def find_temp_sensors(sensors): TempSensor._scanning_lock.acquire() logger.debug('Scanning for devices') scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) try: devices = scanner.scan(10.0) if sensors is None: sensors = {} for device in devices: if device.addr in sensors: continue name = '' if device.getValueText(9): name = device.getValueText(9) elif device.getValueText(8): name = device.getValueText(8) logger.debug('Device name: ' + name) if 'SensorTag' in name:'Found SensorTag with address: ' + device.addr) sensors[device.addr] = SensorTag(device) elif 'MetaWear' in name:'Found MetaWear with address: ' + device.addr) sensors[device.addr] = MetaWear(device) logger.debug('Finished scanning for devices') TempSensor._scanning_lock.release() if len(sensors) == 0: raise NoTagsFoundException('No sensors found!') except BTLEException as e: scanner.stop() logger.warn('Got exception ' + e.message) TempSensor._scanning_lock.release() return sensors
def find_port(self): """Detects Ganglion board MAC address If more than 1 around, will select first. Needs root privilege. """ print("Try to detect Ganglion MAC address. " "NB: Turn on bluetooth and run as root for this to work!" "Might not work with every BLE dongles.") scan_time = 5 print("Scanning for 5 seconds nearby devices...") # From bluepy example class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: print("Discovered device: " + dev.addr) elif isNewData: print("Received new data from: " + dev.addr) scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(scan_time) nb_devices = len(devices) if nb_devices < 1: print("No BLE devices found. Check connectivity.") return "" else: print("Found " + str(nb_devices) + ", detecting Ganglion") list_mac = [] list_id = [] for dev in devices: # "Ganglion" should appear inside the "value" associated # to "Complete Local Name", e.g. "Ganglion-b2a6" for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if desc == "Complete Local Name" and value.startswith("Ganglion"): list_mac.append(dev.addr) list_id.append(value) print("Got Ganglion: " + value + ", with MAC: " + dev.addr) break nb_ganglions = len(list_mac) if nb_ganglions < 1: print("No Ganglion found ;(") raise OSError('Cannot find OpenBCI Ganglion MAC address') if nb_ganglions > 1: print("Found " + str(nb_ganglions) + ", selecting first") print("Selecting MAC address " + list_mac[0] + " for " + list_id[0]) return list_mac[0]
def getTag(self): """Scans for BT LE devices and returns the choosen keywords""" self.count = 0 scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(DefaultDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(self.scanTimeout) for dev in devices: if dev.addr == self.address.lower(): self.count = 1 if self.count > 0: self.count = 0 return self.found else: return self.missing
def cmd_list_devices(self, *args): try: self.last_scan = ScanDelegate() scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(self.last_scan) print('Listing Bluetooth LE devices in range for 5 minutes.' 'Press CTRL+C to stop searching.') print('{: <5} {: <30} {: <12}'.format('ID', 'Name', 'Mac address')) print('{: <5} {: <30} {: <12}'.format('--', '----', '-----------')) scanner.scan(350) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n') except RuntimeError as e: logger.error('Problem with the Bluetooth adapter : {}'.format(e)) return False
def main(): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) for dev in devices: #print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): #print " %s = %s" % (desc, value) if (desc == "Complete Local Name"): if ("Mambo" in value): print("FOUND A MAMBO!") print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) elif ("Swing" in value): print("FOUND A SWING!") print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value))
def scan(timeout=10.0) -> []: if (_semaphore.acquire(True, 0.5)): try: scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(timeout) for dev in devices:"Device {} ({}), RSSI={} dB".format( dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData():" {} = {}".format(desc, value)) return devices except Exception as ex: logger.error('Error {}'.format(ex)) finally: _semaphore.release() else: raise BlockingIOError(errno.EINPROGRESS)
