def device_matches(spec, devicetree=None, disks_only=False):
    """Return names of block devices matching the provided specification.

    :param str spec: a device identifier (name, UUID=<uuid>, &c)
    :keyword devicetree: device tree to look up devices in (optional)
    :type devicetree: :class:`blivet.DeviceTree`
    :param bool disks_only: if only disk devices matching the spec should be returned
    :returns: names of matching devices
    :rtype: list of str

    The spec can contain multiple "sub specs" delimited by a |, for example:


    In such case we resolve the specs from left to right and return all
    unique matches, for example:

    ["sda", "sda1", "sda2", "sdb", "sdb1", "vdb"]

    If disks_only is specified we only return
    disk devices matching the spec. For the example above
    the output with disks_only=True would be:

    ["sda", "sdb", "vdb"]

    Also note that parse methods will not have access to a devicetree, while execute
    methods will. The devicetree is superior in that it can resolve md
    array names and in that it reflects scheduled device removals, but for
    normal local disks udev.resolve_devspec should suffice.

    matches = []
    # the device specifications might contain multiple "sub specs" separated by a |
    # - the specs are processed from left to right
    for single_spec in spec.split("|"):
        full_spec = single_spec
        if not full_spec.startswith("/dev/"):
            full_spec = os.path.normpath("/dev/" + full_spec)

        # the regular case
        single_spec_matches = udev.resolve_glob(full_spec)
        for match in single_spec_matches:
            if match not in matches:
                # skip non-disk devices in disk-only mode
                if disks_only and not device_name_is_disk(match):

        dev_name = None
        # Use spec here instead of full_spec to preserve the spec and let the
        # called code decide whether to treat the spec as a path instead of a name.
        if devicetree is None:
            # we run the spec through resolve_devspec() here as unlike resolve_glob()
            # it can also resolve labels and UUIDs
            dev_name = udev.resolve_devspec(single_spec)
            if disks_only and dev_name:
                if not device_name_is_disk(dev_name):
                    dev_name = None  # not a disk
            # devicetree can also handle labels and UUIDs
            device = devicetree.resolve_device(single_spec)
            if device:
                dev_name = device.name
                if disks_only and not device_name_is_disk(dev_name, devicetree=devicetree):
                    dev_name = None  # not a disk

        # The dev_name variable can be None if the spec is not not found or is not valid,
        # but we don't want that ending up in the list.
        if dev_name and dev_name not in matches:

    log.debug("%s matches %s for devicetree=%s and disks_only=%s",
              spec, matches, devicetree, disks_only)

    return matches
def device_matches(spec, devicetree=None, disks_only=False):
    """Return names of block devices matching the provided specification.

    :param str spec: a device identifier (name, UUID=<uuid>, &c)
    :keyword devicetree: device tree to look up devices in (optional)
    :type devicetree: :class:`blivet.DeviceTree`
    :param bool disks_only: if only disk devices matching the spec should be returned
    :returns: names of matching devices
    :rtype: list of str

    The spec can contain multiple "sub specs" delimited by a |, for example:


    In such case we resolve the specs from left to right and return all
    unique matches, for example:

    ["sda", "sda1", "sda2", "sdb", "sdb1", "vdb"]

    If disks_only is specified we only return
    disk devices matching the spec. For the example above
    the output with disks_only=True would be:

    ["sda", "sdb", "vdb"]

    Also note that parse methods will not have access to a devicetree, while execute
    methods will. The devicetree is superior in that it can resolve md
    array names and in that it reflects scheduled device removals, but for
    normal local disks udev.resolve_devspec should suffice.

    matches = []
    # the device specifications might contain multiple "sub specs" separated by a |
    # - the specs are processed from left to right
    for single_spec in spec.split("|"):
        full_spec = single_spec
        if not full_spec.startswith("/dev/"):
            full_spec = os.path.normpath("/dev/" + full_spec)

        # the regular case
        single_spec_matches = udev.resolve_glob(full_spec)
        for match in single_spec_matches:
            if match not in matches:
                # skip non-disk devices in disk-only mode
                if disks_only and not device_name_is_disk(match):

        dev_name = None
        # Use spec here instead of full_spec to preserve the spec and let the
        # called code decide whether to treat the spec as a path instead of a name.
        if devicetree is None:
            # we run the spec through resolve_devspec() here as unlike resolve_glob()
            # it can also resolve labels and UUIDs
            dev_name = udev.resolve_devspec(single_spec)
            if disks_only and dev_name:
                if not device_name_is_disk(dev_name):
                    dev_name = None  # not a disk
            # devicetree can also handle labels and UUIDs
            device = devicetree.resolve_device(single_spec)
            if device:
                dev_name = device.name
                if disks_only and not device_name_is_disk(dev_name, devicetree=devicetree):
                    dev_name = None  # not a disk

        # The dev_name variable can be None if the spec is not not found or is not valid,
        # but we don't want that ending up in the list.
        if dev_name and dev_name not in matches:

    log.debug("%s matches %s for devicetree=%s and disks_only=%s",
              spec, matches, devicetree, disks_only)

    return matches