def generate_radar_latlons( self): #(dim0,dim1,ll_lon,ll_lat,ur_lon,ur_lat): ''' Generate lats,lons for polar stereographically projected radar from data characteristics (predetermined cases: new Dutch radar, old Dutch radar, European composite) ''' import pickle dim0, dim1 = self.values.shape if dim0 == 765: ## high-res dutch radar raddomain = 'nlrad' (ll_lat, ll_lon) = (49.362, 0.) (ur_lat, ur_lon) = (55.389, 10.856) elif dim0 == 256: ## low-res dutch radar raddomain = 'oldrad' (ll_lat, ll_lon) = (49.769, 0.) (ur_lat, ur_lon) = (54.818, 9.743) elif dim0 == 512: ## european composite raddomain = 'eurrad' (ll_lat, ll_lon) = (41.937, -9.271) (ur_lat, ur_lon) = (58.089, 20.453) home = os.getenv('HOME') mapdir = os.path.join(home, 'python/tools') mappkl = os.path.join(mapdir, raddomain + '.pkl') if os.path.exists(mappkl): f = open(mappkl, 'r') polmap = pickle.load(f) f.close() elif 0: # possibly faster (!?) sys.path.append(mapdir) #'/usr/people/plas/python/tools' import bmap polmap = bmap.myMap(domain=raddomain, modelname='radar').bmap else: # if this fails (?) # import basemap: from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # map functionality polmap = Basemap(projection='stere', lat_0=90., lon_0=0., lat_ts=60., llcrnrlon=ll_lon, llcrnrlat=ll_lat, urcrnrlon=ur_lon, urcrnrlat=ur_lat) lons, lats = polmap.makegrid(dim1, dim0, returnxy=False) #print 'LON',lons,'\nLAT',lats self.latlons = (lats, lons)
def plotmap(self,domain = 'nl',colors=None,colormap='jet',ml = 60,lsmask_colour = 'black',outdir = './'): ''' Create a map with one of the levels and the line along which the slice is taken indicated ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as CM if not self.__dict__.has_key('leadtime'): self.leadtime = 0 # create a figure fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) modelname = 'Harmonie' parametername = 'Parameter '+str(self.param) cmap = CM.get_cmap(colormap) # create the map plot_map = bmap.myMap(domain = domain, modelname = modelname) plot_map.xymap(latlons = (self.latlons[0],self.latlons[1]), domain = domain, modelname = modelname) plot_map.set_axes(ax) plot_map.dress_up_map(domain = domain,lsmask_colour = lsmask_colour) pcont = plot_map.bmap.contourf(plot_map.x,plot_map.y,[ml],# here takes the last, maybe default to level? 20,cmap=cmap,extend='both',ax=ax) # colorbar: cb = fig.colorbar(pcont,shrink=0.9, extend='both',format='%.2f') #format='%.1e') cb.set_label(parametername,fontsize=9) for t in t.set_fontsize(9) ax.set_title('Parameter '+str(self.param)+' (level '+str(ml)+'), * start, p end', fontsize=9) #xa,ya = plot_map.bmap(4.878867,52.375345) #NL148 #print xa,ya # calculate where the points are on the map and draw them xs,ys = plot_map.bmap(self.line[1],self.line[0]) plot_map.bmap.plot(xs,ys,'o',color='white') # start and endpoint plot_map.bmap.plot(xs[0],ys[0],'*',color='white',markersize=15) plot_map.bmap.plot(xs[-1],ys[-1],'p',color='white',markersize=15) # save to file plotfile = os.path.join(outdir,'slice_map_''_'+str(self.param)+'.png') plotfile = os.path.join(outdir,'slice_map_{case}_{par}_{date}+{lt}.png'.format(,par=self.param,,lt=str(self.leadtime).zfill(3)))
domain = 'eur' modelname = 'Harmonie' parametername = 'Precipitation (liquid)' lsmask_colour = 'black' # no need to set this ## Instantiate a figure (create a canvas to draw on) global fig fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # set title ax.set_title('Example of {model} on domain {dom}'.format(model=modelname, dom=domain)) ## make a basemap instance, set location, size, draw meridians etc plot_map = bmap.myMap(domain=domain, modelname=modelname) plot_map.xymap(latlons=(lats, lons), domain=domain, modelname=modelname) plot_map.set_axes(ax) plot_map.dress_up_map(domain=domain, lsmask_colour=lsmask_colour) pcplevels = (0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, 10, 30, 100) # Use your own colours... pcpcolors = ('white', 'lightgrey', 'grey', 'LightCoral', 'red', 'black') cmap = None # ... or use something like this: #pcpcolors = None #cmap = CM.get_cmap('jet') #cmap = CM.get_cmap('hot_r')