def scanForNew(checkList): global NofDongles NofDongles= getDongleNumber() newList = [] for i in range(NofDongles): print ("using dongle: "+str(i)) scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) for dev in devices: for (adtype, _, value)in dev.getScanData(): if adtype==2 and value=="0000fe95-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" and not dev.addr in checkList and not dev.addr in newList: newList.append(dev.addr) print("ok_ALREADY") return newList
def __init__(self, yaml_config: dict, min_rssi: float = -65, ble_device: str = 'hci0'): self.devs_in_range = {} # Stores devices found to be in range self.active_connections = {} self._chrcs_cache = {} self.yaml_config = yaml_config self.valid_names = yaml_config['regex']['names'] self.valid_addrs = yaml_config['regex']['addrs'] self.chrc_handles = list(yaml_config['characteristics'].keys()) self.min_rssi = min_rssi self.ble_device = ble_device[-1] # Hacky self.scanner = Scanner()
def getCharacteristic(): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(0.3) for dev in devices: for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if str(value).find("8856") != -1: # timestamp t = time.time() distance = CalculateDistance(dev.rssi, -60) uuid = "8856" # print("distance is %s" % distance) usefulInformation = ("%s ,%s ,%s " % (t, distance, uuid)) return usefulInformation return ("cannot detect the target object")
def scan(): devices_set = set() scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(2.0) for dev in devices: for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): #if value == SVC_UUID: print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) devices_set.add(dev.addr) d = btle.Peripheral(dev.addr) print(value) service = d.getServiceByUUID(btle.UUID(MY_SRVC)) for svc in print(str(svc)) for ch in service.getCharacteristics(): print(str(ch)) return devices_set
class BLE_handler: ''' This class handles the communication with the sensor modules through BLE protocol. ''' # Constructor initializing all properties: def __init__(self): # modules_MACs = ['18:93:d7:14:5e:2b', 'c8:fd:19:3e:be:7f'] self.modules_MACs = [] self.connected_modules = [] self.connection_threads = [] self.scanner = Scanner(0) self.api = API_handler() self.apiWrite = False self.bleDevices = [] def addModuleMAC(self, new_MAC): self.modules_MACs.append(new_MAC) def scan(self): self.bleDevices = self.scanner.scan(2) for d in self.bleDevices: print(d.addr) def connect(self): while len(self.connection_threads) < len(self.modules_MACs): print 'Scanning ...' devices = self.scanner.scan(2) for d in devices: if d.addr in self.modules_MACs: p = Peripheral(d) self.connected_modules.append(p) print 'Module ' + d.addr + ' connected. Assigned ID = ' + str(len(self.connected_modules)-1) t = ConnectionHandlerThread(len(self.connected_modules)-1, self.connected_modules, self.api) t.start() self.connection_threads.append(t) # time.sleep(3) print 'All devices are connected.' def disconnect(self): print 'Disconnecting ...' for connection in self.connection_threads: connection.stop()
def thermoBeacon(self): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) try: while (True): devices = scanner.scan(1.0) ManuData = "" for dev in devices: if dev.addr == "dc:12:00:00:06:a5": CurrentDevAddr = dev.addr for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if (desc == "Manufacturer"): ManuData = value if (ManuData == ""): print("No data received, end decoding") continue ManuDataHex = [] for i, j in zip(ManuData[::2], ManuData[1::2]): ManuDataHex.append(int(i + j, 16)) if not len(ManuDataHex) == 20: continue tempidx = 12 humidityidx = 14 TempData = ManuDataHex[tempidx] TempData += ManuDataHex[tempidx + 1] * 0x100 TempData = TempData * 0.0625 if TempData > 4000: TempData = -1 * (4096 - TempData) HumidityData = ManuDataHex[humidityidx] HumidityData += ManuDataHex[humidityidx + 1] * 0x100 HumidityData = HumidityData * 0.0625 self.recv.recv_signal.emit(TempData, HumidityData) except DecodeErrorException: print("Decode Exception") pass
