def test_num_years(self):
     num_years should get number of years between two dates
     self.assertEqual(helpers.num_years(date(2015, 3, 11), date(2015, 4, 28)), 0)
     self.assertEqual(helpers.num_years(date(2014, 5, 11), date(2015, 4, 28)), 0)
     self.assertEqual(helpers.num_years(date(2014, 3, 11), date(2015, 4, 28)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(helpers.num_years(date(2015, 3, 11), date(2014, 2, 28)), 1)
 def test_age(self):
     Check if the age of a person is correctly computed.
     bd = 1950, 1, 25 )
     v = Volunteer(birthdate   = bd)
     self.assertEqual(v.age(), helpers.num_years(bd))
 def age(self):
     return h.num_years(self.birthdate)