def vectorplot(grib_info_x, grib_info_y, domain = 'nl', outdir = './', grib_info = {}): '''A quiver plot based on two fields, perhaps add an optional underlying field ''' global fig # fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) plot_map = bmap.myMap(domain = domain, modelname = grib_info_x['model']) plot_map.xymap(latlons = grib_info_x['latlons'], domain = domain, modelname = grib_info_x['model']) plot_map.set_axes(ax) plot_map.dress_up_map(domain = domain) if grib_info.has_key('parameter'): print 'huh?',grib_info if grib_info['colormap'] == None and grib_info['plotcolors'] == None: cmap = CM.get_cmap('jet') elif grib_info['colormap'] is not None: cmap = grib_info['colormap'] cmap.set_over(color='k',alpha = None) grib_info['plotcolors'] = None else: pass #title ax.set_title( grib_info_x['model']+': '+grib_info_x['name']+' (parameter '+str(grib_info_x['param'])+\ ', level '+str(grib_info_x['level'])+\ ') \n at '+str(grib_info_x['date'])+suf3(grib_info_x['time'],suf=2)+'+'+suf3(grib_info_x['leadtime']) ) #thinning factor: if domain == 'nl' and 'Harmonie' in grib_info_x['model']: thf = 8 elif domain == 'eur': thf = 20 elif domain in ('rot','ijs') and 'Harmonie' in grib_info_x['model'] : thf = 1 else: thf = 8 # actual plots arrows = plot_map.bmap.quiver(plot_map.x[::thf,::thf],plot_map.y[::thf,::thf], grib_info_x['values'][::thf,::thf],grib_info_y['values'][::thf,::thf], scale=400, color = 'red', ax=ax) if 0: # maybe to plot second # colorbar: cb = fig.colorbar(pcont,shrink=0.9, extend='both',format='%.1e') cb.set_label(grib_info['name'],fontsize=9) # naming and saving mkdir_p(outdir) plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'test_vec_'+grib_info_x['source_short']+'_'+str(domain)+'_'\ +str(grib_info_x['param'])+'_'+str(grib_info_x['level'])+'_'\ +str(grib_info_x['date'])+suf3(grib_info_x['time'],suf=2)+'+'+suf3(grib_info_x['leadtime'])+'.png') sf = fig.savefig(plotfile) print 'created plot: '+plotfile textfile = os.path.join(outdir,'README.txt') if os.path.isfile(textfile): pass else: f = open(textfile,'wt') f.write('Plot generated by (plottypes.vectorplot()). \n\nContact [email protected]') f.close() #print dir(arrows) #sys.exit(1) #clean up #for coll in arrows.collections: # coll.remove() try: for coll in pcont.collections: coll.remove() for coll in plcont.collections: coll.remove() # delete colorbar cbcoll = fig.get_axes()[1] cbcoll.collections = [] fig.delaxes(cbcoll) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.90) except: pass
def contourplot(grib_info,domain = 'nl',outdir = './', lsmask_colour = 'black',exarg = 'both', v=0): global fig if grib_info == None: print 'No plot info' return None #fig = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1) t1 = time.clock() if v: print 'contourplot: dressing up',time.clock() - t1 plot_map = bmap.myMap(domain = domain, modelname = grib_info['model']) plot_map.xymap(latlons = grib_info['latlons'], domain = domain, modelname = grib_info['model']) plot_map.set_axes(ax) plot_map.dress_up_map(domain = domain,lsmask_colour = lsmask_colour) if v: print 'done dressing up',time.clock() - t1 diy = True # switch to use private plotting (True) or testmap in