def _chapter_next_previous(document, chapter, dir='next'):
    '''Returns the next or previous data object from the OPF'''
    toc = document.get_toc()
    item = toc.find_item_by_id(chapter.idref)

    if dir == 'next':
        target_item = toc.find_next_item(item)
        target_item = toc.find_previous_item(item)
    if target_item is None:
        return None
    object = get_file_by_item(target_item, document)
    return object
def view(request, title, key, first=False, resume=False):
    '''If we view just a document, we want to either see our last chapter,
    or see the first item in the <opf:spine>, as required by the epub specification.'''

    log.debug("Looking up title %s, key %s" % (title, key))

    document = _get_document(request, title, key)

    # If we got 'None' from get_document with an anonymous user, then prompt them
    # to login; this is probably just a bookmark with an unauthenticated user
    if document is None and request.user.is_anonymous():
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin'))

    if not request.user.is_anonymous():
        uprofile = request.user.get_profile()
        last_chapter_read = document.get_last_chapter_read(request.user)
        last_chapter_read = None
        uprofile = None

    if resume and last_chapter_read is not None:
        chapter = last_chapter_read
    elif not first and uprofile and uprofile.open_to_last_chapter and last_chapter_read:
        chapter = last_chapter_read
            toc = document.get_toc()
            first_item = toc.first_item()
            chapter = get_file_by_item(first_item, document)
        except InvalidEpubException:
            # We got some kind of catastrophic error while trying to 
            # parse this document
            message = _('There was a problem reading the metadata for this document.')
            return view_chapter(request, title, key, None, message=message)
        if chapter is None:
            log.error('Could not find an item with the id of %s' % first_item)
            raise Http404
        if first:
            log.debug("Forcing first chapter")
            # Force an HTTP redirect so we get a clean URL but go to the correct chapter ID
            return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('view_chapter', kwargs={'title':document.safe_title(), 'key':, 'chapter_id':chapter.filename}))
    return view_chapter(request, title, key, None, chapter=chapter, document=document)
    document = EpubArchive.objects.create(name=os.path.basename(urlparse.urlparse(epub_url).path))
    return add_data_to_document(request, document, data, form, redirect_success_to_page)
    eturn dchapter_next_previous(document, chapter, dir='next'):
    '''Returns the next or previous data object from the OPF'''
    toc = document.get_toc()
    item = toc.find_item_by_id(chapter.idref)

    if dir == 'next':
        target_item = toc.find_next_item(item)
        target_item = toc.find_previous_item(item)
    if target_item is None:
        return None
    object = get_file_by_item(target_item, document)
    return object

urn direct_to_template(request, 'upload.html', {'form':forl book
    toc = HTMLFile.objects.filter(archive=document)
    if toc:
        for t in toc:
    if toc:
        for t in toc:

    # Delete all the stylesheets in the book
    css = StylesheetFile.objects.filter(archive=document)