def get_handle(tenant_id): # Returns a connection to the server config = get_handle_config(tenant_id) if config.get_protocol() == 'https': # sleep a while to avoid the OperationThrottlingException sleep(60) return NoSQLHandle(config)
def get_handle(tenant_id): """ Constructs a NoSQLHandle. Additional configuration options can be added here. Use the tenant_id as the default compartment for all operations. This puts tables in the root compartment of the tenancy. """ return NoSQLHandle(get_handle_config(tenant_id))
def get_handle(tenant_id): """ Constructs a NoSQLHandle. Additional configuration options can be added here. """ config = NoSQLHandleConfig(endpoint).set_authorization_provider( create_access_token_provider(tenant_id)) return NoSQLHandle(config)
def get_handle(): """ Constructs a NoSQLHandle. Additional configuration options can be added here. Use the tenant_id as the default compartment for all operations. This puts tables in the root compartment of the tenancy. """ provider = StoreAccessTokenProvider() config = NoSQLHandleConfig(endpoint) config.set_authorization_provider(provider) return NoSQLHandle(config)
def handler(ctx, data: io.BytesIO = None): return_citizens = [] try: provider = SignatureProvider( tenant_id='Your Tenant OCID', user_id='Your User OCID', private_key='location of Pem file', fingerprint='The fingerprint for your key pair goes here', pass_phrase='The pass phrase for your key goes here') compartment = 'Your Compartment Name Goes Here' config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.US_ASHBURN_1, provider) config.set_default_compartment(compartment) logger = logging.getLogger('Citizens') logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) config.set_logger(logger) handle = NoSQLHandle(config) table_name = 'Citizens' ## Prepare select statement# statement = 'select * from ' + table_name request = PrepareRequest().set_statement(statement) prepared_result = handle.prepare(request) ## Query, using the prepared statement# request = QueryRequest().set_prepared_statement(prepared_result) while True: result = handle.query(request) for r in result.get_results(): return_citizens.append(dict(r)) if request.is_done(): break except (Exception, ValueError) as ex: logging.getLogger().info('error parsing json payload: ' + str(ex)) logging.getLogger().info("Inside OCI function") return response.Response(ctx, response_data=json.dumps(return_citizens), headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
def testNoSQLHandleConfigSetIllegalEndpoint(self): # illegal endpoint self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, None) self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, 'localhost:8080:foo') self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, 'localhost:notanint') self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, 'localhost:-1') self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, 'http://localhost:-1:x') self.assertRaises(IllegalArgumentException, NoSQLHandleConfig, 'ttp://localhost:8080') # legal endpoint format but no service at the port config = get_simple_handle_config(tenant_id, 'localhost:70') handle = NoSQLHandle(config) self.assertRaises(ConnectionError, handle.table_request, self.table_request) handle.close()
def testNoSQLHandleConfigSetLegalSSLProtocol(self): if security(): # use default protocol config = get_simple_handle_config(tenant_id) handle = NoSQLHandle(config) self.assertEqual( config.get_ssl_context().protocol, PROTOCOL_SSLv23) handle.close() # set PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2 as ssl protocol config = get_simple_handle_config(tenant_id).set_ssl_protocol( PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) handle = NoSQLHandle(config) self.assertEqual( config.get_ssl_context().protocol, PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2) handle.close()
def create_handler(oci_config, log_handler): """Create the handle used to perform OCI NoSQL operations on tables. """ sigprov = SignatureProvider(tenant_id=oci_config['tenancy'], user_id=oci_config['user'], private_key=oci_config['key_file'], fingerprint=oci_config['fingerprint']) nosql_handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1) nosql_handle_config.set_authorization_provider(sigprov) nosql_handle_config.set_default_compartment(oci_config['compartment']) nosql_handle_config.set_logger(log_handler) nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(nosql_handle_config) sigprov.close() return nosql_handle
from borneo.iam import SignatureProvider from borneo import NoSQLHandleConfig, NoSQLHandle, Regions from borneo import PutRequest, PutOption # create and close AuthorizationProvider at_provider = SignatureProvider(config_file='~/.oci/config') at_provider.close() # create handle config using a desired region as endpoint and set a # default compartment. handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1) handle_config.set_authorization_provider(at_provider) handle_config.set_default_compartment('<your-compartment-id>') # create the handle. nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) put_request = PutRequest() put_request.set_table_name('produtos') put_request.set_option(PutOption.IF_ABSENT) put_request.set_value({ "id": 1, "propriedades": { "nome": "Óleo Motul 5100 4T (Semi-sintético)", "Tipo": "15W50" }, "valor": 67.90, "frete_gratis": False, "imagens": ["Motul-1.jpg"] })
from borneo.iam import SignatureProvider from borneo import NoSQLHandleConfig, NoSQLHandle, Regions from borneo import TableRequest # create and close AuthorizationProvider at_provider = SignatureProvider(config_file='~/.oci/config') at_provider.close() # create handle config using a desired region as endpoint and set a # default compartment. handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1) handle_config.set_authorization_provider(at_provider) handle_config.set_default_compartment('<your-compartment-id>') # create the handle. nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) table_ddl = """ DROP TABLE produtos """ # creates a request object that contains the DLL instruction. table_request = TableRequest() table_request.set_statement(table_ddl) # execute the DDL instruction. nosql_handle.table_request(table_request) # free up the resources from handle.
