文件: t-02.py 项目: migp11/booleannet
B* = A or C
C* = A and not D
D* = B and C

model = Model(text=text, mode='sync')

# the model data attribute holds the states keyed by nodes
for node in model.data:
    print node, model.data[node]

# this is a helper function that reports the cycle lengths
# and the  index at wich the cycle started

# the same thing as above but
# will not print only return the two parameters
print model.detect_cycles()

# this is how one plots the values, delete this below
# if matplotlib is not installed
p1 = pylab.plot(model.data["B"], 'ob-')
p2 = pylab.plot(model.data["C"], 'sr-')
pylab.legend([p1, p2], ["B", "C"])
pylab.ylim((-0.1, 1.1))
B* = A or C
C* = A and not D
D* = B and C

model = Model(text=text, mode="sync")

# the model data attribute holds the states keyed by nodes
for node in model.data:
    print node, model.data[node]

# this is a helper function that reports the cycle lengths
# and the  index at wich the cycle started

# the same thing as above but
# will not print only return the two parameters
print model.detect_cycles()

# this is how one plots the values, delete this below
# if matplotlib is not installed
p1 = pylab.plot(model.data["B"], "ob-")
p2 = pylab.plot(model.data["C"], "sr-")
pylab.legend([p1, p2], ["B", "C"])
pylab.ylim((-0.1, 1.1))
def BoolMod(timecourse, booldata, str_mode):
    coll = util.Collector()
    model = Model(text=booldata, mode=str_mode)
    initializer = state.all_initial_states(model.nodes, limit=None)

    # the data is the inital data, the func is the initializer
    n = 0
    for data, initfunc in initializer:
        # shows the initial values
        print((n) / float(32768)) * 100, "% done."
        n = n + 1
        # takes all nodes
        nodes = model.nodes
        coll.collect(states=model.states, nodes=nodes)
    # --------------- Detect Cycles ------------------#
    print model.report_cycles()
    # Return results
    avgs = coll.get_averages(normalize=True)
    data = pd.DataFrame(avgs)
    pd.DataFrame.to_csv(data, "test.csv")
    print avgs
    print model.fp()
    # ------------- Retrieve the Data -------------#
    # 6-gene input signature
    #ALK = avgs.get('ALK')
    #MDK = avgs.get('MDK')
    #TrkA = avgs.get('TrkA')
    #NGF = avgs.get('NGF')
    #TrkB = avgs.get('TrkB')
    #BDNF = avgs.get('BDNF')

    # Model outcome states
    Differentiation = avgs.get('Differentiation')
    Apoptosis = avgs.get('Apoptosis')
    Proliferation = avgs.get('Proliferation')
    Angiogenesis = avgs.get('Angiogenesis')

    # Nodes at Issue
    #DNADamage = avgs.get('DNADamage')
    #p53 = avgs.get('p53')

    # Other Nodes
    #MDM2 = avgs.get('MDM2')
    #MAPK = avgs.get('MAPK')
    #p27 = avgs.get('p27')
    #FoxO = avgs.get('FoxO')
    #AKT = avgs.get('AKT')
    #Ras = avgs.get('Ras')
    #MYCN = avgs.get('MYCN')
    #MTOR = avgs.get('MTOR')
    #IP3 = avgs.get('IP3')

    ### Time axis (x)
    t = range(0, timecourse + 1)

    # Create plots with pre-defined labels. Try to make this a for loop
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(t, Differentiation, label='Differentiation')
    ax.plot(t, Apoptosis, label='Apoptosis')
    ax.plot(t, Angiogenesis, label='Angiogenesis')
    ax.plot(t, Proliferation, label='Proliferation')
    # ax.plot(t, TrkA, label='TrkA')
    # ax.plot(t, TrkB, label = 'TrkB')
    # ax.plot(t, MYCN, label = 'MYCN')
    # ax.plot(t, NGF, label = 'NGF')
    # ax.plot(t, MDK, label = 'MDK')
    # ax.plot(t, ALK, label = 'ALK')
    # ax.plot(t, Ras, label = 'Ras')
    # x.plot(t, AKT, label = 'AKT')
    # ax.plot(t, FoxO, label = 'FoxO')
    # ax.plot(t, p27, label = 'P27')
    # ax.plot(t, p53, label = 'P53')

    # Legends
    legend = ax.legend(loc=0, shadow=True, fontsize='medium')
    plt.ylabel('On Proportion')
    plt.title("Asynchronous Updating Model")

    # beautify

    # View Plot

    return avgs
def BoolModPlot(timecourse, samples, booldata, str_mode):
    coll = util.Collector()
    for i in range(samples):
        model = Model(text=booldata, mode=str_mode)
        print model.states

        # takes all nodes
        nodes = model.nodes
        coll.collect(states=model.states, nodes=nodes)

    # --------------- Detect Cycles ------------------#
    print model.report_cycles()
    # Return results
    avgs = coll.get_averages(normalize=True)
    data = pd.DataFrame(avgs)
    pd.DataFrame.to_csv(data, "test.csv")
    # ------------- Retrieve the Data -------------#
    # 6-gene input signature
    ALK = avgs.get('ALK')
    MDK = avgs.get('MDK')
    TrkA = avgs.get('TrkA')
    NGF = avgs.get('NGF')
    TrkB = avgs.get('TrkB')
    BDNF = avgs.get('BDNF')

    # Model outcome states
    Differentiation = avgs.get('Differentiation')
    Apoptosis = avgs.get('Apoptosis')
    Proliferation = avgs.get('Proliferation')
    Angiogenesis = avgs.get('Angiogenesis')

    # Nodes at Issue
    DNADamage = avgs.get('DNADamage')
    p53 = avgs.get('p53')

    # Other Nodes
    MDM2 = avgs.get('MDM2')
    MAPK = avgs.get('MAPK')
    p27 = avgs.get('p27')
    FoxO = avgs.get('FoxO')
    AKT = avgs.get('AKT')
    Ras = avgs.get('Ras')
    MYCN = avgs.get('MYCN')
    MTOR = avgs.get('MTOR')
    IP3 = avgs.get('IP3')

    ### Time axis (x)
    t = range(0, timecourse + 1)

    # Create plots with pre-defined labels. Try to make this a for loop
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(t, Differentiation, label='Differentiation')
    ax.plot(t, Apoptosis, label='Apoptosis')
    ax.plot(t, Angiogenesis, label='Angiogenesis')
    ax.plot(t, Proliferation, label='Proliferation')
    # ax.plot(t, TrkA, label='TrkA')
    # ax.plot(t, TrkB, label = 'TrkB')
    # ax.plot(t, MYCN, label = 'MYCN')
    # ax.plot(t, NGF, label = 'NGF')
    # ax.plot(t, MDK, label = 'MDK')
    # ax.plot(t, ALK, label = 'ALK')
    # ax.plot(t, Ras, label = 'Ras')
    # ax.plot(t, AKT, label = 'AKT')
    # ax.plot(t, FoxO, label = 'FoxO')
    # ax.plot(t, p27, label = 'P27')
    # ax.plot(t, p53, label = 'P53')

    # Legends
    legend = ax.legend(loc=0, shadow=True, fontsize='medium')
    plt.ylabel('On Proportion')
    plt.title("Asynchronous Updating Model")

    # beautify

    # View Plot

    return avgs