    def test_recv_message_separator_time(self):
        Verify that message_separator_time works correctly.
        Receive a message over time t, where t > message_separator_time, and each part of the message is delayed by
        t' < message_separator_time.

        Given: A SerialConnection using MockSerial,
          and: timeout set to 60ms.
          and: message_separator_time set 20ms

        When: User calls SerialConnection.recv(max_bytes=60).
         and: MockSerial.recv set to return increasing bytes.
         and: MockSerial.recv set to delay very briefly on each call (0.001ms (1 microsecond)).

        Then: SerialConnection.recv calls MockSerial.recv multiple times (more than 2).
         and: SerialConnection.recv returns data with multiple bytes (more than 2).
        # Given
        self.uut = SerialConnection(timeout=.060, message_separator_time=.020)
        self.uut._connection = self.mock

        # When
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'1'] * 60
        self.mock.recv_wait_times = [0.000001] * 60
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=60)

        # Then
        self.assertGreater(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 2)
        self.assertGreater(len(data), 2)
    def test_recv_message_separator_time_2(self):
        Verify that message_separator_time works correctly.
        Receive a message that times out with message_separator_time, but which would not time out with only a timeout.

        Given: A SerialConnection using MockSerial,
          and: timeout set to 60ms.
          and: message_separator_time set 20ms

        When: User calls SerialConnection.recv(60).
         and: MockSerial.recv set to return 1 byte, then 1 byte, then 58 bytes.
         and: MockSerial.recv set to delay 1ms, then 40ms, then 1ms.

        Then: SerialConnection.recv calls MockSerial.recv twice.
         and: SerialConnection.recv returns only the first two bytes.
        # Given
        self.uut = SerialConnection(timeout=.060, message_separator_time=.020)
        self.uut._connection = self.mock

        # When
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'1', b'2', b'3' * 58]
        self.mock.recv_wait_times = [.001, .040, .001]
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=60)

        # Then
        self.assertEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 2)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'12')
    def test_recv_timeout(self):
        Verify that recv() returns partial messages after the timeout expires.

        Given: A SerialConnection using MockSerial,
               with timeout set to a smallish value.

        When: User calls SerialConnection.recv(n) several times with different values of n.
          and: MockSerial.recv set to return a single message, then repeatedly return nothing.

        Then: SerialConnection.recv calls MockSerial.recv at least once.
         and: SerialConnection.recv returns the MockSerial.recv() return value after the timeout.

        Note: Timeout functionality is tested, but not the precise timing.
        self.uut = SerialConnection(timeout=.001)  # 1ms
        self.uut._connection = self.mock

        # n == 1
        self.mock.recv_return_nothing_by_default = True
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'']
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=1)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 1)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'')

        # n == 2
        self.mock.recv_return_nothing_by_default = True
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'1']
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=2)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 1)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'1')

        # n == 3, len(data) == 1
        self.mock.recv_return_nothing_by_default = True
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'1']
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=5)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 1)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'1')

        # n == 3, len(data) == 2
        self.mock.recv_return_nothing_by_default = True
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [b'12']
        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=3)
        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 1)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'12')
 def setUp(self):
     self.mock = MockSerial()
     self.uut = SerialConnection()
     self.uut._connection = self.mock
    def test_recv_message_content_checker(self):
        Verify that content_checker is used correctly.
        The content_checker indicates how much of a message is valid, if any.
        Verify behavior when the content_checker consumes a part of the buffer, the full buffer, and then part of it

        Given: A SerialConnection using MockSerial,
          and: timeout set to 100ms.
          and: message_separator_time set 20ms
          and: content_checker set to a function that returns 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 3

        When: User calls SerialConnection.recv(100) 3 times.
         and: MockSerial.recv set to return 2 bytes repeatedly.

        Then: SerialConnection.recv calls MockSerial.recv 6 times.
         and: SerialConnection.recv returns only the first 3 bytes, then the next 5 bytes, then the next 3.

        # Given
        # PyUnusedLocal suppression: args/kwargs make the method callable by SerialConnection, but are not used.
        # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
        def test_checker(*args, **kwargs):
            :param args:   Ignored. Makes method callable with arguments.
            :param kwargs: Ignored. Makes method callable with arguments.

            :return: 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 3, 0, 0...
            if not hasattr(test_checker, "counter"):
                test_checker.counter = 0

            test_checker.counter += 1

            if test_checker.counter == 2:
                return 3
            elif test_checker.counter == 4:
                return 5
            elif test_checker.counter == 6:
                return 3
                return 0

        self.uut = SerialConnection(timeout=.100,
        self.uut._connection = self.mock

        # When
        self.mock.recv_return_queue = [
            b'12', b'34', b'56', b'78', b'9A', b'BC'

        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=100)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 2)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'123')

        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=100)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 4)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'45678')

        data = self.uut.recv(max_bytes=100)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.mock.recv_max_bytes_lengths), 6)
        self.assertEqual(data, b'9AB')