class ClientScanner(threading.Thread, Observer): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) # print("Creation") self.ScannerDelegate = ScannerInterface(['ac:23:3f:a3:33:d8']) self.scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(self.ScannerDelegate) self.__stop_event = False def add_observateur(self, obs: Observer): # print(self.__dict__) self.ScannerDelegate.add_observer(obs) def unstop(self): self.__stop_event = True print("Lancement") def stop(self): self.__stop_event = False def update(self, subject: ClientObservable) -> None: print("update client scanner") param = subject.event.split('/')[-1] print(param) if param == 'add_device': new_device = eval(subject.valeurs.decode()) print(new_device) if new_device not in self.ScannerDelegate.deviceToScan: self.ScannerDelegate.deviceToScan.append(new_device) print(self.ScannerDelegate.deviceToScan) if param == 'set_min_rssi': rssi = eval(subject.valeurs.decode()) print('new rssi min :',rssi) self.ScannerDelegate.minRSSI = rssi print(self.ScannerDelegate.minRSSI) def run(self) -> None: if self.ScannerDelegate.list_observers: while 1: if self.__stop_event: self.scanner.scan() else: print("Erreur il n'y a personne pour récupérer les infos du scanner")
def find_acaia_devices(timeout=3, backend='bluepy'): addresses = [] print('Looking for ACAIA devices...') if backend == 'pygatt': try: from pygatt import GATTToolBackend adapter = GATTToolBackend('hci0') adapter.reset() adapter.start(False) devices = adapter.scan(timeout=timeout, run_as_root=True) addresses = [] for d in devices: if d['name'] and d['name'].startswith('ACAIA'): print(d['name'], d['address']) addresses.append(d['address']) adapter.stop() except ImportError: raise Exception('pygatt is not installed') elif backend == 'bluepy': try: from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(timeout) addresses = [] for dev in devices: for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if desc == 'Complete Local Name' and value.startswith( 'ACAIA'): print(value, dev.addr) addresses.append(dev.addr) except ImportError: raise Exception('bluepy is not installed') return addresses
def connect(strip, scanTimeout=2, reconnectAttempts=1, maxAttempts=10): # Max attempts reached if reconnectAttempts > maxAttempts: print("Failed to connect after %d attempts" % maxAttempts) return try: # Scanning for devices print("Scanning for devices (%d / %d)" % (reconnectAttempts, maxAttempts)) scanner = Scanner() devices = scanner.scan(scanTimeout) for device in devices: # Only connect to Nuimos if device.connectable and device.getValueText(9) == "Nuimo": # Init Nuimo class nuimo = Nuimo(device.addr) nuimo.set_delegate(NuimoDelegate(nuimo, strip)) # Connect to Nuimo print("Trying to connect to %s." % device.addr) nuimo.connect() nuimo.displayLedMatrix(LedMatrixString().getRaspberry(), 5) print("Connected successfully to %s." % device.addr) # Reset reconnect attempts on successfull connect reconnectAttempts = 0 while True: nuimo.waitForNotifications() return # Found no Nuimo print("Couldn't find a Nuimo.") connect(strip, scanTimeout + 1, reconnectAttempts + 1) except BTLEException: print("Failed to connect to %s. Make sure to:\n 1. Run program as root (For Scanning and the Strip)\n 2. Disable the Bluetooth device: hciconfig hci0 down\n 3. Enable the Bluetooth device: hciconfig hci0 up\n 4. Enable BLE: btmgmt le on\n" % nuimo.macAddress) connect(strip, scanTimeout + 1, reconnectAttempts + 1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("Program aborted.") return
def scan(timeScan=3): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(timeScan) global deviceScan deviceScan = [] for dev in devices: print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if desc == "Complete Local Name": deviceScan.append({'name': value, 'id': dev.addr}) print " %s = %s" % (desc, value) print "\nDevice list: " index = 0 for dev in deviceScan: print "%d) Device name: %s;\tID: %s" % (index, dev['name'], dev['id']) index += 1 print "\n"
def main(): while True: scanner = Scanner() # スキャン開始。 print('scan start.') while True: devices = scanner.scan(5.0) for device in devices: if device.addr == ADDR_BSTICK: con = Connection(device) con.setDelegate(NotifyDelegate()) con.start() print("connect to:", device.addr, " RSSI=", device.rssi) con.writeCharacteristic(HANDLE_RSSI, str(device.rssi).encode('utf-8'), 0) while True: if con.waitForNotifications(10): continue print("wait..")
