def getOrderedScore(position, board):
    position refers to one of the potential new positions we could occupy in the next round 
    give bonuses to each position wrt to our ability to eat humans/ennemies in a close future 
    bonus = 0
    my_unit = board.getBiggestPosition()[1]

    # first type of bonus - if we eat enemies
    if (tuple(position) in board.getOpponentCurrentPositions()):
        if board.getOpponentDict()[tuple(position)] <= board.getBiggestPosition()[1]:
            bonus += 1000 * board.getOpponentDict()[tuple(position)]
    # second type - if we eat humans
    if (tuple(position) in board.humansPos):
        if board.humansPos[tuple(position)] <= board.getBiggestPosition()[1]:
            bonus += 100 * board.humansPos[tuple(position)]

    # third type of bonus : we get closer to possibly eatable humans or enemies
    eatable = [k for k, v in board.humansPos.items() if my_unit >= v] + [k for k, v in board.getOpponentDict().items()
                                                                         if my_unit >= 1.5 * v]
    if len(eatable) > 0:
        maxDistance = max(board.board_w, board.board_h) 
        maxNumber = board.getOpponentUnitsNumberSum() + sum(list(board.humansPos.values()))
        distance = [10 - 9 * np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(list(enemy), position))) / maxDistance for enemy in eatable]
        number = [9 * unit / maxNumber for unit in board.humansPos.values() if my_unit >= unit] + [9 * unit / maxNumber for
                                                                                                   unit in
                                                                                                   if my_unit >= 1.5 * unit]
        combined = [10 * dist + num for dist, num in zip(distance, number)]
        bonus += (maxDistance - np.min(combined))

    return bonus
def getSmarterAvailableMoves(board, size, split=False):
        attributes a score to each potential move we can make
        This score takes into an up-to-date number of humans as we will move across the map and the ennemies
        deals with the split
        Returns a dictionnary sorted by score (value), where the key is the position investigated
    Positions = board.getAvailableMoves(split)

    size = min(size, len(Positions))  # how many positions we return
    scoreDict = {}
    unit = board.getBiggestPosition()[1]  # for split, do a loop

    for position in Positions:  # loop through possible positions (for one unit)
        score = 0

        # if humans are on our next potential position
        if (tuple(position) in board.humansPos):
            if (board.humansPos[tuple(position)] >
                    unit):  # don't want to go if they are more than us
                score = -100
                score += 50 + 5 * board.humansPos[tuple(
                    position)]  # give incentive to go eat asap

        # if ennemy are on our next potential position
        if (tuple(position) in board.getOpponentDict()):
            if (board.getOpponentDict().get(tuple(position)) > 1.5 * unit):
                score -= 500
            if (board.getOpponentDict().get(tuple(position)) > unit):
                score += 10
                score += 500

        # Compute key metrics about us
        # distanceHumans = [np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(list(human), position))) for human in board.humansPos]
        distanceEnemies = [
            np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(list(enemy), position)))
            for enemy in board.getOpponentDict()
        total_units_nb = board.getCurrentUnitsNumberSum()
        potential_units = unit

        # Call function - takes into account potential number of units and distance to ennemies
        score = board.PotentialUnits(score, position, potential_units)

        # Study eatable ennemies and proximity
        weight_dist = 5
        for dist, enemy_unit in zip(distanceEnemies,
            if (enemy_unit >= 1.5 * total_units_nb):
                score -= (enemy_unit - total_units_nb) / weight_dist * (
                    dist + 1)  # avoid
            elif (total_units_nb > 1.5 * enemy_unit):
                score += (total_units_nb - enemy_unit) / weight_dist * (
                    dist + 1)  # go towards
                score += 1 / weight_dist * (dist + 1
                                            )  # if no humans left, go attack

        scoreDict[tuple(position)] = score
    sortedDict = dict(
        sorted(scoreDict.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1],
               reverse=True)[:size])  # dico with value=score, key:position
    #sortedScores = sorted(scoreDict.values(), reverse=True)[:size]
    # sortedPos = sorted(scoreDict, key=scoreDict.get, reverse=True)[:4] # sort the dictionnary by score
    # sortedList = list(map(list, sortedDict))[:4] # list best potential positions, by order in format [[i,j],...]
    return sortedDict
def getAvailableMovesScore(board, position, unit):
        compute a score that defines how desirable each position is given how many units you can eat for certain and when (time - dist)
        eatableOpponents = [k for k in board.humansPos if unit >= board.humansPos[k]] + [k for k in board.getOpponentDict() if unit >= 1.5*board.getOpponentDict()[k]]
        number = [u for u in board.humansPos.values() if unit >= u] + [u for u in board.getOpponentUnitsNumber() if unit >= 1.5 * u]
        distance = [np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(list(enemy), position))) for enemy in eatableOpponents]
        score = np.sum([n/(d+1) for n, d in zip(number, distance)])
        return score