def miller_loop(Q: Point2D[FQ12], P: Point2D[FQ12]) -> FQ12:
    if Q is None or P is None:
        return FQ12.one()
    R = Q  # type: Point2D[FQ12]
    f = FQ12.one()
    for i in range(log_ate_loop_count, -1, -1):
        f = f * f * linefunc(R, R, P)
        R = double(R)
        if ate_loop_count & (2**i):
            f = f * linefunc(R, Q, P)
            R = add(R, Q)
    # assert R == multiply(Q, ate_loop_count)
    Q1 = (Q[0]**field_modulus, Q[1]**field_modulus)
    # assert is_on_curve(Q1, b12)
    nQ2 = (Q1[0]**field_modulus, -Q1[1]**field_modulus)
    # assert is_on_curve(nQ2, b12)
    f = f * linefunc(R, Q1, P)
    R = add(R, Q1)
    f = f * linefunc(R, nQ2, P)
    # R = add(R, nQ2) This line is in many specifications but it technically does nothing
    return f**((field_modulus**12 - 1) // curve_order)
        m = 3 * x1**2 / (2 * y1)
        return m * (xt - x1) - (yt - y1)
        return xt - x1

def cast_point_to_fq12(pt: Point2D[FQ]) -> Point2D[FQ12]:
    if pt is None:
        return None
    x, y = pt
    fq12_point = (FQ12([x.n] + [0] * 11), FQ12([y.n] + [0] * 11))
    return fq12_point

# Check consistency of the "line function"
one, two, three = G1, double(G1), multiply(G1, 3)
negone, negtwo, negthree = (
    multiply(G1, curve_order - 1),
    multiply(G1, curve_order - 2),
    multiply(G1, curve_order - 3),

assert linefunc(one, two, one) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, two, two) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, two, three) != FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, two, negthree) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, negone, one) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, negone, negone) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, negone, two) != FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, one, one) == FQ(0)
assert linefunc(one, one, two) != FQ(0)