def buy(acct, url, price):
    buy a domain a price
    :param acct:
    :param url:
    :param price:
    owner = Get(ctx, url)
    if owner != selfAddr:
        Notify("url not in sale!")
        return False

    prevBuyer = Get(ctx, concat('TP_', url))
    currentPrice = Get(ctx, concat('Price_', url))
    #no buyer before case
    if not prevBuyer:
        if price >= currentPrice:
            if transferONT(acct, selfAddr, price):
                Put(ctx, concat('TP_', url), acct)
                if price > currentPrice:
                    Put(ctx, concat('Price_', url), price)
                Notify('buy succeed!')
                return True
                Notify('Transfer Failed')
                return False
        Notify('Price is lower than current price')
        return False
    # has buyer before case
    if price <= currentPrice:
        Notify('Price is lower than current price')
        return False
    if transferONT(selfAddr, acct, currentPrice):
        Put(ctx, concat('TP_', url), acct)
        Put(ctx, concat('Price_', url), price)
        Notify('refund succeed!')
        return True
        Notify('refund failed')
        return False
def do_transfer_from(ctx, Caller, args):
    """Transfers the approved token at the specified id from the
    t_from address to the t_to address

    Only the approved spender OR a whitelisted DEX can invoke this function
    and a whitelisted DEX will still need to pass the authentication of the spender

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param list args:
        0: bytearray t_spender: approved spender address
        1: bytearray t_from: transfer from address (token owner)
        2: bytearray t_to: transfer to address (token receiver)
        3: int t_id: token id
    :return: transferFrom success
    :rtype: bool

    t_spender = args[0]
    t_from = args[1]
    t_to = args[2]
    t_id = args[3]

    if Caller != GetEntryScriptHash() and not is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, Caller):
        # non-whitelisted contracts can only approve their own funds for transfer,
        # even if they have the signature of the owner on the invocation
        t_from = Caller

    assert len(t_spender) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert len(t_from) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert len(t_to) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
    assert authenticate(t_spender, Caller), PERMISSION_ERROR

    if t_from == t_to:
        print('transfer to self')
        return True

    ownership = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id)))
    assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
    assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
    assert has_key(ownership, 'approved'), 'no approval exists for this token'
    assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR

    t_owner = ownership['owner']

    assert t_from == t_owner, 'from address is not the owner of this token'
    assert len(
        ownership['approved']) == 40, 'malformed approval key for this token'

    # Finally check to see if the owner approved this spender
    assert ownership['approved'] == concat(t_from, t_spender), PERMISSION_ERROR

    res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_from, t_id)
    assert res, 'unable to remove token from owner list'

    ownership['owner'] = t_to
    ownership.remove('approved')  # remove previous approval
    Put(ctx, concat('ownership/', t_id), Serialize(ownership))
    res = add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)

    # log this transfer event
    OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, 1)
    OnNFTTransfer(t_from, t_to, t_id)
    return True
def getNumberKey(script_hash):
    return concat("review.neo.number.", script_hash)
def get_kyc_status(ctx, address):
    print("checking kyc status")
    kyc_storage_key = concat(KYC_KEY, address)

    return Get(ctx, kyc_storage_key)
def get_status_address(ctx, address):
    storage_key = concat(KYC_KEY, address)
    return Get(ctx, storage_key)
def concatKey(str1, str2):
    return concat(concat(str1, '_'), str2)
文件: store.py 项目: jaszhou/nos-dapp
def Main(operation, args):

    context = GetContext()

    if operation == 'add':
        # Try to get a value for this key from storage

        item_key = args[0]

        item_value = Get(context, item_key)
        msg = ["Value read from storage:", item_value]

        if len(item_value) == 0:
            Notify("Storage key not yet set. Setting to 1")
            item_value = 1
            # Store the new value
            Put(context, item_key, item_value)

            # Store token list

            temp = Get(context, 'token_list')

            if not temp == False:
                #tokens = Deserialize(temp)
                name = concat(',', item_key)
                tokens = concat(temp, name)
                #a_save_s = Serialize(tokens)
                Put(context, 'token_list', tokens)

                msg = ["New value written into list:", tokens]

                #a_save_s = Serialize(item_key)
                Put(context, 'token_list', item_key)

            Notify("Storage key already set. Incrementing by 1")
            item_value += 1

        # Store the new value
        Put(context, item_key, item_value)

        msg = ["New value written into storage:", item_value]

        return item_value

    elif operation == 'balance':
        item_key = args[0]

        item_value = Get(context, item_key)
        msg = ["Value read from storage:", item_value]

        if len(item_value) == 0:
            Notify("Storage key not yet set. Setting to 0")
            item_value = 0

            Notify("Storage key already set.")

        return item_value

    elif operation == 'deleteAll':