def search_loop(): while True: scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5.0) for dev in devices: data = dev.getScanData() for (adtype, desc, value) in data: if "Short Local Name" in desc: print("Cube found:") print(" Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in data: print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) p = Peripheral(deviceAddr=dev.addr, addrType=dev.addrType) for serv in p.getServices(): print(serv.uuid.getCommonName()) for char in serv.getCharacteristics(): pprint(char.propertiesToString()) return
def __init__(self, show_warnings=False, *args, **kwargs): """Constructor. Args: show_warnings (bool, optional): If True shows warnings, if any, when discovering devices not respecting the BlueSTSDK's advertising data format, nothing otherwise. """ try: super(_StoppableScanner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._stop_called = threading.Event() self._process_done = threading.Event() with lock(self): self._scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(_ScannerDelegate(show_warnings)) except BTLEException as e: # Save details of the exception raised but don't re-raise, just # complete the function. import sys self._exc = sys.exc_info()
def main(): # mjpeg-Streamer起動 r = subprocess.check_output("sh /home/pi/lib/mjpg-streamer/", shell=True) lcd.print( 'mjpeg-streamer started') # Scannerインスタンスを生成するとスキャン開始 # withDelegateでデバイス見つけたときのハンドラーを渡しておくと呼んでくれる。 while True: scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) lcd.print( 'scan start.') try: while True: scanner.scan(5.0) except BTLEException: #scannedDevs = {} # 駆動系緊急停止 moveCameraHead(0, 0) moveTwinGear(0, 0) lcd.print( 'BTLE Exception.') pass
def status_update(self): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5.0) ret = [] for name, mac in self.devices.items():"Updating %s device '%s' (%s)", repr(self), name, mac) device = self.searchmac(devices, mac) for attr in monitoredAttrs: if attr == 'rssi' and device is not None: ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name, attr), payload=device.rssi)) if attr == 'rssi_level': level = get_rssi_level(device.rssi) if device else -1 ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name, attr), payload=level)) return ret
def getMamboAddr(): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) mamboAddr = None mamboName = None for dev in devices: #print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): #print " %s = %s" % (desc, value) if (desc == "Complete Local Name"): if ("Mambo" in value): print("FOUND A MAMBO!") print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) mamboAddr = dev.addr mamboName = value return mamboAddr, mamboName
def scan_for_devices(timeout: float, adapter='hci0') -> List[Tuple[str, str]]: """Scan for bluetooth low energy devices. Note this must be run as root!""" from bluepy.btle import Scanner match_result ='hci([\d]+)', adapter) if match_result is None: raise BluetoothBackendException( 'Invalid pattern "{}" for BLuetooth adpater. ' 'Expetected something like "hci0".'.format(adapter)) iface = int( scanner = Scanner(iface=iface) result = [] for device in scanner.scan(timeout): result.append((device.addr, device.getValueText(9))) return result
def discover(): """ Scans for BLE devices and tries to automatically select the glasses Returns: str: The glasses' MAC address """ scanner = Scanner() selected_glasses = None devices = scanner.scan(10.0) print("[" + Fore.CYAN + "*" + Fore.RESET + "] Looking for glasses ...") glasses_list = [ device.addr for device in devices ] if len(glasses_list) > 1: print( "[" + Fore.GREEN + "+" + Fore.RESET + "] Multiple glasses have been found, please select one :" ) for index, glasses_address in enumerate(glasses_list): print(" {0} - {1}".format(index + 1, glasses_address)) while not selected_glasses: try: selected_glasses = glasses_list[int(input("Selection : ")) - 1] except ValueError as parsing_error: print("Error while parsing : please enter a number") print(parsing_error) elif len(glasses_list) == 1: selected_glasses = glasses_list[0] print("[" + Fore.GREEN + "+" + Fore.RESET + "] {0}".format(selected_glasses)) else: print("[" + Fore.RED + "-" + Fore.RESET + "] No glasses have been found") return selected_glasses
def __init__(self, command_timeout, global_topic_prefix, **kwargs): from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: _LOGGER.debug("Discovered new device: %s" % dev.addr) super(BlescanmultiWorker, self).__init__(command_timeout, global_topic_prefix, **kwargs) self.scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) self.last_status = [ BleDeviceStatus(self, mac, name) for name, mac in self.devices.items() ]"Adding %d %s devices", len(self.devices), repr(self))
