def deserialize_bytearray(data):

    # get length of length
    collection_length_length = data[0:1]

    # get length of collection
    collection_len = data[1:collection_length_length + 1]

    # create a new collection
    new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

    # trim the length data
    offset = 1 + collection_length_length

    for i in range(0, collection_len):

        # get the data length length
        itemlen_len = data[offset:offset + 1]

        # get the length of the data
        item_len = data[offset + 1:offset + 1 + itemlen_len]

        # get the data
        item = data[offset + 1 + itemlen_len: offset + 1 + itemlen_len + item_len]

        # store it in collection
        new_collection[i] = item

        offset = offset + item_len + itemlen_len + 1

    return new_collection
def deserialize_bytearray(data):
    # ok this is weird.  if you remove this print statement, it stops working :/
    print("deserializing data...")

    # get length of length
    collection_length_length = data[0:1]

    # get length of collection
    collection_len = data[1:collection_length_length + 1]

    # create a new collection
    new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

    # trim the length data
    offset = 1 + collection_length_length

    for i in range(0, collection_len):

        # get the data length length
        itemlen_len = data[offset:offset + 1]

        # get the length of the data
        item_len = data[offset + 1:offset + 1 + itemlen_len]

        # get the data
        item = data[offset + 1 + itemlen_len:offset + 1 + itemlen_len +

        # store it in collection
        new_collection[i] = item

        offset = offset + item_len + itemlen_len + 1

    return new_collection
def Main():

    start = 4
    stop = 9  # int

    #    out = [10,2, 3, 4, 6, 7]

    length = stop - start

    out = list(length=length)

    index = 0
    orig_start = start

    while start < stop:
        val = index + orig_start
        out[index] = val
        index = index + 1
        start = orig_start + index


        # d = stuff(1, 2) # this doesn't work at the moment

    return out[4]
def Main():

          )  # using pythonic print(), this is tranlated to Neo.Runtime.Log
    start = 4
    stop = 9

    r = range(start, stop)

    # using built in Neo.Runtime.Log( this is the same as print(message) )

    # using the Neo.Runtime.Notify ( this is for logging variables... )

    l = list(length=stop)

    l[3] = 17

    b = r[3]

    return b
def n_range(start, stop):
    range(start, stop) -> list object

    Return an list that is a a sequence of integers from start (inclusive)
    to stop (exclusive).  range(i, j) produces i, i+1, i+2, ..., j-1.

    #    out = []

    #    if start >= stop:
    #        return out

    length = stop - start

    out = list(length=length)

    index = 0
    orig_start = start

    while start < stop:
        val = index + orig_start
        out[index] = val
        index = index + 1
        start = orig_start + index

    return out
def _data_unpacking(data_str):
    output = list()
    for c in data_str :
        if (c == ';'):
            str_tmp = ''
        else :
            str_tmp = str_tmp+c
    return output
def license_product(args):
    Grant a license for a specific product, can only be called by the product owner:
    :param args:
        args[0]: product_id
        args[1]: user_id (user public key)

    :return: bool
    # unpacking args
    product_id = args[0]
    user_id = args[1]

    if not is_owner(product_id):
        return False

    product = init_product(product_id)

    height = GetHeight()
    product_expiration = product.pe

    # check if the product can still be licensed
    if height > product_expiration:
        print('This product cannot be licensed anymore, it has expired')
        return False

    # check if there are still licenses available
    max_license_number = product.mln
    current_licenses = product.cln

    if current_licenses == max_license_number:
        print('licenses have been sold out!')
        return False

    license_id = concat(product_id, user_id)

    # block height at which the license expires
    license_duration = product.le
    license_expiration = height + license_duration

    license_data = list(length=3)

    license_data[0] = user_id
    license_data[1] = license_expiration
    license_data[2] = product_id

    Put(GetContext, license_id, license_data)
    cln = increment_cln(product_id)

    return True
    def deserialize_bytearray(self, data):

        # neo-boa bug, Something is require here for some reason...
        # pointless = True

        # get length of length
        collection_length_length = substr(data, 0, 1)

        # get length of collection
        collection_len = substr(data, 1, collection_length_length)

        # create a new collection
        new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

        # calculate offset
        offset = 1 + collection_length_length

        # trim the length data
        newdata = data[offset:]

        for i in range(0, collection_len):