        Delete(context, 'token_list')

        msg = ["Delete the token list:", item_key]

        return item_value
def print_info(adr):
        Prints the information stored in the blockchain for the given address
        :return: indication success execution of the command
        :rtype: bool
    termsba = Get(ctx, adr)
    if not termsba:
        Notify("Partnership for address is not yet created")
        return False

    serterms = deserialize_bytearray(termsba)
    currency = serterms[0]
    flatfees_struc = serterms[1]
    partnership_struc = serterms[2]
    webpage = serterms[3]
    msg = concat("Partnership Information:", " ")
    a = concat("Address : ", adr)
    msg = concat(msg, a)
    c = concat(", Currency : ", currency)
    msg = concat(msg, c)
    d = concat(", Flatfee Structure : ", flatfees_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, d)
    e = concat(", Partnership Structure: ", partnership_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, e)
    f = concat(", Webpage: ", webpage)
    msg = concat(msg, f)

    json_like_string = concat('["', currency)
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, '","')
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, flatfees_struc)
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, '","')
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, partnership_struc)
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, '", "')
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, webpage)
    json_like_string = concat(json_like_string, '"]')

    return json_like_string
def CreatePublication(args):
    sender = args[0]
    name = args[1]
    url = args[2]
    category = args[3]

    if not CheckWitness(sender):
        print('Account owner must be sender')
        return [False, 'Account owner must be sender']

    # Add char limit to prevent big storage costs
    if (len(name) > 255 or len(url) > 255 or len(category) > 255):
        print('Args must be less than 255 chars')
        return [False, 'Arguments must be less than 255 chars']

    context = GetContext()

    publications_key = concat('publications', sender)  # Publications by user
    publication_key = concat(
        sha1(name))  # Publication details - sha1 to prevent malicious input
    new_publications_key = 'new_publications'  # List of new publications for front page view

    publications = Get(context, publications_key)
    publication = Get(context, publication_key)
    new_publications = Get(context, new_publications_key)

    # If publication already exists check if it is active/deleted
    if publication:
        publication = Deserialize(publication)
        if publication[5]:
            print('Publication name currently active')
            return [False, 'Active publication name']

    # Check if user has publications already
    if publications:
        publications = Deserialize(publications)
        publications = []

    # Check if there are publications in the all_publications view
    if new_publications:
        new_publications = Deserialize(new_publications)
        new_publications = []

    first_date = getWarpedTime(context) + (
        SECONDS_IN_DAY -
        getWarpedTime(context) % SECONDS_IN_DAY) + SECONDS_IN_HOUR * -TIMEZONE
    is_active = True

    new_publication = [sender, name, url, category, first_date, is_active]
    new_publications.append([sender, name])

    # Shift new publication list to the left
    if len(new_publications) > 5:
        new_publications = [
            new_publications[1], new_publications[2], new_publications[3],
            new_publications[4], new_publications[5]

    Put(context, publication_key, Serialize(new_publication))
    Put(context, publications_key, Serialize(publications))
    Put(context, new_publications_key, Serialize(new_publications))

    return [True, '']
def do_transfer_from(ctx, t_from, t_to, amount):
    Method to transfer NEP5 tokens of a specified amount from one account to another

    :param t_from: the address to transfer from
    :type t_from: bytearray
    :param t_to: the address to transfer to
    :type t_to: bytearray
    :param amount: the amount of NEP5 tokens to transfer
    :type amount: int

    :return: whether the transfer was successful
    :rtype: bool


    if amount <= 0:
        return False

    if len(t_from) != 20:
        return False

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    available_key = concat(t_from, t_to)

    available_to_to_addr = Get(ctx, available_key)

    if available_to_to_addr < amount:
        print("Insufficient funds approved")
        return False

    from_balance = Get(ctx, t_from)

    if from_balance < amount:
        print("Insufficient tokens in from balance")
        return False

    to_balance = Get(ctx, t_to)

    new_from_balance = from_balance - amount

    new_to_balance = to_balance + amount

    Put(ctx, t_to, new_to_balance)
    Put(ctx, t_from, new_from_balance)

    print("transfer complete")

    new_allowance = available_to_to_addr - amount

    if new_allowance == 0:
        print("removing all balance")
        Delete(ctx, available_key)
        print("updating allowance to new allowance")
        Put(ctx, available_key, new_allowance)

    OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

    return True
def Main(operation, args):
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs == 0:
        print("No details entered")
        return 0

    # create a registry to address association for a small fee
    # can only be called by owner of address being registered
    ## Concatination point to the reffered registry

    elif operation == 'RegisterFarmContract':
        if nargs < 6:
            print("required arguments: [FarmContract] [owner]")
            return 0
        FarmContract_name = args[0]
        OwnerNeoAddress = args[1]
        Farmer_id = args[2]
        Buyer_id = args[3]
        Project_id = args[4]
        Contract_id = args[5]
        Balance = args[6]
        Status = args[7]
        print("Register Farm Contract ")
            "Entered Arguments: [FarmContract_name][OwnerNeoAddress][Farmer_id][Buyer_id][Project_id][Contract_id][Balance][Status]"
        return RegisterFarmContract(FarmContract_name, OwnerNeoAddress,
                                    Farmer_id, Buyer_id, Project_id,
                                    Contract_id, Balance, Status)

    ## Registrations that access different features of the agriculture smartcontracts
    ## Retreive the address/name associated with a given name
    ## Anyone can call
    ## Concatination point to the reffered registry

    elif operation == 'QueryFarmContract':
        FarmContract_name = args[0]
        OwnerNeoAddress = args[1]
        print("Query Farm Contract")
        print("Entered Arguments: [FarmContract_name] [OwnerNeoAddress]")
        return QueryFarmContract(FarmContract_name, OwnerNeoAddress)

    # create Transfer of ownership of registry to new address association for a small fee
    # can only be called by owner of address being registered
    ## Concatination point to the reffered registry

    elif operation == 'TransferFarmContract':
        if nargs < 2:
                "required arguments: [FarmContract_name] [OwnerNeoAddress] [to_address]"
            return 0
        FarmContract_name = args[0]
        OwnerNeoAddress = args[1]
        to_address = args[2]
        print("Transfer Farm Contract ")
            "Entered Arguments: [FarmContract_name][OwnerNeoAddress][to_address]"
        return TransferFarmContract(FarmContract_name, OwnerNeoAddress,