def scan_for_btle_devices(timeout=30): class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) try: if set_lock(timeout + 5): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) scan_result = scanner.scan(float(timeout), passive=True) delete_lock() return (scan_result) else: print('Failed to acquire lock.') return except BTLEManagementError: log_btle_error() print('Got BTLEManagementError. Failure counter at {}.'.format( r.get('btle-error'))) return
def ble_scan(): try: scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5.0) print("-----show devices data: {:d}:".format(len(devices))) if devices: devInfoA = [] for dev in devices: print("----device:{}".format(dev)) #print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) #devInfoA.append((dev.addr, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if desc == "Complete Local Name": devInfoA.append((value,dev.addr ,dev.rssi)) print("%s = %s" % (desc, value)) print(devInfoA) insertScanList(devInfoA) except: print("Scanner Scan exception")
def ble_scan(): data_tmp = [0] * 7 scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) while True: devices = scanner.scan(5.0) for dev in devices: if dev.addr in Target_device_addr: print("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d DB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if desc == "Manufacturer": print(" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) data_tmp[0] = float( str(int(value[0] + value[1], 16)) + '.' + str(int(value[2] + value[3], 16))) data_tmp[1] = float( str(int(value[4] + value[5], 16)) + '.' + str(int(value[6] + value[7], 16))) data_tmp[2] = int(value[8] + value[9], 16) data_tmp[3] = int(value[10] + value[11], 16) data_tmp[4] = float( str( int( value[-6] + value[-5] + value[-4] + value[-3], 16)) + '.' + str(int(value[-2] + value[-1], 16))) data_tmp[5] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') if dev.addr == "c3:98:3a:11:5a:38": data_tmp[6] = 102 elif dev.addr == "ac:1a:30:f0:49:38": data_tmp[6] = 101 elif dev.addr == "20:20:1d:27:d1:38": data_tmp[6] = 103 print(data_tmp) data_que.put(data_tmp) data_store = [ data_tmp[0], data_tmp[1], data_tmp[2], data_tmp[3], data_tmp[4], data_tmp[5] ] print("data_store in ble_scan: ", data_store)
def scan(): print('Scanning...') sys.stdout.flush() scanner = Scanner() devices = scanner.scan(5) switchmates = [] for dev in devices: for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): is_switchmate = adtype == SERVICES_AD_TYPE and value in SWITCHMATE_SERVICES if is_switchmate and dev not in switchmates: switchmates.append(dev) if len(switchmates): print('Found Switchmates:') for switchmate in switchmates: print(switchmate.addr) else: print('No Switchmate devices found')
class ClientScanner(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) #print("Creation") self.ScannerDelegate = ScannerInterface() self.scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(self.ScannerDelegate) def add_observateur(self, obs: Observateur): #print(self.__dict__) self.ScannerDelegate.add_observer(obs) def run(self) -> None: if self.ScannerDelegate.list_observers: while 1: self.scanner.scan() else: print( "Erreur il n'y a personne pour récupérer les infos du scanner")
def __init__(self): cmd.Cmd.__init__(self) threshold = -70 strikes = 10 = Scanner() self.scd = MiBand2ScanDelegate(threshold) self.mibands = [] self.scan_thread = threading.Thread(target=scan_miband2, args=(, strikes, threshold)) self.scan_thread.start() for i in range(max_connections): t = threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(self, )) t.daemon = True t.start() self.prompt = 'MB2S # '
def ble_scan(self): try: hci_index = self.get_int("hci_index", 0) scanner = Scanner(hci_index).withDelegate( BLE.ScanDelegate(self.agent)) self_delay = self.delay() scan_delay = round(self_delay / 4.0, 2)"Starting BLE Scan on hci[{}] for [{}]s ".format( hci_index, scan_delay)) devices = scanner.scan(scan_delay) except BTLEManagementError: self.warning( "Failed to connect to bluetooth peripheral. (BLE scan requires root)" ) except BTLEDisconnectError: self.warning("BLE device disconnected") except: self.error("Unexpected error:") self.error(sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
def status_update(self): scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5.0) ret = [] for name, mac in self.devices.items(): device = self.searchmac(devices, mac) if device is None: ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/presence"), payload="0")) else: ret.append( MqttMessage( topic=self.format_topic(name + "/presence/rssi"), payload=device.rssi, )) ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/presence"), payload="1")) _LOGGER.debug("text: %s" % device.getValueText(255)) bytes_ = bytearray(bytes.fromhex(device.getValueText(255))) ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/running"), payload=bytes_[5])) ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/pressure"), payload=bytes_[6])) ret.append( MqttMessage( topic=self.format_topic(name + "/time"), payload=bytes_[7] * 60 + bytes_[8], )) ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/mode"), payload=bytes_[9])) ret.append( MqttMessage(topic=self.format_topic(name + "/quadrant"), payload=bytes_[10])) yield ret
