    def __init__(self, talk):
        # Slackbot output function
        self.talk = talk

        # Bounty Database initialization
        self.bountydb = BountyDb(os.path.join(basedir, "epicenter.db"),
                                 os.path.join(basedir, "bounties.db"),
                                 "wormholes", "generics", self.report_kill,
                                 self.report_thera, self.report_thera_generic,
                                 BountyConfig.INTERVAL, BountyConfig.WAIT,
        if BountyConfig.MASS_TRACKER_ENABLED:
            whmanager = WhManager(self)
            whmanager = None

        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Channel Settings
        self.ch = BountyConfig.get_channels()

        # Construct a list of channels where commands can be executed
        self.chlist_cfg = [self.ch["bountybot-config"]]
        self.chlist_all = [self.ch["wormhole-sales"], self.ch["testing"]
                           ] + self.chlist_cfg

        # Should Bounty Bot accept commands in direct channels?
        if BountyConfig.PM_ENABLED:
            self.chlist_all += "D"

        # Should Bounty Bot accept commands in private groups?
        if BountyConfig.PG_ENABLED:
            self.chlist_all += "G"

        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Command section

        # Each command starts with one of the following prefixes:
        self.cmd_start = ["!bountybot", "!bounty", "!bb"]

        # Command configuration list
        self.cmd_list = [
                "help", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_help,
                [("", "displays this message")]
                "about", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_about,
                  "displays information about BountyBot and shows link to the manual"
                "hello", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_hello,
                  "simple verification which tests if BountyBot is up and running"
                "check", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_check,
                  "verify if J-code is in the specific or generic orders list")
                "list", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_list,
                [("[generic/jcode/jcode+] [id]",
                  "displays current bounty systems (systems with ~ symbol have kill reports disabled)"
                "generic", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_generic,
                  "displays J-codes associated with generic of specified ID")]
                "info", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_info,
                [("<jcode>", "displays characteristics of a wormhole")]
                "search", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_search,
                  "displays J-codes which match the description")]
                "static", self.chlist_all, self.cbk_static,
                [("<code>", "displays information on a static code (ex. D382)")
            # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                "add", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_add,
                [("<jcode> <watchlist> <comments>",
                  "add new bounty system to database; <watchlist> must be either true or false"
                 ("generic <description>", "add new generic bounty system")]
                "remove", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_remove,
                [("<jcode>", "remove bounty system from Watch List"),
                 ("generic <id>", "remove generic bounty system")]
                "edit", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_edit,
                [("<jcode> <watchlist> [new_comments]",
                  "modify the comments of a specific wormhole; <watchlist> must be either true or false"
                 ("generic <id> <new_description>",
                  "modify the description of a generic wormhole")]
                "destroy", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_destroy,
                  "CAUTION! removes all [generic/jcode] bounty systems")]
                "echo", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_echo,
                [("<channel> <message>", "send a message as Bounty Bot")]
                "announce", self.chlist_cfg, self.cbk_announce,
                [("<message>", "make an announcement as Bounty Bot")]
        # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if whmanager:
                "spawn", self.chlist_all, whmanager.cbk_spawn,
                [("", "view spawned wormholes in current channel"),
                 ("<sig> <type> <state>", "spawn a wormhole")]
                "splash", self.chlist_all, whmanager.cbk_splash,
                    ("<sig> <ship_mass>",
                     "splash a wormhole with specified ship mass"),
                "shrink", self.chlist_all, whmanager.cbk_shrink,
                    ("<sig>", "report when wormhole shrinks"),
            ], )
                "collapse", self.chlist_all, whmanager.cbk_collapse,
                    ("<sig>", "remove wormhole from channel"),
            ], )
                "chance", self.chlist_all, whmanager.cbk_chance,
                    ("<sig> <ship_mass>",
                     "compute probability of wormhole collapse with specified ship mass"

        # Announce that BountyBot is back online when not in development mode
        if not BountyConfig.DEBUG:
            self.talk(self.ch["general"], "Back online")
            self.talk(self.ch["wormhole-sales"], "Back online")