    # remove a link between a given registry and it's address
    # can only be called by registry owner
    ## Concatination point to the reffered registry

    elif operation == 'UnregisterFarmContract':
        FarmContract_name = args[0]
        OwnerNeoAddress = args[1]
        print("Unregister Farm Contract ")
        print("Entered Arguments: [FarmContract_name] [OwnerNeoAddress]")
        return UnregisterFarmContract(FarmContract_name, OwnerNeoAddress)

## ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Digital Coupon and contract progress updates~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
## This will be used to update contract balance and contract status
## A service from an oracle will be posting updates to

    elif operation == 'UpdateFarmContract':
        if nargs < 6:
            print("required arguments: [FarmContract] [owner]")
            return 0
        FarmContract_name = args[0]
        OwnerNeoAddress = args[1]
        Farmer_id = args[2]
        Buyer_id = args[3]
        Project_id = args[4]
        Contract_id = args[5]
        Balance = args[6]
        Status = args[7]

        print("Update Farm Contract Status")
            "Entered Arguments: [FarmContract_name][OwnerNeoAddress][Farmer_id][Buyer_id][Project_id][Contract_id][Balance][Status]"

        storage_key = concat(FarmContract_name, OwnerNeoAddress)
        context = GetContext()

        if not CheckWitness(OwnerNeoAddress):
                "Owner argument is not the same as the person who registered")
            return False

        raw_data = [
            Farmer_id, Buyer_id, Project_id, Contract_id, Balance, Status
        farm_contract_info_serialised = serialize_array(raw_data)

        putRegistry(context, storage_key, farm_contract_info_serialised)
        return True
def prefixStorageKey(key):
    return concat(BTM_STORAGE_PREFIX, key)
def is_whitelisted_dex(ctx, scripthash):
    return Get(ctx, concat('exchange/', scripthash))
def do_whitelist_dex(ctx, args):
    return do_set_config(ctx, concat('exchange/', args[0]), args[1])
def Main(operation, args):
    """Entry point to the program

    :param str operation: The name of the operation to perform
    :param list args: A list of arguments along with the operation
    :return: The result of the operation
    :rtype: bytearray

    Token operations:
    - allowance(token_id): returns approved third-party spender of a
    - approve(token_receiver, token_id, revoke): approve third party
        to spend a token
    - balanceOf(owner): returns owner's current total tokens owned
    - name(): returns name of token
    - decimals(): returns token decimal precision
    - ownerOf(token_id): returns the owner of the specified token.
    - properties(token_id): returns a token's read-only data
    - rwProperties(token_id): returns a token's read/write data
    - supportedStandards(): returns a list of supported standards
    - symbol(): returns token symbol
    - token(token_id): returns a dictionary where token, property,
        and uri keys map to the corresponding data for the given
    - tokensOfOwner(owner, starting_index): returns a dictionary that
        contains less than or equal to ten of the tokens owned by
        the specified address starting at the `starting_index`.
    - totalSupply(): Returns the total token supply deployed in the
    - transfer(to, token_id, extra_arg): transfers a token
    - transferFrom(spender, from, to, token_id): allows a third party
        to execute a pre-approved transfer
    - uri(token_id): Returns a distinct Uniform Resource Identifier
        (URI) for a given asset.
        The URI data of a token supplies a reference to get more
        information about a specific token or its data.

    TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER operations:
        - mintToken(owner, properties, URI, extra_arg): create a new
            NFT token with the specified properties and URI and send it
            to the specified owner
        - modifyURI(token_id, token_data): modify specified token's
            URI data

        - setName(name): sets the name of the token
        - setSymbol(symbol): sets the token's symbol
        - setSupportedStandards(supported_standards): sets the
            supported standards, 'NEP-10' is always the first element
            in the array
    # The trigger determines whether this smart contract is being run
    # in 'verification' mode or 'application'
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    # 'Verification' mode is used when trying to spend assets
    # (eg NEO, Gas) on behalf of this contract's address
    if trigger == Verification():

        # if the script that sent this is the owner, we allow the spend
        if CheckWitness(TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER):
            return True

    elif trigger == Application():

        # Need to get this at the top level
        caller = GetCallingScriptHash()
        ctx = GetContext()

        if operation == 'name':
            name = Get(ctx, 'name')
            if name:
                return name
                return TOKEN_NAME

        elif operation == 'symbol':
            symbol = Get(ctx, 'symbol')
            if symbol:
                return symbol
                return TOKEN_SYMBOL

        elif operation == 'supportedStandards':
            supported_standards = Get(ctx, 'supportedStandards')
            if supported_standards:
                return supported_standards
                return Serialize(['NEP-10'])

        elif operation == 'totalSupply':
            return Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)

        elif operation == 'allowance':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            ownership = safe_deserialize(
                Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', args[0])))
            assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            # don't fault here in case a calling contract is just checking allowance value
            if not has_key(ownership, 'approved'): return False
            if len(ownership['approved']) != 40: return False
            return ownership['approved']

        elif operation == 'balanceOf':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            assert len(args[0]) == 20, INVALID_ADDRESS_ERROR
            token_iter = Find(ctx, args[0])
            count = 0
            while token_iter.next():
                count += 1
            return count