class TestRateLimiting(unittest.TestCase, TestBase): """ Tests for driver-side rate limiting. These tests require a Cloud Simulator instance as rate limiting is not available or need for on-premise. """ if not is_onprem(): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.set_up_class() create_statement = ('CREATE TABLE ' + table_name + '(id integer, \ name string, primary key(id))') create_request = TableRequest().set_statement( create_statement).set_table_limits(TableLimits(100, 100, 1)) cls.table_request(create_request) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.tear_down_class() def setUp(self): handle_config = get_handle_config(tenant_id).set_retry_handler( DefaultRetryHandler()).set_consistency(Consistency.EVENTUAL) self.handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) def tearDown(self): self.handle.close() def testRateLimitingBasicInternal(self): self._test_limiters(False, 500, 200, 200, 10, 100.0) def testRateLimitingBasicExternal(self): self._test_limiters(True, 500, 200, 200, 10, 100.0) def testRateLimitingBasicInternalPercent(self): self._test_limiters(False, 500, 200, 200, 10, 20.0) def testRateLimitingBasicExternalPercent(self): self._test_limiters(True, 500, 200, 200, 10, 20.0) def testRateLimitingExtendedInternalFull(self): # Skip unless extended tests are enabled if rate_limiter_extended(): allunits = [1, 50, 300] for units in allunits: if units == 500: self._test_limiters(False, 500, units, units, 10, 100.0) def testRateLimitingExtendedInternalPercent(self): # Skip unless extended tests are enabled if rate_limiter_extended(): allunits = [10, 100, 2000] for units in allunits: self._test_limiters(False, 500, units, units, 10, 10.0) def testRateLimitingExtendedExternalFull(self): # Skip unless extended tests are enabled if rate_limiter_extended(): allunits = [1, 50, 300] for units in allunits: self._test_limiters(True, 500, units, units, 10, 100.0) def testRateLimitingExtendedExternalPercent(self): # Skip unless extended tests are enabled if rate_limiter_extended(): allunits = [10, 100, 2000] for units in allunits: self._test_limiters(True, 500, units, units, 10, 10.0) def _alter_table_limits(self, limits): table_request = TableRequest().set_table_name( table_name).set_table_limits(limits).set_timeout(15000) return self.handle.do_table_request(table_request, 15000, 1000) def _do_rate_limited_ops(self, num_seconds, read_limit, write_limit, max_rows, check_units, use_percent, use_external_limiters): """ Runs puts and gets continuously for N seconds. Verify that the resultant RUs/WUs used match the given rate limits. """ if read_limit == 0 and write_limit == 0: return put_request = PutRequest().set_table_name(table_name) get_request = GetRequest().set_table_name(table_name) key = dict() # TODO: random sizes 0-nKB. value = dict() value['name'] = 'jane' start_time = int(round(time() * 1000)) end_time = start_time + num_seconds * 1000 read_units_used = 0 write_units_used = 0 total_delayed_ms = 0 throttle_exceptions = 0 rlim = None wlim = None max_val = float(read_limit + write_limit) if not use_external_limiters: # Reset internal limiters so they don't have unused units. self.handle.get_client().reset_rate_limiters(table_name) else: rlim = SimpleRateLimiter(read_limit * use_percent / 100.0, 1) wlim = SimpleRateLimiter(write_limit * use_percent / 100.0, 1) while True: fld_id = int(random() * max_rows) if read_limit == 0: do_put = True elif write_limit == 0: do_put = False else: v = int(random() * max_val) do_put = v >= read_limit try: if do_put: value['id'] = fld_id put_request.set_value(value).set_read_rate_limiter( None).set_write_rate_limiter(wlim) pres = self.handle.put(put_request) write_units_used += pres.get_write_units() total_delayed_ms += pres.get_rate_limit_delayed_ms() rs = pres.get_retry_stats() if rs is not None: throttle_exceptions += rs.get_num_exceptions( WriteThrottlingException.__class__.__name__) else: key['id'] = fld_id get_request.set_key(key).set_read_rate_limiter( rlim).set_write_rate_limiter(None) gres = self.handle.get(get_request) read_units_used += gres.get_read_units() total_delayed_ms += gres.get_rate_limit_delayed_ms() rs = gres.get_retry_stats() if rs is not None: throttle_exceptions += rs.get_num_exceptions( ReadThrottlingException.