def findWave(): serial_no = "" attempts = 3 if not bluePyFound: return 0 scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) try: while not serial_no and attempts: attempts = attempts - 1 devices = scanner.scan(2.0) for dev in devices: ManuData = "" ManuDataHex = [] for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): if (desc == "Manufacturer"): ManuData = value if (ManuData == ""): continue for i, j in zip(ManuData[::2], ManuData[1::2]): ManuDataHex.append(int(i + j, 16)) #Start decoding the raw Manufacturer data if ((ManuDataHex[0] == 0x34) and (ManuDataHex[1] == 0x03)): serial_no = str(256 * 256 * 256 * ManuDataHex[5] + 256 * 256 * ManuDataHex[4] + 256 * ManuDataHex[3] + ManuDataHex[2]) print("Airthings addr %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB, SN=%s\n" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi, serial_no)) else: continue except DecodeErrorException: pass return int(serial_no)
def run(self): # debug print print("***BLE sniffer***") # get BLE Scanner object instance scanner = Scanner() # get start time for timestamp startTime = time.time() # clear previous measurements on start if os.path.exists(self.recordFile): os.remove(self.recordFile) os.mknod(self.recordFile) while True: # scan for 500 ms devices = scanner.scan(0.5) for dev in devices: for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): # check adv type and length if adtype != self.manufacturerSpecificData or len( value) != self.packetLength: break # string + little endian tempStr = value[8] + value[9] + value[6] + value[ 7] + value[4] + value[5] + value[2] + value[3] # string to hex temp = (struct.unpack('!f', bytes.fromhex(tempStr))[0]) # get timestamp timestamp = time.time() - startTime # first byte is device ID if (value[0] + value[1]) == 'ab': self.appendMeasurement(timestamp, temp, 'nRF52832') if (value[0] + value[1]) == 'cd': self.appendMeasurement(timestamp, temp, 'nRF52840')
def _findRileyLink(self): scanner = Scanner() found = None self.logger.debug("Scanning for RileyLink") retries = 10 while found is None and retries > 0: retries -= 1 for result in scanner.scan(1.0): if result.getValueText(7) == RILEYLINK_SERVICE_UUID: self.logger.debug("Found RileyLink") found = result.addr try: with open(RILEYLINK_MAC_FILE, "w") as stream: stream.write(result.addr) except IOError: self.logger.warning("Cannot store rileylink mac radio_address for later") break if found is None: raise PacketRadioError("Could not find RileyLink") return found
def scan_devs(self): func_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] logging.debug('%s start BLE scan', func_name) adapter = Scanner(0) devices = adapter.scan(10.0) logging.debug('%s found %d devices', func_name, len(devices)) for d in devices: logging.debug('%s inspecting device %s', func_name, d.addr) for (tag, desc, value) in d.getScanData(): logging.debug('%s tag=%s desc=%s value=%s', func_name, tag, desc, value) if tag == 9 and value in self.supported_devs: logging.debug('%s compatible device @%s', func_name, d.addr) if d.addr not in self.devices: self.devices[d.addr] = d'%s added device @%s to ble_devices', func_name, d.addr) self.cons[d.addr] = Peripheral(d.addr, 'random') self.sendDevice(d.addr)'%s connected to device @%s', func_name, d.addr) logging.debug('%s devices=%s', func_name, self.devices) logging.debug('%s cons=%s', func_name, self.cons) logging.debug('%s done BLE scan', func_name)
class BLEHelper(object): def __init__(self): self.scanThread = None self.scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) def __scanInThread(self, timeout): self.scanThread = threading.Thread(target=self.scanner.scan, args=(timeout,)) self.scanThread.start() return True def startScan(self, timeout=10): if self.scanThread is None: return self.__scanInThread(timeout) else: if self.scanThread.is_alive(): return False else: self.scanThread = None return self.startScan(timeout) def stopScan(self): self.scanner.stop()
def __init__(self,mac=None,iface=0): Scanner.__init__(self,iface) self.mac = mac
print(scanentry.getScanData()) print(scanentry.getValueText(9)) print(scanentry.getValueText(22)) #scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(BTThermometerDelegate("C4:B3:61:94:78:38")) #while True: #devices = scanner.scan() from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: print "Discovered device", dev.addr elif isNewData: print "Received new data from", dev.addr scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(10.0) for dev in devices: print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print " %s = %s" % (desc, value)
