def slice(infile, outfile, region = None, xind=None, yind=None):
    xind, yind - index ranges. Range includes first point, but not last point
    # Open input and output files
    indf = DataFile(infile)
    outdf = DataFile(outfile, create=True)
    nx = indf["nx"][0]
    ny = indf["ny"][0]

    if region:
        # Select a region of the mesh
        xind = [0, nx]
        if region == 0:
            # Lower inner leg
            yind = [0, indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 1:
            # Inner core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_1"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1]
        elif region == 2:
            # Upper inner leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_1"][0]+1, indf["ny_inner"][0]]
        elif region == 3:
            # Upper outer leg
            yind = [indf["ny_inner"][0], indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1]
        elif region == 4:
            # Outer core
            yind = [indf["jyseps1_2"][0]+1, indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1]
            # Lower outer leg
            yind = [indf["jyseps2_2"][0]+1, ny]
        # Use indices
        if not xind:
            xind = [0, nx]
        if not yind:
            yind = [0, ny]
    print("Indices: [%d:%d, %d:%d]" % (xind[0], xind[1], yind[0], yind[1]))
    # List of variables requiring special handling
    special = ["nx", "ny", "ny_inner",
               "ixseps1", "ixseps2", 
               "jyseps1_1", "jyseps1_2", "jyseps2_1", "jyseps2_2",
    outdf["nx"] = xind[1] - xind[0]
    outdf["ny"] = yind[1] - yind[0]    
    outdf["ny_inner"] = indf["ny_inner"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ixseps1"] = indf["ixseps1"][0]
    outdf["ixseps2"] = indf["ixseps2"][0]
    outdf["jyseps1_1"] = indf["jyseps1_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_1"] = indf["jyseps2_1"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps1_2"] = indf["jyseps1_2"][0] - yind[0]
    outdf["jyseps2_2"] = indf["jyseps2_2"][0] - yind[0]

    outdf["ShiftAngle"] = indf["ShiftAngle"][xind[0]:xind[1]]
    # Loop over all variables
    for v in list(indf.keys()):
        if v in special:
            continue # Skip these variables
        ndims = indf.ndims(v)
        if ndims == 0:
            # Copy scalars
            print("Copying variable: " + v)
            outdf[v] = indf[v][0]
        elif ndims == 2:
            # Assume [x,y]
            print("Slicing variable: " + v);
            outdf[v] = indf[v][xind[0]:xind[1], yind[0]:yind[1]]
            # Skip
            print("Skipping variable: " + v)
