def filer(request,*kw,**kwargs): ''' handles bots file viewer. Only files in data dir of Bots are displayed.''' nosuchfile = _(u'No such file.') if request.method == 'GET': try: idta = request.GET['idta'] except: return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'error_content': nosuchfile},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request)) if idta == 0: #for the 'starred' file names (eg multiple output) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'error_content': nosuchfile},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request)) try: currentta = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=idta))[0] if request.GET['action']=='downl': response = django.http.HttpResponse(mimetype=currentta.contenttype) if currentta.contenttype == 'text/html': dispositiontype = 'inline' else: dispositiontype = 'attachment' response['Content-Disposition'] = dispositiontype + '; filename=' + currentta.filename + '.txt' #~ response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(absfilename) response.write(botslib.readdata(currentta.filename,charset=currentta.charset,errors='ignore')) return response elif request.GET['action']=='previous': if currentta.parent: #has a explicit parent talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: #get list of ta's referring to this idta as child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(child=currentta.idta)) elif request.GET['action']=='this': if currentta.status == EXTERNIN: #jump strait to next file, as EXTERNIN can not be displayed. talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) elif currentta.status == EXTERNOUT: talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: talijst = [currentta] elif request.GET['action']=='next': if currentta.child: #has a explicit child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.child)) else: talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) for ta in talijst: ta.has_next = True if ta.status == EXTERNIN: ta.content = _(u'External file. Can not be displayed. Use "next".') elif ta.status == EXTERNOUT: ta.content = _(u'External file. Can not be displayed. Use "previous".') ta.has_next = False elif ta.statust in [OPEN,ERROR]: ta.content = _(u'File has error status and does not exist. Use "previous".') ta.has_next = False elif not ta.filename: ta.content = _(u'File can not be displayed.') else: if ta.charset: #guess charset; uft-8 is reasonable ta.content = botslib.readdata(ta.filename,charset=ta.charset,errors='ignore') else: ta.content = botslib.readdata(ta.filename,charset='utf-8',errors='ignore') return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'idtas': talijst},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request)) except: #~ print botslib.txtexc() return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'error_content': nosuchfile},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request))
def mailbag(ta_from,endstatus,**argv): ''' 2 main functions: - recognizes and distuinguishes several edi types: x12 edifact tradacoms xml ('mailbag' in, correct editype out) - split up interchanges (edifact, x12, tradacoms) details: - edifact, x12 and tradacoms can be can be mixed, - recognizes xml files; but messagetype 'xml' has a special handling when reading xml-files: xpath identifiers are used. this is needed for using xml in mailbag! - when more interchanges in one file: strongly recommended to mailbag/split these. - handle multiple UNA in one file, including different charsets. - handle multiple x12 seperators in one file. ''' edifile = botslib.readdata(filename=ta_from.filename) #read as binary... startpos = 0 while (1): found =[startpos:]) if found is None: if startpos: #ISA/UNB have been found in file; no new ISA/UNB is found. So all processing is done. break #guess if this is an xml file..... sniffxml = edifile[:25] sniffxml = sniffxml.lstrip(' \t\n\r\f\v\xFF\xFE\xEF\xBB\xBF\x00') #to find first ' real' data; some char are because of BOM, UTF-16 etc if sniffxml and sniffxml[0] == '<': ta_to = ta_from.copyta(status=endstatus,statust=OK,filename=ta_from.filename,editype='xml',messagetype='mailbag') #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes #~ ta_tomes.update(status=STATUSTMP,statust=OK,filename=ta_set_for_processing.filename,editype='xml') #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; break else: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'Found no content in mailbag.')) elif editype = 'x12' headpos = startpos + found.start(2) count = 0 for char in edifile[headpos:headpos+120]: #search first 120 characters to find separators if char in '\r\n' and count != 105: continue count += 1 if count == 4: field_sep = char elif count == 106: record_sep = char break #~ foundtrailer ='\s*IEA'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) foundtrailer ='\s*I\s*E\s*A\s*'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) elif editype = 'edifact' if field_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 4] record_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 8] headpos = startpos + found.start(4) else: field_sep = '+' record_sep = "'" headpos = startpos + found.start(5) foundtrailer ='\s*U\s*N\s*Z\s*'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) elif editype = 'tradacoms' headpos = startpos + found.start(9) field_sep = '=' #the tradacoms 'after-segment-tag-seperator' record_sep = "'" foundtrailer ='\s*E\s*N\s*D\s*'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) if not foundtrailer: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'Found no valid envelope trailer in mailbag.')) endpos = headpos + foundtrailer.end() #so: interchange is from headerpos untill endpos #~ if[headpos+25:endpos]): #check if there is another header in the interchange #~ raise botslib.InMessageError(u'Error in mailbag format: found no valid envelope trailer.') ta_to = ta_from.copyta(status=endstatus) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes tofilename = str(ta_to.idta) tofile = botslib.opendata(tofilename,'wb') tofile.write(edifile[headpos:endpos]) tofile.close() ta_to.update(statust=OK,filename=tofilename,editype=editype,messagetype=editype) #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; startpos = endpos botsglobal.logger.debug(_(u' File written: "%s".'),tofilename)
def mailbag(ta_from, endstatus, **argv): ''' 2 main functions: - recognizes and distuinguishes several edi types: x12 edifact tradacoms xml ('mailbag' in, correct editype out) - split up interchanges (edifact, x12, tradacoms) details: - edifact, x12 and tradacoms can be can be mixed, - recognizes xml files; but messagetype 'xml' has a special handling when reading xml-files: xpath identifiers are used. this is needed for using xml in mailbag! - when more interchanges in one file: strongly recommended to mailbag/split these. - handle multiple UNA in one file, including different charsets. - handle multiple x12 seperators in one file. ''' edifile = botslib.readdata(filename=ta_from.filename) #read as binary... startpos = 0 while (1): found =[startpos:]) if found is None: if startpos: #ISA/UNB have been found in file; no new ISA/UNB is found. So all processing is done. break #guess if this is an xml file..... sniffxml = edifile[:25] sniffxml = sniffxml.lstrip( ' \t\n\r\f\v\xFF\xFE\xEF\xBB\xBF\x00' ) #to find first ' real' data; some char are because of BOM, UTF-16 etc if sniffxml and sniffxml[0] == '<': ta_to = ta_from.copyta( status=endstatus, statust=OK, filename=ta_from.filename, editype='xml', messagetype='mailbag' ) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes #~ ta_tomes.update(status=STATUSTMP,statust=OK,filename=ta_set_for_processing.filename,editype='xml') #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; break else: raise botslib.InMessageError( _(u'Found no content in mailbag.')) elif editype = 'x12' headpos = startpos + found.start(2) count = 0 for char in edifile[ headpos:headpos + 120]: #search first 120 characters to find separators if char in '\r\n' and count != 105: continue count += 1 if count == 4: field_sep = char elif count == 106: record_sep = char break #~ foundtrailer ='\s*IEA'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) foundtrailer = re.escape(record_sep) + '\s*I\s*E\s*A\s*' + re.escape(field_sep) + '.+?' + re.escape(record_sep), edifile[headpos:], re.DOTALL) elif editype = 'edifact' if field_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 4] record_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 8] headpos = startpos + found.start(4) else: field_sep = '+' record_sep = "'" headpos = startpos + found.start(5) foundtrailer = re.escape(record_sep) + '\s*U\s*N\s*Z\s*' + re.escape(field_sep) + '.+?' + re.escape(record_sep), edifile[headpos:], re.DOTALL) elif editype = 'tradacoms' headpos = startpos + found.start(9) field_sep = '=' #the tradacoms 'after-segment-tag-seperator' record_sep = "'" foundtrailer = re.escape(record_sep) + '\s*E\s*N\s*D\s*' + re.escape(field_sep) + '.+?' + re.escape(record_sep), edifile[headpos:], re.DOTALL) if not foundtrailer: raise botslib.InMessageError( _(u'Found no valid envelope trailer in mailbag.')) endpos = headpos + foundtrailer.end() #so: interchange is from headerpos untill endpos #~ if[headpos+25:endpos]): #check if there is another header in the interchange #~ raise botslib.InMessageError(u'Error in mailbag format: found no valid envelope trailer.') ta_to = ta_from.copyta( status=endstatus ) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes tofilename = str(ta_to.idta) tofile = botslib.opendata(tofilename, 'wb') tofile.write(edifile[headpos:endpos]) tofile.close() ta_to.update( statust=OK, filename=tofilename, editype=editype, messagetype=editype) #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; startpos = endpos botsglobal.logger.debug(_(u' File written: "%s".'), tofilename)