myMap instance (False) if diy: if grib_info['plotlevels'] == None: gmax,gmin = grib_info['values'].max(),grib_info['values'].min() grib_info['plotlevels'] = numpy.arange(gmin,gmax,(gmax-gmin)/10.) print gmin,gmax,grib_info['plotlevels'] if grib_info['colormap'] == None and grib_info['plotcolors'] == None: cmap = CM.get_cmap('jet') elif grib_info['colormap'] is not None: cmap = grib_info['colormap'] cmap.set_over(color='k',alpha = None) grib_info['plotcolors'] = None # for gray-scale pictures, do not extend the colorbar beyond [0,1] #for item in grib_info.keys(): print item, grib_info[item] #if grib_info['grib_indicator'] == 71: # does not always work? if grib_info['param'] == 71: #if cmap in (CM.get_cmap('gray'),CM.get_cmap('gray_r'),CM.get_cmap('binary_r')): exarg = 'neither' elif grib_info['plotcolors'] is not None: cmap = None else: pass # validtime: # for observations, make sure leadtime is 0 (were inserted into arbitrary grib message) if grib_info['model'] in ('Radar NL','Radar EUR','MSG'): grib_info['leadtime'] = 0 if int(grib_info['time']) > 100: # could be refined to insert minutes for example grib_info['time'] = int(grib_info['time'])/100 validtime = dt.datetime.strptime(str(grib_info['date'])[0:8],'%Y%m%d') + \ dt.timedelta(hours = int(grib_info['time']) ) + \ dt.timedelta(hours = int(grib_info['leadtime']) ) validdtg = validtime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d, %H') #print str(grib_info['date']),str(grib_info['time']),dt.datetime.strptime(str(grib_info['date'])[0:8],'%Y%m%d'),validtime, validdtg; #sys.exit(1) #title ax.set_title( grib_info['model']+': '+grib_info['name']+' \n(parameter '+str(grib_info['param'])+\ ', level '+str(grib_info['level'])+\ ') \n at '+str(grib_info['date'])+suf3(grib_info['time'],suf=2)+\ '+'+suf3(grib_info['leadtime'])+': '+str(validtime)+' UTC') # actual plots if v: print 'actual plot',time.clock() - t1 if v: print 'x,y,data shape',plot_map.x.shape,plot_map.y.shape,grib_info['values'].shape pcont = plot_map.bmap.contourf(plot_map.x,plot_map.y,grib_info['values'], grib_info['plotlevels'], cmap=cmap,colors = grib_info['plotcolors'],extend=exarg,ax=ax) if grib_info['draw_line']: if v: print 'drawing contour lines: ', if grib_info.has_key('lines'): lines = grib_info['lines'] print lines else: print 'contourplot draw_line: is this an option?' lines = grib_info['plotlevels'] # probably redundant plcont = plot_map.bmap.contour(plot_map.x,plot_map.y,\ grib_info['values'],lines,colors='black',ax=ax) # colorbar: cb = fig.colorbar(pcont,shrink=0.9, extend='both',format='%.2f') #format='%.1e') cb.set_label(grib_info['name'],fontsize=9) for t in t.set_fontsize(9) if grib_info['draw_line']: cb.add_lines(plcont) # naming and saving # include source,domain, and parameter/level, and starting date + leadtime if v: print 'getting plot title',time.clock() - t1 mkdir_p(outdir) plotfile = os.path.join(outdir, 'test_'+grib_info['source_short']+'_'+str(domain)+'_'\ +str(grib_info['param'])+'_'+str(grib_info['level'])+'_'\ +str(grib_info['date'])+suf3(grib_info['time'],suf=2)+'+'+\ suf3(grib_info['leadtime'])+'.png') if v: print 'saving plot',time.clock() - t1 fig.savefig(plotfile, dpi = 100) #dpi = 300) cmd = 'convert -trim '+plotfile+' '+plotfile #os.system(cmd) print 'created plot: '+plotfile,time.clock() - t1 textfile = os.path.join(outdir,'README.txt') if os.path.isfile(textfile): pass else: f = open(textfile,'wt') f.write('Plot generated by (plottypes.contourplot()). \n\nContact [email protected]') f.close() #del(cbcoll) del(ax) fig.clf() gc.collect() # force garbage collection return plotfile