        elif operation == 'ownerOf':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            ownership = safe_deserialize(
                Get(ctx, concat('ownership/', args[0])))
            assert ownership, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            assert has_key(ownership, 'owner'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            assert len(ownership['owner']) == 20, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            return ownership['owner']

        elif operation == 'properties':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            return get_properties(ctx, args[0])

        elif operation == 'rwProperties':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            return get_rw_properties(ctx, args[0])

        elif operation == 'token':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            token = Get(ctx, concat('token/', args[0]))
            assert token, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            return token

        elif operation == 'tokensOfOwner':
            assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
            tokens_of_owner = do_tokens_of_owner(ctx, args[0], args[1])
            assert tokens_of_owner, 'address has no tokens'
            return Serialize(tokens_of_owner)

        elif operation == 'uri':
            assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
            token = safe_deserialize(Get(ctx, concat('token/', args[0])))
            assert token, TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            assert has_key(token, 'uri'), TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            return token['uri']

        elif operation == 'decimals':
            return TOKEN_DECIMALS

        # User RW operations

        if operation == 'approve':
            # args: from, spender, id, revoke
            # (NFT needs a fourth argument to revoke approval)
            assert len(args) > 2, ARG_ERROR
            assert args[2], TOKEN_DNE_ERROR
            return do_approve(ctx, caller, args)

        elif operation == 'transfer':
            assert len(args) > 1, ARG_ERROR
            return do_transfer(ctx, caller, args)

        elif operation == 'transferFrom':

            assert len(args) > 2, ARG_ERROR
            if len(args) == 3:
                # Nash-style (from, to, amount/id) transferFrom that can
                # be invoked only by whitelisted DEX to initiate a
                # pre-approved transfer

                return nash_do_transfer_from(ctx, caller, args)
                # Moonlight-style (spender, from, to, amount/id)
                # transfer where an authenticated spender/originator is
                # the only one who can initiate a transfer but can send
                # to an arbitrary third party (or themselves)

                return do_transfer_from(ctx, caller, args)

        # dApp operations
        if operation == 'setRWProperties':
            # args: token id, rwdata
            assert CheckWitness(DAPP_ADMIN), PERMISSION_ERROR
            assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
            return set_rw_properties(ctx, args[0], args[1])

        # Administrative operations
        if CheckWitness(TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER):
            if operation == 'mintToken':
                assert len(args) > 3, ARG_ERROR
                return do_mint_token(ctx, args)

            elif operation == 'modifyURI':
                assert len(args) == 2, ARG_ERROR
                return do_modify_uri(ctx, args)

            elif operation == 'setName':
                assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
                return do_set_config(ctx, 'name', args[0])

            elif operation == 'setSymbol':
                assert len(args) == 1, ARG_ERROR
                return do_set_config(ctx, 'symbol', args[0])

            elif operation == 'setSupportedStandards':
                assert len(args) >= 1, ARG_ERROR
                supported_standards = ['NEP-10']
                for arg in args:
                return do_set_config(ctx, 'supportedStandards',

        AssertionError('unknown operation')
    return False
def do_transfer_from(ctx, args):
    """Transfers the approved token at the specified id from the
    t_from address to the t_to address

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param list args:
        0: byte[] t_from: transfer from address (token owner)
        1: byte[] t_to: transfer to address (token receiver)
        2: bytes t_id: token id
        3: extra_arg: optional argument that can be passed (for use
            only with smart contracts)
    :return: transferFrom success
    :rtype: bool
    t_from = args[0]
    t_to = args[1]
    t_id = args[2]

    if len(t_from) != 20 or len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    if t_from == t_to:
        Notify('transfer to self')
        return True

    t_owner = Get(ctx, t_id)
    if len(t_owner) != 20:
        return False

    if t_from != t_owner:
        Notify('from address is not the owner of this token')
        return False

    approval_key = concat('approved/', t_id)
    # authorized spend should be concat(t_owner, t_receiver)
    authorized_spend = Get(ctx, approval_key)

    # len(t_owner) == 20 and len(t_receiver) == 20, thus the length of
    # authorized_spender should be 40
    if len(authorized_spend) != 40:
        Notify('no approval exists for this token')
        return False

    # if the input transfer from and transfer to addresses match the
    # authorized spend
    if authorized_spend == concat(t_from, t_to):
        # 1. Is t_to a smart contract?
        # If True, invoke the transfer_to_smart_contract method.
        # if transfer_to_smart_contract() returns False, then
        # reject the transfer
        if GetContract(t_to):
            success = transfer_to_smart_contract(ctx, t_from, args, False)
            if success is False:
                return False
            # if t_to is not a contract, there shouldn't be any
            # extra args to transfer(), this could be a phishing
            # attempt so reject the transfer
            if len(args) > 3:
                return False

        res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_from, t_id)
        if res is False:
            Notify('unable to transfer token')
            return False

        Put(ctx, t_id, t_to)  # record token's new owner
        Delete(ctx, approval_key)  # remove previous approval
        add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)

