def knit_html(self,es): #col1 fig1 = figure(width=250,height=250) vis_bokeh.draw_1d_hist_from_es("dummy1",0,35,30,es,"run*",ax=fig1) #changes fig1, but also returns it fig2=figure(width=250,height=250) xmin,xmax = 0,65 xbins = 20 xname = "hcalEnergy" ymin,ymax = 0,65 ybins = 20 yname = "muonHits" vis_bokeh.draw_2d_hist_from_es(xname,xmin,xmax,xbins,yname,ymin,ymax,ybins,es, index="run*",ax=fig2) fig_column1 = vplot(fig1,fig2) #col2 fig3 = figure(width=250,height=250) fig3=vis_bokeh.draw_1d_hist_from_es("dummy23",0,100,30,es,"run*",ax=fig3,hist_drawer="classic") fig4 = figure(width=250,height=250) fig4=vis_bokeh.draw_1d_hist_from_es("dummy45",0,40,30,es,"run*",ax=fig4) fig_column2 = vplot(fig3,fig4) fig_grid = hplot(fig_column1,fig_column2) return vis_bokeh.fig_to_html(fig_grid)
def mk_stat_plot(df): p1 = Bar(df, label='TARGET_SITE', values='TOTAL_TIME', agg='mean', group='PIPELINE', title="Mean Processing for each site grouped by Pipeline"+"(Data Size:"+str(len(df.index))+")", legend='top_right',height=500,width=1000) df_camp_firstcut = df[ (df.TARGET_SITE == "descampuscluster") & (df.PIPELINE == "firstcut") ] df_fermi_firstcut = df[ (df.TARGET_SITE == "fermigrid") & (df.PIPELINE == "firstcut") ] df_camp_multi = df[ (df.TARGET_SITE == "descampuscluster") & (df.PIPELINE == "multiepoch") ] df_fermi_multi = df[ (df.TARGET_SITE == "fermigrid") & (df.PIPELINE == "multiepoch") ] p2 = Bar(df_camp_firstcut, label='EXEC_HOST', values='TOTAL_TIME', agg='mean', title="Mean Processing of firstcut in Campuscluster for each Exac_host"+"(Data Size:"+str(len(df_camp_firstcut.index))+")", height=500, width=1000) p3 = Bar(df_fermi_firstcut, label='EXEC_HOST', values='TOTAL_TIME', agg='mean', title="Mean Processing of firstcut in Fermigrid for each Exac_host"+"(Data Size:"+str(len(df_fermi_firstcut.index))+")", height=500,width=1000) p4 = Bar(df_camp_multi, label='EXEC_HOST', values='TOTAL_TIME', agg='mean', title="Mean Processing of multiepoch in Campuscluster for each Exac_host"+"(Data Size:"+str(len(df_camp_multi.index))+")", height=500,width=1000) p5 = Bar(df_fermi_multi, label='EXEC_HOST', values='TOTAL_TIME', agg='mean', title="Mean Processing of multiepoch in Fermigrid for each Exac_host"+"(Data Size:"+str(len(df_fermi_multi.index))+")", height=500,width=1000) p6 = Bar(df, label='TARGET_SITE', values='TOTAL_TIME', stack='PIPELINE', title="Total time used by each Target site", legend='top_right', height=500,width=1000) p = vplot(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6) return p
def print_graphs(scores): output_file(s.plots + ".html") properties_per_dataset = { 'train': { 'line_color': 'firebrick' }, 'test': { 'line_color': 'orange' }, 'valid': { 'line_color': 'olive' } } plots = [] for metric in ConfusionMatrix._fields: plot = figure(width=500, plot_height=500, title=metric) for dataset_name in scores: metric_scores = [ score.value for score in scores[dataset_name][metric] ] plot.line(range(len(metric_scores)), metric_scores, legend=dataset_name, **properties_per_dataset[dataset_name]) plots.append(plot) p = vplot(*plots) save(p)
def temporal_lda_plot(max_documents=50000000, max_words_per_doc=50000000, n_topics=100): # load the model: lda_model = pickle.load(open('../workspace/lda_model.m', 'rb')) # get top words per topic for title above plots: top_words = [] for topic in lda_model.show_topics(num_topics=100, num_words=15, formatted=False): top_words.append(" ".join([w for _, w in topic])) # extract years from in the file ids in the original file: text_ids = list( DirectoryIterator( path_pattern='../workspace/wikified_periodicals/*.wikified', max_documents=max_documents, max_words_per_doc=max_words_per_doc, get='filename')) years = [id_.split('-')[-1].replace('.wikified', '') for id_ in text_ids] year_scores = {y: list() for y in years} # extract topic scores for each document: for line, year in zip('../workspace/mallet_output/doctopics.txt', 'r', 'utf8'), years): line = line.strip() if not line: continue comps = line.strip().split() topic_scores = [float(t) for t in comps[2:]] year_scores[year].append(topic_scores) for year in year_scores: m = np.asarray(year_scores[year], dtype='float32') year_scores[year] = np.mean(m, axis=0) year_scores = [(int(year), matrix) for year, matrix in year_scores.items() if int(year) <= 2010] year_scores = sorted(year_scores, key=itemgetter(0)) output_file("../figures/topics.html") plots = [] year_labels = [year for year, _ in year_scores if int(year) <= 2010] for topic_idx in range(n_topics): scores = [m[topic_idx] for y, m in year_scores] p = figure(title=top_words[topic_idx], plot_width=1200, plot_height=400, title_text_font_size='12pt') p.line(year_labels, scores, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = vplot(*plots) save(p)
def domains_dashboard(response, extra_plots=None): """ Domains dashboard plot function. Takes an arguments for extra plots which will be added in a tab with the other plots. """ # Parsed Response Data urls = [x[0][0] for x in response["pages"]] parsed_urls = [urlparse(x).hostname for x in urls] # Domain names Bar chart. domains = Counter(parsed_urls).most_common(PLOT_ELEMENTS) xdomains = [x[0] for x in domains] ydomains = [y[1] for y in domains] source_domains = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdomains, y=ydomains)) bar_domains = Bar(, values="y", label="x", title="Most Common Domains by Number", bar_width=BAR_WIDTH, height=584, xlabel="Domains", ylabel="Occurences") panel_domains = Panel(child=bar_domains, title="Domains") # Domain Information Table columns_domain = [ TableColumn(field="x", title="Domain"), TableColumn(field="y", title="Count"), ] data_table_domain = DataTable(source=source_domains, columns=columns_domain, width=400, height=280) # Top level Domains Bar Chart endings = Counter([x[x.rfind("."):] for x in parsed_urls]).most_common(PLOT_ELEMENTS) xendings = [x[0] for x in endings] yendings = [y[1] for y in endings] source_top_level = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xendings, y=yendings)) bar_top_level = Bar(, values="y", label="x", title="Most Common URL Endings by Number", bar_width=BAR_WIDTH, height=584) panel_top_level = Panel(child=bar_top_level, title="Endings") # Top level domains table columns_top_level = [ TableColumn(field="x", title="Top Level Domain"), TableColumn(field="y", title="Count"), ] data_table_top_level = DataTable(source=source_top_level, columns=columns_top_level, width=400, height=280) # Add the plots and charts to a vform and organize them with VBox and HBox plot_tabs = Tabs(tabs=[panel_domains, panel_top_level]) # Take the two tables and the graph, turn them into VBox, then organize them # side by side in an HBox. vbox_tables = VBox(children=[data_table_domain, data_table_top_level]) vbox_plots = VBox(children=[plot_tabs]) hbox_dashboard = HBox(children=[vbox_tables, vbox_plots]) return components(vplot(hbox_dashboard))
def start(self): freemem_graph, freemem_table, cpu_graph, cpu_table, bat_graph, bat_table, temp_graph, temp_table, data_graph, events_table = self.last_report( ) graph = vplot(events_table, freemem_graph, freemem_table, cpu_graph, cpu_table, bat_graph, bat_table, temp_graph, temp_table, data_graph) s = self.folder[0] + '/' + 'report_%s.html' %[0].replace( '.', '_') output_file(s,[0] + '-' + self.devicename[0] + 'Report') return show(graph)
def plot_elements(self): elements = ( 'semi_major_axis', 'eccentricity', 'inclination', 'ascending_node', 'argument_of_periapsis', 'true_anomaly', ) plots = [self.plot_element(element, show_plot=False) for element in elements] show(vplot(*plots))
def endings_dashboard(response): urls = [x[0][0] for x in response["pages"]] parsed_urls = [urlparse(x).hostname for x in urls] endings_counter = Counter([x[x.rfind("."):] for x in parsed_urls]).most_common(ENDING_PLOT_LIMIT) xendings = [x[0] for x in endings_counter] yendings = [y[1] for y in endings_counter] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xendings, y=yendings)) table = VBox(children=[endings_table(source)]) plot = VBox(children=[endings_plot(source)]) return components(vplot(HBox(children=[table, plot])))
def endings_dashboard(response): urls = [x[0][0] for x in response["pages"]] parsed_urls = [urlparse(x).hostname for x in urls] endings_counter = Counter([x[x.rfind("."):] for x in parsed_urls ]).most_common(ENDING_PLOT_LIMIT) xendings = [x[0] for x in endings_counter] yendings = [y[1] for y in endings_counter] source = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xendings, y=yendings)) table = VBox(children=[endings_table(source)]) plot = VBox(children=[endings_plot(source)]) return components(vplot(HBox(children=[table, plot])))
def plot_elements(self): elements = ( 'semi_major_axis', 'eccentricity', 'inclination', 'ascending_node', 'argument_of_periapsis', 'true_anomaly', ) plots = [ self.plot_element(element, show_plot=False) for element in elements ] show(vplot(*plots))
def author_frequency_barplot(nb_top_ners=50, tf=True): if tf: output_file('../figures/tf_authors.html') ner_freqs = pickle.load(open('../workspace/tf.m', "rb")) else: output_file('../figures/df_authors.html') ner_freqs = pickle.load(open('../workspace/df.m', "rb")) top_ners = [w for w, _ in ner_freqs.most_common(nb_top_ners)] top_freqs = [c for _, c in ner_freqs.most_common(nb_top_ners)] names = [] for name in top_ners: name = name.replace('*', '') if '(' in name: name = name.split('(')[0].strip() name = ' '.join([n.lower().capitalize() for n in name.split('_')]) name = ''.join([ c for c in unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name) if not unicodedata.combining(c) ]) names.append(name) data = pd.DataFrame({'values': top_freqs[:25], 'labels': names[:25]}) bar1 = Bar(data, label=CatAttr(columns=['labels'], sort=False), values='values', title='Author Frequency (1-25)', width=800, height=400) xaxis =[1] xaxis.major_label_standoff = 0 xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2 xaxis.major_label_standoff = 6 xaxis.major_tick_out = 0 data = pd.DataFrame({'values': top_freqs[25:50], 'labels': names[25:50]}) bar2 = Bar(data, label=CatAttr(columns=['labels'], sort=False), values='values', title='Author Frequency (25-50)', width=800, height=400) xaxis =[1] xaxis.major_label_standoff = 0 xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 2 xaxis.major_label_standoff = 6 xaxis.major_tick_out = 0 p = vplot(bar1, bar2) save(p)
