def analyseRegion(coordinates, distance, count):
    bb = BoundingBox.fromPoint(Point.fromList(coordinates), distance)
    requestString = "https://a.mapillary.com/v3/images/?bbox=" + str(
        bb.lowerx) + "," + str(bb.lowery) + "," + str(bb.upperx) + "," + str(
    requestString += "&client_id=" + clientID
    boundingbox = requests.get(requestString)
    #Now separate into the list of coordinates
    featureList = boundingbox.json()['features']
    points = []
    for feature in featureList:

    'Given the points and the bounding box, place each point into the dictionary'
    'For now, use a dictionary with indices 1-9, this is where code to calculate number of subdivisions would go'
    subdivisions = 9
    regionToPoints = data = {k: [] for k in range(1, subdivisions + 1)}

    if (not points):
        bb.find_region(Point(bb.lowerx, bb.lowery), subdivisions)
    for point in points:
        mapping = bb.find_region(point, subdivisions)

    i = 1
    'User is currently standing in box 5.  We want to check the block directly next to them, meaning boxes 2,4,6,8'
    'for the lowest density'
    minimum = len(regionToPoints[5])
    block = 5
    for k, v in regionToPoints.items():
        if (k % 2 == 0 & len(v) < minimum):
            minimum = len(v)
            block = k
        for point in v:
            #Ensure that the points were properly mapped, can be commented out for better runtime
            assert (point.inBox(bb.indexToBox[k]))

    bbCoordinates = bb.indexToBox[block]
    if (count == 2):
        print("Passing BoundingBox at index " + str(block) +
              " into Overpass: "******"Saving GeoJSON for points in points.txt...")
        returnFootpathsPoint(bbCoordinates, "points.txt")

        print("Saving GeoJSON for linestring in linestring.txt...")
        returnFootpathsLineString(bbCoordinates, "linestring.txt")

    bbMidX = (bbCoordinates.lowerx + bbCoordinates.upperx) / 2
    bbMidY = (bbCoordinates.lowery + bbCoordinates.uppery) / 2
    if (count != 2):
        count = count + 1
        analyseRegion([bbMidX, bbMidY], distance, count)
            'Enter the building you are closest to: ').strip()]
    except KeyError:
        print('Bad Input: Check for spelling or building eligibility')

while (distance == 0):
        distance = float(
                'How far are you willing to walk in terms of miles? Just enter the number. (ex: 0.1, 1.0. 2.0): '
    except ValueError:
        print('Bad Input: Enter a numeric value')


bb = BoundingBox.fromPoint(Point.fromList(userInput), distance)
requestString = "https://a.mapillary.com/v3/images/?bbox=" + str(
    bb.lowerx) + "," + str(bb.lowery) + "," + str(bb.upperx) + "," + str(
requestString += "&client_id=" + clientID
boundingbox = requests.get(requestString)
'Now separate into the list of coordinates'
featureList = boundingbox.json()['features']
points = []
for feature in featureList:

print("Found " + str(len(points)) + " points: " + str(points))