__class__.__name__) except ReadThrottlingException: 'Expected no read throttling exceptions, got one.') except WriteThrottlingException: 'Expected no write throttling exceptions, got one.') if int(round(time() * 1000)) >= end_time: break num_seconds = (int(round(time() * 1000)) - start_time) / 1000 rus = read_units_used / num_seconds wus = write_units_used / num_seconds if not check_units: return use_percent /= 100.0 if (rus < read_limit * use_percent * 0.8 or rus > read_limit * use_percent * 1.2):'Gets: Expected around ' + str(read_limit * use_percent) + ' RUs, got ' + str(rus)) if (wus < write_limit * use_percent * 0.8 or wus > write_limit * use_percent * 1.2):'Puts: Expected around ' + str(write_limit * use_percent) + ' WUs, got ' + str(wus)) def _do_rate_limited_queries(self, num_seconds, read_limit, max_kb, single_partition, use_percent, use_external_limiters): """ Runs queries continuously for N seconds. Verify that the resultant RUs used match the given rate limit. """ start_time = int(round(time() * 1000)) end_time = start_time + num_seconds * 1000 read_units_used = 0 rlim = None wlim = None if not use_external_limiters: # Reset internal limiters so they don't have unused units. self.handle.get_client().reset_rate_limiters(table_name) else: rlim = SimpleRateLimiter(read_limit * use_percent / 100.0, 1) wlim = SimpleRateLimiter(read_limit * use_percent / 100.0, 1) prep_req = PrepareRequest() if single_partition: # Query based on single partition scanning. fld_id = int(random() * 500) prep_req.set_statement('SELECT * FROM ' + table_name + ' WHERE id = ' + str(fld_id)) else: # Query based on all partitions scanning. prep_req.set_statement('SELECT * FROM ' + table_name + ' WHERE name = "jane"') prep_res = self.handle.prepare(prep_req) self.assertTrue(prep_res.get_prepared_statement() is not None, 'Prepare statement failed.') read_units_used += prep_res.get_read_units() while True: """ We need a 20 second timeout because in some cases this is called on a table with 500 rows and 50RUs (uses 1000RUs = 20 seconds). """ query_req = QueryRequest().set_prepared_statement( prep_res).set_timeout(20000).set_read_rate_limiter( rlim).set_write_rate_limiter(wlim) if max_kb > 0: # Query with size limit. query_req.set_max_read_kb(max_kb) try: while True: res = self.handle.query(query_req) res.get_results() read_units_used += res.get_read_units() if query_req.is_done(): break except ReadThrottlingException:'Expected no throttling exceptions, got one.') except RequestTimeoutException: # This may happen for very small limit tests. pass if int(round(time() * 1000)) >= end_time: break num_seconds = (int(round(time() * 1000)) - start_time) / 1000 use_percent /= 100.0 rus = read_units_used / num_seconds expected_rus = read_limit * use_percent # For very small expected amounts, just verify within 1 RU. if (expected_rus < 4 and expected_rus - 1 <= rus <= expected_rus + 1): return if rus < expected_rus * 0.6 or rus > expected_rus * 1.5:'Queries: Expected around ' + str(expected_rus) + ' RUs, got ' + str(rus)) def _run_limited_ops_on_table(self, read_limit, write_limit, max_seconds, max_rows, use_percent, use_external_limiters): """ Runs get/puts then queries on a table. Verify RUs/WUs are within given limits. """ self._alter_table_limits(TableLimits(read_limit, write_limit, 50)) """ We have to do the read/write ops separately since we're running single-threaded, and the result is hard to tell if it's correct (example: we'd get 37RUs and 15WUs). """ self._do_rate_limited_ops(max_seconds, 0, write_limit, max_rows, True, use_percent, use_external_limiters) self._do_rate_limited_ops(max_seconds, read_limit, 0, max_rows, True, use_percent, use_external_limiters) # Query based on single partition scanning. self._do_rate_limited_queries(max_seconds, read_limit, 20, True, use_percent, use_external_limiters) # Query based on all partitions scanning. self._do_rate_limited_queries(max_seconds, read_limit, 20, False, use_percent, use_external_limiters) def _test_limiters(self, use_external_limiters, max_rows, read_limit, write_limit, test_seconds, use_percent): # Clear any previous rate limiters. client = self.handle.get_client() client.enable_rate_limiting(False, 100.0) # Configure our handle for rate limiting. if not use_external_limiters: client.enable_rate_limiting(True, use_percent) # Limit bursts in tests. client.set_ratelimiter_duration_seconds(1) # Then do the actual testing. self._run_limited_ops_on_table(read_limit, write_limit, test_seconds, max_rows, use_percent, use_external_limiters)