def filer(request, *kw, **kwargs): ''' handles bots file viewer. Only files in data dir of Bots are displayed.''' if request.method == 'GET': try: idta = request.GET['idta'] if idta == 0: #for the 'starred' file names (eg multiple output) raise Exception('to be caught') currentta = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=idta))[0] if request.GET['action'] == 'downl': response = django.http.HttpResponse( content_type=currentta.contenttype) if currentta.contenttype == 'text/html': dispositiontype = 'inline' else: dispositiontype = 'attachment' response[ 'Content-Disposition'] = dispositiontype + '; filename=' + currentta.filename + '.txt' #~ response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(absfilename) response.write(botslib.readdata(currentta.filename)) return response elif request.GET['action'] == 'previous': if currentta.parent: #has a explicit parent talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: #get list of ta's referring to this idta as child talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(idta__range=(currentta.script, currentta.idta), child=currentta.idta)) elif request.GET['action'] == 'this': if currentta.status == EXTERNIN: #EXTERNIN can not be displayed, so go to first FILEIN talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) elif currentta.status == EXTERNOUT: #EXTERNOUT can not be displayed, so go to last FILEOUT talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: talijst = [currentta] elif request.GET['action'] == 'next': if currentta.child: #has a explicit child talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.child)) else: talijst = list( models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) for ta_object in talijst: #determine if can display file if ta_object.filename and ta_object.filename.isdigit(): if ta_object.charset: ta_object.content = botslib.readdata( ta_object.filename, charset=ta_object.charset, errors='ignore') else: #guess safe choice for charset. alt1: get charset by looking forward (until translation). alt2:try with utf-8, if error iso-8859-1 ta_object.content = botslib.readdata( ta_object.filename, charset='us-ascii', errors='ignore') ta_object.has_file = True if ta_object.editype == 'x12': ta_object.content = viewlib.indent_x12( ta_object.content) elif ta_object.editype == 'edifact': ta_object.content = viewlib.indent_edifact( ta_object.content) else: ta_object.has_file = False ta_object.content = _(u'No file available for display.') #determine has previous: if ta_object.parent or ta_object.status == MERGED: ta_object.has_previous = True else: ta_object.has_previous = False #determine: has next: if ta_object.status == EXTERNOUT or ta_object.statust in [ OPEN, ERROR ]: ta_object.has_next = False else: ta_object.has_next = True return django.shortcuts.render(request, 'bots/filer.html', {'idtas': talijst}) except: return django.shortcuts.render( request, 'bots/filer.html', {'error_content': _(u'No such file.')})
def filer(request,*kw,**kwargs): ''' handles bots file viewer. Only files in data dir of Bots are displayed.''' if request.method == 'GET': try: idta = request.GET['idta'] if idta == 0: #for the 'starred' file names (eg multiple output) raise Exception('to be caught') currentta = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=idta))[0] if request.GET['action'] == 'downl': response = django.http.HttpResponse(mimetype=currentta.contenttype) if currentta.contenttype == 'text/html': dispositiontype = 'inline' else: dispositiontype = 'attachment' response['Content-Disposition'] = dispositiontype + '; filename=' + currentta.filename + '.txt' #~ response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(absfilename) response.write(botslib.readdata(currentta.filename)) return response elif request.GET['action'] == 'previous': if currentta.parent: #has a explicit parent talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: #get list of ta's referring to this idta as child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(child=currentta.idta)) elif request.GET['action'] == 'this': if currentta.status == EXTERNIN: #EXTERNIN can not be displayed, so go to first FILEIN talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) elif currentta.status == EXTERNOUT: #EXTERNOUT can not be displayed, so go to last FILEOUT talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: talijst = [currentta] elif request.GET['action'] == 'next': if currentta.child: #has a explicit child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.child)) else: talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) for ta_object in talijst: #determine if can display