        # log this transfer event
        OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, 1)
        OnNFTTransfer(t_from, t_to, t_id)
        return True

    return False
def create_partnership(adr, currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc,
        address, currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage
        Creates the partnership structure for the given address
        format for flatfee_struc = addr:fees,addr:fees...
        format for partnership_struc = addr:fees,addr:fees...
        :return: indication success execution of the command
        :rtype: bool
    terms = [currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage]
    serterms = serialize_array(terms)
    Put(ctx, adr, serterms)
    msg = concat("New Partnership Created:", " ")
    a = concat("Address : ", adr)
    msg = concat(msg, a)
    c = concat(", Currency : ", currency)
    msg = concat(msg, c)
    d = concat(", Flatfee Structure : ", flatfees_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, d)
    e = concat(", Partnership Structure: ", partnership_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, e)
    f = concat(", Webpage: ", webpage)
    msg = concat(msg, f)
    return True
def PlaceNewBid(args):
    owner = args[0]
    name = args[1]
    date = args[2]
    ad_url = args[3]
    image_urls = args[4]

    context = GetContext()
    time = GetTime(context)
    attachments = get_asset_attachments()

    user = attachments[1]
    bid_amount = attachments[3]

    publication_key = validatePublicationAuction(context, args)
    if not publication_key:
        return [False, 'Invalid auction params']

    if time >= date:
        print('Auction has finished')
        return [False, 'Auction finished']

    if bid_amount <= 0:
        print('No NeoGAS has been attached')
        return [False, 'No GAS attached']

    has_claimed = False

    new_bid = [user, bid_amount, ad_url, image_urls, time]
    new_auction = [user, bid_amount, has_claimed]

    auction_key = concat(publication_key, sha1(date))
    bids_key = concat(auction_key, 'bids')
    auction = Get(context, auction_key)

    # If no previous bids automatically accept and store current bid
    if not auction:
        Put(context, auction_key, Serialize(new_auction))
        Put(context, bids_key, Serialize([new_bid]))

        return [True, '']

    auction = Deserialize(auction)

    previous_user = auction[0]
    previous_bid = auction[1]

    if previous_bid >= bid_amount:
        print('Must bid more than the current best bid')
        OnRefund(user, bid_amount)
        return [False, 'Must bid more than current best bid']

    bids = Get(context, bids_key)
    bids = Deserialize(bids)


    Put(context, auction_key, Serialize(new_auction))
    Put(context, bids_key, Serialize(bids))

    # Re-credit funds to previous bidder
    AddFunds(context, previous_user, previous_bid)

    return [True, '']
def set_webpage(adr, webpage):
    msg = concat("Change webpage for: ", adr)
    termsba = Get(ctx, adr)
    if not termsba:
        Notify("Partnership for address is not yet created")
        return False
    serterms = deserialize_bytearray(termsba)
    currency = serterms[0]
    flatfees_struc = serterms[1]
    partnership_struc = serterms[2]

    terms = [currency, flatfees_struc, partnership_struc, webpage]
    serterms = serialize_array(terms)
    Put(ctx, adr, serterms)

    msg = concat("Webpage updated:", " ")
    a = concat("Address : ", adr)
    msg = concat(msg, a)
    c = concat(", Currency : ", currency)
    msg = concat(msg, c)
    d = concat(", Flatfee Structure : ", flatfees_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, d)
    e = concat(", Partnership Structure: ", partnership_struc)
    msg = concat(msg, e)
    f = concat(", Webpage: ", webpage)
    msg = concat(msg, f)
    return True
def GetUserPubKey(usr_adr):
 usrpk_key = concat(USR_ADR_PUBKEY_PREFIX, usr_adr)
 context = GetContext()
 pub_key = Get(context, usrpk_key)
 return pub_key
def generate_business_key(address):
    return concat(b'Business:', address)
def DeleteRecord(record_id):
 record = GetRecord(record_id)
 if not record:
 Log("Record doesn't exist")
 return False

 usr_adr = record[0]
 if not check_permission(usr_adr):
 Log("Must be owner to delete a record")
 return False

 records_id = GetRecordIdList(usr_adr)
 found = False
 i = 0
 while i < len(records_id):
 if records_id[i] == record_id:
 found = True
 records_id.remove(i) # pop by index
 i = len(records_id) + 1 # break
 i += 1
 if found:
 records_serialized = serialize_array(records_id)
 record_id_list_key = concat(RECORD_ID_LIST_PREFIX, usr_adr)
 context = GetContext()
 Put(context, record_id_list_key, records_serialized)

 record_key = concat(RECORD_ID_META_PREFIX, record_id)
 Delete(context, record_key)
 return True
 Log("Record doesn't exist")
 return False

def GetOrderList():
 orders_id = GetOrderIdList()
 orders = []
 collection_len = len(orders_id)
 for i in range(0, collection_len):
 id = orders_id[i]
 single_order = GetOrder(id)
 return orders

def GetOrderIdList():
 context = GetContext()
 orders_serialized = Get(context, ORDER_ID_LIST_PREFIX)
 if not orders_serialized:
 return []
 orders_id = deserialize_bytearray(orders_serialized)
 return orders_id

def InsertOrder(usr_adr, record_id_list_str, price):
 if not check_permission(usr_adr):
 Log("Must be owner to create an order")
 return False

 if len(record_id_list_str) <= 0:
 Log("Empty record_id_list")
 return False

 # record_incorrect = False
 # for record_id in record_id_list:
 # record = GetRecord(record_id)
 # if (not record) or (record[0] != usr_adr):
 # record_incorrect = True
 # if record_incorrect:
 # Log("Incorrect record_id_list")
 # return False

 if price <= 0:
 Log("Price should be positive")
 return False

 context = GetContext()
 order_data = [usr_adr, record_id_list_str, price, '']
 order_data_serialized = serialize_array(order_data)
 order_id = next_id(NEXT_ORDER_ID_KEY)
 order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
 Put(context, order_key, order_data_serialized)

