def step_v(n, mn, mx):
    step = ()
    box = ()
    for a, b in zip(mn, mx):
        box += tuple([b - a])
        step += tuple([(b - a) / rint(n)])
    v = rint(n * n * n) / (box[0] * box[1] * box[2])
    return step, v
def step_v(n, mn, mx):
  step = ()
  box = ()
  for a,b in zip(mn,mx):
    box += tuple( [b-a] )
    step += tuple( [(b-a)/rint(n)] )
  v = rint( n*n*n ) / (box[0]*box[1]*box[2])
  return step, v
def number_from_string(s):
    flds = s.split("/")
    if (len(flds) == 2):
        from boost.rational import int as rint
        return rint(int(flds[0]), int(flds[1]))
    return (eval(s) + 0) * 1
def compare(spgr, n=NSteps, verbose=False):
    if verbose:
        print cout.getvalue()
    grp = space_group_info(spgr)
    print >> cout, "Comparing asus for group: ", spgr, "  n-steps= ", n
    asuo = grp.direct_space_asu()
    print >> cout, "=== Original python asu ==="
    print >> cout, ":: raw facets"
    as_raw_asu(asuo, cout)
    mxo = tuple(asuo.box_max())
    mno = tuple(asuo.box_min())
    print >> cout, "box  min= ", mno, "   max= ", mxo
    ### NEW C++ ASU
    asun = new_asu.direct_space_asu(grp.type())
    print >> cout, "=== New C++ asu ==="
    mnn = asun.box_min()
    mxn = asun.box_max()
    print >> cout, "box  min= ", mnn, "   max= ", mxn
    assert mnn == mno
    assert mxn == mxo
    old_vertices = asuo.shape_vertices()
    new_vertices = asun.shape_vertices()  # C++  sorted list
    assert len(old_vertices) == len(new_vertices)
    # TODO: the following seems to use the same ordering operation
    # as mine in C++
    old_vertices = sorted(old_vertices)
    for a, b in zip(old_vertices, new_vertices):
        print >> cout, a, " == ", b
        assert a == b, str(a) + " != " + str(b)
    ins, v = loop_grid(asun, n, mnn, mxn, asuo)
    print >>cout, "N inside = ", ins, "   volume = ", v,  \
        "   expected volume = ", rint(1,grp.group().order_z())
    ### SHAPE ONLY
    asuo = asuo.shape_only()
    mxo2 = tuple(asuo.box_max())
    mno2 = tuple(asuo.box_min())
    mnn2 = asun.box_min()
    mxn2 = asun.box_max()
    assert mxo2 == mxo
    assert mno2 == mno
    assert mxn2 == mxn
    assert mnn2 == mnn
    loop_grid(asun, n, mnn, mxn, asuo)
    unit_cell = grp.any_compatible_unit_cell(volume=5000.0)
    fasun = asun.as_float_asu(unit_cell, 1.0E-6)
    fasuo = cctbx.crystal.direct_space_asu_float_asu(
        cuts=[cut.as_float_cut_plane() for cut in asuo.cuts],
    # python sucks big: still (in 2.5) there is no float.epsilon/max/tiny/etc
    assert approx_equal(fasun.is_inside_epsilon(), fasuo.is_inside_epsilon(),
    assert len(fasun.cuts()) == len(fasuo.cuts()), \
      "%d != %d"%(len(fasuo.cuts()),len(fasun.cuts()))
    assert ((len(fasun.cuts()) < 200) & (len(fasun.cuts()) > 3)), \
    if verbose:
        print cout.getvalue()
def loop_grid(asu, n, mn, mx, asu2=None):
    assert (asu2 is None) or isinstance(asu, new_asu.direct_space_asu)
    first_is_new = False
    step, vv = step_v(n, mn, mx)
    grid = ()
    for s in step:
        g = rint(1) / s
        g = g.numerator() // g.denominator() + 1
        assert g > 0, "Step = " + str(step)
        grid += tuple([g])
    mna = list(mn)
    mxa = list(mx)
    for i in xrange(3):
        mna[i] -= 5 * step[i]
        mna[i] *= grid[i]
        mna[i] = mna[i].numerator() // mna[i].denominator() - 1
        mxa[i] += 5 * step[i]
        mxa[i] *= grid[i]
        mxa[i] = mxa[i].numerator() // mxa[i].denominator() + 1
    print >>cout, "grid test  step= ", step, "  min= ", mna, "  max= ", mxa, \
        "   grid=", grid
    if isinstance(asu, new_asu.direct_space_asu):
        import copy
        # TODO: implement
        # asu_opt = copy.copy(asu)
        # asu_opt.optimize_for_grid(grid)
        # assert asu_opt.is_optimized() and (not asu.is_optimized())
        first_is_new = True
        # max_p = asu_opt.get_optimized_grid_limits()
        # print >>cout, "grid limits: ", max_p
    result = 0

    i = mna[0]
    while i <= mxa[0]:
        ii = rint(i, grid[0])
        j = mna[1]
        while j <= mxa[1]:
            jj = rint(j, grid[1])
            k = mna[2]
            while k <= mxa[2]:
                kk = rint(k, grid[2])
                b = asu.is_inside((ii, jj, kk))  # rational test
                if b:
                    result += 1
                if first_is_new:
                    num = (i, j, k)
                    den = grid
                    where = asu.where_is(num, den)  # integer test
                    #TODO: implement? assert b == asu.is_inside(num,den)
                    assert (b and
                            (where == 1 or where == -1)) or ((not b)
                                                             and where == 0)
                    #TODO: implemnt where_opt = asu_opt.where_is( num ) # optimized test
                    #  assert where_opt == where
                    #TODO: implement? assert b == asu_opt.is_inside(num)
                if asu2 is not None:
                    assert b == asu2.is_inside((ii, jj, kk))  # rational test
                k += 1
            j += 1
        i += 1