else: gr12.read_from_grib(gfile, 61, level=457, TR=0, case='penalty') gr11 = getinfo.plotinfo(model='model') gr11.read_from_grib(gfileprev, 61, level=457, TR=0, case='penalty') gr12.values = gr12.values - gr11.values rad12.resample(gr12) gr12.get_settings(preset='PCP') #gr12.plot(domain = 'nl') #sys.exit(0) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) mplot = bmap.myMap(domain='nl', dbg=True) mplot.xymap(latlons=gr12.latlons, domain='nl') mplot.set_axes(ax) mplot.dress_up_map(domain='nl', lsmask_colour='k') gcont = mplot.bmap.contourf(mplot.x, mplot.y, gr12.values, [2., 100], colors='red', ax=ax) rcont = mplot.bmap.contourf(mplot.x, mplot.y, rad12.values, [2., 100], colors='darkgreen', ax=ax) ax.set_title(
def plot(self, out=None, domain='nl', lsmask_colour='black'): if self.values == []: return None if self.latlons == None: return None sampledir = '/usr/people/plas/python/tools' if 1: # to do: test if domain is not some other custom definition if domain == 'nl': grbs =, 'samplegrib_SA.grb')) nlgrid = grbs[1].latlons() #print nlgrid; sys.exit(0) self.resample(nlgrid) grbs.close() elif domain == 'eur': grbs =, 'samplegrib_LA.grb')) eurgrid = grbs[1].latlons() self.resample(eurgrid) grbs.close() else: # print "resample failed, try original grid: " import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import cm as CM from matplotlib import rcParams rcParams[ 'contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid' # solid lines for negative contours home = os.getenv('HOME') sys.path.append(os.path.join(home, 'python/tools')) import bmap #print bmap.__file__; sys.exit(0) # create figure canvas, axes fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) # create mapping, draw land-sea mask, meridians etc mplot = bmap.myMap(domain=domain, dbg=True) mplot.xymap(latlons=self.latlons, domain=domain) #, modelname = self.model) #print 'x,y map:',domain,mplot.x.shape, mplot.y.shape mplot.set_axes(ax) mplot.dress_up_map(domain=domain, lsmask_colour=lsmask_colour) #mplot.bmap.fillcontinents(color='Wheat',lake_color='#99ffff') #mplot.bmap.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') exarg = 'max' #'both' # extending colors beyond the given levels, could be 'both, 'neither', see matplotlib doc #### where to put this kind of intelligence? if self.plot_levels == None: if self.plot_range: # is not None: make range of plot levels r = self.plot_range # for brevity: try: self.plot_levels = np.arange(r[0], r[1], r[2]) except: print 'Not a valid range definition: ', r #,'\nUsing default (0,10,1)' else: gmax, gmin = self.values.max(), self.values.min() self.plot_levels = np.arange(gmin, gmax, (gmax - gmin) / 10.) print gmin, gmax, self.plot_levels if self.colormap == None and self.colors == None: self.colormap = CM.get_cmap('jet') elif self.colors is not None: self.colormap = None elif self.colormap is not None: cmap = self.colormap try: self.colormap = CM.get_cmap(cmap) except: print 'Is not available? See matplotlib doc ', self.colormap sys.exit(0) #cmap.set_over(color='k',alpha = None) # what, why? self.colors = None else: pass if self.__dict__.has_key('lines'): lines = self.lines print lines elif self.__dict__.has_key('line_range'): if self.line_range == None: pass r = self.line_range print r try: lines = np.arange(r[0], r[1], r[2]) except: print 'Not a valid range definition: ', r else: print 'contourplot draw_line: using levels ', self.plot_levels lines = self.plot_levels # probably redundant # check if name is well-behaved: # characters not allowed in strings for file names: import re re_ill = re.compile(r"^[^<>/{}[\]~`\s\*\\\?\|]*$") if re_ill.match(str( #print("RE2: All chars are valid.", pass