 orders_id = GetOrderIdList()
 orders_serialized = serialize_array(orders_id)
 Put(context, ORDER_ID_LIST_PREFIX, orders_serialized)

 msg = concat("New order: ", order_id)
 return order_id

def GetOrder(order_id):
 context = GetContext()
 order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
 order_serialized = Get(context, order_key)
 if not order_serialized:
 Log("Order doesn't exist")
 return False
 order = deserialize_bytearray(order_serialized)
 return order

def DeleteOrder(order_id):
 order = GetOrder(order_id)
 if not order:
 Log("Order doesn't exist")
 return False

 usr_adr = order[0]
 if not check_permission(usr_adr):
 Log("Must be owner to delete an order")
 return False

 orders_id = GetOrderIdList()
 found = False
 i = 0
 while i < len(orders_id):
 if orders_id[i] == order_id:
 found = True
 orders_id.remove(i) # pop by index
 i = len(orders_id) + 1 # break
 i += 1
 if found:

 orders_serialized = serialize_array(orders_id)
 context = GetContext()
 Put(context, ORDER_ID_LIST_PREFIX, orders_serialized)

 order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
 Delete(context, order_key)
 return True
 Log("Order doesn't exist")
 return False

def next_id(key):
 context = GetContext()
 id = Get(context, key)
 if not id:
 Log("Next id doesn't exist yet.")
 next_value = id + 1
 Put(context, key, next_value)
 return id

def check_permission(usr_adr):
 if CheckWitness(OWNER):
 return True
 if CheckWitness(usr_adr):
 return True
 return False

# <<< UTILS >>>
# def str_to_list(record_id_list_raw):
# # TODO implement: "1:2:3" -> [1,2,3]
# return record_id_list_raw

def deserialize_bytearray(data):

 # ok this is weird. if you remove this print statement, it stops working :/

 # get length of length
 collection_length_length = data[0:1]

 # get length of collection
 collection_len = data[1:collection_length_length + 1]

 # create a new collection
 new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

 # trim the length data
 offset = 1 + collection_length_length

 for i in range(0, collection_len):

 # get the data length length
 itemlen_len = data[offset:offset + 1]

 # get the length of the data
 item_len = data[offset + 1:offset + 1 + itemlen_len]

 # get the data
 item = data[offset + 1 + itemlen_len: offset + 1 + itemlen_len + item_len]

 # store it in collection
 new_collection[i] = item

 offset = offset + item_len + itemlen_len + 1

 return new_collection

def serialize_array(items):

 # serialize the length of the list
 itemlength = serialize_var_length_item(items)

 output = itemlength

 # now go through and append all your stuff
 for item in items:

 # get the variable length of the item
 # to be serialized
 itemlen = serialize_var_length_item(item)

 # add that indicator
 output = concat(output, itemlen)

 # now add the item
 output = concat(output, item)

 # return the stuff
 return output

def serialize_var_length_item(item):

 # get the length of your stuff
 stuff_len = len(item)

 # now we need to know how many bytes the length of the array
 # will take to store

 # this is one byte
 if stuff_len <= 255:
 byte_len = b'\x01'
 # two byte
 elif stuff_len <= 65535:
 byte_len = b'\x02'
 # hopefully 4 byte
 byte_len = b'\x04'

 out = concat(byte_len, stuff_len)

 return out
def is_private_placement(ctx, address):
    storage_key = concat(PP_KEY, address)
    if Get(ctx, storage_key):
        return True
    return False
def DeleteOrder(order_id):
 order = GetOrder(order_id)
 if not order:
 Log("Order doesn't exist")
 return False

 usr_adr = order[0]
 if not check_permission(usr_adr):
 Log("Must be owner to delete an order")
 return False

 orders_id = GetOrderIdList()
 found = False
 i = 0
 while i < len(orders_id):
 if orders_id[i] == order_id:
 found = True
 orders_id.remove(i) # pop by index
 i = len(orders_id) + 1 # break
 i += 1
 if found:

 orders_serialized = serialize_array(orders_id)
 context = GetContext()
 Put(context, ORDER_ID_LIST_PREFIX, orders_serialized)

 order_key = concat(ORDER_ID_PREFIX, order_id)
 Delete(context, order_key)
 return True
 Log("Order doesn't exist")
 return False

def next_id(key):
 context = GetContext()
 id = Get(context, key)
 if not id:
 Log("Next id doesn't exist yet.")
 next_value = id + 1
 Put(context, key, next_value)
 return id

def check_permission(usr_adr):
 if CheckWitness(OWNER):
 return True
 if CheckWitness(usr_adr):
 return True
 return False

# <<< UTILS >>>
# def str_to_list(record_id_list_raw):
# # TODO implement: "1:2:3" -> [1,2,3]
# return record_id_list_raw

def deserialize_bytearray(data):

 # ok this is weird. if you remove this print statement, it stops working :/

 # get length of length
 collection_length_length = data[0:1]

 # get length of collection
 collection_len = data[1:collection_length_length + 1]

 # create a new collection
 new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

 # trim the length data
 offset = 1 + collection_length_length

 for i in range(0, collection_len):

 # get the data length length
 itemlen_len = data[offset:offset + 1]

 # get the length of the data
 item_len = data[offset + 1:offset + 1 + itemlen_len]

 # get the data
 item = data[offset + 1 + itemlen_len: offset + 1 + itemlen_len + item_len]

 # store it in collection
 new_collection[i] = item

 offset = offset + item_len + itemlen_len + 1

 return new_collection

def serialize_array(items):

