class StatsCommand(Command): """ Command /stats Shows the links sent count for every user in the current chat """ COMMAND = 'stats' def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() def get_response(self): stats = self.telegram_api_client.get_stats(self.update.message.chat_id) return self._build_message(stats), None @staticmethod def _build_message(stats: {}): msg = '<strong>Links sent by the users from the beginning in this chat:</strong> \n' users = stats.get('users_with_chat_link_count', []) most_sent_genres = stats.get('most_sent_genres', []) for user in users: msg += '- {} <strong>{}:</strong> {}\n'.format( emojis.EMOJI_USER, user.get('username') or user.get('first_name'), user.get('sent_links_chat__count') ) msg += f'\n <strong>Most sent genres:</strong> {", ".join(most_sent_genres)}' return msg
class MusicFromBeginningCommand(Command): """ Command /music_from_beginning @username Gets the links sent by an specific username of the chat from the beginning """ COMMAND = 'music_from_beginning' def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() def get_response(self): if self.args: links = self._get_links_from_user() all_time_links = self._group_links_by_user(links) return self._build_message(all_time_links), None else: msg = 'Command usage /music_from_beginning @username' return msg, None @staticmethod def _build_message(all_time_links): msg = '<strong>Music from the beginning of time:</strong> \n' for user, sent_links in all_time_links.items(): msg += '- {} <strong>{}:</strong>\n'.format(emojis.EMOJI_USER, user) for sent_link in sent_links: link = sent_link.get('link') genres = Link.get_genres(link) msg += ' {} <a href="{}">{}</a> {}\n'.format( emojis.get_music_emoji(link.get('link_type')), f'[{datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(sent_link.get("sent_at")).strftime(OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT)}]', link.get('url'), Link.get_name(link), '({})'.format(', '.join(genres)) if genres else '' ) msg += '\n' return msg def _get_links_from_user(self): username = self.args[0] username = username.replace('@', '') links = self.telegram_api_client.get_sent_links( chat_id=self.update.message.chat_id, user_username=username ) return links @staticmethod def _group_links_by_user(links): all_time_links = defaultdict(list) for link in links: all_time_links[ link.get('sent_by').get('username') if link.get('sent_by').get('username') else link.get('sent_by').get( 'first_name')].append(link) return dict(all_time_links)
class MyMusicCommand(Command): """ Command /mymusic It can only be called from a private conversation Returns a list of the links sent by the caller user in all the chats from the beginning of time """ COMMAND = 'mymusic' def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() def get_response(self): all_time_links = self._get_all_time_links_from_user() return self._build_message(all_time_links), None @staticmethod def _build_message(all_time_links): msg = '<strong>Music sent in all your chats from the beginning of time:</strong> \n' for sent_link in all_time_links: link = sent_link.get('link') genres = Link.get_genres(link) msg += ' {} {} <a href="{}">{}</a> {}\n'.format( emojis.get_music_emoji(link.get('type')), '[{}@{}]'.format( datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(sent_link.get('sent_at')).strftime(OUTPUT_DATE_FORMAT), sent_link.get('chat').get('name') ), link.get('url'), Link.get_name(link), '({})'.format(', '.join(genres)) if genres else '' ) msg += '\n' return msg def _get_all_time_links_from_user(self): links = self.telegram_api_client.get_sent_links( ) return links
class LastFMSetCommand(Command, CreateOrUpdateMixin): """ Command /lastfmset Sets the given username to the current user """ COMMAND = 'lastfmset' def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() self.lastfm_api_client = LastfmAPIClient() def get_response(self): # We call save_user() because we want to ensure # that the Telegram User already exists in the API Database self.save_user(self.update.message.from_user) lastfm_username = self._set_lastfm_username(self.update.message.from_user) return self._build_message(lastfm_username), None def _build_message(self, lastfm_username): if not lastfm_username: return self._help_message() return f"<strong>{lastfm_username}</strong>'s username set correctly" def _set_lastfm_username(self, user): if not self.args: return None username = self.args[0] username = username.replace('@', '') user = self.telegram_api_client.create_user(user) lastfm_user = self.lastfm_api_client.set_lastfm_user(user.get('id'), username) return lastfm_user.get('username') @staticmethod def _help_message(): return 'Command usage: /lastfmset username'
def save_user(user): telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() create_user_response = telegram_api_client.create_user(user) return create_user_response
def save_chat(chat): telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() create_chat_response = telegram_api_client.create_chat(chat) return create_chat_response
def save_link(url: str, user_id: str, chat_id: str) -> OrderedDict: telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() save_link_response = telegram_api_client.create_sent_link( url, user_id, chat_id) return save_link_response
def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient()
class MusicCommand(Command): """ Command /music Gets the links sent by all the users of the chat in the last week and group them by user>links """ COMMAND = 'music' DAYS = 7 LAST_WEEK = - datetime.timedelta(days=DAYS) def __init__(self, update: Update, context: CallbackContext): super().__init__(update, context) self.telegram_api_client = TelegramAPIClient() def get_response(self): if self.args: links = self._get_links_from_user() else: links = self._get_links() last_week_links = self._group_links_by_user(links) return self._build_message(last_week_links), None @staticmethod def _build_message(last_week_links): msg = '<strong>Music from the last week:</strong> \n' for user, sent_links in last_week_links.items(): msg += '- {} <strong>{}:</strong>\n'.format(emojis.EMOJI_USER, user) for sent_link in sent_links: link = sent_link.get('link') genres = Link.get_genres(link) msg += ' {} <a href="{}">{}</a> {}\n'.format( emojis.get_music_emoji(link.get('link_type')), link.get('url'), Link.get_name(link), '({})'.format(', '.join(genres)) if genres else '' ) msg += '\n' return msg def _get_links(self): links = self.telegram_api_client.get_sent_links( chat_id=self.update.message.chat_id, since_date=self.LAST_WEEK ) return links def _get_links_from_user(self): username = self.args[0] username = username.replace('@', '') links = self.telegram_api_client.get_sent_links( chat_id=self.update.message.chat_id, user_username=username, since_date=self.LAST_WEEK ) return links @staticmethod def _group_links_by_user(links): last_week_links = defaultdict(list) for link in links: last_week_links[ link.get('sent_by').get('username') if link.get('sent_by').get('username') else link.get('sent_by').get( 'first_name')].append(link) return dict(last_week_links)