            # get the data length length
            itemlen_len = substr(newdata, 0, 1)

            # get the length of the data
            item_len = substr(newdata, 1, itemlen_len)

            start = 1 + itemlen_len
            end = start + item_len

            # get the data
            item = substr(newdata, start, item_len)


            # store it in collection
            new_collection[i] = item

            # trim the data
            newdata = newdata[end:]

        return new_collection
def Main():

    mmm = range(2, 14)

    l = mmm[2]  # type:int


    empty = list()

    b = get_thing()
    c = get_items_from_range(mmm, 7)

    k = range(10, 12)

    return l + b + c + k[0]
def GetTXInputs():

    tx = GetScriptContainer()

    inputs = tx.Inputs
    inputlen = len(inputs)

    results = list(length=inputlen)

    count = 0

    for input in tx.Inputs:

        txid = GetHash(input)
        index = GetIndex(input)
        item = [txid, index]
        results[count] = item
        count += 1

    return results
def deserialize_bytearray(data):

    # ok this is weird.  if you remove this print statement, it stops working :/
    print("deserializing data...")

    # get length of length
    collection_length_length = substr(data, 0, 1)

    # get length of collection
    collection_len = substr(data, 1, collection_length_length)

    # create a new collection
    new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

    # calculate offset
    offset = 1 + collection_length_length

    # trim the length data
    newdata = data[offset:]

    for i in range(0, collection_len):

        # get the data length length
        itemlen_len = substr(newdata, 0, 1)

        # get the length of the data
        item_len = substr(newdata, 1, itemlen_len)

        start = 1 + itemlen_len
        end = start + item_len

        # get the data
        item = substr(newdata, start, item_len)

        # store it in collection
        new_collection[i] = item

        # trim the data
        newdata = newdata[end:]

    return new_collection
def deserialize_bytearray(data):

    # ok this is weird.  if you remove this print statement, it stops working :/
    print("deserializing data...")

    # get length of length
    collection_length_length = substr(data, 0, 1)

    # get length of collection
    collection_len = substr(data, 1, collection_length_length)

    # create a new collection
    new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

    # calculate offset
    offset = 1 + collection_length_length

    # trim the length data
    newdata = data[offset:]

    for i in range(0, collection_len):

        # get the data length length
        itemlen_len = substr(newdata, 0, 1)

        # get the length of the data
        item_len = substr(newdata, 1, itemlen_len)

        start = 1 + itemlen_len
        end = start + item_len

        # get the data
        item = substr(newdata, start, item_len)

        # store it in collection
        new_collection[i] = item

        # trim the data
        newdata = newdata[end:]

    return new_collection
def deserialize_bytearray(data):
    """ Helper method to deserialize a byte array. """
    # If you remove this print statement it stops working.
    print("deserializing data...")

    # Get length of length.
    collection_length_length = substr(data, 0, 1)

    # Get length of collection.
    collection_len = substr(data, 1, collection_length_length)

    # Create a new collection.
    new_collection = list(length=collection_len)

    # Calculate offset.
    offset = 1 + collection_length_length

    # Trim the length data.
    newdata = data[offset:]

    for i in range(0, collection_len):

        # Get the data length length.
        itemlen_len = substr(newdata, 0, 1)

        # Get the length of the data.
        item_len = substr(newdata, 1, itemlen_len)

        start = 1 + itemlen_len
        end = start + item_len

        # Get the data.
        item = substr(newdata, start, item_len)

        # Store it in collection.
        new_collection[i] = item

        # Trim the data.
        newdata = newdata[end:]

    return new_collection
def register_product(args):
    :param args:
        args[0]: senderhash
        args[1]: product id (something unique)
        args[2]: description (human readable description of the product, keep as short as possible to keep gas price as
                 low as possible)
        args[3]: max_license_number;
        args[4]: make transferable;
        args[5]: product_expiration; blockheight at which the product is expired (no more licences will be distributed)
        args[6]: license_expiration; number of blocks for which a license is valid
        args[7]: autosell (bool)
        args[8]: price (gas)