def domains_dashboard(response, extra_plots=None): """ Domains dashboard plot function. Takes an arguments for extra plots which will be added in a tab with the other plots. """ # Parsed Response Data urls = [x[0][0] for x in response["pages"]] parsed_urls = [urlparse(x).hostname for x in urls] # Domain names Bar chart. domains_counter = Counter(parsed_urls).most_common(DOMAIN_PLOT_LIMIT) xdomains = [x[0] for x in domains_counter] ydomains = [y[1] for y in domains_counter] source_domains = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdomains, y=ydomains)) bar_domains = Bar(, values="y", label="x", title="Most Common Sites by Number", bar_width=BAR_WIDTH, height=584, xlabel="Sites", ylabel="Occurences") panel_domains = Panel(child=bar_domains, title="Sites") # Domain Information Table table_domains_counter = Counter(parsed_urls).most_common( DOMAIN_TABLE_LIMIT) xdomains_table = [x[0] for x in table_domains_counter] ydomains_table = [y[1] for y in table_domains_counter] source_table_domains = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=xdomains_table, y=ydomains_table)) columns_domain = [ TableColumn(field="x", title="Site Name"), TableColumn(field="y", title="Count"), ] data_table_domain = DataTable(source=source_table_domains, columns=columns_domain, width=400, height=280) # Add the plots and charts to a vform and organize them with VBox and HBox plot_tabs = Tabs(tabs=[panel_domains, extra_plots]) # Take the plot and table and arrange them in a hbox. vbox_tables = VBox(children=[data_table_domain]) vbox_plots = VBox(children=[plot_tabs]) hbox_dashboard = HBox(children=[vbox_tables, vbox_plots]) return components(vplot(hbox_dashboard))
def knit_html(self,es): figs = [] for i in range(len(self.hists)): figs.append( [self.make_figure(hist,model,es,"run*") for hist,model in zip(self.hists[i],self.models[i])] ) hrows = [hplot(*row) for row in figs] grid = vplot(*hrows) return vis_bokeh.fig_to_html(grid)
def main(): setup_logging() logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) output_server("Temp Chart") window = 200 width = 800 height = 200 now = start = now - timedelta(hours=window) r_start = time.mktime(start.timetuple()) * 1000 - 20000000 r_end = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) * 1000 - 20000000 ran = Range1d(r_start, r_end) # line chart line_fig = figure(plot_width=width, plot_height=height) #, x_range=ran) line = line_fig.line(x=[], y=[]) # circle chart c_fig = figure(plot_width=width, plot_height=height) circle =[], y=[], size=1) # format axes line_fig.xaxis[0].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(days=["%T"])) line_fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/4 c_fig.xaxis[0].formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(days=["%T"])) c_fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = pi/4 p = vplot(line_fig, c_fig) show(p) line_ds =[0].data_source circle_ds =[0].data_source lines = tail_generator(exit_after=0) if True: for line in lines: line = decimate(lines, skip=300) temp, date = parse_line(line) if temp is None: continue update_series(line_ds, date, temp) update_range(line_ds, line_fig, 60) update_series(circle_ds, date, temp) update_range(circle_ds, c_fig, 12) time.sleep(0.01) return c_fig, circle
def make_dts_plot(): plots = [] etime = datetime.combine(, datetime.min.time()) stime = etime - timedelta(14) graphstime = datetime.strptime('01-01-15 00:00:00', '%m-%d-%y %H:%M:%S') days = 1 ### Fetch Data ### accept_df = get_data.get_accept_time() ingest_df = get_data.get_ingest_time() sispi_df = pd.DataFrame(query.query_exptime(query.connect_to_db('db-sispi')[1], etime,, columns = ['sispi_time','filename']) weekly_df = pd.DataFrame(query.query_dts_delay(query.connect_to_db('db-destest')[1], stime, etime), columns = ['total_time', 'ncsa_time', 'noao_time', 'xtime']) alltime_df = pd.DataFrame(query.query_dts_delay(query.connect_to_db('db-destest')[1], graphstime, etime), columns = ['total_time', 'ncsa_time', 'noao_time', 'xtime']) ### Standardize file names for merge ### trimed_fn = [] for i, line in sispi_df.iterrows(): try: trimed_fn.append(os.path.basename(line['filename'].split(':')[1])) except: trimed_fn.append(os.path.basename(line['filename'])) sispi_df['filename']=trimed_fn ### Merge data ### log_df = pd.merge(accept_df, ingest_df, how='inner', on=['filename']) live_df = pd.merge(log_df, sispi_df, how='inner', on=['filename']) live_df = get_data.convert_timezones(live_df) ### Smooth plot ### sm_df = get_data.smooth_dts(weekly_df) av_df = get_data.average_dts(alltime_df, graphstime, days) ### Plot Data ### plots.append(plotter.plot_realtime_dts(sm_df, live_df)) plots.append(plotter.plot_monthly_dts(av_df, days)) plots.append(plotter.plot_average_dts(alltime_df, days)) ### Writing plots to HTML ### html = file_html(vplot(*plots),INLINE,'dts') filename = 'dts_plot.html' filepath = os.path.join(app.config["STATIC_PATH"],filename) with open(filepath,'w') as h: h.write('<h5> Last updated on: %s </h5>' % "{0}".format( h.write('<center>\n') h.write(html) h.write('</center>\n')
def init_controls(self): btnStop = Button(label="Stop", type="danger") btnStart = Button(label="Start", type="success") btnStop.on_click(self.handle_btnStop_press) btnStart.on_click(self.handle_btnStart_press) curdoc().add_root(btnStop) curdoc().add_root(btnStart) sliderHPThreshold = Slider(start=0, end=500, value=100, step=1, title="High pass threshold") sliderHPThreshold.on_change('value', self.onChangeHPThreshold) curdoc().add_root(vplot(sliderHPThreshold))
def main(): data = [[1, 1]] data += [[2, 3]] data += [[4, 3]] data += [[3, 2]] data += [[5, 5]] output_file("test.html") lineGraph = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=800, title=None, toolbar_location='below', toolbar_sticky=False) # plotting data xcord = [item[0] for item in data] ycord = [item[1] for item in data] lineGraph.square(xcord, ycord, size=10) w = [0, 0] learningRate = 0.001 errorArray = [] for test in range(100): errorSum = 0 for point in data: error = point[1] - evaluate(w, point[0]) w[0] = w[0] + (error * learningRate) w[1] = w[1] + (error * learningRate * point[0]) errorSum += (error * error) errorArray.append((1.0 / 5) * errorSum) print(w) lineGraph.line([0, 10], [w[0], evaluate(w, 10)], line_width=2) errorGraph = figure(plot_width=800, plot_height=800, title=None, toolbar_location='below', toolbar_sticky=False) errorGraph.line(range(len(errorArray)), errorArray, line_width=2) graphs = vplot(lineGraph, errorGraph) show(graphs)
def make_system_plots(sys_df, res, des_df): plots = [] try: p_du = plotter.data_usage_plot(des_df) plots.append(p_du) except: print "data_usage failed" pass try: p_ttfts = plotter.plot_tape_tar_file_transfer_status(sys_df['run_time'],sys_df['number_transferred'],sys_df['number_not_transferred']) plots.append(p_ttfts) except: print "tape_tar_file failed" pass try: p_bs = plotter.plot_backup_size(sys_df['run_time'],sys_df['size_transferred'],sys_df['size_to_be_transferred']) plots.append(p_bs) except: print "backup_size failed" pass try: p_prp = plotter.plot_pipeline_run_progress(sys_df['run_time'],sys_df['pipe_processed'],sys_df['pipe_to_be_processed']) plots.append(p_prp) except: print "pipeline_run failed" pass try: p_dtss = plotter.plot_dts_status(sys_df['run_time'],sys_df['raw_processed'],sys_df['raw_to_be_processed']) plots.append(p_dtss) except: print "dts_status failed" pass try: p_ts = plotter.plot_system_transfer_rates(res['tdate'],res['tsize'],res['tav']) plots.append(p_ts) except: print "system_transfer failed" pass html_vplots = vplot(*plots) return html_vplots
def bokeh_plot(site, obs, obs_label, data_dict, outfile, title, resample_frequency, add_statistics=True): ''' Plots a bokeh (interactive) daily or weekly series. Inputs: site: a string ID which is input to the obs and data_dict objects obs: a pandas dataframe with columns labeled with the site IDs data_dict: an ordered dictionary with keys each of the series you want to plot with structure: {'series_name': {'data': pandas_dataframe, 'color': 'the color you want the timeseries to plot as'}} outfile: path where you want to save the bokeh plot title: title string for your plot resample_frequency: either 'w' for weekly or 'd' for daily (this is used to decide the frequency of the plotting) add_statistics: if True (default) will include the statistics of KGE and bias in the plot's legend ''' reset_output() resample_dict = {'W': 'Weekly', 'D': 'Daily'} output_file(outfile, title=title) p1 = figure(width=1000, height=400, x_axis_type = "datetime", title=title) obs_resampled =obs.resample(resample_frequency, how='mean') p1.line(obs_resampled.index.values,obs_resampled.values/100000, color='#000000', legend=obs_label, line_width=2) for scenario in data_dict.keys(): sim = data_dict[scenario]['data'][site] daily_kge = str(np.round(kge(sim, obs, 'D'), 2)) weekly_kge = str(np.round(kge(sim, obs, 'W'), 2)) scenario_bias = str(np.round(bias(sim, obs),2)) if add_statistics: legend_label = scenario+', Daily KGE='+daily_kge+',\nWeekly KGE='+weekly_kge+' Bias='+scenario_bias+'%' else: legend_label = scenario sim_resampled = data_dict[scenario]['data'][site].resample(resample_frequency, how='mean') p1.line(sim_resampled.index.values, sim_resampled.values/100000, color=data_dict[scenario]['color'], line_width=2, legend=legend_label) p1.grid.grid_line_alpha=0.3 p1.xaxis.axis_label = 'Date' p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Streamflow [CFS*100,000]' p1.legend.label_text_font_size = '8' window_size = 30 window = np.ones(window_size)/float(window_size) g = vplot(p1) save(g)
def execute(args, parser): config = Config(args.config, verbose=False) with config.trialscontext() as session: q = (session.query(Trial) .filter(Trial.status == 'SUCCEEDED') .order_by(Trial.started)) data = [curr.to_dict() for curr in q.all()] bk.output_file(args.filename, title='osprey') p4 = plot_4(data) p1 = plot_1(data) p2 = plot_2(data) p3 = plot_3(data, config.search_space()) p = vplot(p1, p2, p3, *p4) if args.browser: else:
def domains_dashboard(response, extra_plots=None): """ Domains dashboard plot function. Takes an arguments for extra plots which will be added in a tab with the other plots. """ # Parsed Response Data urls = [x[0][0] for x in response["pages"]] parsed_urls = [urlparse(x).hostname for x in urls] # Domain names Bar chart. domains_counter = Counter(parsed_urls).most_common(DOMAIN_PLOT_LIMIT) xdomains = [x[0] for x in domains_counter] ydomains = [y[1] for y in domains_counter] source_domains = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdomains, y=ydomains)) bar_domains = Bar(, values="y", label="x", title="Most Common Sites by Number", bar_width=BAR_WIDTH, height=584, xlabel="Sites", ylabel="Occurences") panel_domains = Panel(child=bar_domains, title="Sites") # Domain Information Table table_domains_counter = Counter(parsed_urls).most_common(DOMAIN_TABLE_LIMIT) xdomains_table = [x[0] for x in table_domains_counter] ydomains_table = [y[1] for y in table_domains_counter] source_table_domains = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=xdomains_table, y=ydomains_table)) columns_domain = [ TableColumn(field="x", title="Site Name"), TableColumn(field="y", title="Count"), ] data_table_domain = DataTable(source=source_table_domains, columns=columns_domain, width=400, height=280) # Add the plots and charts to a vform and organize them with VBox and HBox plot_tabs = Tabs(tabs=[panel_domains, extra_plots]) # Take the plot and table and arrange them in a hbox. vbox_tables = VBox(children=[data_table_domain]) vbox_plots = VBox(children=[plot_tabs]) hbox_dashboard = HBox(children=[vbox_tables, vbox_plots]) return components(vplot(hbox_dashboard))