 # serialize the length of the list
 itemlength = serialize_var_length_item(items)

 output = itemlength

 # now go through and append all your stuff
 for item in items:

 # get the variable length of the item
 # to be serialized
 itemlen = serialize_var_length_item(item)

 # add that indicator
 output = concat(output, itemlen)

 # now add the item
 output = concat(output, item)

 # return the stuff
 return output

def serialize_var_length_item(item):

 # get the length of your stuff
 stuff_len = len(item)

 # now we need to know how many bytes the length of the array
 # will take to store

 # this is one byte
 if stuff_len <= 255:
 byte_len = b'\x01'
 # two byte
 elif stuff_len <= 65535:
 byte_len = b'\x02'
 # hopefully 4 byte
 byte_len = b'\x04'

 out = concat(byte_len, stuff_len)

 return out
def kyc_register(ctx, address):
    kyc_storage_key = concat(KYC_KEY, address)
    Put(ctx, kyc_storage_key, True)
    return True
def do_tokens_data_of_owner(ctx, t_owner, start_index):
    """This method returns five of the owner's token's id and
    data starting at the given index.
    See `do_tokens_of_owner` for more detailed information behind

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param byte[] t_owner: token owner
    :param bytes start_index: the index to start searching through the
        owner's tokens
    :return: dictionary of id, properties, and uri keys mapped to their
        corresponding token's data
    :rtype: bool or dict
    if len(t_owner) != 20:
        return False

    if len(start_index) == b'\x00':
        start_index = b'\x01'  # token id's cannot go below 1

    start_key = concat(t_owner, start_index)
    count = 0
    token_dict = {}
    token_iter = Find(ctx, t_owner)
    # while loop explained: keep looping through the owner's list
    # of tokens until 5 have been found beginning at the starting
    # index.
    # if statement explained: once a key has been found matching
    # my search key (or of greater value),
    # update the dictionary, increment the counter,
    # and disregard trying to find a matching key thereafter.
    # (once a key has been found matching my search key
    # (or greater), just get everything afterward while count < 5)

    # properties
    propsString = b'properties/['

    print("Iteration before")
    while token_iter.next() and (count < 5):
        if (token_iter.Key >= start_key) or (count > 0):
            token_data = do_token_data(ctx, token_iter.Value)
            # simplify this if/when neo-boa implements something
            # like token_dict.update(token_data)
            # keys
            token_key = concat('token/', token_iter.Value)
            prop_key = concat('properties/', token_iter.Value)
            uri_key = concat('uri/', token_iter.Value)
            # update dictionary
            p3 = concat(token_data[prop_key], ',')
            propsString = concat(propsString, p3)

            count += 1

    #if len(token_dict) >= 1:

    propsString = concat(propsString, ']')


    return propsString

    return False
def getReviewKey(address, script_hash):
    return concat("review.neo.review.", concat(address, script_hash))
def Main(operation, args):
    """Entry point to the program

    :param str operation: The name of the operation to perform
    :param list args: A list of arguments along with the operation
    :return: The result of the operation
    :rtype: bytearray

    Token operations:

    - name(): returns name of token
    - symbol(): returns token symbol
    - totalSupply(): Returns the total token supply deployed in the
    - decimals(): Return decimalS
    - tokens(): Return enumerator with all tokens FEHLT
    - transfer(to, token_id, extra_arg): transfers a token
    - ownerOf(token_id): returns the owner of the specified token.
    - tokenURI(token_id): Returns a distinct Uniform Resource Identifier
        (URI) for a given asset.
        The URI data of a token supplies a reference to get more
        information about a specific token or its data.
    - balanceOf(owner): returns owner's current total tokens owned
    - tokensOfOwner(owner, starting_index): returns a dictionary that
        contains less than or equal to ten of the tokens owned by
        the specified address starting at the `starting_index`.

    - allowance(token_id): returns approved third-party spender of a
    - approve(token_receiver, token_id, revoke): approve third party
        to spend a token
    - properties(token_id): returns a token's read-only data
    - supportedStandards(): returns a list of supported standards
    - tokenData(token_id): returns a dictionary where token, property,
        and uri keys map to the corresponding data for the given
    - tokensDataOfOwner(owner, starting_index): returns a dictionary
        that contains less than or equal to five of the tokens (where
        token, properties, and uri keys map to their corresponding data
        for each token id) owned by the specified address starting at
        the `starting_index`.
    - transferFrom(from, to, token_id, extra_arg): allows a third party
        to execute an approved transfer

    TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER operations:
        - mintToken(owner, properties, URI, extra_arg): create a new
            NFT token with the specified properties and URI and send it
            to the specified owner
        - modifyURI(token_id, token_data): modify specified token's
            URI data

        - setName(name): sets the name of the token
        - setSymbol(symbol): sets the token's symbol
        - setSupportedStandards(supported_standards): sets the
            supported standards, 'NEP-10' is always the first element
            in the array
    # The trigger determines whether this smart contract is being run
    # in 'verification' mode or 'application'
    trigger = GetTrigger()

    # 'Verification' mode is used when trying to spend assets
    # (eg NEO, Gas) on behalf of this contract's address
    if trigger == Verification():

