def process():
    ''' Process and empty command stack. '''
    global sender_rte

    # First check for commands in scenario file
    # Process stack of commands
    for line, sender_rte in cmdstack:
        success = True
        echotext = ''
        echoflags = bs.BS_OK

        # Get first argument from command line and check if it's a command
        cmd, argstring = argparser.getnextarg(line)
        cmdu = cmd.upper()
        cmdobj = Command.cmddict.get(cmdu)

        # If no function is found for 'cmd', check if cmd is actually an aircraft id
        if not cmdobj and cmdu in bs.traf.id:
            cmd, argstring = argparser.getnextarg(argstring)
            argstring = cmdu + " " + argstring
            # When no other args are parsed, command is POS
            cmdu = cmd.upper() if cmd else 'POS'
            cmdobj = Command.cmddict.get(cmdu)

        # Proceed if a command object was found
        if cmdobj:
                # Call the command, passing the argument string
                result = cmdobj(argstring)
                if result is not None:
                    if isinstance(result, tuple) and result:
                        if len(result) > 1:
                            echotext = result[1]
                        success = result[0]
                        # Assume result is a bool indicating the success of the function
                        success = result
                    if not success:
                        if not argstring:
                            echotext = echotext or cmdobj.brieftext()
                            echoflags = bs.BS_FUNERR
                            echotext = f'Syntax error: {echotext or cmdobj.brieftext()}'

            except Exception as e:
                success = False
                echoflags = bs.BS_ARGERR
                header = '' if not argstring else e.args[0] if e.args else 'Argument error.'
                echotext = f'{header}\nUsage:\n{cmdobj.brieftext()}'

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ZOOM command (or use ++++  or --  to zoom in or out)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif cmdu[0] in ("+", "=", "-"):
            nplus = cmdu.count("+") + cmdu.count("=")  # = equals + (same key)
            nmin = cmdu.count("-")
            bs.scr.zoom(math.sqrt(2) ** (nplus - nmin), absolute=False)
            cmdu = 'ZOOM'

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Command not found
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
            echoflags = bs.BS_CMDERR
            if not argstring:
                echotext = f'Unknown command or aircraft: {cmd}'
                echotext = f'Unknown command: {cmd}'

        # Recording of actual validated commands
        if success:
            recorder.savecmd(cmdu, line)
        elif not sender_rte:
            echotext = f'{line}\n{echotext}'

        # Always return on command
        if echotext:
            bs.scr.echo(echotext, echoflags)

    # Clear the processed commands
    def cre(self,
        """ Create one or more aircraft. """
        # Determine number of aircraft to create from array length of acid
        n = 1 if isinstance(acid, str) else len(acid)

        if isinstance(acid, str):
            # Check if not already exist
            if self.id.count(acid.upper()) > 0:
                return False, acid + " already exists."  # already exists do nothing
            acid = n * [acid]

        # Adjust the size of all traffic arrays
        self.ntraf += n

        if isinstance(actype, str):
            actype = n * [actype]

        if isinstance(aclat, (float, int)):
            aclat = np.array(n * [aclat])

        if isinstance(aclon, (float, int)):
            aclon = np.array(n * [aclon])

        # Limit longitude to [-180.0, 180.0]
        aclon[aclon > 180.0] -= 360.0
        aclon[aclon < -180.0] += 360.0

        achdg = (refdata.hdg or 0.0) if achdg is None else achdg

        # Aircraft Info
        self.id[-n:] = acid
        self.type[-n:] = actype

        # Positions
        self.lat[-n:] = aclat
        self.lon[-n:] = aclon
        self.alt[-n:] = acalt

        self.hdg[-n:] = achdg
        self.trk[-n:] = achdg

        # Velocities
        self.tas[-n:], self.cas[-n:], self.M[-n:] = vcasormach(acspd, acalt)
        self.gs[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        hdgrad = np.radians(achdg)
        self.gsnorth[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.cos(hdgrad)
        self.gseast[-n:] = self.tas[-n:] * np.sin(hdgrad)