def print_graphs(scores): output_file(s.plots + ".html") properties_per_dataset = { 'train': {'line_color': 'firebrick'}, 'test': {'line_color': 'orange'}, 'valid': {'line_color': 'olive'} } plots = [] for metric in ConfusionMatrix._fields: plot = figure(width=500, plot_height=500, title=metric) for dataset_name in scores: metric_scores = [score.value for score in scores[dataset_name][metric]] plot.line(range(len(metric_scores)), metric_scores, legend=dataset_name, **properties_per_dataset[dataset_name]) plots.append(plot) p = vplot(*plots) save(p)
def makeFeaturePlots(modelFolder, outputFolder, drugName): clf = joblib.load(modelFolder + drugName) output_file(outputFolder + drugName + ".html", title = drugName + ' Features') featureDataFrame = joblib.load('../output/emptyDataFrame.pkl') featureDataFrame['Feature Importance'] = clf.coef_ featureDataFrame.sort(columns='Feature Importance', inplace=True) resistanceGenes= featureDataFrame.index.values[:25] resistanceValues= featureDataFrame['Feature Importance'].values[:25] featureDataFrame.sort(columns='Feature Importance', inplace=True, ascending= False) sensitivityGenes = featureDataFrame.index.values[:25] sensitivityValues = featureDataFrame['Feature Importance'].values[:25] s1 = Bar(resistanceValues, cat=resistanceGenes.tolist(), title="Top 25 Resistance Genes for " + drugName, xlabel='Genes', ylabel = 'Coefficient', width=800, height=400, tools = False) s2 = Bar(sensitivityValues, cat=sensitivityGenes.tolist(), title="Top 25 Senitivity Genes for " + drugName, xlabel='Genes', ylabel = 'Coefficient', width=800, height=400, tools = False, palette = ['#82CC9B']) p = vplot(s1, s2) show(p)
def _init_plot(self): # get recoating data query = "SELECT MAX(ReplacementDate) AS ReplacementDate, SegmentPosition" \ " FROM MirrorRecoating" \ " GROUP BY SegmentPosition ORDER BY ReplacementDate, SegmentPosition" df = pd.read_sql(query, db.engine) # add missing segment positions missing_positions = [p for p in range(1, 92) if p not in df.SegmentPosition.values] df_missing = pd.DataFrame(dict(SegmentPosition=missing_positions, ReplacementDate=len(missing_positions) * [, 1, 1)])) df = df.append(df_missing, ignore_index=True) # sort by date (in descending order) df.sort_values(by='ReplacementDate', ascending=False, inplace=True) # add cumulative number of replacements since one recoating period ago start = - datetime.timedelta(self.RECOATING_PERIOD) recoatings = len(df[df.ReplacementDate >= start]) df['RecoatingsSinceYearStart'] = [max(recoatings - i, 0) for i in range(0, 91)] # add days since recoating df['DaysSinceReplacement'] = [( - d).days for d in df.ReplacementDate.values] # add segment position coordinates df['SegmentPositionX'] = [self.mirror_positions[m][0] for m in df.SegmentPosition] df['SegmentPositionY'] = [self.mirror_positions[m][1] for m in df.SegmentPosition] df['SegmentPositionCornerXs'] = [self._segment_corners(m)[0] for m in df.SegmentPosition] df['SegmentPositionCornerYs'] = [self._segment_corners(m)[1] for m in df.SegmentPosition] # create data source source = ColumnDataSource(df) table = self._table(source) replacement_plot = self._replacement_plot(source) segment_plot = self._segment_plot(source) srp = vplot(replacement_plot, segment_plot) self.plot = hplot(table, srp)
def getPlot(fileName): source = ColumnDataSource(mpg) manufacturers = sorted(mpg["manufacturer"].unique()) models = sorted(mpg["model"].unique()) columns = [ TableColumn(field="manufacturer", title="Manufacturer", editor=SelectEditor(options=manufacturers), formatter=StringFormatter(font_style="bold")), TableColumn(field="model", title="Model", editor=StringEditor(completions=models)), TableColumn(field="displ", title="Displacement", editor=NumberEditor(step=0.1), formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.0")), TableColumn(field="year", title="Year", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="cyl", title="Cylinders", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="cty", title="City MPG", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="hwy", title="Highway MPG", editor=IntEditor()), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, editable=True) plot = Plot(title=None, x_range= DataRange1d(), y_range=DataRange1d(), plot_width=1000, plot_height=300) # Set up x & y axis plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(), 'below') yaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker)) # Add Glyphs cty_glyph = Circle(x="index", y="cty", fill_color="#396285", size=8, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) hwy_glyph = Circle(x="index", y="hwy", fill_color="#CE603D", size=8, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) plot.add_glyph(source, cty_glyph) plot.add_glyph(source, hwy_glyph) layout = vplot(plot, data_table) script, div = components(layout) html = readHtmlFile(fileName) html = gui.insertScriptIntoHeader(html, script) html = gui.appendElementContent(html, div, "div", "bokehContent") return html
def make_coadd_html(): try: all_df, processed_df, band_df = get_data.create_coadd_map('db-desoper',"Y3A1_COADD") p = plotter.plot_coadd(all_df, processed_df, band_df, "Y3A1_COADD") except: print 'Coadd plot not rendered!' pass # Creating output path path = os.path.join(app.config["STATIC_PATH"],"reports/coadd/") if not os.path.isdir(path): os.makedirs(path) # Writing plots to HTML html = file_html(vplot(p),INLINE,'coadd') filename = 'coadd_map_save.html' includepath = 'reports/coadd/coadd_map_save.html' filepath = os.path.join(path,filename) with open(filepath,'w') as h: h.write('<h5> Last updated on: %s </h5>' % "{0}".format( h.write('<center>\n') h.write(html) h.write('</center>\n')
def plot_table_by_time(table): plots = [] table = table.set_index('time') for col in table: s = table[col] s.dropna(inplace=True) if not np.isscalar(s.values[0]): # replace with the sum s = s.apply(np.sum) x_range = plots[0].x_range if plots else None fig = figure(title=col, x_axis_type='datetime', x_range=x_range) fig.line(s.index, s, line_width=2), s, fill_color='white', size=8) plots.append(fig) ncols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(plots)))) nrows = int(np.ceil(len(plots) / ncols)) rows = [hplot(*plots[row*ncols:(row+1)*ncols]) for row in range(nrows)] plot = vplot(*rows) print('plot = %s' % plot) script, div = components(plot) return {'plot_div': div, 'plot_resources': PLOT_RESOURCES, 'plot_script': script, 'bokeh_version': bokeh.__version__}
def execute(args, parser): config = Config(args.config, verbose=False) with config.trialscontext() as session: q = (session.query(Trial) .filter(Trial.status == 'SUCCEEDED') .order_by(Trial.started)) data = [curr.to_dict() for curr in q.all()] bk.output_file(args.filename, title='osprey') plots = [] ss = config.search_space() for plot in PLOTS: plt = plot(data, ss) if plt is not None: plt = plt if isinstance(plt, list) else [plt] plots.extend(plt) p = vplot(*plots) if args.browser: else:
def create_objects(cls, symbol, df, securities): descr_box = Paragraph(text='content loading...') btn_close_loading = Button(label='Close Loading') dialog_loading = Dialog(title='loading', content=vplot(descr_box), name='loading_dialog', buttons=[btn_close_loading], visible=False) source_data = dict(df) main_source = ColumnDataSource(dict(df)) source = ColumnDataSource(source_data) # TODO: REMOVE THIS COMMENTED CODE! IT'S JUST THE PREVIOUS # VERSION USED BEFORE NEW P&D Cached results and algorithm # get the cached results of the P&D algorithm computed with the # "default" configuration # intervals = utils.cached_pumps.get(symbol, pumps.to_dicts(((),(),(),(),(),()))) # intervals['bottom'] = [0] * len(intervals['start']) # intervals['values'] = [max(df['price'])] * len(intervals['start']) # # intervals = pd.DataFrame(intervals) # new version stats = utils.get_symbols_cached_stats()[symbol] intervals = pd.DataFrame(stats) intervals['bottom'] = [0] * len(intervals['start']) intervals['values'] = [max(df['price'])] * len(intervals['start']) conv = lambda x: utils.to_seconds(pd.to_datetime(x)) intervals = intervals[ (pd.to_datetime(intervals['start']) > conv(config.date_range[0])) & (pd.to_datetime(intervals['start']) < conv(config.date_range[1]))] # Create P&Ds intervals DataSource intervals_source = ColumnDataSource(intervals) source.tags = ['main_source'] trends = utils.load_trends_data(symbol, start_date=min(df['dt'])) trends_source = ColumnDataSource(trends) trades = Slider(title="trades", name='trades', value=0, start=0, end=124, step=1) # Selectors symbol = Select.create(options=securities, value=symbol, name='symbol', title="") window_selector = Select.create(options=['---'], name='period_selector', title="Search intervals with:") symbol_filter = Select.create( options=['All', 'Stocks with Spam', 'Stocks without Spam'], name='symbol_filter', title="Filter Symbols:", value='Stocks with Spam') callback = Callback(args={ 'symbol_filter': symbol_filter, 'dialog_loading': dialog_loading }, code=callbacks.symbol_filter) symbol_filter.callback = callback btn_detect_pumps = Button(label='Configure P&D Detection', name='config_pumps') main_tab = Panel(title="Main") tabs = Tabs() # Create STOCKS TABLE ranks = utils.get_pumps_rank() # quotient_metrics = utils.get_quotient_metrics() # ranks['quotient'] = quotient_metrics['quotient'] foo = lambda x: utils.spams_count.get(x, 0) ranks['spams'] = map(foo, ranks['symbol']) ranks = ranks.sort(['spams', 'vol_quotient'], ascending=False) cls._pre_filtered_ranks = { 'All': {k: ranks[k] for k in ranks.columns}, 'Stocks with Spam': dict(ranks[ranks['spams'] > 0].sort('vol_quotient', ascending=False)), 'Stocks without Spam': dict(ranks[ranks['spams'] == 0].sort('vol_quotient', ascending=False)), } source_stocks_rank = ColumnDataSource(cls._pre_filtered_ranks['All']) table_stocks_rank = DataTable( source=source_stocks_rank, width=560, height=450, selectable=True, editable=True, columns=[ TableColumn(field='symbol', title='symbol', width=130, editor=StringEditor()), TableColumn(field='vol_quotient', title='volume ratio', editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), TableColumn(field='risk_score', title='risk', width=100, editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), TableColumn(field='spams', title='spams', width=130, editor=StringEditor(), default_sort='descending'), ]) callback = Callback(args={ 'tr': table_stocks_rank, 'sr': source_stocks_rank, 'symb': symbol, 'dialog_loading': dialog_loading }, code=callbacks.source_stocks_rank) source_stocks_rank.callback = callback return locals()
0.9, source=source, color='colors', alpha='alphas', line_color=None) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = "10pt" p.axis.major_label_standoff = 0 p.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 3 hover = hover.tooltips = [ ('tgt/src', '@yname, @xname'), ('attn', '@count'), ] return p if __name__ == '__main__': src = ["le", "est", "un"] tgt = ["the", "one", "is", "about"] alignment = np.array([[0, 1, 2, 5], [2, 4, 6, 7], [9, 1, 3, 3]]) / 10.0 print alignment p1 = make_alignment_figure(src, tgt, alignment) p2 = make_alignment_figure(src, tgt, alignment) p_all = vplot(p1, p2) show(p)
def plot(self): plots = [ vis.plot_plane(self, plane=plane, show_plot=False) for plane in ('XY', 'XZ', 'YZ') ] show(vplot(*plots))