file if ta_object.filename and ta_object.filename.isdigit(): if ta_object.charset: ta_object.content = botslib.readdata(ta_object.filename,charset=ta_object.charset,errors='ignore') else: #guess safe choice for charset. alt1: get charset by looking forward (until translation). alt2:try with utf-8, if error iso-8859-1 ta_object.content = botslib.readdata(ta_object.filename,charset='us-ascii',errors='ignore') ta_object.has_file = True if ta_object.editype == 'x12': ta_object.content = viewlib.indent_x12(ta_object.content) elif ta_object.editype == 'edifact': ta_object.content = viewlib.indent_edifact(ta_object.content) else: ta_object.has_file = False ta_object.content = _(u'No file available for display.') #determine has previous: if ta_object.parent or ta_object.status == MERGED: ta_object.has_previous = True else: ta_object.has_previous = False #determine: has next: if ta_object.status == EXTERNOUT or ta_object.statust in [OPEN,ERROR]: ta_object.has_next = False else: ta_object.has_next = True return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'idtas': talijst},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request)) except: return django.shortcuts.render_to_response('bots/filer.html', {'error_content': _(u'No such file.')},context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request))
def mailbag(ta_from,endstatus,frommessagetype,**argv): ''' 2 main functions: - recognizes and distuinguishes several edi types: x12 edifact tradacoms ('mailbag' in, correct editype out) - split up interchanges (edifact, x12, tradacoms) details: - edifact, x12 and tradacoms can be can be mixed - handle multiple UNA in one file, including different charsets. - handle multiple ISA's with different separators in one file in bots > 3.0.0 all mailbag, edifact, x12 and tradacoms go via mailbag. ''' edifile = botslib.readdata(filename=ta_from.filename) startpos = 0 nr_interchanges = 0 while (1): found = HEADER.match(edifile[startpos:]) if found is None: if edifile[startpos:].strip(string.whitespace+'\x1A\x00'): #there is content...but not valid if nr_interchanges: #found interchanges, but remainder is not valid raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M50]: Found data not in a valid interchange at position %(pos)s.'),{'pos':startpos}) else: #no interchanges found, content is not a valid edifact/x12/tradacoms interchange if frommessagetype == 'mailbag': #if indicated 'mailbag': guess if this is an xml file..... sniffxml = edifile[:25] sniffxml = sniffxml.lstrip(' \t\n\r\f\v\xFF\xFE\xEF\xBB\xBF\x00') #to find first ' real' data; some char are because of BOM, UTF-16 etc if sniffxml and sniffxml[0] == '<': #is a xml file; can determine the right xml messagetype via xpath. filesize = len(edifile) ta_to = ta_from.copyta(status=endstatus,statust=OK,filename=ta_from.filename,editype='xml',messagetype='mailbag',filesize=filesize) return raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M51]: Edi file does not start with a valid interchange.')) else: #no parseble content if nr_interchanges: #OK: there are interchanges, but no new interchange is found. return else: #no edifact/x12/tradacoms envelope at all raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M52]: Edi file contains only whitespace.')) elif'x12'): editype = 'x12' headpos = startpos + found.start('x12') #determine field_sep and record_sep count = 0 for char in edifile[headpos:headpos+120]: #search first 120 characters to determine separators if char in '\r\n' and count != 105: continue count += 1 if count == 4: field_sep = char elif count in [7,18,21,32,35,51,54,70]: #extra checks for fixed ISA. if char != field_sep: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M53]: Non-valid ISA header at position %(pos)s; position %(pos_element)s of ISA is "%(foundchar)s", expect here element separator "%(field_sep)s".'), {'pos':headpos,'pos_element':unicode(count),'foundchar':char,'field_sep':field_sep}) elif count == 106: record_sep = char break foundtrailer ='''%(record_sep)s \s* I[\n\r]*E[\n\r]*A .+? %(record_sep)s '''%{'record_sep':re.escape(record_sep)}, edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) if not foundtrailer: foundtrailer2 ='''%(record_sep)s \s* I[\n\r]*E[\n\r]*A '''%{'record_sep':re.escape(record_sep)}, edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) if foundtrailer2: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M60]: Found no segment terminator for IEA trailer at position %(pos)s.'),{'pos':foundtrailer2.start()}) else: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M54]: Found no valid IEA trailer for the ISA header at position %(pos)s.'),{'pos':headpos}) elif'edifact'): editype = 'edifact' headpos = startpos + found.start('edifact') #parse UNA. valid UNA: UNA:+.? ' if'UNA'): count = 0 for char in'UNAstring'): if char in '\r\n': continue count += 1 if count == 2: field_sep = char elif count == 4: escape = char elif count == 6: record_sep = char if count != 6 and len('UNAstring').rstrip()) != 6: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M55]: Non-valid UNA-segment at position %(pos)s. UNA-segment should be 6 positions.'),{'pos':headpos}) if'field_sep') != field_sep: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M56]: Data element separator used in edifact file differs from value indicated in UNA-segment.')) else: #no UNA, interpret UNB if'field_sep') == '+': record_sep = "'" escape = '?' elif'field_sep') == '\x1D': #according to std this was preffered way...probably quite theoretic...but does no harm record_sep = '\x1C' escape = '' else: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M57]: Edifact file with non-standard separators. UNA segment should be used.')) #search trailer foundtrailer ='''[^%(escape)s\n\r] #char that is not escape or cr/lf [\n\r]*? #maybe some cr/lf's %(record_sep)s #segment separator \s* #whitespace between segments U[\n\r]*N[\n\r]*Z #UNZ .+? #any chars [^%(escape)s\n\r] #char that is not escape or cr/lf [\n\r]*? #maybe some cr/lf's %(record_sep)s #segment separator '''%{'escape':escape,'record_sep':re.escape(record_sep)}, edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) if not foundtrailer: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M58]: Found no valid UNZ trailer for the UNB header at position %(pos)s.'),{'pos':headpos}) elif'tradacoms'): editype = 'tradacoms' #~ field_sep = '=' #the tradacoms 'after-segment-tag-separator' record_sep = "'" escape = '?' headpos = startpos + found.start('STX') foundtrailer ='''[^%(escape)s\n\r] #char that is not escape or cr/lf [\n\r]*? #maybe some cr/lf's %(record_sep)s #segment separator \s* #whitespace between segments E[\n\r]*N[\n\r]*D .+? [^%(escape)s\n\r] #char that is not escape or cr/lf [\n\r]*? #maybe some cr/lf's %(record_sep)s #segment separator '''%{'escape':escape,'record_sep':re.escape(record_sep)}, edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL|re.VERBOSE) if not foundtrailer: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'[M59]: Found no valid END trailer for the STX header at position %(pos)s.'),{'pos':headpos}) #so: found an interchange (from headerpos until endpos) endpos = headpos + foundtrailer.end() ta_to = ta_from.copyta(status=endstatus) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes tofilename = unicode(ta_to.idta) filesize = len(edifile[headpos:endpos]) tofile = botslib.opendata(tofilename,'wb') tofile.write(edifile[headpos:endpos]) tofile.close() #editype is now either edifact, x12 or tradacoms #frommessagetype is the original frommessagetype (from route). #frommessagetype would normally be edifact, x12, tradacoms or mailbag, but could also be eg ORDERSD96AUNEAN007. #If so, we want to preserve that. if frommessagetype != 'mailbag' and frommessagetype != editype: messagetype = frommessagetype else: messagetype = editype ta_to.update(statust=OK,filename=tofilename,editype=editype,messagetype=messagetype,filesize=filesize) #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; startpos = endpos nr_interchanges += 1 botsglobal.logger.debug(_(u' File written: "%(tofilename)s".'),{'tofilename':tofilename})
def filer(request, *kw, **kwargs): """ handles bots file viewer. Only files in data dir of Bots are displayed.""" nosuchfile = _(u"No such file.") if request.method == "GET": try: idta = request.GET["idta"] except: return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "bots/filer.html", {"error_content": nosuchfile}, context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request), ) if idta == 0: # for the 'starred' file names (eg multiple output) return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "bots/filer.html", {"error_content": nosuchfile}, context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request), ) try: currentta = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=idta))[0] if request.GET["action"] == "downl": response = django.http.HttpResponse(mimetype=currentta.contenttype) response["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + currentta.filename + ".txt" # ~ absfilename = botslib.abspathdata(currentta.filename) # ~ response['Content-Length'] = os.path.getsize(absfilename) response.write(botslib.readdata(currentta.filename, charset=currentta.charset, errors="ignore")) return response elif request.GET["action"] == "previous": if currentta.parent: # has a explicit parent talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: # get list of ta's referring to this idta as child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(child=currentta.idta)) elif request.GET["action"] == "this": if currentta.status == EXTERNIN: # jump strait to next file, as EXTERNIN can not be