# # For more information, check the SDK documentation at the link below: # # # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This Git repository belongs to my ([email protected]) studies about # Oracle NoSQL. To known more, check the blog post (pt-br): # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- from borneo import NoSQLHandle, NoSQLHandleConfig from borneo.kv import StoreAccessTokenProvider # NoSQL Cloud Simulator endpoint simulator_endpoint = 'http://localhost:5000' # create the AuthorizationProvider for a not secure store: ap = StoreAccessTokenProvider() # create handle config handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(simulator_endpoint) handle_config.set_authorization_provider(ap) # create the handle. nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) nosql_handle.close()
def get_handle(tenant_id): # Returns a connection to the server config = get_handle_config(tenant_id) return NoSQLHandle(config)
oci_private_key = '../fotogal/oci_config/oci_api_key.pem' oci_compartment_ocid = 'ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaaro7baesjtceeuntyqxajzotsthm4bg46bwumacmbltuhw6gvb2mq' oci_config = oci.config.from_file(oci_config_file, 'DEFAULT') oci_config['key_file'] = oci_private_key ## OCI NoSQL nosql_sig_prov = SignatureProvider(tenant_id=oci_config['tenancy'], user_id=oci_config['user'], private_key=oci_config['key_file'], fingerprint=oci_config['fingerprint']) nosql_config = NoSQLHandleConfig( Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1).set_authorization_provider( nosql_sig_prov).set_default_compartment(oci_compartment_ocid) nosql_handler = NoSQLHandle(nosql_config) ## OCI Object Storage object_storage = oci.object_storage.ObjectStorageClient(oci_config) def return_random_string(): RANDOM_STR_LENGTH = 50 ts ='%s') letters_and_digits = string.ascii_letters + string.digits result_str = ''.join((random.choice(letters_and_digits) for i in range(RANDOM_STR_LENGTH))) + '_' + ts return result_str
def setUp(self): handle_config = get_handle_config(tenant_id).set_retry_handler( DefaultRetryHandler()).set_consistency(Consistency.EVENTUAL) self.handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config)
from borneo.iam import SignatureProvider from borneo import NoSQLHandleConfig, NoSQLHandle, Regions from borneo import Consistency, QueryRequest # create and close AuthorizationProvider at_provider = SignatureProvider(config_file='~/.oci/config') at_provider.close() # create handle config using a desired region as endpoint and set a # default compartment. handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1) handle_config.set_authorization_provider(at_provider) handle_config.set_default_compartment('<your-compartment-id>') # create the handle. nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) query = """ SELECT propriedades, valor, frete_gratis FROM produtos """ query_request = QueryRequest() # set ABSOLUTE consistency for read requests. query_request.set_consistency(Consistency.ABSOLUTE) query_request.set_statement(query) while True:
from borneo.iam import SignatureProvider from borneo import NoSQLHandleConfig, NoSQLHandle, Regions from borneo import DeleteRequest # create and close AuthorizationProvider at_provider = SignatureProvider(config_file='~/.oci/config') at_provider.close() # create handle config using a desired region as endpoint and set a # default compartment. handle_config = NoSQLHandleConfig(Regions.SA_SAOPAULO_1) handle_config.set_authorization_provider(at_provider) handle_config.set_default_compartment('<your-compartment-id>') # create the handle. nosql_handle = NoSQLHandle(handle_config) delete_request = DeleteRequest() delete_request.set_table_name('produtos') delete_request.set_key({"id": 1}) # delete data result = nosql_handle.delete(delete_request) if result.get_success(): print('Success!') else: print('Error!') # free up the resources from handle. nosql_handle.close()