p = figure(title="diamond") p.scatter(x, y, marker="diamond", size=sizes, color="#1C9099", line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="inverted_triangle") p.scatter(x, y, marker="inverted_triangle", size=sizes, color="#DE2D26") plots.append(p) p = figure(title="square_x") p.scatter(x, y, marker="square_x", size=sizes, color="#FDAE6B", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="asterisk") p.scatter(x, y, marker="asterisk", size=sizes, color="#F0027F", line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="square_cross") p.scatter(x, y, marker="square_cross", size=sizes, color="#7FC97F", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="diamond_cross") p.scatter(x, y, marker="diamond_cross", size=sizes, color="#386CB0", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="circle_cross") p.scatter(x, y, marker="circle_cross", size=sizes, color="#FB8072", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) show(vplot(*plots)) # open a browser
def queries_dashboard(response): table = VBox(children=[queries_table(response)]) plot = VBox(children=[queries_plot(response)]) return components(vplot(HBox(children=[table, plot])))
def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None): ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None) plots = [[] for i in range(self.rows)] passed_plots = [] tab_titles = {} insert_rows, insert_cols = [], [] adjoined = False for r, c in self.coords: subplot = self.subplots.get((r, c), None) if subplot is not None: shared_plots = passed_plots if self.shared_axes else None subplots = subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges, plots=shared_plots) # Computes plotting offsets depending on # number of adjoined plots offset = sum(r >= ir for ir in insert_rows) if len(subplots) > 2: adjoined = True # Add pad column in this position insert_cols.append(c) if r not in insert_rows: # Insert and pad marginal row if none exists plots.insert(r+offset, [None for _ in range(len(plots[r]))]) # Pad previous rows for ir in range(r): plots[ir].insert(c+1, None) # Add to row offset insert_rows.append(r) offset += 1 # Add top marginal plots[r+offset-1] += [subplots.pop(-1), None] elif len(subplots) > 1: adjoined = True # Add pad column in this position insert_cols.append(c) # Pad previous rows for ir in range(r): plots[r].insert(c+1, None) # Pad top marginal if one exists if r in insert_rows: plots[r+offset-1] += 2*[None] else: # Pad top marginal if one exists if r in insert_rows: plots[r+offset-1] += [None] * (1+(c in insert_cols)) plots[r+offset] += subplots if len(subplots) == 1 and c in insert_cols: plots[r+offset].append(None) passed_plots.append(subplots[0]) if self.tabs: if isinstance(self.layout, Layout): tab_titles[r, c] = ' '.join(self.paths[r,c]) else: dim_vals = zip(self.layout.kdims, self.paths[r, c]) tab_titles[r, c] = ', '.join([d.pprint_value_string(k) for d, k in dim_vals]) # Replace None types with empty plots # to avoid bokeh bug if adjoined: plots = layout_padding(plots) # Determine the most appropriate composite plot type # If the object cannot be displayed in a single layout # it will be split into Tabs, for 1-row or 1-column # Layouts we use the vplot and hplots. # If there is a table and multiple rows and columns # everything will be forced to a vertical layout if self.tabs: panels = [Panel(child=child, title=tab_titles.get(r, c)) for r, row in enumerate(plots) for c, child in enumerate(row) if child is not None] layout_plot = Tabs(tabs=panels) elif len(plots) == 1 and not adjoined: layout_plot = vplot(hplot(*plots[0])) elif len(plots[0]) == 1: layout_plot = vplot(*[p[0] for p in plots]) else: layout_plot = gridplot(plots) self.handles['plot'] = layout_plot self.handles['plots'] = plots self.drawn = True return self.handles['plot']
def plot(): # FIGURES AND X-AXIS fig1 = Figure(title = 'Dive Profile', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS) fig2 = Figure(title = 'Dive Controls', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) fig3 = Figure(title = 'Attitude', plot_width = WIDTH, plot_height = HEIGHT, tools = TOOLS, x_range=fig1.x_range) figs = gridplot([[fig1],[fig2],[fig3]]) # Formatting x-axis timeticks = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(seconds =["%b%d %H:%M:%S"], minutes =["%b%d %H:%M"], hourmin =["%b%d %H:%M"], hours =["%b%d %H:%M"], days =["%b%d %H:%M"], months=["%b%d %H:%M"], years =["%b%d %H:%M %Y"])) fig1.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig2.xaxis.formatter = timeticks fig3.xaxis.formatter = timeticks # removing gridlines fig1.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig1.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig2.ygrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.xgrid.grid_line_color = None fig3.ygrid.grid_line_color = None # INPUT WIDGETS collection_list = CONN[DB].collection_names(include_system_collections=False) gliders = sorted([platformID for platformID in collection_list if len(platformID)>2]) gliders = Select(title = 'PlatformID', value = gliders[0], options = gliders) prev_glider = Button(label = '<') next_glider = Button(label = '>') glider_controlbox = HBox(children = [gliders, prev_glider, next_glider], height=80) chunkations = Select(title = 'Chunkation', value = 'segment', options = ['segment', '24hr', '30days', '-ALL-']) chunk_indicator = TextInput(title = 'index', value = '0') prev_chunk = Button(label = '<') next_chunk = Button(label = '>') chunk_ID = PreText(height=80) chunk_controlbox = HBox(chunkations, HBox(chunk_indicator, width=25), prev_chunk, next_chunk, chunk_ID, height = 80) control_box = HBox(glider_controlbox, chunk_controlbox) # DATA VARS deadby_date = '' depth = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) vert_vel = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mbpump = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) battpos = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) pitch = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cfin = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mroll = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) mheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) cheading = ColumnDataSource(dict(x=[],y=[])) # AXIS setup colors = COLORS[:] fig1.y_range.flipped = True fig1.yaxis.axis_label = 'm_depth (m)' fig1.extra_y_ranges = {'vert_vel': Range1d(start=-50, end=50), 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig1.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'vert_vel', axis_label = 'vertical velocity (cm/s)')) fig1.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig1.yaxis[1].visible = False fig1.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig1.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig2.yaxis.axis_label = 'pitch (deg)' fig2.y_range.start, fig2.y_range.end = -40,40 fig2.extra_y_ranges = {'battpos': Range1d(start=-1, end = 1), 'bpump': Range1d(start=-275, end=275)} fig2.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'battpos', axis_label = 'battpos (in)')) fig2.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'bpump', axis_label = 'bpump (cc)')) fig2.yaxis[1].visible = False # necessary for spacing. later gets set to true fig3.yaxis.axis_label = 'fin/roll (deg)' fig3.y_range.start, fig3.y_range.end = -30, 30 fig3.extra_y_ranges = {'heading': Range1d(start=0, end=360), #TODO dynamic avg centering 'dummy': Range1d(start=0, end=100)} fig3.add_layout(place = 'right', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'heading', axis_label = 'headings (deg)')) fig3.add_layout(place = 'left', obj = LinearAxis(y_range_name = 'dummy', axis_label = ' ')) fig3.yaxis[1].visible = False fig3.yaxis[1].axis_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_label_text_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_alpha = 0 fig3.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_alpha = 0 # PLOT OBJECTS fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red')'x', 'y', source = depth, legend = 'm_depth', color = 'red') fig1.line( 'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel')'x', 'y', source = vert_vel, legend = 'vert_vel', color = 'green', y_range_name = 'vert_vel') fig1.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'vert_vel', line_color= 'green', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo')'x', 'y', source = pitch, legend = "m_pitch", color = 'indigo') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos')'x', 'y', source = battpos, legend = 'm_battpos', color = 'magenta', y_range_name = 'battpos') fig2.line( 'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump')'x', 'y', source = mbpump, legend = "m_'bpump'", color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'bpump') fig2.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan')'x', 'y', source = mfin, legend = 'm_fin', color = 'cyan') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange')'x', 'y', source = cfin, legend = 'c_fin', color = 'orange') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta')'x', 'y', source = mroll, legend = 'm_roll', color = 'magenta') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = mheading, legend = 'm_heading', color = 'blue', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.line( 'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading')'x', 'y', source = cheading, legend = 'c_heading', color = 'indigo', y_range_name = 'heading') fig3.renderers.append(Span(location = 0, dimension = 'width', y_range_name = 'default', line_color= 'black', line_dash='dashed', line_width=1)) # CALLBACK FUNCS def update_data(attrib,old,new): g = gliders.value chnk = chunkations.value chindex = abs(int(chunk_indicator.value)) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]) = dict(x=[],y=[]),startend = load_sensor(g, 'm_depth', chnk, chindex) if chnk == 'segment': xbd = startend[2] chunk_ID.text = '{} {} \n{} ({}) \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, xbd['mission'], xbd['onboard_filename'], xbd['the8x3_filename'], e2ts(xbd['start']), e2ts(xbd['end'])) if len(set(['x']))<=1 and attrib == 'chunk': if old > new: next_chunk.clicks += 1 else: prev_chunk.clicks += 1 return elif len(set(['x']))<=1 and chunk_indicator.value == 0: chunk_indicator.value = 1 elif chnk in ['24hr', '30days']: chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g, e2ts(startend[0]), e2ts(startend[1])) elif chnk == '-ALL-': chunk_ID.text = '{} \nSTART: {} \nEND: {}'.format(g,e2ts(['x'][0] /1000), e2ts(['x'][-1]/1000)) = calc_vert_vel(,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_de_oil_vol', chnk, chindex) if len(['x']) > 1: #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_de_oil_vol' pass else:,_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_ballast_pumped', chnk, chindex) #for yax in'mbpump'): # yax.legend = 'm_ballast_pumped',_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_battpos', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_pitch', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']],_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_fin', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_roll', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'm_heading', chnk, chindex),_ = load_sensor(g, 'c_heading', chnk, chindex)['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']]['y'] = [math.degrees(y) for y in['y']] fig1.yaxis[1].visible = True fig2.yaxis[1].visible = True fig3.yaxis[1].visible = True #GLIDER SELECTS def glider_buttons(increment): ops = gliders.options new_index = ops.index(gliders.value) + increment if new_index >= len(ops): new_index = 0 elif new_index < 0: new_index = len(ops)-1 gliders.value = ops[new_index] chunkation_update(None, None, None) #reset chunk indicator and clicks def next_glider_func(): glider_buttons(1) def prev_glider_func(): glider_buttons(-1) def update_glider(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' #update_data(None,None,None) gliders.on_change('value', update_glider) next_glider.on_click(next_glider_func) prev_glider.on_click(prev_glider_func) #CHUNK SELECTS def chunkation_update(attrib,old,new): chunk_indicator.value = '0' prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 update_data(None,None,None) if new == '-ALL-': chunk_indicator.value = '-' def chunk_func(): chunkdiff = prev_chunk.clicks - next_chunk.clicks if chunkdiff < 0: prev_chunk.clicks = 0 next_chunk.clicks = 0 chunkdiff = 0 print (chunkdiff) chunk_indicator.value = str(chunkdiff) def chunk_indicator_update(attrib,old,new): try: if abs(int(old)-int(new))>1: #manual update, triggers new non-manual indicator update, ie else clause below prev_chunk.clicks = int(new) next_chunk.clicks = 0 else: update_data('chunk',int(old),int(new)) print("UPDATE", old, new) except Exception as e: print(type(e),e, old, new) chunkations.on_change('value', chunkation_update) chunk_indicator.on_change('value', chunk_indicator_update) next_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) prev_chunk.on_click(chunk_func) update_data(None,None,None) return vplot(control_box, figs)
p.scatter(x, y, marker="square_cross", size=sizes, color="#7FC97F", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="diamond_cross") p.scatter(x, y, marker="diamond_cross", size=sizes, color="#386CB0", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) p = figure(title="circle_cross") p.scatter(x, y, marker="circle_cross", size=sizes, color="#FB8072", fill_color=None, line_width=2) plots.append(p) show(vplot(*plots)) # open a browser
def initialize_plot(self, ranges=None): ranges = self.compute_ranges(self.layout, self.keys[-1], None) plots = [[] for i in range(self.rows)] passed_plots = [] tab_titles = {} insert_rows, insert_cols = [], [] adjoined = False for r, c in self.coords: subplot = self.subplots.get((r, c), None) if subplot is not None: shared_plots = passed_plots if self.shared_axes else None subplots = subplot.initialize_plot(ranges=ranges, plots=shared_plots) # Computes plotting offsets depending on # number of adjoined plots offset = sum(r >= ir for ir in insert_rows) if len(subplots) > 2: adjoined = True # Add pad column in this position insert_cols.append(c) if r not in insert_rows: # Insert and pad marginal row if none exists plots.insert(r + offset, [None for _ in range(len(plots[r]))]) # Pad previous rows for ir in range(r): plots[ir].insert(c + 1, None) # Add to row offset insert_rows.append(r) offset += 1 # Add top marginal plots[r + offset - 1] += [subplots.pop(-1), None] elif len(subplots) > 1: adjoined = True # Add pad column in this position insert_cols.append(c) # Pad previous rows for ir in range(r): plots[r].insert(c + 1, None) # Pad top marginal if one exists if r in insert_rows: plots[r + offset - 1] += 2 * [None] else: # Pad top marginal if one exists if r in insert_rows: plots[r + offset - 1] += [None] * (1 + (c in insert_cols)) plots[r + offset] += subplots if len(subplots) == 1 and c in insert_cols: plots[r + offset].append(None) passed_plots.append(subplots[0]) if self.tabs: if isinstance(self.layout, Layout): tab_titles[r, c] = ' '.join(self.paths[r, c]) else: dim_vals = zip(self.layout.kdims, self.paths[r, c]) tab_titles[r, c] = ', '.join( [d.pprint_value_string(k) for d, k in dim_vals]) # Replace None types with empty plots # to avoid bokeh bug if adjoined: plots = layout_padding(plots) # Determine the most appropriate composite plot type # If the object cannot be displayed in a single layout # it will be split into Tabs, for 1-row or 1-column # Layouts we use the vplot and hplots. # If there is a table and multiple rows and columns # everything will be forced to a vertical layout if self.tabs: panels = [ Panel(child=child, title=tab_titles.get(r, c)) for r, row in enumerate(plots) for c, child in enumerate(row) if child is not None ] layout_plot = Tabs(tabs=panels) elif len(plots) == 1 and not adjoined: layout_plot = vplot(hplot(*plots[0])) elif len(plots[0]) == 1: layout_plot = vplot(*[p[0] for p in plots]) else: layout_plot = gridplot(plots) self.handles['plot'] = layout_plot self.handles['plots'] = plots self.drawn = True return self.handles['plot']
global layout global energy_per_capita new_df = data_changed(energy_per_capita) if new_df is not None: energy_per_capita = new_df plots_box.children[0] = create_line(energy_per_capita) plots_box.children[1] = create_bar(energy_per_capita) line = create_line(energy_per_capita) bar = create_bar(energy_per_capita) desc1 = Paragraph(text=""" This example shows live integration between bokeh server and Excel using XLWings.""") desc2 = Paragraph(text=""" *** YOU MUST HAVE EXCEL and XLWINGS INSTALLED ON YOUR MACHINE FOR IT TO WORK *** """) desc3 = Paragraph(text=""" It opens this plots window and an excel spreadsheet instance with the values being plotted. When user changes the values on the excel spreadsheet the plots will be updated accordingly. It's not required to save the spreadsheet for the plots to update. """) plots_box = hplot(line, bar) layout = vplot(desc1, desc2, desc3, plots_box) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 500) # open the document in a browser session.loop_until_closed() # run forever
def run_chart(exchange, asset, limit): client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client['bitpredict_' + exchange] collection = db[asset_ + '_predictions'] def get_data(): cursor = collection.find().limit(limit).sort('_id', pymongo.DESCENDING) data = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor)) data = data.set_index('_id') data = data.sort_index(ascending=True) timestamps = pd.to_datetime(data.index, unit='s').to_series() prices = data.price predictions = data.prediction * 10000 returns = (data.position * data.change).cumsum() * 10000 return timestamps, prices, predictions, returns timestamps, prices, predictions, returns = get_data() output_server('bitpredict_' + exchange + '_extended') background = '#f2f2f2' ylabel_standoff = 0 xformatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(formats=dict(hours=["%H:%M"])) yformatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format="%8.1f") p1 = figure(title=None, plot_width=750, plot_height=300, x_axis_type='datetime', min_border_top=10, min_border_bottom=33, background_fill=background, tools='', toolbar_location=None) p1.line(x=timestamps, y=prices, name='prices', color='#4271ae', line_width=1, legend='Bitcoin Bid/Ask Midpoint', line_cap='round', line_join='round') p1.legend.orientation = 'top_left' p1.legend.border_line_color = background p1.outline_line_color = None p1.xgrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p1.ygrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p1.axis.axis_line_color = None p1.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p1.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p1.yaxis.axis_label = 'Price' p1.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = ylabel_standoff p1.xaxis.formatter = xformatter p1.yaxis.formatter = PrintfTickFormatter(format='%8.2f') p1.yaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p1.xaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p2 = figure(title=None, plot_width=750, plot_height=295, x_axis_type='datetime', min_border_top=5, min_border_bottom=33, background_fill=background, tools='', toolbar_location=None) p2.line(x=timestamps, y=predictions, name='predictions', color='#c82829', line_width=1, legend='30 Second Prediction', line_cap='round', line_join='round') p2.legend.orientation = 'top_left' p2.legend.border_line_color = background p2.outline_line_color = None p2.xgrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p2.ygrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p2.axis.axis_line_color = None p2.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p2.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p2.yaxis.axis_label = 'Basis Points' p2.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = ylabel_standoff p2.xaxis.formatter = xformatter p2.yaxis.formatter = yformatter p2.yaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p2.xaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p2.x_range = p1.x_range p3 = figure(title=None, plot_width=750, plot_height=320, x_axis_type='datetime', min_border_top=5, min_border_bottom=10, background_fill=background, x_axis_label='Greenwich Mean Time', tools='', toolbar_location=None) p3.line(x=timestamps, y=returns, name='returns', color='#8959a8', line_width=1, legend='Cumulative Return', line_cap='round', line_join='round') p3.legend.orientation = 'top_left' p3.legend.border_line_color = background p3.outline_line_color = None p3.xgrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p3.ygrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p3.axis.axis_line_color = None p3.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p3.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p3.yaxis.axis_label = 'Basis Points' p3.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = ylabel_standoff p3.xaxis.formatter = xformatter p3.yaxis.formatter = yformatter p3.xaxis.axis_label_standoff = 12 p3.yaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p3.xaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p3.x_range = p1.x_range vp = vplot(p1, p2, p3) push() ip = load(urlopen(''))['ip'] ssn = cursession() ssn.publish() embed.autoload_server(vp, ssn, public=True) renderer ='prices')) ds_prices = renderer[0].data_source renderer ='predictions')) ds_predictions = renderer[0].data_source renderer ='returns')) ds_returns = renderer[0].data_source while True: timestamps, prices, predictions, returns = get_data(exchange, limit)['x'] = timestamps['x'] = timestamps['x'] = timestamps['y'] = prices['y'] = predictions['y'] = returns ssn.store_objects(ds_prices) ssn.store_objects(ds_predictions) ssn.store_objects(ds_returns) time.sleep(60)
end=date(2004, 12, 31), bounds=(date(2001, 1, 1), date(2006, 12, 31))) y_range = Range1d(start=00, end=40, bounds=(10, 60)) y_range_extra = Range1d(start=300, end=700, bounds=(200, 1000)) ###### -- end -- ######## plot_extra = figure( x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title= "Multiple ranges x:(2001/1/1, 2006/12/31), y1:(10, 60), y2:(200, 1000)") plot_extra.line(x, apple_y, color='lightblue') plot_extra.extra_y_ranges = {'goog': y_range_extra} plot_extra.line(x, google_y, color='pink', y_range_name='goog') plot_extra.add_layout( LinearAxis(y_range_name="goog", major_label_text_color='pink'), 'left') # Tweak the formats to make it all readable plots = [ plot_datarange, plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev, plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_bounded, plot_extra ] for plot in plots: plot.title_text_font_size = '12pt' show( vplot(plot_datarange, hplot(plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev), hplot(plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_bounded), plot_extra))
data['x'] = []; data['y'] = []; } else { if (mode == 'Linear') { interp = linear; } else if (mode == 'Step (before)') { interp = step; step.set('mode', 'before'); } else if (mode == 'Step (center)') { interp = step; step.set('mode', 'center'); } else if (mode == 'Step (after)') { interp = step; step.set('mode', 'after'); } for (i=0; i < %d; i++) { data['x'][i] = i * dx data['y'][i] = interp.compute(data['x'][i]) } } source.trigger('change') """ % (N, N)) mode = Select(title='Interpolation Mode', value='None', options=[ 'None', 'Linear', 'Step (before)', 'Step (center)', 'Step (after)' ], callback=callback) output_file("transform_interpolator.html", title="Example Transforms") show(vplot(hplot(mode), p))
def create(self): manufacturers = sorted(mpg["manufacturer"].unique()) models = sorted(mpg["model"].unique()) transmissions = sorted(mpg["trans"].unique()) drives = sorted(mpg["drv"].unique()) classes = sorted(mpg["class"].unique()) manufacturer_select = Select(title="Manufacturer:", value="All", options=["All"] + manufacturers) manufacturer_select.on_change('value', self.on_manufacturer_change) model_select = Select(title="Model:", value="All", options=["All"] + models) model_select.on_change('value', self.on_model_change) transmission_select = Select(title="Transmission:", value="All", options=["All"] + transmissions) transmission_select.on_change('value', self.on_transmission_change) drive_select = Select(title="Drive:", value="All", options=["All"] + drives) drive_select.on_change('value', self.on_drive_change) class_select = Select(title="Class:", value="All", options=["All"] + classes) class_select.on_change('value', self.on_class_change) columns = [ TableColumn(field="manufacturer", title="Manufacturer", editor=SelectEditor(options=manufacturers), formatter=StringFormatter(font_style="bold")), TableColumn(field="model", title="Model", editor=StringEditor(completions=models)), TableColumn(field="displ", title="Displacement", editor=NumberEditor(step=0.1), formatter=NumberFormatter(format="0.0")), TableColumn(field="year", title="Year", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="cyl", title="Cylinders", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="trans", title="Transmission", editor=SelectEditor(options=transmissions)), TableColumn(field="drv", title="Drive", editor=SelectEditor(options=drives)), TableColumn(field="class", title="Class", editor=SelectEditor(options=classes)), TableColumn(field="cty", title="City MPG", editor=IntEditor()), TableColumn(field="hwy", title="Highway MPG", editor=IntEditor()), ] data_table = DataTable(source=self.source, columns=columns, editable=True) plot = Plot(title=None, x_range= DataRange1d(), y_range=DataRange1d(), plot_width=1000, plot_height=300) # Set up x & y axis plot.add_layout(LinearAxis(), 'below') yaxis = LinearAxis() plot.add_layout(yaxis, 'left') plot.add_layout(Grid(dimension=1, ticker=yaxis.ticker)) # Add Glyphs cty_glyph = Circle(x="index", y="cty", fill_color="#396285", size=8, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) hwy_glyph = Circle(x="index", y="hwy", fill_color="#CE603D", size=8, fill_alpha=0.5, line_alpha=0.5) cty = plot.add_glyph(self.source, cty_glyph) hwy = plot.add_glyph(self.source, hwy_glyph) # Add the tools tooltips = [ ("Manufacturer", "@manufacturer"), ("Model", "@model"), ("Displacement", "@displ"), ("Year", "@year"), ("Cylinders", "@cyl"), ("Transmission", "@trans"), ("Drive", "@drv"), ("Class", "@class"), ] cty_hover_tool = HoverTool(renderers=[cty], tooltips=tooltips + [("City MPG", "@cty")]) hwy_hover_tool = HoverTool(renderers=[hwy], tooltips=tooltips + [("Highway MPG", "@hwy")]) select_tool = BoxSelectTool(renderers=[cty, hwy], dimensions=['width']) plot.add_tools(cty_hover_tool, hwy_hover_tool, select_tool) controls = vplot(manufacturer_select, model_select, transmission_select, drive_select, class_select) top_panel = hplot(controls, plot) layout = vplot(top_panel, data_table) return layout
def update(): global layout global energy_per_capita new_df = data_changed(energy_per_capita) if new_df is not None: energy_per_capita = new_df plots_box.children[0] = create_line(energy_per_capita) plots_box.children[1] = create_bar(energy_per_capita) line = create_line(energy_per_capita) bar = create_bar(energy_per_capita) desc1 = Paragraph(text=""" This example shows live integration between bokeh server and Excel using XLWings.""") desc2 = Paragraph(text=""" *** YOU MUST HAVE EXCEL and XLWINGS INSTALLED ON YOUR MACHINE FOR IT TO WORK *** """) desc3 = Paragraph(text=""" It opens this plots window and an excel spreadsheet instance with the values being plotted. When user changes the values on the excel spreadsheet the plots will be updated accordingly. It's not required to save the spreadsheet for the plots to update. """) plots_box = hplot(line, bar) layout = vplot(desc1, desc2, desc3, plots_box) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 500) # open the document in a browser session.loop_until_closed() # run forever
from import output_file, show, vplot from bokeh.plotting import figure output_file("layout.html") x = list(range(11)) y0 = x y1 = [10 - i for i in x] y2 = [abs(i - 5) for i in x] # create a new plot s1 = figure(width=250, plot_height=250, title=None), y0, size=10, color="navy", alpha=0.5) # create another one s2 = figure(width=250, height=250, title=None) s2.triangle(x, y1, size=10, color="firebrick", alpha=0.5) # create and another s3 = figure(width=250, height=250, title=None) s3.square(x, y2, size=10, color="olive", alpha=0.5) # put all the plots in a VBox p = vplot(s1, s2, s3) # show the results show(p)
def make_patches_plot(x_range, y_range, source): with make_plot(x_range, y_range, source) as plot: glyph = Patches(xs='xs', ys='ys', fill_color='value', fill_alpha=0.8, line_color='#CCCCCC', line_alpha=0.8) plot.add_glyph(source, glyph) return plot def make_multiline_plot(x_range, y_range, source): with make_plot(x_range, y_range, source) as plot: glyph = MultiLine(xs='xs', ys='ys', line_color='value', line_width=5, line_alpha=0.8) plot.add_glyph(source, glyph) return plot patch = make_patch_plot(Range1d(2010, 2013), Range1d(0, 5), patch_data) line = make_line_plot(Range1d(2010, 2013), Range1d(0, 5), patch_data) patches = make_patches_plot(Range1d(-5, 10), Range1d(-5, 10), patches_data) multiline = make_multiline_plot(Range1d(-5, 10), Range1d(-5, 10), patches_data) patch_with_hole = make_patch_plot(Range1d(2010, 2017), Range1d(0, 5), patch_with_hole_data) line_with_hole = make_line_plot(Range1d(2010, 2016), Range1d(0, 5), patch_with_hole_data) patches_with_hole = make_patches_plot(Range1d(-5, 10), Range1d(-5, 10), patches_with_hole_data) multiline_with_hole = make_multiline_plot(Range1d(-5, 10), Range1d(-5, 10), patches_with_hole_data) show(vplot( patch, line, patches, multiline, patches_with_hole, line_with_hole, patches_with_hole, multiline_with_hole ))
def do_plot(self, inputDir, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, simDataFile, validationDataFile, metadata): if metadata["variant"] != "tfActivity": print "This plot only runs for the 'tfActivity' variant." return if not os.path.isdir(inputDir): raise Exception, "inputDir does not currently exist as a directory" ap = AnalysisPaths(inputDir, variant_plot=True) variants = sorted(ap._path_data['variant'].tolist() ) # Sorry for accessing private data if 0 in variants: variants.remove(0) if len(variants) == 0: return all_cells = sorted( ap.get_cells(variant=variants, seed=[0], generation=[0])) if not os.path.exists(plotOutDir): os.mkdir(plotOutDir) expectedProbBound = [] simulatedProbBound = [] expectedSynthProb = [] simulatedSynthProb = [] targetId = [] targetCondition = [] targetToTfType = {} for variant, simDir in zip(variants, all_cells): sim_data = cPickle.load(open(ap.get_variant_kb(variant), "rb")) shape = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.recruitmentData[ "shape"] hI = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.recruitmentData[ "hI"] hJ = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.recruitmentData[ "hJ"] hV = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.recruitmentData[ "hV"] H = np.zeros(shape, np.float64) H[hI, hJ] = hV colNames = sim_data.process.transcription_regulation.recruitmentColNames tfList = ["basal (no TF)"] + sorted( sim_data.tfToActiveInactiveConds) simOutDir = os.path.join(simDir, "simOut") tf = tfList[(variant + 1) // 2] tfStatus = None if variant % 2 == 1: tfStatus = "active" else: tfStatus = "inactive" bulkMoleculesReader = TableReader( os.path.join(simOutDir, "BulkMolecules")) bulkMoleculeIds = bulkMoleculesReader.readAttribute("objectNames") rnaSynthProbReader = TableReader( os.path.join(simOutDir, "RnaSynthProb")) rnaIds = rnaSynthProbReader.readAttribute("rnaIds") tfTargetBoundIds = [] tfTargetBoundIndices = [] tfTargetSynthProbIds = [] tfTargetSynthProbIndices = [] for tfTarget in sorted(sim_data.tfToFC[tf]): tfTargetBoundIds.append(tfTarget + "__" + tf) tfTargetBoundIndices.append( bulkMoleculeIds.index(tfTargetBoundIds[-1])) tfTargetSynthProbIds.append(tfTarget + "[c]") tfTargetSynthProbIndices.append( rnaIds.index(tfTargetSynthProbIds[-1])) tfTargetBoundCountsAll = bulkMoleculesReader.readColumn( "counts")[:, tfTargetBoundIndices] tfTargetSynthProbAll = rnaSynthProbReader.readColumn( "rnaSynthProb")[:, tfTargetSynthProbIndices] for targetIdx, tfTarget in enumerate(sorted(sim_data.tfToFC[tf])): tfTargetBoundCounts = tfTargetBoundCountsAll[:, targetIdx].reshape( -1) expectedProbBound.append(sim_data.pPromoterBound[tf + "__" + tfStatus][tf]) simulatedProbBound.append(tfTargetBoundCounts[5:].mean()) tfTargetSynthProbId = [tfTarget + "[c]"] tfTargetSynthProbIndex = np.array( [rnaIds.index(x) for x in tfTargetSynthProbId]) tfTargetSynthProb = tfTargetSynthProbAll[:, targetIdx].reshape(-1) rnaIdx = np.where( sim_data.process.transcription.rnaData["id"] == tfTarget + "[c]")[0][0] regulatingTfIdxs = np.where(H[rnaIdx, :]) for i in regulatingTfIdxs[0]: if colNames[i].split("__")[1] != "alpha": if tfTarget not in targetToTfType: targetToTfType[tfTarget] = [] targetToTfType[tfTarget].append( sim_data.process.transcription_regulation. tfToTfType[colNames[i].split("__")[1]]) expectedSynthProb.append( sim_data.process.transcription.rnaSynthProb[ tf + "__" + tfStatus][rnaIdx]) simulatedSynthProb.append(tfTargetSynthProb[5:].mean()) targetId.append(tfTarget) targetCondition.append(tf + "__" + tfStatus) bulkMoleculesReader.close() rnaSynthProbReader.close() expectedProbBound = np.array(expectedProbBound) simulatedProbBound = np.array(simulatedProbBound) expectedSynthProb = np.array(expectedSynthProb) simulatedSynthProb = np.array(simulatedSynthProb) regressionResult = scipy.stats.linregress( np.log10(expectedProbBound[expectedProbBound > NUMERICAL_ZERO]), np.log10(simulatedProbBound[expectedProbBound > NUMERICAL_ZERO])) regressionResultLargeValues = scipy.stats.linregress( np.log10(expectedProbBound[expectedProbBound > 1e-2]), np.log10(simulatedProbBound[expectedProbBound > 1e-2])) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) ax.scatter(np.log10(expectedProbBound), np.log10(simulatedProbBound)) plt.xlabel("log10(Expected probability bound)", fontsize=6) plt.ylabel("log10(Simulated probability bound)", fontsize=6) plt.title( "Slope: %0.3f Intercept: %0.3e (Without Small Values: Slope: %0.3f Intercept: %0.3e)" % (regressionResult.slope, regressionResult.intercept, regressionResultLargeValues.slope, regressionResultLargeValues.intercept), fontsize=6) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', labelsize=6) regressionResult = scipy.stats.linregress( np.log10(expectedSynthProb[expectedSynthProb > NUMERICAL_ZERO]), np.log10(simulatedSynthProb[expectedSynthProb > NUMERICAL_ZERO])) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) ax.scatter(np.log10(expectedSynthProb), np.log10(simulatedSynthProb)) plt.xlabel("log10(Expected synthesis probability)", fontsize=6) plt.ylabel("log10(Simulated synthesis probability)", fontsize=6) plt.title("Slope: %0.3f Intercept: %0.3e" % (regressionResult.slope, regressionResult.intercept), fontsize=6) ax.tick_params(which='both', direction='out', labelsize=6) plt.tight_layout() exportFigure(plt, plotOutDir, plotOutFileName, metadata) plt.close("all") # Probability bound - hover for ID source1 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=np.log10(expectedProbBound), y=np.log10(simulatedProbBound), ID=targetId, condition=targetCondition)) hover1 = HoverTool(tooltips=[("ID", "@ID"), ("condition", "@condition")]) tools1 = [ hover1, BoxZoomTool(), LassoSelectTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResizeTool(), UndoTool(), RedoTool(), "reset" ] s1 = figure(x_axis_label="log10(Expected probability bound)", y_axis_label="log10(Simulated probability bound)", width=800, height=500, tools=tools1) s1.scatter("x", "y", source=source1) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(plotOutDir, "html_plots")): os.makedirs(os.path.join(plotOutDir, "html_plots")) plotOutDir, "html_plots", plotOutFileName + "__probBound" + ".html"), title=plotOutFileName, autosave=False) # Synthesis probability - hover for ID source2 = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=np.log10(expectedSynthProb), y=np.log10(simulatedSynthProb), ID=targetId, condition=targetCondition)) hover2 = HoverTool(tooltips=[("ID", "@ID"), ("condition", "@condition")]) tools2 = [ hover2, BoxZoomTool(), LassoSelectTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResizeTool(), UndoTool(), RedoTool(), "reset" ] s2 = figure(x_axis_label="log10(Expected synthesis probability)", y_axis_label="log10(Simulated synthesis probability)", width=800, height=500, tools=tools2) s2.scatter("x", "y", source=source2) plotOutDir, "html_plots", plotOutFileName + "__synthProb" + ".html"), title=plotOutFileName, autosave=False) # Synthesis probability - filter targets by TF type plotOutDir, "html_plots", plotOutFileName + "__synthProb__interactive" + ".html"), title=plotOutFileName, autosave=False) tfTypes = [] for i in targetId: if i in targetToTfType: uniqueSet = np.unique(targetToTfType[i]) if uniqueSet.shape[0] == 1: tfTypes.append(uniqueSet[0]) elif uniqueSet.shape[0] == 3: tfTypes.append("all") else: tfTypes.append(uniqueSet[0] + "_" + uniqueSet[1]) else: tfTypes.append("none") tfTypes = np.array(tfTypes) x0 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x0[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS")] = np.nan x1 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x1[np.where(tfTypes != "1CS")] = np.nan x2 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x2[np.where(tfTypes != "2CS")] = np.nan x01 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x01[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS_1CS")] = np.nan x02 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x02[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS_2CS")] = np.nan x12 = np.copy(expectedSynthProb) x12[np.where(tfTypes != "1CS_2CS")] = np.nan y0 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) y0[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS")] = np.nan y1 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) y1[np.where(tfTypes != "1CS")] = np.nan y2 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) y2[np.where(tfTypes != "2CS")] = np.nan y01 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) y01[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS_1CS")] = np.nan y02 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) y02[np.where(tfTypes != "0CS_2CS")] = np.nan y12 = np.copy(simulatedSynthProb) x12[np.where(tfTypes != "1CS_2CS")] = np.nan source_all = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(x=np.log10(expectedSynthProb), y=np.log10(simulatedSynthProb), ID=targetId, condition=targetCondition)) source_tf = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x0=np.log10(x0), y0=np.log10(y0), x1=np.log10(x1), y1=np.log10(y1), x2=np.log10(x2), y2=np.log10(y2), x01=np.log10(x01), y01=np.log10(y01), x02=np.log10(x02), y02=np.log10(y02), x12=np.log10(x12), y12=np.log10(y12), x123=np.log10(expectedSynthProb), y123=np.log10(simulatedSynthProb), ID=targetId, condition=targetCondition)) hover3 = HoverTool(tooltips=[("ID", "@ID"), ("condition", "@condition")]) tools3 = [ hover3, BoxZoomTool(), LassoSelectTool(), PanTool(), WheelZoomTool(), ResizeTool(), UndoTool(), RedoTool(), "reset" ] axis_max = np.ceil(np.log10(expectedSynthProb).max()) for i in np.sort(expectedSynthProb): if i > 0: break axis_min = np.floor(np.log10(i)) s3 = figure( x_axis_label="log10(Expected synthesis probability)", y_axis_label="log10(Simulated synthesis probability)", plot_width=800, plot_height=500, x_range=(axis_min, axis_max), y_range=(axis_min, axis_max), tools=tools3, ) s3.scatter("x", "y", source=source_all) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source_all=source_all, source_tf=source_tf), code=""" var data_all = source_all.get('data'); var data_tf = source_tf.get('data'); data_all['x'] = data_tf['x' + cb_obj.get("name")]; data_all['y'] = data_tf['y' + cb_obj.get("name")]; source_all.trigger('change'); """) toggle0 = Button(label="0CS", callback=callback, name="0") toggle1 = Button(label="1CS", callback=callback, name="1") toggle2 = Button(label="2CS", callback=callback, name="2") toggle3 = Button(label="0CS and 1CS", callback=callback, name="01") toggle4 = Button(label="0CS and 2CS", callback=callback, name="02") toggle5 = Button(label="1CS and 2CS", callback=callback, name="12") toggle6 = Button(label="All", callback=callback, name="123") layout = vplot(toggle0, toggle1, toggle2, toggle3, toggle4, toggle5, toggle6, s3)'xu', y='y', color='navy', source=source, size=5, alpha=0.5) label_data = ColumnDataSource(data=dict( x=[1, 2, 3], y=[10, 10, 10], t=['Original', 'Normal', 'Uniform'])) labels = Label(x='x', y='y', text='t', y_offset=2, source=label_data, render_mode='css', text_align='center') p.add_annotation(labels) callback = CustomJS(args=dict(source=source, normal=normal, uniform=uniform), code=""" data=source.get('data') for (i=0; i < data['y'].length; i++) { data['xn'][i] = normal.compute(data['x'][i]+1) } for (i=0; i < data['y'].length; i++) { data['xu'][i] = uniform.compute(data['x'][i]+2) } source.trigger('change') """) button = Button(label='Press to apply Jitter!', callback=callback) output_file("transform_jitter.html", title="Example Jitter Transform") show(vplot(button, p))
s3.hbar(y = [1,2,3], height=0.5, left = 0, right = stats_deaths, color="#CAB2D6")""" #vertical_plot = vplot(p,s3) s3.xaxis.axis_label = 'Estimated Number of Cases (1000)' #s3.yaxis.axis_label = 'Cancer Type' s3.title.text_font_size = "25px" label_opts = dict( x=230, y=0, x_units='screen', y_units='screen' ) msg1 = '(Based on Developed and under developed Region)' #Subtitle addition hack as it is not supported adding through label for plot: mortality and new cases for breast cancer plot. caption1 = Label(text =msg1, **label_opts) s3.add_layout(caption1, "above") p = hplot(s1,vplot(s2,s3)) """p.legend.label_text_font = "times" p.legend.label_text_font_style = "italic" p.legend.label_text_color = "navy""" #show(vertical_plot) show(p) #plots = {'Average': s1, "Stages": s2} #script, div = components(plots) #print script #print div
def makeGraphs(self): # create a new plot with a title and axis labels heat = figure(title="#CapitalOne Caption Sentiment Heat Map", y_axis_label='Sentiment Percentage (%)', y_range=(-5,105), x_range=(-5,(MAX_COUNT/3)+5)) heat.axis[0].major_label_text_color = None heat.axis[0].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0 positiveColor = "#003A6F" # Capital One woodmark color neutralColor = "#686868" # Grey neutral color negativeColor = "#A12830" # Capital One logo color # Create different colored circles based on sentiment, self.positiveY, radius=self.positiveRadius, fill_color=positiveColor, fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=None), self.neutralY, radius=self.neutralRadius, fill_color=neutralColor, fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=None), self.negativeY, radius=self.negativeRadius, fill_color=negativeColor, fill_alpha=0.5, line_color=None) # Adds sentiment n to n-1 to create a list from 0-1 captionAvgTemp = { 'positive': self.captionSentimentAverage['positive'], 'neutral': self.captionSentimentAverage['neutral']+self.captionSentimentAverage['positive'], 'negative': self.captionSentimentAverage['negative']+self.captionSentimentAverage['neutral']+self.captionSentimentAverage['positive'] } # Creates slices for pie graphs startsCaption = [captionAvgTemp[p]*2*pi for p in captionAvgTemp] startsCaption.insert(0,0) del startsCaption[-1] endsCaption = [captionAvgTemp[p]*2*pi for p in captionAvgTemp] colors1 = [positiveColor,neutralColor,negativeColor] legend1 = ["Positive", "Neutral", "Negative"] #create plot captionPie = figure(title="#CapitalOne Caption Sentiment Pie Graph",x_range=(-1,1.5), y_range=(-1,1)) #create pie chart and legend captionPie.wedge(x=.2, y=0, radius=1, start_angle=startsCaption, end_angle=endsCaption, color=colors1),0,radius=0,legend=legend1[0],color=colors1[0]),0,radius=0,legend=legend1[1],color=colors1[1]),0,radius=0,legend=legend1[2],color=colors1[2]) # Turn off tick labels captionPie.axis.major_label_text_color = None # Turn off tick marks captionPie.axis.major_tick_line_color = None captionPie.axis[0].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0 captionPie.axis[1].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0 # Each average adds the average before it so the array will be a list containing floats from 0-1 # This is necessary to make the pie graph imageAvgTemp = self.imageSentimentAverage prevAvg = "" for avg in imageAvgTemp: if prevAvg != "": imageAvgTemp[avg] += imageAvgTemp[prevAvg] prevAvg = avg # Create slices for pie graph startsImage = [imageAvgTemp[p]*2*pi for p in imageAvgTemp] startsImage.insert(0,0) del startsImage[-1] endsImage = [imageAvgTemp[p]*2*pi for p in imageAvgTemp] # a color for each pie piece colors2 = ["#A12830", "#FAA43A", "#5DA5DA", "#686868", "#DECF3F", "#003A6F"] legend2 = ["Fear", "Angry", "Sad", "Neutral", "Surprise", "Happy"] #create plot imagePie = figure(title="#CapitalOne Image Sentiment Pie Graph",x_range=(-1,1.5), y_range=(-1,1)) #create pie chart and legend imagePie.wedge(x=.2, y=0, radius=1, start_angle=startsImage, end_angle=endsImage, color=colors2),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[0],color=colors2[0]),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[1],color=colors2[1]),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[2],color=colors2[2]),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[3],color=colors2[3]),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[4],color=colors2[4]),0,radius=0,legend=legend2[5],color=colors2[5]) # Turn off tick labels imagePie.axis.major_label_text_color = None # Turn off tick marks imagePie.axis.major_tick_line_color = None imagePie.axis[0].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0 imagePie.axis[1].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0 # output to static HTML file output_file("sentimentgraphs.html", title="#CapitalOne Trend") p = vplot(heat,captionPie,imagePie) # show the results show(p)
## Plot with multiple ranges that are bounded x = np.array(AAPL['date'], dtype=np.datetime64) x = x[0:1000] apple_y = AAPL['adj_close'][0:1000] google_y = GOOG['adj_close'][0:1000] ###### -- ranges set here -- ######## x_range = Range1d( start=date(2000, 1, 1), end=date(2004, 12, 31), bounds=(date(2000, 1, 1), date(2006, 12, 31)), min_interval=timedelta(100), ) y_range = Range1d(start=0, end=40, bounds=(0, 60)) y_range_extra = Range1d(start=300, end=700, bounds=(200, 1000)) ###### -- end -- ######## plot_extra = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="Multiple ranges x:(2000/1/1, 2006/12/31), y1:(10, 60), y2:(200, 1000)") plot_extra.line(x, apple_y, color='lightblue') plot_extra.extra_y_ranges = {'goog': y_range_extra} plot_extra.line(x, google_y, color='pink', y_range_name='goog') plot_extra.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="goog", major_label_text_color='pink'), 'left') # Tweak the formats to make it all readable plots = [plot_default, plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev, plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_bounded, plot_extra] for plot in plots: plot.title_text_font_size = '12pt' show(vplot(plot_default, hplot(plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev), hplot(plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_bounded), plot_extra))
def plot_time_series(self, moving_avg=False): """ Plots time series and moving average filter when moving_avg set to true. This plot is currently done for 3 climate variables. """ t_fig_dict = dict() # Parse individual time series n_dict = parse_time_series(self.html_tags, self.txt) series = list() cds_dict = dict() for k in list(sorted(n_dict.keys())): v = n_dict[k] # Creating fig inst in dict for plot k t_fig_dict[k] = figure(title=k.split(",")[-1].replace(".txt", "").replace("_", " "), height=290) # Sort by x-axis(dates) in order to ensure a # sound plot tmp = list(v.items()) tmp.sort() np.array(tmp) date = np.array(tmp)[:, 0] vals = np.array(tmp)[:, 1] tooltips = OrderedDict([ ("time", "@x"), ("value", "@y"), ]) cds_dict[k+'1'] = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=date, y=vals, ) ) if moving_avg: # Moving averaged filter data vals_a = self.causal_avg_filter(vals) date_a = date[self.radius:] cds_dict[k+'2'] = ColumnDataSource( data=dict( x=date_a, y=vals_a, ) ) # Plot moving averaged filtered data # k + " avg data" line_a = Line(x="x", y="y", line_color='blue', line_width=6) circle_renderer = t_fig_dict[k].add_glyph(cds_dict[k+'2'], line_a) _update_legend(plot=t_fig_dict[k], legend_name=k .replace(".txt", "").replace( "_", " ") + " avg data", glyph_renderer=circle_renderer) t_fig_dict[k].add_tools( HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[circle_renderer])) # Plot raw data line_r = Line(x="x", y="y", line_color='red') circle_renderer2 = t_fig_dict[k].add_glyph(cds_dict[k+'1'], line_r) _update_legend(plot=t_fig_dict[k], legend_name=k.replace(".txt", "").replace( "_", " ") + " raw data", glyph_renderer=circle_renderer2) t_fig_dict[k].add_tools( HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips, renderers=[circle_renderer2])) # Unpack the fig instances in dict plot as a vertical stack of # horizontal plots v = vplot(*list(t_fig_dict.values())) return v
def update(): global layout global energy_per_capita new_df = data_changed(energy_per_capita) if new_df is not None: energy_per_capita = new_df layout.children[0] = create_line(energy_per_capita) layout.children[1] = create_bar(energy_per_capita) line = create_line(energy_per_capita) bar = create_bar(energy_per_capita) desc1 = Paragraph(text=""" This example shows live integration between bokeh server and Excel using XLWings.""") desc2 = Paragraph(text=""" *** YOU MUST HAVE EXCEL and XLWINGS INSTALLED ON YOUR MACHINE FOR IT TO WORK *** """) desc3 = Paragraph(text=""" It opens this plots window and an excel spreadsheet instance with the values being plotted. When user changes the values on the excel spreadsheet the plots will be updated accordingly. It's not required to save the spreadsheet for the plots to update. """) layout = vplot(desc1, desc2, desc3, hplot(line, bar)) curdoc().add_root(layout) curdoc().add_periodic_callback(update, 500) # open the document in a browser session.loop_until_closed() # run forever
ConfusionMatrix = namedtuple("confusion_matrix", "f1 precision recall") def metrics(): return {metric: [random.random() for _ in range(10)] for metric in ConfusionMatrix._fields} scores = {dataset_name: metrics() for dataset_name in Datasets._fields} properties_per_dataset = { 'train': {'line_color': 'firebrick'}, 'test': {'line_color': 'orange'}, 'valid': {'line_color': 'olive'} } plots = [] for metric in ConfusionMatrix._fields: plot = figure(width=500, plot_height=500, title=metric) for dataset_name in scores: metric_scores = scores[dataset_name][metric] plot.line(range(len(metric_scores)), metric_scores, legend=dataset_name, **properties_per_dataset[dataset_name]) plots.append(plot) p = vplot(*plots) show(p)
p3.outline_line_color = None p3.xgrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p3.ygrid.grid_line_color = 'white' p3.axis.axis_line_color = None p3.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p3.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None p3.yaxis.axis_label = 'Basis Points' p3.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = ylabel_standoff p3.xaxis.formatter = xformatter p3.yaxis.formatter = yformatter p3.xaxis.axis_label_standoff = 12 p3.yaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p3.xaxis.major_label_text_font = 'courier' p3.x_range = p1.x_range vp = vplot(p1, p2, p3) push() ip = load(urlopen(''))['ip'] ssn = cursession() ssn.publish() tag = embed.autoload_server(vp, ssn, public=True).replace('localhost', ip) html = """ {%% extends "layout.html" %%} {%% block bokeh %%} %s {%% endblock %%} """ % tag with open('templates/index.html', 'w+') as f: f.write(html)
''' import pandas as pd from bokeh.charts import Bar, output_file, show, defaults import bokeh.plotting as bp from bokeh.models import FixedTicker, LinearAxis from import output_file, show, vplot crapsArray(100, 5, 300) csv=pd.read_csv('test.csv') output_file("craps.html") #Plot sizes for charts defaults.width = 1200 defaults.height = 300 action = Bar(csv, 'roll', values = 'score', title = "Craps Outcomes", bar_width = 1, color = 'score') money = Bar(csv, 'roll', values = 'bank', title = "Craps Bankroll", bar_width = 1, color = 'score') winLose = Bar(csv, 'roll', values = 'value', title = "Craps Roll Win/Loss", bar_width = 1, color = 'score'){'type' : LinearAxis}) xaxis.ticker=FixedTicker(ticks=[0,25,50,75,100]){'type' : LinearAxis}) yaxis.ticker=FixedTicker(ticks=[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]) p = vplot(action, money,winLose) show(p) print("Cashing Out")
###### -- end -- ######## ## Plot with multiple ranges that are bounded x = np.array(AAPL['date'], dtype=np.datetime64) x = x[0:1000] apple_y = AAPL['adj_close'][0:1000] google_y = GOOG['adj_close'][0:1000] ###### -- ranges set here -- ######## x_range = Range1d( start=date(2000, 1, 1), end=date(2004, 12, 31), bounds=(date(2001, 1, 1), date(2006, 12, 31)) ) y_range = Range1d(start=00, end=40, bounds=(10, 60)) y_range_extra = Range1d(start=300, end=700, bounds=(200, 1000)) ###### -- end -- ######## plot_extra = figure(x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range, title="Multiple ranges x:(2001/1/1, 2006/12/31), y1:(10, 60), y2:(200, 1000)") plot_extra.line(x, apple_y, color='lightblue') plot_extra.extra_y_ranges = {'goog': y_range_extra} plot_extra.line(x, google_y, color='pink', y_range_name='goog') plot_extra.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name="goog", major_label_text_color='pink'), 'left') # Tweak the formats to make it all readable plots = [plot_default, plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev, plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_bounded, plot_extra] for plot in plots: plot.title_text_font_size = '12pt' show(vplot(plot_default, hplot(plot_range, plot_range_un, plot_range_rev), hplot(plot_cat_unbounded, plot_cat_autobounded, plot_cat_bounded), plot_extra))
for k, p in fourier.items(): p['plot'], p['sources'] = create_plot( p['fs'], 'Fourier (Sum of the first 4 Harmonic Circles)', r=p['f'](period), cfoos=p['cfs']) for k, p in fourier.items(): p['cplot'], p['csources'] = create_centric_plot( p['fs'], 'Fourier First 4 Harmonics & Harmonic Circles', r=p['f'](period), cfoos=p['cfs']) layout = vplot(*[f['plot'] for f in fourier.values()] + [f['cplot'] for f in fourier.values()]) # open a session to keep our local document in sync with server session = push_session(curdoc()) @repeat(range(N)) def cb(gind): global newx oldx = np.delete(newx, 0) newx = np.hstack([oldx, [oldx[-1] + 2 * pi / N]]) for k, p in fourier.items(): update_sources(p['sources'], p['fs'], newx, gind, p['cfs']) update_centric_sources(p['csources'], p['fs'], newx, gind, p['cfs'])
line_alpha=0.5) cty = plot.add_glyph(source, cty_glyph) hwy = plot.add_glyph(source, hwy_glyph) # Add the tools tooltips = [ ("Manufacturer", "@manufacturer"), ("Model", "@model"), ("Displacement", "@displ"), ("Year", "@year"), ("Cylinders", "@cyl"), ("Transmission", "@trans"), ("Drive", "@drv"), ("Class", "@class"), ] cty_hover_tool = HoverTool(renderers=[cty], tooltips=tooltips + [("City MPG", "@cty")]) hwy_hover_tool = HoverTool(renderers=[hwy], tooltips=tooltips + [("Highway MPG", "@hwy")]) select_tool = BoxSelectTool(renderers=[cty, hwy], dimensions=['width']) plot.add_tools(cty_hover_tool, hwy_hover_tool, select_tool) layout = vplot(plot, data_table) if __name__ == "__main__": filename = "data_tables.html" with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(file_html(layout, INLINE, "Data Tables")) print("Wrote %s" % filename) view(filename)