displayed. talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) elif currentta.status == EXTERNOUT: talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.parent)) else: talijst = [currentta] elif request.GET["action"] == "next": if currentta.child: # has a explicit child talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(idta=currentta.child)) else: talijst = list(models.ta.objects.filter(parent=currentta.idta)) for ta in talijst: ta.has_next = True if ta.status == EXTERNIN: ta.content = _(u'External file. Can not be displayed. Use "next".') elif ta.status == EXTERNOUT: ta.content = _(u'External file. Can not be displayed. Use "previous".') ta.has_next = False elif ta.statust in [OPEN, ERROR]: ta.content = _(u'File has error status and does not exist. Use "previous".') ta.has_next = False elif not ta.filename: ta.content = _(u"File can not be displayed.") else: if ta.charset: # guess charset; uft-8 is reasonable ta.content = botslib.readdata(ta.filename, charset=ta.charset, errors="ignore") else: ta.content = botslib.readdata(ta.filename, charset="utf-8", errors="ignore") return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "bots/filer.html", {"idtas": talijst}, context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request) ) except: print botslib.txtexc() return django.shortcuts.render_to_response( "bots/filer.html", {"error_content": nosuchfile}, context_instance=django.template.RequestContext(request), )
def splitmailbag(startstatus=MAILBAG,endstatus=TRANSLATE,idroute=''): ''' splits 'mailbag'files to seperate files each containging one interchange (ISA-IEA or UNA/UNB-UNZ). handles x12 and edifact; these can be mixed. ''' header = re.compile('(\s*(ISA))|(\s*(UNA.{6})?\s*(U\s*N\s*B)s*.{1}(.{4}).{1}(.{1}))',re.DOTALL) # group: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 for row in botslib.query(u'''SELECT idta,filename,charset FROM ta WHERE idta>%(rootidta)s AND status=%(status)s AND statust=%(statust)s AND idroute=%(idroute)s ''', {'status':startstatus,'statust':OK,'idroute':idroute,'rootidta':botslib.get_minta4query()}): try: ta_org=botslib.OldTransaction(row['idta']) ta_intermediate = ta_org.copyta(status=MAILBAGPARSED) edifile = botslib.readdata(filename=row['filename']) #read as binary... botsglobal.logmap.debug(u'Start parsing mailbag file "%s".',row['filename']) startpos=0 while (1): found =[startpos:]) if found is None: if startpos: #ISA/UNB have been found in file; no new ISA/UNB is found. So all processing is done. break #guess if this is an xml file..... sniffxml = edifile[:25] sniffxml = sniffxml.lstrip(' \t\n\r\f\v\xFF\xFE\xEF\xBB\xBF\x00') #to find first ' real' data; some char are because of BOM, UTF-16 etc if sniffxml and sniffxml[0]=='<': ta_tomes=ta_intermediate.copyta(status=endstatus) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes ta_tomes.update(status=STATUSTMP,statust=OK,filename=row['filename'],editype='xml') #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; break; else: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'Found no content in mailbag.')) elif editype='x12' headpos=startpos+ found.start(2) count=0 for c in edifile[headpos:headpos+120]: #search first 120 characters to find seperators if c in '\r\n' and count!=105: continue count +=1 if count==4: field_sep = c elif count==106: record_sep = c break foundtrailer ='\s*IEA'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) elif editype='edifact' if field_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 4] record_sep = edifile[startpos + found.start(4) + 8] headpos=startpos+ found.start(4) else: field_sep = '+' record_sep = "'" headpos=startpos+ found.start(5) foundtrailer ='\s*U\s*N\s*Z\s*'+re.escape(field_sep)+'.+?'+re.escape(record_sep),edifile[headpos:],re.DOTALL) if not foundtrailer: raise botslib.InMessageError(_(u'Found no valid envelope trailer in mailbag.')) endpos = headpos+foundtrailer.end() #so: interchange is from headerpos untill endpos #~ if[headpos+25:endpos]): #check if there is another header in the interchange #~ raise botslib.InMessageError(u'Error in mailbag format: found no valid envelope trailer.') ta_tomes=ta_intermediate.copyta(status=endstatus) #make transaction for translated message; gets ta_info of ta_frommes tofilename = str(ta_tomes.idta) tofile = botslib.opendata(tofilename,'wb') tofile.write(edifile[headpos:endpos]) tofile.close() ta_tomes.update(status=STATUSTMP,statust=OK,filename=tofilename,editype=editype,messagetype=editype) #update outmessage transaction with ta_info; startpos=endpos except: txt=botslib.txtexc() ta_intermediate.failure() ta_intermediate.update(statust=ERROR,errortext=txt) else: botsglobal.logmap.debug(u'OK Parsing mailbag file "%s".',row['filename']) ta_org.update(statust=DONE) ta_intermediate.succes(endstatus) ta_intermediate.update(statust=DONE)