        # if the script that sent this is the owner, we allow the spend
        if CheckWitness(TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER):
            return True

    elif trigger == Application():

        ctx = GetContext()

        if operation == 'name':
            name = Get(ctx, 'name')
            if name:
                return name
                return TOKEN_NAME

        elif operation == 'symbol':
            symbol = Get(ctx, 'symbol')
            if symbol:
                return symbol
                return TOKEN_SYMBOL

        elif operation == 'decimals':
            return TOKEN_DECIMALS

        elif operation == 'totalSupply':
            return Get(ctx, TOKEN_CIRC_KEY)

        if operation == 'allowance':
            if len(args) == 1:
                return Get(ctx, concat('approved/', args[0]))

            return False

        elif operation == 'approve':
            if len(args) == 3:
                # GetCallingScriptHash() can't be done within the
                # function because the calling script hash changes
                # depending on where the function is called
                return do_approve(ctx, GetCallingScriptHash(), args[0],
                                  args[1], args[2])

            return False

        elif operation == 'balanceOf':
            if len(args) == 1:
                if len(args[0]) == 20:
                    return Get(ctx, args[0])

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'ownerOf':
            if len(args) == 1:
                t_owner = Get(ctx, args[0])
                if len(t_owner) == 20:
                    return t_owner

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'properties':
            if len(args) == 1:
                token_properties = Get(ctx, concat('properties/', args[0]))
                if token_properties:
                    return token_properties

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'tokenData':
            if len(args) == 1:
                # check to make sure the token exists
                if len(Get(ctx, args[0])) == 20:
                    return Serialize(do_token_data(ctx, args[0]))

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'tokensDataOfOwner':
            if len(args) == 2:
                tokens_data_of_owner = do_tokens_data_of_owner(
                    ctx, args[0], args[1])
                if tokens_data_of_owner:
                    return Serialize(tokens_data_of_owner)

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'tokensOfOwner':
            if len(args) == 2:
                tokens_of_owner = do_tokens_of_owner(ctx, args[0], args[1])
                if tokens_of_owner:
                    return Serialize(tokens_of_owner)

                return False

            return False

        elif operation == 'transfer':
            if len(args) >= 2:
                # GetCallingScriptHash() can't be done within the
                # function because the calling script hash changes
                # depending on where the function is called
                return do_transfer(ctx, GetCallingScriptHash(), args)

            return False

        elif operation == 'transferFrom':
            if len(args) >= 3:
                return do_transfer_from(ctx, args)

            return False

        elif operation == 'uri':
            if len(args) == 1:
                token_uri = Get(ctx, concat('uri/', args[0]))
                if token_uri:
                    return token_uri

                return False

            return False

        # Administrative operations
        if CheckWitness(TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER):
            if operation == 'mintToken':
                if len(args) >= 3:
                    return do_mint_token(ctx, args)

                return False

            elif operation == 'modifyURI':
                if len(args) == 2:
                    return do_modify_uri(ctx, args[0], args[1])

                return False

            elif operation == 'setName':
                if len(args) == 1:
                    return do_set_config(ctx, 'name', args[0])

                return False

            elif operation == 'setSymbol':
                if len(args) == 1:
                    return do_set_config(ctx, 'symbol', args[0])

                return False

            elif operation == 'setSupportedStandards':
                if len(args) >= 1:
                    supported_standards = ['NEP-10']
                    for arg in args:

                    return do_set_config(ctx, 'supportedStandards',

                return False

            return False

        Notify('unknown operation')

    return False
def getScriptKey(script_hash, index):
    return concat("review.neo.script.", concat(script_hash, index))
def do_transfer(ctx, caller, args):
    """Transfers a token at the specified id from the t_owner address
    to the t_to address

    :param StorageContext ctx: current store context
    :param bytes caller: calling script hash
    :param list args:
        0: byte[] t_to: transfer to address
        1: bytes t_id: token id
        2: extra_arg: optional argument that can be passed (for use
            only with smart contracts)
    :return: transfer success
    :rtype: bool
    t_to = args[0]
    t_id = args[1]

    if len(t_to) != 20:
        return False

    t_owner = Get(ctx, t_id)
    if len(t_owner) != 20:
        return False

    if t_owner == t_to:
        Notify('transfer to self')
        return True

    # Verifies that the calling contract has verified the required
    # script hashes of the transaction/block
    is_token_owner = CheckWitness(t_owner)
    if is_token_owner and GetEntryScriptHash() != caller:
        Notify('third party script is bouncing the signature to us')
        return False
    # if token owner is a smart contract and is the calling
    # script hash, continue
    elif GetContract(t_owner) and t_owner == caller:
        is_token_owner = True

    if is_token_owner:
        # 1. Is t_to a smart contract?
        # If True, invoke the transfer_to_smart_contract
        # method, if transfer_to_smart_contract() returns False,
        # then reject the transfer
        if GetContract(t_to):
            success = transfer_to_smart_contract(ctx, t_owner, args, False)
            if success is False:
                return False
            if len(args) > 2:
                return False

        res = remove_token_from_owners_list(ctx, t_owner, t_id)
        if res is False:
            Notify('unable to transfer token')
            return False

        Put(ctx, t_id, t_to)  # update token's owner
        # remove any existing approvals for this token
        Delete(ctx, concat('approved/', t_id))
        add_token_to_owners_list(ctx, t_to, t_id)

        # log this transfer event
        OnTransfer(t_owner, t_to, 1)
        OnNFTTransfer(t_owner, t_to, t_id)
        return True

    return False