def __init__(self): self.scanThread = None self.scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate())
list_aux = data.split('X') list_aux = list_aux[1].split('Y') datax = list_aux[0] list_aux = list_aux[1].split('Z') datay = list_aux[0] dataz = list_aux[1] return; ############################################### # Scanning Devices ############################################### os.system("sudo hciconfig hci0 down") os.system("sudo hciconfig hci0 up") print " " print "Scanning devices..." scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(8.0) ############################################### # Connecting Devices ############################################### print " " print "Connecting to nodes..." for dev in devices: # Creating Bendsaw Peripheral if dev.addr == MAC_DIC['BENDSAW']: print " " print "Device %s (%s) Bendsaw found, connecting..." %(dev.addr, dev.addrType) bndsw = Peripheral(dev.addr, dev.addrType) nodes['bendsaw'] = bndsw
def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): if isNewDev: pass #print ("Discovered device", dev.addr ) #print(dev) elif isNewData: pass print ("Received new data from", dev.addr) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): # ... perhaps check cHandle # ... process 'data' pass print("Scanning for Wallet") scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5.0) wallet_address = 0 for dev in devices: print ("Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) ) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print (" %s = %s" % (desc, value)) if dev.rssi > -65 : print("Get Wallet address:%s!" % dev.addr) wallet_address = dev.addr if wallet_address == 0: print ("No wallet found") exit() p = Peripheral(wallet_address,btle.ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC)
#!/usr/bin/python from __future__ import print_function from time import gmtime, strftime, sleep from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate, BTLEException import sys class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): print(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", gmtime()), dev.addr, dev.getScanData()) sys.stdout.flush() scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) # listen for ADV_IND packages for 10s, then exit scanner.scan(10.0, passive=True)
def main(): # uuid definition targetDevice = "" targetUUID = UUID("08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6f66666d4") # targetUUID = UUID(0x2a2b) serviceUUID = UUID("e20a39f4-73f5-4bc4-a12f-17d1ad666661") # scanning for Bluetooth LE device # P.S. root permission is needed print "scanning started..." scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(5) print "\n\nscanning completed...\n found %d device(s)\n" % len(devices) for dev in devices: print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print " %s = %s" % (desc, value) try: p = Peripheral(dev.addr, "random") ch = p.getCharacteristics(uuid=targetUUID) if len(ch) > 0: print "the desired target found. the address is", dev.addr targetDevice = dev.addr except: # print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] print "Unable to connect" print " " finally: p.disconnect() # scanning completed, now continue to connect to device if targetDevice == "": # the target is not found. end. print "no target was found." else: # the target found, continue to subscribe. print "\n\nthe target device is ", targetDevice print "now try to subscribe..." try: # try to get the handle first p = Peripheral(targetDevice, "random") p.setDelegate(NotificationDelegate()) # svc = p.getServiceByUUID(serviceUUID) ch = p.getCharacteristics(uuid=targetUUID)[0] # svc.getCharacteristics(targetUUID)[0] handle = ch.getHandle() print handle ch.write(struct.pack('<bb', 0x01, 0x00)) # ch.write(bytes('aa', 'utf-8')) # p.writeCharacteristic(handle, struct.pack('<bb', 0x01, 0x00), True) print # Main loop while True: if p.waitForNotifications(5): # handleNotification() was called continue print "Waiting..." # Perhaps do something else here # except: # print "Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0] finally: p.disconnect()
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate from SigObject import sigObject from log import logger import signals class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData): #logger.debug("%s[%d]" % (dev.addr, dev.rssi)) sigObject.emit(signals.BLE_INFO_UPDATE, dev.addr, dev.rssi) if __name__ == "__main__": from bluepy.btle import Scanner scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) scanner.scan(4)
