEASure[:CURRent[:DC]]': FloatCmdRO(get=lambda x: float(x[:-1])),

    assert '*idn' in commands
    assert commands['*idn'] is commands['*IDN']
    assert commands.get('idn') == None
    assert 'SYST:ERR' in commands
    assert 'SYSTEM:ERROR:NEXT' in commands
    assert 'syst:error' in commands
    assert commands['SYST:ERR'] is commands['system:error:next']
    assert commands['MEAS'] is commands['measure:current:dc']

    assert commands[':*idn']['min_command'] == '*IDN'
    assert commands['system:error:next']['min_command'] == 'SYST:ERR'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
    assert 'IDN' in str(err.value)
def test_commands():
    commands = Commands({
        '*CLS': FuncCmd(doc='clear status'),
        '*ESE': IntCmd(doc='standard event status enable register'),
        '*ESR': IntCmdRO(doc='standard event event status register'),
        '*IDN': IDNCmd(),
        '*OPC': IntCmdRO(set=None, doc='operation complete'),
        '*OPT': IntCmdRO(doc='return model number of any installed options'),
        '*RCL': IntCmdWO(set=int, doc='return to user saved setup'),
        '*RST': FuncCmd(doc='reset'),
        '*SAV': IntCmdWO(doc='save the preset setup as the user-saved setup'),
        '*SRE': IntCmdWO(doc='service request enable register'),
        '*STB': StrCmdRO(doc='status byte register'),
        '*TRG': FuncCmd(doc='bus trigger'),
        '*TST': Cmd(get=lambda x : not decode_OnOff(x),
                    doc='self-test query'),
        '*WAI': FuncCmd(doc='wait to continue'),
        'SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]': ErrCmd(doc='return and clear oldest system error'),
    }, {
       'MEASure[:CURRent[:DC]]': FloatCmdRO(get=lambda x: float(x[:-1])),

    assert '*idn' in commands
    assert commands['*idn'] is commands['*IDN']
    assert commands.get('idn') == None
    assert 'SYST:ERR' in commands
    assert 'SYSTEM:ERROR:NEXT' in commands
    assert 'syst:error' in commands
    assert commands['SYST:ERR'] is commands['system:error:next']
    assert commands['MEAS'] is commands['measure:current:dc']

    assert commands[':*idn']['min_command'] == '*IDN'
    assert commands['system:error:next']['min_command'] == 'SYST:ERR'

    with pytest.raises(KeyError) as err:
    assert 'IDN' in str(err.value)
class SCPI(BaseDevice):
    Base class for :term:`SCPI` based bliss emulator devices

    Manufacturer = 'Bliss Team'
    Model = 'Generic SCPI Device'
    Version = '0'
    Firmware = '0.1.0'
    IDNFieldSep = ', '

    def __init__(self, name, **opts):
        super_kwargs = dict(newline=opts.pop('newline', self.DEFAULT_NEWLINE))
        super(SCPI, self).__init__(name, **super_kwargs)
        self._data = {}
        self._error_stack = collections.deque()
        self._commands = Commands(opts.get('commands', {}))
        for cmd_expr, cmd_info in self._commands.command_expressions.items():
            min_name = cmd_info['min_command'].lower().replace('*', '').replace(':', '_')
            func = getattr(self, min_name, None)
            if func:
                cmd_info['func'] = func
            if 'default' in cmd_info:
                cmd_info['value'] = cmd_info['default']

    def handle_line(self, line):
        self._log.info("processing line %r", line)
        line = line.strip()
        responses = []
        for cmd in line.split(';'):
            cmd = cmd.strip()
            response = self.handle_command(cmd)
            if isinstance(response, SCPIError):
            elif response is not None:
        if responses:
            return ';'.join(responses) + '\n'

    def handle_command(self, cmd):
        self._log.debug("processing cmd %r", cmd)
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        args = cmd.split(' ')
        instr = args[0].lower()
        args = args[1:]
        is_query =  instr.endswith('?')
        instr = instr.rstrip('?')
        cmd_info = self._commands.get(instr)
        attr = cmd_info.get('func')
        result = None
        if attr is None:
            if 'value' in cmd_info:
                result = cmd_info['value']
            if is_query:
                result = self.query(cmd_info['min_command'], *args)
                result = self.write(cmd_info['min_command'], *args)
        elif callable(attr):
            fargs = inspect.getargspec(attr).args
            if len(fargs) > 1 and fargs[1] == 'is_query':
                args = [is_query] + args
            result = attr(*args)
            if is_query:
                result = attr
        if result:
            self._log.debug("answering cmd %r with %r", cmd, result)
            self._log.debug("finished cmd %r", cmd)
        return result

    def query(self, instr, *args):
            cmd = self._commands.get(instr)
            return cmd.get('set', str)(cmd['value'])
        except KeyError:
            return SCPIError.ExecutionError

    def write(self, instr, *args):
        if args:
            self._log.debug('set %r to %r', instr, args[0])
            self._commands.get(instr)['value'] = args[0]

    def idn(self):
        args = map(str, (self.Manufacturer, self.Model,
                         self.Version, self.Firmware))
        return self.IDNFieldSep.join(args)

    def cls(self):
        # clear SESR
        # clear OPERation Status Register
        # clear QUEStionable Status Register

    def opc(self, is_query):
        if is_query:
            return '1'

    def syst_err(self):