    shape = result / vv
    return (result, shape)
def number_from_string(s):
  flds = s.split("/")
  if (len(flds) == 2):
    from boost.rational import int as rint
    return rint(int(flds[0]), int(flds[1]))
  return (eval(s)+0)*1
def compare(spgr, n=NSteps, verbose=False):
  if verbose:
    print cout.getvalue()
  grp = space_group_info(spgr)
  print >>cout, "Comparing asus for group: ", spgr, "  n-steps= ", n
  asuo = grp.direct_space_asu()
  print >>cout, "=== Original python asu ==="
  print >>cout, ":: raw facets"
  as_raw_asu(asuo, cout)
  mxo = tuple( asuo.box_max() )
  mno = tuple( asuo.box_min() )
  print >>cout, "box  min= ", mno, "   max= ", mxo
  ### NEW C++ ASU
  asun = new_asu.direct_space_asu(grp.type())
  print >>cout, "=== New C++ asu ==="
  mnn = asun.box_min()
  mxn = asun.box_max()
  print >>cout, "box  min= ", mnn, "   max= ", mxn
  assert mnn == mno
  assert mxn == mxo
  old_vertices = asuo.shape_vertices()
  new_vertices = asun.shape_vertices() # C++  sorted list
  assert len(old_vertices) == len(new_vertices)
  # TODO: the following seems to use the same ordering operation
  # as mine in C++
  old_vertices = sorted(old_vertices)
  for a,b in zip(old_vertices,new_vertices):
    print >>cout, a, " == ", b
    assert a == b, str(a)+" != "+str(b)
  ins,v = loop_grid(asun, n, mnn, mxn, asuo)
  print >>cout, "N inside = ", ins, "   volume = ", v,  \
      "   expected volume = ", rint(1,grp.group().order_z())
  asuo = asuo.shape_only()
  mxo2 = tuple( asuo.box_max() )
  mno2 = tuple( asuo.box_min() )
  mnn2 = asun.box_min()
  mxn2 = asun.box_max()
  assert mxo2 == mxo
  assert mno2 == mno
  assert mxn2 == mxn
  assert mnn2 == mnn
  loop_grid(asun, n, mnn, mxn, asuo)
  unit_cell = grp.any_compatible_unit_cell(volume=5000.0)
  fasun = asun.as_float_asu( unit_cell, 1.0E-6);
  fasuo = cctbx.crystal.direct_space_asu_float_asu(
    cuts=[cut.as_float_cut_plane() for cut in asuo.cuts],
  # python sucks big: still (in 2.5) there is no float.epsilon/max/tiny/etc
  assert approx_equal(fasun.is_inside_epsilon(), fasuo.is_inside_epsilon(),
  assert len(fasun.cuts()) == len(fasuo.cuts()), \
    "%d != %d"%(len(fasuo.cuts()),len(fasun.cuts()))
  assert ((len(fasun.cuts()) < 200) & (len(fasun.cuts()) > 3)), \
  if verbose:
    print cout.getvalue()
def loop_grid(asu, n, mn, mx, asu2=None):
  assert (asu2 is None) or isinstance(asu, new_asu.direct_space_asu)
  first_is_new = False
  step, vv = step_v(n, mn, mx)
  grid = ()
  for s in step:
    g = rint(1) / s
    g = g.numerator()//g.denominator() + 1
    assert g > 0, "Step = "+str(step)
    grid += tuple([g])
  mna = list(mn)
  mxa = list(mx)
  for i in xrange(3):
    mna[i] -= 5*step[i]
    mna[i] *= grid[i]
    mna[i] = mna[i].numerator()//mna[i].denominator()-1
    mxa[i] += 5*step[i]
    mxa[i] *= grid[i]
    mxa[i] = mxa[i].numerator()//mxa[i].denominator()+1
  print >>cout, "grid test  step= ", step, "  min= ", mna, "  max= ", mxa, \
      "   grid=", grid
  if isinstance(asu, new_asu.direct_space_asu):
    import copy
    # TODO: implement
    # asu_opt = copy.copy(asu)
    # asu_opt.optimize_for_grid(grid)
    # assert asu_opt.is_optimized() and (not asu.is_optimized())
    first_is_new = True
    # max_p = asu_opt.get_optimized_grid_limits()
    # print >>cout, "grid limits: ", max_p
  result = 0

  i = mna[0]
  while i <= mxa[0] :
    ii = rint(i,grid[0])
    j = mna[1]
    while j <= mxa[1] :
      jj = rint(j,grid[1])
      k = mna[2]
      while k <= mxa[2] :
        kk = rint(k,grid[2])
        b = asu.is_inside((ii,jj,kk)) # rational test
        if b :
          result += 1
        if first_is_new:
          num = (i, j, k)
          den = grid
          where = asu.where_is(num,den) # integer test
          #TODO: implement? assert b == asu.is_inside(num,den)
          assert ( b and (where==1 or where==-1)) or ( (not b) and where==0 )
          #TODO: implemnt where_opt = asu_opt.where_is( num ) # optimized test
          #  assert where_opt == where
          #TODO: implement? assert b == asu_opt.is_inside(num)
        if asu2 is not None :
          assert b == asu2.is_inside( (ii,jj,kk) ) # rational test
        k += 1
      j += 1
    i += 1

  shape = result / vv
  return (result,shape)