    :return: bool

    product_id = args[1]
    product_exists = Get(GetContext, product_id)
    product_data = list(length=8)

    product_data[0] = args[0]
    product_data[2] = args[2]
    product_data[3] = args[3]
    product_data[4] = args[4]
    product_data[5] = args[5]
    product_data[6] = args[6]
    # this is the total amount sold
    product_data[7] = 0
    product_data[8] = args[7]
    product_data[9] = args[8]

    if not product_exists:
        serialized_product_data = serialize_array(args)
        Put(GetContext, product_id, serialized_product_data)
        print("product registered")
        return True
        print("product already exists")
def ClaimBounty(issue_url):
    attachments = get_asset_attachments()
    storage = StorageAPI()

    storage_location = 'issue:claims:' + issue_url
    bounty_claims = storage.get(storage_location)

    element_count = 1

    for c in bounty_claims:
        if c == ',':
            element_count = element_count + 1

    elements = list(length=element_count)

    current_element = 0

    for c in bounty_claims:
        if c == ',':
            current_element = current_element + 1
            elements[current_element] = elements[current_element] + c

    found = False

    for element in elements:
        if element == attachments.sender_addr:
            found = True

    if not found:
        if element_count > 0:
            bounty_claims = bounty_claims + ','
        bounty_claims = bounty_claims + attachments.sender_addr
        storage.put(storage_location, bounty_claims)
        return True

    return False
def VerifyWithdrawalRequest(args):

    account = args[0]

    current_balance = BalanceOf(account)

    if current_balance == 0:
        print("No Current balance")
        return False

    if CheckHasPendingWithdrawal(account):
        print("already a pending withdrawal")
        return False

    arglen = len(args)

    txids_len = arglen / 2

    vin_requests = list(length=txids_len)

    # so, this is a bit involved, so bear with me here
    # lets assume a person has a balance that the contract owes them
    # we need to allow them to put a hold on some tx vins that they can 'claim'
    # after they have put the hold on them, they can withdraw and in the
    # verification portion of the contract it will allow them

    # but they may need to put a hold on tx vins that have a value
    # more than they are owed.  So we want to allow them to put a hold
    # on x number of txids, where the amount contained in x-1 vins is less than the amount they are owed
    # and the amount in x txids is greater than or equal to the amount they are owed
    # but only by one

    hold_amount = 0
    okcount = 0

    for i in range(0, txids_len):

        j = i * 2

        request_vin_tx = args[j + 1]
        request_vin_index = args[j + 2]

        vin = LookupVIN(request_vin_tx, request_vin_index)

        if vin and vin[1] == NEO_ASSET_ID:

            actual_amount = vin[0]

            # if the amount being held is less than the current balance
            # it is ok, we allow the vin request
            # this allows the hold amount to go over
            # but if it is too much then invalidate
            # the entire request

            if hold_amount < current_balance:
                hold_amount += actual_amount

                vin_request = [request_vin_tx, request_vin_index]
                vin_requests[i] = vin_request
                okcount += 1

    if okcount != txids_len:
        print("Invalid txid request")
        return False


    # now that we've checked the requestor isn't requesting too much
    # we will check that the requestor can put a hold on the vins
    # we make sure they can put a hold on all the vins
    # before actually placing the hold on the vin
    for vin in vin_requests:

        vin_tx = vin[0]
        vin_index = vin[1]

        has_hold = HasVINHold(vin_tx, vin_index)

        if has_hold:
            print("Cannot request withdrawal, vin(s) already have hold")
            return False

    # now that we're sure we can put holds on all the requested vins
    # we will put holds on the requested vins

    output = None

    for vin in vin_requests:
        vin_tx = vin[0]
        vin_index = vin[1]

        hold_req = PlaceVINHold(account, vin_tx, vin_index)

        # now we assemble a bytearray
        # to save to storage
        vin = concat(vin_index, vin_tx)

        if len(output) > 1:
            output = concat(output, vin)
            output = vin

    onWithdrawRequestApproved(account, vin_requests)

    m = SetPendingWithdrawal(account, output)

    return vin_requests