def start(self, notify): scanner = Scanner() scanner.withDelegate(ScanDelegate(scanner, notify)) scanner.scan(10.0)
# General Functions ############################################### def split_accel_data(data): global datax, datay, dataz list_aux = data.split('X') list_aux = list_aux[1].split('Y') datax = list_aux[0] list_aux = list_aux[1].split('Z') datay = list_aux[0] dataz = list_aux[1] return; ############################################### # Scanning Devices ############################################### scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) devices = scanner.scan(6.0) ############################################### # Connecting Devices ############################################### print " " print "Connecting to nodes..." print " " for dev in devices: if dev.addr == BNDSW_MAC_ADDR: print "Device %s (%s) Bendsaw found, connecting..." %(dev.addr, dev.addrType) bndsw = Peripheral(dev.addr, dev.addrType) for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData(): print " %s = %s" % (desc, value) print " "
"device": "TokenCube 1", "addr": "dc:00:62:95:62:67", "type": "ambient" } } INFLUX_SERVER = os.environ.get("INFLUX_SERVER", None) or "raspberrypi.local" INFLUX_DATABASE = os.environ.get("INFLUX_DB", None) or "sensors" INFLUX_USER = os.environ.get("INFLUX_USER", None) or "root" INFLUX_PASSWORD = os.environ.get("INFLUX_PASSWORD", None) or "root" if __name__ == "__main__": print "Creating Scanner" delegate = DeviceForwardingDelegate() delegate.handlers.append(IGrillHandler(device_settings)) delegate.handlers.append(TokenCubeHandler(device_settings)) scanner = Scanner() scanner.withDelegate(delegate) print "Connecting to InfluxDB server" persistence = DataPersistence(INFLUX_SERVER, INFLUX_DATABASE, INFLUX_USER, INFLUX_PASSWORD) while True: print "Scanning..." scanner.scan(30) print "Persisting..." for handler in delegate.handlers: handler.persist_stats(persistence)
import struct import time from bluepy.btle import UUID, Peripheral from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self): DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): print "inside notification" print "Heart rate:", ord(data[1]), "Energy=" ,int(binascii.b2a_hex((data[::-1])[0:2]),16) # This script was tested on ubuntu 14.04 # To solve the endianess problem reverse the # string to find exact value devices = Scanner() # Scanner Object temp=devices.scan(10) # Start Scan try: for dev in temp: if dev.getScanData()[3][2] == "mr. singh": # Check for the target BLE device name if dev.connectable: p = Peripheral(dev.addr, "random") p.setDelegate(ScanDelegate()) # Create internal Object of scandelegate class to handle the notifications except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError): print "Device not found" exit(1) ################### Check for the Services and its characteristics ################# print p.getServices()[0] print p.getServices()[1] print p.getServices()[2] Heart_Rate_Measurement = p.getServiceByUUID(0x180D).getCharacteristics()[0]
keepScanning = False if __name__ == '__main__': import signal log.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)'OHHAI') for sig in [signal.SIGHUP, signal.SIGUSR1, signal.SIGUSR2, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGQUIT, signal.SIGINT]: signal.signal(sig, sighandler) bm = BeepManager() bm.thread.start() while keepScanning: try:'Starting scan...') scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) scanner.scan(30.0) except Exception as e: log.error('while scanning: %s: %s' % (type(e), e)) bm.shutdown() bm.thread.join()'KTHXBYE')
count = struct.unpack('H', count_bytes)[0] pulse_duration_hex = value[4:12] pulse_duration_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(pulse_duration_hex) pulse_duration = struct.unpack('L', pulse_duration_bytes)[0] battery_voltage_hex = value[12:16] battery_voltage_bytes = binascii.unhexlify(battery_voltage_hex) battery_voltage = unpack('H', battery_voltage_bytes)[0] if (pulse_duration > 0): ticks_per_second = float(1000) / pulse_duration watts = int(round(ticks_per_second * joules_per_tick)) watts_message = short_addr + "watts:" + str(watts) mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic, watts_message) count_message = short_addr + "count:" + str(count) mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic, count_message) pulse_duration_message = short_addr + "pulseduration:" + str(pulse_duration) mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic, pulse_duration_message) battery_message = short_addr + "battery:" + str(battery_voltage) mqtt_client.publish(mqtt_topic, battery_message) scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate()) scanner.start(passive=True) while True: print "Still running..." scanner.process()