        # Atmosphere
        self.p[-n:], self.rho[-n:], self.Temp[-n:] = vatmos(acalt)

        # Wind
        if self.wind.winddim > 0:
            applywind = self.alt[-n:] > 50. * ft
            self.windnorth[-n:], self.windeast[-n:] = self.wind.getdata(
                self.lat[-n:], self.lon[-n:], self.alt[-n:])
                -n:] = self.gsnorth[-n:] + self.windnorth[-n:] * applywind
                -n:] = self.gseast[-n:] + self.windeast[-n:] * applywind
            self.trk[-n:]     = np.logical_not(applywind)*achdg + \
                                applywind*np.degrees(np.arctan2(self.gseast[-n:], self.gsnorth[-n:]))
            self.gs[-n:] = np.sqrt(self.gsnorth[-n:]**2 + self.gseast[-n:]**2)
            self.windnorth[-n:] = 0.0
            self.windeast[-n:] = 0.0

        # Traffic autopilot settings
        self.selspd[-n:] = self.cas[-n:]
        self.aptas[-n:] = self.tas[-n:]
        self.selalt[-n:] = self.alt[-n:]

        # Display information on label
        self.label[-n:] = n * [['', '', '', 0]]

        # Miscallaneous
        self.coslat[-n:] = np.cos(np.radians(
            aclat))  # Cosine of latitude for flat-earth aproximations
        self.eps[-n:] = 0.01

        # Finally call create for child TrafficArrays. This only needs to be done
        # manually in Traffic.

        # Record as individual CRE commands for repeatability
        for j in range(self.ntraf - n, self.ntraf):
            # Reconstruct CRE command
            line = "CRE " + ",".join([
                self.id[j], self.type[j],
                str(round(self.alt[j] / ft)),
                str(round(self.cas[j] / kts))
            # Savecmd(cmd,line): line is saved, cmd is used to prevent recording PAN & ZOOM commands and CRE
            # So insert a dummy command to record the line
            savecmd("---", line)
def process(from_pcall=None):
    ''' Sim-side stack processing. '''
    # First check for commands in scenario file
    if from_pcall is None:

    # Process stack of commands
    for cmdline in Stack.commands(from_pcall):
        success = True
        echotext = ''
        echoflags = bs.BS_OK

        # Get first argument from command line and check if it's a command
        cmd, argstring = argparser.getnextarg(cmdline)
        cmdu = cmd.upper()
        cmdobj = Command.cmddict.get(cmdu)

        # If no function is found for 'cmd', check if cmd is actually an aircraft id
        if not cmdobj and cmdu in bs.traf.id:
            cmd, argstring = argparser.getnextarg(argstring)
            argstring = cmdu + " " + argstring
            # When no other args are parsed, command is POS
            cmdu = cmd.upper() if cmd else 'POS'
            cmdobj = Command.cmddict.get(cmdu)

        # Proceed if a command object was found
        if cmdobj:
                # Call the command, passing the argument string
                success, echotext = cmdobj(argstring)
                if not success:
                    if not argstring:
                        echotext = echotext or cmdobj.brieftext()
                        echoflags = bs.BS_FUNERR
                        echotext = f'Syntax error: {echotext or cmdobj.brieftext()}'

            except ArgumentError as e:
                success = False
                echoflags = bs.BS_ARGERR
                header = '' if not argstring else e.args[0] if e.args else 'Argument error.'
                echotext = f'{header}\nUsage:\n{cmdobj.brieftext()}'
            except Exception as e:
                echoflags = bs.BS_FUNERR
                header = '' if not argstring else e.args[0] if e.args else 'Function error.'
                echotext = f'Error calling function implementation of {cmdu}: {header}\n' + \
                    'Traceback printed to terminal.'

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ZOOM command (or use ++++  or --  to zoom in or out)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif cmdu[0] in ("+", "=", "-"):
            # = equals + (same key)
            nplus = cmdu.count("+") + cmdu.count("=")
            nmin = cmdu.count("-")
            bs.scr.zoom(math.sqrt(2) ** (nplus - nmin), absolute=False)
            cmdu = 'ZOOM'

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Command not found
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif Stack.sender_rte is None:
            # Command came from scenario file: assume it's a gui/client command and send it on
            success = False
            echoflags = bs.BS_CMDERR
            if not argstring:
                echotext = f'Unknown command or aircraft: {cmd}'
                echotext = f'Unknown command: {cmd}'

        # Recording of actual validated commands
        if success:
            recorder.savecmd(cmdu, cmdline)
        elif not Stack.sender_rte:
            echotext = f'{cmdline}\n{echotext}'

        # Always return on command
        if echotext:
            bs.scr.echo(echotext, echoflags)

    # Clear the processed commands
    if from_pcall is None: