def new_plot(self, title, units, *, line_width=None, precision=2): """ Creates a blank line plot for with timestamps on the x-axis and a line for each data series on the y-axis. """ plot = plotting.figure(title=title, tools=[]) self.active_plot = plot self.plots.append(plot) self.colors = list(colors) self.units = units self.line_width = line_width or self.line_width plot.plot_width = self.width plot.plot_height = self.height plot.x_range = self.x_range datetime_tick_formats = { key: ["%a %b %d %H:%M:%S"] for key in ("seconds", "minsec", "minutes", "hourmin", "hours", "days") } plot.xaxis.formatter = models.DatetimeTickFormatter(**datetime_tick_formats) # # plot.yaxis.formatter = models.NumeralTickFormatter(format="0a") plot.yaxis.formatter = models.NumeralTickFormatter(format="0,0.00 a") # With default precision level 2 (decimal places) # The units_formats = "@y{0,0.00}" # and the value would look like 1,234,567.89 units_formats = f"@y{{0,0.{'0' * precision}}}" hover = models.HoverTool( # mode = vline would be nice to use, # but then separate hovers block each when lines are too close. # Would like a single hover box with time once, and a value per line # perhaps this will help acheive that: # mode="mouse", # other optins: vline line_policy="nearest", # other optins: prev, next, nearest, interp, none tooltips=[ ("Name", "$name"), ("Time", "@x{%a %m/%d %H:%M:%S}"), (self.units, units_formats), ], formatters={"x": "datetime", "Time": "datetime", "@x": "datetime"}, ) plot.add_tools(hover) plot.add_tools(models.BoxZoomTool()) plot.add_tools(models.HelpTool()) plot.add_tools(models.PanTool()) plot.add_tools(models.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="width")) plot.toolbar.active_scroll = plot.select_one(models.WheelZoomTool) plot.add_tools(models.WheelZoomTool(dimensions="height")) plot.add_tools(models.UndoTool()) plot.add_tools(models.RedoTool()) plot.add_tools(models.ResetTool()) plot.add_tools(models.SaveTool())
def plot_bokeh(self, labels, output_file=None, node_size=4, node_color=None, edge_color=None, width=None, **kwargs): # Unfortunately, nodes in Bokeh have to be strings or ints plot_d = nx.relabel.relabel_nodes(self, labels) tooltips = [] for node, data in plot_d.nodes(data=True): for key in data: tooltips += [(key, f"@{key}")] break if node_color is None: node_color = {labels[node]: "green" if node in self.path else "lightgray" for node in self.nodes} nx.set_node_attributes(plot_d, node_color, "node_color") fill_color = "node_color" if edge_color is None: edge_color = {(labels[edge[0]], labels[edge[1]]): "limegreen" if edge in self.solution or edge[::-1] in self.solution else "gray" for edge in self.edges} nx.set_edge_attributes(plot_d, edge_color, "edge_color") line_color = "edge_color" if width is None: width = {(labels[edge[0]], labels[edge[1]]): 2 if edge in self.solution else 0.1 for edge in self.edges} nx.set_edge_attributes(plot_d, width, "edge_width") line_width = "edge_width" graph = bkplt.from_networkx(plot_d, nx.circular_layout) graph.node_renderer.glyph = mod.Circle(size=node_size, line_color=fill_color, fill_color=fill_color) graph.edge_renderer.glyph = mod.MultiLine(line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width) plot = mod.Plot() plot.renderers.append(graph) tooltips = [("Label", "@index")] + tooltips node_hover_tool = mod.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) plot.add_tools(node_hover_tool, mod.PanTool(), mod.BoxZoomTool(), mod.WheelZoomTool(), mod.SaveTool(), mod.ResetTool()) if output_file: bkplt.output_file(output_file)
def get_map(self): import bokeh.plotting as bplt import bokeh.models as bm wheel_zoom = bm.WheelZoomTool() self.hover = bm.HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("Navn", "@kommuner"), #("(Long, Lat)", "($x, $y)"), ("Dato", "@kommuner_dates"), ("stemme pct", "@stemme_pct %"), ]) self.hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" tools = [ bm.PanTool(), bm.BoxZoomTool(), wheel_zoom, bm.SaveTool(), bm.ResetTool(), bm.UndoTool(), bm.RedoTool(), bm.CrosshairTool(), self.hover ] fig = bplt.figure(title="Test", tools=tools, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, match_aspect=True) # Activate scrool fig.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel_zoom # Remove grid lines fig.grid.grid_line_color = None # Check if source exists if not hasattr(self, 'source'): self.make_map_source() # Make color mapper #from bokeh.palettes import Viridis6 as palette #from bokeh.palettes import Spectral11 as palette from bokeh.palettes import RdYlGn11 as palette palette.reverse() #color_mapper = bm.LogColorMapper(palette=palette, high=90., low=50.) color_mapper = bm.LinearColorMapper(palette=palette, high=90., low=50.) # Plot fig.patches(xs='x_lon', ys='y_lat', source=self.source, fill_color={ 'field': 'stemme_pct', 'transform': color_mapper }, fill_alpha=0.7, line_color="white", line_width=0.5) return fig
def get_fig(self): import bokeh.plotting as bplt # Make tools wheel_zoom = bm.WheelZoomTool() self.hover = bm.HoverTool(tooltips=[ #("index", "$index"), ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("int", "@intensity"), ("VOL", "@VOL"), #("fill color", "$color[hex, swatch]:fill_color"), #("Color", "@line_color"), ]) tools = [bm.PanTool(), bm.BoxZoomTool(), wheel_zoom, bm.SaveTool(), bm.ResetTool(), bm.UndoTool(), bm.RedoTool(), bm.CrosshairTool(), self.hover] # Make figure if self.dic: self.fig = bplt.figure(plot_width=400,plot_height=400, x_range=(self.x0_ppm, self.x1_ppm), y_range=(self.y0_ppm, self.y1_ppm), tools=tools) else: self.fig = bplt.figure(plot_width=400,plot_height=400, tools=tools) # Activate scrool self.fig.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel_zoom # If not ColumnDataSource exists, then create if not self.ColumnDataSource: self.create_ColumnDataSource() # Create figure self.fig_multi = self.fig.multi_line(xs='xs', ys='ys', line_color='line_color', source=self.ColumnDataSource, legend="Contours") # Possible for text: angle, angle_units, js_event_callbacks, js_property_callbacks, name, # subscribed_events, tags, text, text_align, text_alpha, text_baseline, text_color, text_font, text_font_size, # text_font_style, x, x_offset, y or y_offset #fig.text(x='xt',y='yt',text='text', source=self.ColumnDataSourceText, # text_baseline='middle', text_align='center', text_font_size="10px", legend="Text") # Hide glyphs in Interactive Legends self.fig.legend.click_policy="hide" # "mute" # Set label if self.dic: self.fig.xaxis.axis_label = self.udic[1]['label'] + ' ppm' self.fig.yaxis.axis_label = self.udic[0]['label'] + ' ppm' return self.fig
def __init__(self, thelenota, figsize=(800, 600)): # DIMRED widgets self.thelenota = thelenota self.figsize = figsize self.counts = None #widgets self.w = DUMMY() current_cluster_labels = None wstyle = widgets.Layout(width='200px') #, max_width='120px', # min_width='120px') self.w.drfilter_lower_perc_switch = ccwidget( self.thelenota, 'drfilter_lower_perc_switch', 'bool', self.dr_name_simple, False, lwidth='40px') self.w.drfilter_log_switch = ccwidget(self.thelenota, 'drfilter_log_switch', 'bool', self.dr_name_simple, False, lwidth='40px') self.w.drfilter_lower_percentage = ccwidget( self.thelenota, 'drfilter_lower_percentage', 'float', self.dr_name_simple, 0.2, min=0.01, max=1, value=0.2) self.w.drmethod = ccwidget( self.thelenota, 'dimred_method', 'dropdown', self.dr_name_simple, 'tsne', options='pca ica scorpius KernelPCA tsne nmf'.split()) self.w.drperplex = cache_widget_value(widgets.IntSlider(value=67, min=2, max=99, step=5), 67, self.thelenota, 'dimred_perplexity', self.dr_name_simple, fmt='int') self.w.drangle = cache_widget_value(widgets.FloatSlider(value=0.5, min=0.05, max=0.95, step=0.05), 0.5, self.thelenota, 'dimred_angle', self.dr_name_simple, fmt='float') self.w.drlrate = cache_widget_value(widgets.IntSlider(value=920, min=20, max=10000, step=50), 920, self.thelenota, 'dimred_learning_rate', self.dr_name_simple, fmt='int') self.w.drearly = cache_widget_value(widgets.FloatSlider(value=3.5, min=1, max=20, step=0.5), 3.5, self.thelenota, 'dimred_early_exag', self.dr_name_simple, fmt='float') self.w.dr_tsne_pcavar_cutoff = ccwidget(self.thelenota, 'tsne_pca_var_cutoff', 'float', self.dr_name_simple, 0.05, min=0.01, max=0.2, step=0.01) self.w.drrun = widgets.Button(description='GO!') self.w.drforce = widgets.Checkbox(description='force', layout=widgets.Layout(width='300px')) @dcache(self.thelenota, 'dimred_correlating_genes', 'tsv', self.dr_name) def get_dr_correlating(*_): stats, trans = run_dr_2() c1 = self.thelenota.counttable.apply( lambda x: pearsonr(x, trans.iloc[:, 0])[0], axis=1) c2 = self.thelenota.counttable.apply( lambda x: pearsonr(x, trans.iloc[:, 1])[0], axis=1) return pd.DataFrame({0: c1, 1: c2}) def get_top_correlating(*_): d = get_dr_correlating().abs().sum(1).sort_values(ascending=False) d = d.head(40) d = d.reset_index() d = d.apply(lambda x: '{} ({:.3g})'.format(x.iloc[0], x.iloc[1]), axis=1) return list(d) tcolormap = cmapper.CMAPPER(self.thelenota, extra_intrinsic_methods={ "top DR correlate": (get_top_correlating, cmapper.intrinsic_gene_score) }) self.w.sl_group_name = cache_widget_value(widgets.Text(layout=wstyle), 'self.thelenota', self.thelenota, 'group_define_name', self.dr_name_simple) self.w.sl_group_set = widgets.Text(layout=wstyle) self.w.sl_group_set_go = widgets.Button(description='set', layout=wstyle) self.w.sl_groupextractname = widgets.Text(layout=wstyle) self.w.sl_group_extract_go = widgets.Button(description='extract') self.w.clu_method = ccwidget(self.thelenota, 'cluster_method', 'dropdown', self.dr_name_simple, 'dbscan', options=['dbscan']) self.w.clu_dbscan_eps = ccwidget(self.thelenota, 'clu_dbscan_eps_w', 'float', self.dr_name_simple, 2.5, min=0.1, max=10.0, step=0.1) self.w.clu_go = widgets.Button(description='Cluster!') self.w.clu_name = ccwidget(self.thelenota, "cluster_name", "text", self.dr_name_simple, 'cluster') self.w.clu_store_go = widgets.Button(description='save') plotinfo = {} self.w.html = widgets.HTML() # data! samples = self.thelenota.counttable.columns nosamples = len(samples) color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette="Inferno256", low=-0.3, high=2.5) topgene = self.thelenota.counttable.std(1).sort_values().tail( 1).index[0] colv = list(self.thelenota.counttable.loc[topgene]) pdata = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=[random.uniform(-10, 10) for x in range(nosamples)], y=[random.uniform(-10, 10) for x in range(nosamples)], desc=list(samples), size=[0.3] * nosamples, score=colv)) self.thelenota._pdata = pdata # Clustering def run_clustering(*args): method = self.w.clu_method.value stats, trans = run_dr_2() if method == 'dbscan': labels = run_dbscan(trans, self.w.clu_dbscan_eps.value) else: lg.warning('Not implemented cluster method: {}'.format(method)) return self.thelenota._CLUSTER_LABELS[self.dr_name()] = labels colv = labels color_mapper = CategoricalColorMapper( palette=bokeh.palettes.Category20[20], factors=list(colv.value_counts().index)) colorbar_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette='Inferno256', low=0, high=0) bcolorbar.color_mapper = colorbar_mapper if not bfigure.legend[0].items: bfigure.legend[0].items.append(blegend)['score'] = colv bplot.glyph.fill_color['transform'] = color_mapper bplot.glyph.line_width = 0 bplot.glyph.line_alpha = 0 bokeh_io.push_notebook(handle=bhandle) def store_current_cluster(*args): labels = self.thelenota._CLUSTER_LABELS.get(self.dr_name()) if labels is None: self.w.html.value = "no cluster defined" return cname = self.w.clu_name.value labels = labels.apply(lambda x: '{}_{}'.format(cname, x)) outfile = self.thelenota.metadata_dir / '{}.tsv'.format(cname) moutfile = self.thelenota.metadata_dir / '{}.meta.tsv'.format( cname) tmeta = pd.DataFrame({cname: labels}) tmeta.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t") with open(moutfile, 'w') as F: F.write("{}\tcategorical\n".format(cname)) self.w.html.value = 'saved cluster to {}'.format(outfile) self.w.clu_store_go.on_click(store_current_cluster) self.w.clu_go.on_click(run_clustering) # GROUP SET def define_group(*args): groupset = self.w.sl_group_name.value groupname = self.w.sl_group_set.value self.thelenota.selected = list( self.thelenota.counttable.columns.to_series()\ .iloc[list(self.thelenota._DR_INDICI_SEL_)]) if groupset in self.thelenota.metadata_info.index: tmeta = self.thelenota.get_metadata(groupset) else: tmeta = pd.Series('na', index=self.thelenota.counttable.columns) tmeta.loc[self.thelenota.selected] = groupname self.thelenota.metadata_dir.makedirs_p() outfile = self.thelenota.metadata_dir / '{}.tsv'.format(groupset) moutfile = self.thelenota.metadata_dir / '{}.meta.tsv'.format( groupset) tmeta = pd.DataFrame({groupset: tmeta}) tmeta.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t") with open(moutfile, 'w') as F: F.write("{}\tcategorical\n".format(groupset)) run_dr_color() self.w.sl_group_set_go.on_click(define_group) # GROUP EXTRACT #sl_groupextractname_w def extract_group(*args): groupname = self.w.sl_groupextractname.value self.thelenota.selected = list( self.thelenota.counttable.columns.to_series()\ .iloc[list(self.thelenota._DR_INDICI_SEL_)]) outfile = self.thelenota.counttable_file.dirname() \ / '{}__{}.tsv'.format(self.thelenota.counttable_name, groupname) newcounts = self.thelenota.counttable[self.thelenota.selected] newcounts.to_csv(outfile, sep="\t") self.w.html.value = "save new count table to {}".format(outfile) self.w.sl_group_extract_go.on_click(extract_group) def force_refresh(): "Force to refresh calculations? Or can we use the cache??" return self.w.drforce.value @dcache(self.thelenota, 'filtered', 'pickle', self.dr_name_filter, force_refresh) def filter_counts(*_): counts = self.thelenota.counttable if self.w.drfilter_log_switch.value: minval = 0.5 * counts[counts > 0].min().min() lg.warning('log tranform log10(x+{:.4g})'.format(minval)) counts = np.log10(counts + minval) if self.w.drfilter_lower_perc_switch.value: perc = self.w.drfilter_lower_percentage.value csum = counts.sum(1) counts = counts[csum >= csum.quantile(perc)] return counts @dcache(self.thelenota, 'dimred_table', 'mtsv', self.dr_name, force_refresh) def run_dr_2(*_): param = self.get_dr_param() method = param['method'] del param['method'] if method == 'pca': stats, trans = qrtask.pca.sync(self.counts) elif method == 'ica': stats, trans = rqtask.ica.sync(self.counts) elif method == 'KernelPCA': stats, trans = rqtask.kernelPCA.sync(self.counts) elif method == 'scorpius': stats, trans = rqtask.scorpius_dr.sync(self.counts) elif method == 'nmf': stats, trans = rqtask.nmf.sync(self.counts) elif method == 'tsne': stats, trans = rqtask.tsne.sync(self.counts, self.get_dr_param()) else: raise NotImplemented return stats, trans def set_color_scale(): score = tcolormap.score method = tcolormap.method self.warn('set color scale {}/{}'.format(method, tcolormap.value)) color_mapper = tcolormap.colormapper bplot.glyph.fill_color['transform'] = color_mapper['score'] = score if not tcolormap.discrete: bcolorbar.color_mapper = color_mapper if tcolormap.discrete: if not bfigure.legend[0].items: bfigure.legend[0].items.append(blegend) else: if bfigure.legend[0].items: bfigure.legend[0].items.pop() bplot.glyph.line_width = 0 bplot.glyph.line_alpha = 0 def _create_title(): cmethod = '{}/{}'.format(tcolormap.method, tcolormap.value) if self.w.drfilter_lower_perc_switch.value: cmethod += '/low%{}'.format( self.w.drfilter_lower_percentage.value) if self.w.drfilter_log_switch.value: cmethod += '/log' cmethod += '/{}/{}'.format(*self.counts.shape) return '{}/{}'.format(self.thelenota.counttable_name, cmethod) def _create_scatter_plot(only_color=False): if (self.w.drfilter_lower_perc_switch.value) or ( self.w.drfilter_log_switch.value): self.counts = filter_counts() else: self.counts = self.thelenota.counttable self.warn("count table: {}".format(str(self.counts.shape))) if not only_color: meta, trans = run_dr_2() self.thelenota.dr = trans self.thelenota._dr_meta = meta self.thelenota._dr_trans = trans col1, col2 = trans.columns[:2] d1 = trans[col1] d2 = trans[col2] title = self.dr_name().replace('_', ' ') m = max(d2.max() - d2.min(), d1.max() - d1.min())['size'] = [0.008 * m] * nosamples['x'] = d1['y'] = d2 bfigure.title.text = _create_title() set_color_scale() bokeh_io.push_notebook(handle=bhandle) def run_dr_color(*_): """ refresh dr scatter plot - color only """ self.w.drrun.button_style = 'info' try: _create_scatter_plot(only_color=True) except: self.w.drrun.button_style = 'danger' raise self.w.drrun.button_style = '' def run_dr(*_): self.w.drrun.button_style = 'info' try: _create_scatter_plot() except: self.w.drrun.button_style = 'danger' raise self.w.drrun.button_style = '' tcolormap.on_change = run_dr_color self.w.drrun.on_click(run_dr) # clgenesetchoice_w.observe(run_dr_color, 'value') # clmetadata_w.observe(run_dr_color, 'value') # set up bokeh select_callback = CustomJS(args={'dsource': pdata}, code=""" var indici = dsource.selected['1d'].indices; console.log(indici); IPython.notebook.kernel.execute( 'T._DR_INDICI_SEL_ = ' + indici); """) bokeh_tools = [ bmodels.HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("(x,y)", "($x, $y)"), ("score", "$score"), ("desc", "@desc"), ]), bmodels.BoxSelectTool(callback=select_callback), bmodels.PanTool(), bmodels.WheelZoomTool(), bmodels.BoxZoomTool(), bmodels.LassoSelectTool(callback=select_callback), bmodels.SaveTool(), bmodels.ResetTool(), bmodels.HelpTool(), ] bfigure = bokeh_figure(plot_width=figsize[0], plot_height=figsize[1], tools=bokeh_tools, toolbar_sticky=False, toolbar_location='left', title='dimredplot') bfigure.title.text_color = 'darkgrey' bfigure.title.text_font_style = 'normal' bfigure.title.text_font_size = "12px" self.thelenota._bfigure = bfigure bplot ='x', y='y', radius='size', source=pdata, legend='score', color=dict(field='score', transform=color_mapper)) self.thelenota._bplot = bplot bcolorbar = ColorBar(color_mapper=tcolormap.colormapper, ticker=BasicTicker(), formatter=BasicTickFormatter(precision=1), label_standoff=10, border_line_color=None, location=(0, 0)) bfigure.add_layout(bcolorbar, 'right') blegend = bfigure.legend[0].items[0] bhandle =, notebook_handle=True) tab_children = [] tab_children.append( widgets.VBox([ ilabel('filter sum%', self.w.drfilter_lower_perc_switch, self.w.drfilter_lower_percentage), ilabel('log tranform', self.w.drfilter_log_switch), ilabel('method', self.w.drmethod), ilabel('perplexity', self.w.drperplex), ilabel('angle', self.w.drangle), ilabel('learning rate', self.w.drlrate), ilabel('early exagg.', self.w.drearly), ilabel('PCA var. cutoff', self.w.dr_tsne_pcavar_cutoff), widgets.HBox([self.w.drrun, self.w.drforce]), ])) tab_children.append(widgets.VBox([tcolormap.prepare_display()])) tab_children.append( widgets.VBox([ ilabel('method', self.w.clu_method), ilabel('dbscan:eps', self.w.clu_dbscan_eps), ilabel('store', self.w.clu_name, self.w.clu_store_go), self.w.clu_go ])) tab_children.append( widgets.VBox([ ilabel('group define', self.w.sl_group_name, self.w.sl_group_set, self.w.sl_group_set_go), ilabel('count extract', self.w.sl_groupextractname, self.w.sl_group_extract_go), ])) tabs = widgets.Tab(children=tab_children) tabs.set_title(0, 'DimRed') tabs.set_title(1, 'Color') tabs.set_title(2, 'Cluster') tabs.set_title(3, 'Select') tabs.selected_index = 0 display(tabs) display(self.w.html) #run a few on_change functions so that all is in sync #on_colormethod_change() run_dr()
def return_graph(title, graph_dataset, columns="price,bmi"): # First, let's convert colors print(" - Converting colors...", end="") colors = list(graph_dataset.colors) for i, color in enumerate(graph_dataset.colors): r, g, b = COLOR_ID_TO_COLOR_RGB[color] colors[i] = bokeh.colors.RGB(r, g, b) graph_dataset.colors = colors columns = columns.split(",") print("\r\033[K - Creating figure...", end="") # Create hover tool tooltips = [("Country", "@names"), ("Region", "@regions")] if "products" in graph_dataset: tooltips.append(("Product", "@products")) products = graph_dataset["products"] hover = bkm.HoverTool(tooltips=tooltips) # Create figure f = plt.figure(title=title, x_axis_label=columns[0], y_axis_label=columns[1], tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) # Plot # First, make the graph_dataset unique x_list = graph_dataset[columns[0]] y_list = graph_dataset[columns[1]] names = graph_dataset["names"] regions = graph_dataset["regions"] colors = graph_dataset["colors"] #for i in range(len(graph_dataset[columns[0]])): # elem1 = graph_dataset[columns[0]][i] # elem2 = graph_dataset[columns[1]][i] # if elem1 not in x_list and elem2 not in y_list: # x_list.append(elem1) # y_list.append(elem2) # names.append(graph_dataset["names"][i]) # regions.append(graph_dataset["regions"][i]) # colors.append(graph_dataset["colors"][i]) print("\r\033[K - Plotting...", end="") data = { columns[0]: x_list, columns[1]: y_list, "names": names, "regions": regions, "colors": colors } if "products" in graph_dataset: data["products"] = products source = bkm.ColumnDataSource(data=data) f.scatter(columns[0], columns[1], source=source, color="colors", muted_color="colors", muted_alpha=0.1, size=10) #f.x_range = bkm.DataRange1d(start=-1, end=3) #f.y_range = bkm.DataRange1d(start=20, end=30) # Add legend & save print("\r\033[K - Done") return f
for i in range(len(x["x"])): xyz.append(str(x["x"][i]) + "," + str(x["y"][i]) + "," + str(x["z"][i])) data = { "x": x_embedded[:, 0], "y": x_embedded[:, 1], "color": x["color"], "xyz": xyz, "lbl": x["lbl"] } # Create figure f = plt.figure(title="A", x_axis_label="B", y_axis_label="C", tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) f.scatter("x", "y", source=bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data), color="color", size=10)
"""# Make bokeh graph""" wheel_zoom = bm.WheelZoomTool() hover = bm.HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("Navn", "@KOMNAVN"), ("KOMKODE", "@KOMKODE"), ("(Long, Lat)", "($x, $y)"), ("index", "@index"), ("REGIONNAVN", "@REGIONNAVN"), #("REGIONKODE", "@REGIONKODE"), ("AREAL", "@AREAL"), ]) hover.point_policy = "follow_mouse" tools = [ bm.PanTool(), bm.BoxZoomTool(), wheel_zoom, bm.SaveTool(), bm.ResetTool(), bm.UndoTool(), bm.RedoTool(), bm.CrosshairTool(), hover ] fig = bplt.figure(title="Test", tools=tools, x_axis_location=None, y_axis_location=None, match_aspect=False) # Activate scrool fig.toolbar.active_scroll = wheel_zoom # Remove grid lines
def DIFX(self): # define widgets cat_meta_grp = list(self.get_metadata_info('categorical').index) wstyle = widgets.Layout(width='200') sl_group_a = self.ccwidget("diffx_group_a", "dropdown", lambda: 'difx', 'thelenota', options=cat_meta_grp) sl_set_a = self.ccwidget("diffx_group_a_set", "dropdown", lambda: 'difx', None) sl_group_b = self.ccwidget("diffx_group_b", "dropdown", lambda: 'difx', 'thelenota', options=cat_meta_grp) sl_set_b = self.ccwidget("diffx_group_b_set", "dropdown", lambda: 'difx', None) self.DIFX_stats = None butlay = widgets.Layout(width="120px") sl_go = widgets.Button(description='Go', layout=butlay) sl_check = widgets.Button(description='Check', layout=butlay) sl_save_set = widgets.Button(description='Save', layout=butlay) sl_enrichr_link = widgets.Button(description='S&Enrichr', layout=butlay) sl_set_name = self.ccwidget('diffx_setname', 'text', lambda: 'difx', "set_name") sl_norm = widgets.Checkbox(value=False) html_w = widgets.HTML() html_link_w = widgets.HTML() nogenes = self.counttable.shape[0] colv = [1] * nogenes color_mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette="Inferno256", low=-0.3, high=2.5) pdata = ColumnDataSource( dict(x=[random.uniform(-10, 10) for x in range(nogenes)], y=[random.uniform(-10, 10) for x in range(nogenes)], mean_a=[3.1] * nogenes, mean_b=[-3.1] * nogenes, size=[0.1] * nogenes, desc=list(self.counttable.index), score=colv)) self._fdata = pdata select_callback = CustomJS(args={'dsource': pdata}, code=""" var indici = dsource.selected['1d'].indices; console.log(indici); IPython.notebook.kernel.execute( 'T._DF_INDICI_SEL_ = ' + indici); """) bokeh_tools = [ bmodels.HoverTool(tooltips=[ ("(mean,lfc)", "($x, $y)"), ("desc", "@desc"), ('mean a', "@mean_a"), ('mean b', "@mean_b"), ]), bmodels.BoxSelectTool(callback=select_callback), bmodels.PanTool(), bmodels.WheelZoomTool(), bmodels.BoxZoomTool(), bmodels.LassoSelectTool(callback=select_callback), bmodels.SaveTool(), bmodels.ResetTool(), bmodels.HelpTool(), ] bfigure = bokeh_figure(plot_width=FIGSIZE[0], plot_height=FIGSIZE[1], tools=bokeh_tools, toolbar_sticky=False, toolbar_location='left', title='diffexplot') bfigure.title.text_color = 'darkgrey' bfigure.title.text_font_style = 'normal' bfigure.title.text_font_size = "12px" self._ffigure = bfigure bplot ='x', y='y', radius='size', source=pdata, legend='score', color=dict(field='score', transform=color_mapper)) self._fplot = bplot bhandle =, notebook_handle=True) #def save_geneset def go_enrichr(*args): idx = list(self._DF_INDICI_SEL_) if len(idx) == 0: return genes = list(self.counttable.index.to_series()\ .iloc[idx]) if len(genes) == 0: return setname = sl_set_name.value self.save_geneset(setname, genes) genes_str = "\n".join(genes) description = setname if not description: description = 'a set' payload = { 'list': (None, genes_str), 'description': (None, description) } ENRICHR_URL = '' response =, files=payload) if not response.ok: #print(response) raise Exception('Error analyzing gene list') data = json.loads(response.text) shortid = data['shortId'] newurl = '' newurl += shortid js = '<script>"{}", "_blank")</script>'.format(newurl) html_link_w.value = js sl_enrichr_link.on_click(go_enrichr) # group defintion logic def update_groups(*args): #fill the menus with he correct values group_a = sl_group_a.value group_b = sl_group_b.value meta_a = self.get_metadata(group_a) meta_b = self.get_metadata(group_b) \ if group_b != group_a else meta_a valc_a = meta_a.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) valc_b = meta_b.value_counts().sort_values(ascending=False) sl_set_a.options = \ ['<all> -- {}'.format(len(meta_a))] + \ ['{} -- {}'.format(a, b) for (a,b) in valc_a.items()] sl_set_b.options = \ ['<all> -- {}'.format(len(meta_a))] + \ ['{} -- {}'.format(a, b) for (a,b) in valc_b.items()] sl_set_a.value = sl_set_a.options[1] update_groups() sl_group_a.observe(update_groups, 'value') sl_group_b.observe(update_groups, 'value') def run(*args): title = 'QDDE' all_samples_set = set(self.counttable.columns) logdata = pd.Series() normalize = sl_norm.value logdata['total cells'] = len(all_samples_set) group_a = sl_group_a.value group_b = sl_group_b.value set_a = sl_set_a.value.split('--')[0].strip() set_b = sl_set_b.value.split('--')[0].strip() title += ' A:{}/{} B:{}/{}'.format(group_a, set_a, group_b, set_b) meta_a = self.get_metadata(group_a) meta_b = self.get_metadata(group_b) \ if group_b != group_a else meta_a logdata['group a'] = set_a logdata['group b'] = set_b sample_a = copy.copy(all_samples_set) \ if set_a == '<all>' else set (meta_a[meta_a == set_a].index) sample_b = copy.copy(all_samples_set) \ if set_b == '<all>' else set (meta_b[meta_b == set_b].index) sample_a &= all_samples_set #ensure overlap with this count table sample_b &= all_samples_set sample_b -= sample_a # so we don't have any duplicates logdata['cells in a'] = len(sample_a) logdata['cells in b'] = len(sample_b) cnts = self.counttable if normalize: cnts = 1e6 * cnts / cnts.sum() if cnts.min().min() < 0: #assume this is in log_space logdata['assuming log space'] = True cnts = 10**cnts cnts_a = cnts.loc[:, sample_a] cnts_b = cnts.loc[:, sample_b] if cnts_a.shape[1] < 1: return if cnts_b.shape[1] < 1: return html_w.value = pd.DataFrame(logdata).to_html(header=False) stats = pd.DataFrame( dict( mean_a=cnts_a.mean(1), mean_b=cnts_b.mean(1), mean_all=np.log10(cnts.mean(1)), )) stats['a/b'] = stats['mean_a'] / stats['mean_b'] stats['lfc'] = np.log2(stats['a/b']) # lfc_l = stats['lfc'] stats['no_cells_in_a'] = len(sample_a) stats['no_cells_in_b'] = len(sample_b) stats['name_a'] = '{}/{}'.format(group_a, set_a) stats['name_b'] = '{}/{}'.format(group_b, set_b) #print(stats.head()) #stats = stats.sort_values(by='lfc', ascending=False)['x'] = stats['mean_a']['y'] = stats['mean_b']['x'] = stats['mean_all']['y'] = stats['lfc']['mean_a'] = stats['mean_a']['mean_b'] = stats['mean_b'] m = stats['mean_all'].max() bfigure.title.text = title self.DIFX_stats = stats['size'] = [0.01 * m] * nogenes bokeh_io.push_notebook(handle=bhandle) sl_go.on_click(run) run() # display interface display(ilabel('Group A', sl_group_a, sl_set_a)) display(ilabel('Group B (-A)', sl_group_b, sl_set_b)) display(ilabel('TPM normalize', sl_norm)) display(ilabel('Set Name', sl_set_name)) # tabs = widgets.Tab(children=tab_children) # tabs.set_title(0, 'Define sets') # display(tabs) sl_enrichr_link html_link_w display(widgets.HBox([sl_go, sl_check, sl_save_set, sl_enrichr_link])) display(html_w) display(html_link_w)
def main(input_path, input_path_bmi, average, year_break): # Welcoming message print("\n############################") print("## LINEAIR REGRESSION ##") print("## v1.1 ##") print("############################\n") # Show the paths print("USING PATHS:") print(" - Price database: {}".format(input_path)) print(" - BMI database: {}".format(input_path_bmi)) # Read database print("\nReading database...") db_price = pd.read_csv(input_path) print("Done, reading BMI database...") db_BMI = pd.read_csv(input_path_bmi) print("Done") # Fill NaN db_price = db_price.fillna(0) db_BMI = db_BMI.fillna(0) # Custom print("Collecting graphs...") price, BMI, price_years, BMI_years, total_things = collect_graphs( db_price, db_BMI) print("\nDone") # Now plot price VS time print("Plotting...") # Create hover tool hover = bkm.HoverTool(tooltips=[("Country", "@country"), ("Year", "@year"), ("Value", "@value")]) # Create figure f_price = plt.figure(title="Price per country, with Lineair Regression", x_axis_label="Years", y_axis_label="Price", tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) f_BMI = plt.figure(title="BMI per country, with Lineair Regression", x_axis_label="Years", y_axis_label="BMI", tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) # Generate random RGB list RGBs = [] N = 8 for r in range(N): for g in range(N): for b in range(N): if r == g == b == N: # NO WHITE continue # Add to the RGBs list RGBs.append( bokeh.colors.RGB(int((r / N) * 255), int((g / N) * 255), int((b / N) * 255))) legend_list_price = [] legend_list_BMI = [] total_x_price = [] total_x_BMI = [] total_y_price = [] total_y_BMI = [] progress_bar = ProgressBar(max_amount=len(price)) for country in price: price_list = price[country] BMI_list = BMI[country] price_year_list = price_years[country] BMI_year_list = BMI_years[country] # Now plot the graph line_elem, circle_elem, new_RGBs = plot_list(f_price, price_year_list, price_list, country, RGBs) RGBs = list(new_RGBs) legend_list_price.append( (country + " (price)", [line_elem, circle_elem])) # Do the same for BMI line_elem, circle_elem, new_RGBs = plot_list(f_BMI, BMI_year_list, BMI_list, country, RGBs) RGBs = list(new_RGBs) legend_list_BMI.append((country + " (BMI)", [line_elem, circle_elem])) # Add to the total_x and total_y total_x_price += price_list total_x_BMI += BMI_list total_y_price += price_year_list total_y_BMI += BMI_year_list progress_bar.update() print("Done") # Alright, we're nearly done: only add lineair regression print("Doing lineair regression...") if year_break > -1: # Use this year to break old_y = list(total_y_price) old_x = list(total_x_price) total_y_price = [] total_x_price = [] for i, year in enumerate(old_y): if year >= year_break: total_x_price.append(old_x[i]) total_y_price.append(year) old_y = list(total_y_BMI) old_x = list(total_x_BMI) total_y_BMI = [] total_x_BMI = [] for i, year in enumerate(old_y): if year >= year_break: total_x_BMI.append(old_x[i]) total_y_BMI.append(year) legend_list_price.append( plot_lineair_regression(f_price, total_y_price, total_x_price)) legend_list_BMI.append( plot_lineair_regression(f_BMI, total_y_BMI, total_x_BMI)) # Do legend and show legend_price = bkm.Legend(items=legend_list_price, location=(0, 0), click_policy="mute") legend_BMI = bkm.Legend(items=legend_list_BMI, location=(0, 0), click_policy="mute") f_price.add_layout(legend_price, "right") f_BMI.add_layout(legend_BMI, "right") print("Done") plt.output_file("lineair_regression.html", mode="inline") layout = bokeh.layouts.Column(f_price, f_BMI) print("\nDone.")
FIGURES.remove('AdjointLayout') # bugs out (I think width/height) DEFAULT_LABEL_SIZES = dict( title='1.65em', labels='1.2em', ticks='1.05em', legend='1.05em', legend_title='0.9em', colorbar='1.05em', ) DEFAULT_TOOLS = dict( pan=models.PanTool(), box_zoom=models.BoxZoomTool(), wheel_zoom=models.WheelZoomTool(), save=models.SaveTool(), reset=models.ResetTool() ) class Mod(object): def __init__( self, title_format=None, title=None, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, neaten_io=True, width=None, height=None, autosize=True,
def do_graph_animation(graph_product, title, path, progress_bar): # The total graph info plt.output_file(path) hover = bkm.HoverTool(tooltips=[("Country", "@names"), ("Region", "@region")]) f = plt.figure(title=title, x_axis_label=XLABEL, y_axis_label=YLABEL, tools=[ hover, bkm.WheelZoomTool(), bkm.BoxZoomTool(), bkm.PanTool(), bkm.SaveTool(), bkm.ResetTool() ], width=900) legend_list = [] sources = [] data = {} country_data = {} lowest_year = float("inf") highest_year = -float("inf") # Real quick, determine the boundries for region in graph_product: for timestamp in graph_product[region]: if timestamp > highest_year: highest_year = timestamp if timestamp < lowest_year: lowest_year = timestamp # Construct the new plot for region in graph_product: if region not in country_data: country_data[region] = {} lowest_region_year = float("inf") for timestamp in graph_product[region]: x_list, y_list = graph_product[region][timestamp] # Create the dataset data = {"x": [], "y": [], "names": [], "region": []} if timestamp < lowest_region_year: lowest_region_year = timestamp for country in x_list: country_price = x_list[country] country_BMI = y_list[country] # Save the data data["x"].append(country_price) data["y"].append(country_BMI) data["names"].append(country) data["region"].append(region) # Append country_data country_data[region][timestamp] = data # Now create a nice source of the data if lowest_region_year == lowest_year: data = country_data[region][lowest_year] else: data = { "x": [0] * len(country_data[region][lowest_region_year]["x"]), "y": [0] * len(country_data[region][lowest_region_year]["x"]), "names": country_data[region][lowest_region_year]["names"], "region": country_data[region][lowest_region_year]["region"] } data_source = bokeh.models.ColumnDataSource(data=data) sources.append([data_source, region]) # Now plot it region_color = REGION_NAME_2_COLOR[region] elem = f.scatter("x", "y", source=data_source, color=region_color, muted_color=region_color, muted_alpha=0.1, size=10) # Add elem to the legends legend_list.append((region, [elem])) # Do dat progress bar progress_bar.update() first_time = False legend = bokeh.models.Legend(items=legend_list, location=(0, 0), click_policy="mute") f.x_range = bkm.DataRange1d(start=0, end=3.6) f.y_range = bkm.DataRange1d(start=19, end=32) # Make the slider callback = bokeh.models.CustomJS(args=dict(sources=sources, all_data=country_data), code=callback_code) slider = bokeh.models.Slider(start=lowest_year, end=highest_year, value=lowest_year, step=1, title="Year") slider.js_on_change('value', callback) f.add_layout(legend, 'right') layout = bokeh.layouts.column(bokeh.layouts.widgetbox(slider), f)