def refactor_import(q: Query, change_spec): """ 1. add "import paddle" if needed. 2. remove "import paddle.mod" if needed. 3. remove "import paddle.module as mod", and convert "mod.api" to "paddle.module.api" 4. remove "from paddle.module import api", and convert "api" to "paddle.module.api" """ # select import_name and import_from pattern = """ ( file_input< any* > | name_import=import_name< 'import' '{name}' > | as_import=import_name< 'import' ( module_name='{name}' | module_name=dotted_name< {dotted_name} any* > | dotted_as_name< ( module_name='{name}' | module_name=dotted_name< {dotted_name} any* > ) 'as' module_nickname=any > ) > | from_import=import_from< 'from' ( module_name='{name}' | module_name=dotted_name< {dotted_name} any* > ) 'import' ['('] ( import_as_name< module_import=any 'as' module_nickname=any >* | import_as_names< module_imports=any* > | module_import=any ) [')'] > | leaf_node=NAME ) """ _kwargs = {} _kwargs['name'] = 'paddle' _kwargs["dotted_name"] = " ".join(quoted_parts(_kwargs["name"])) _kwargs["power_name"] = " ".join(power_parts(_kwargs["name"])) pattern = pattern.format(**_kwargs) imports_map = {} paddle_imported = set() paddle_found = set() def _find_imports(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): if not is_import(node): return True if capture and 'name_import' in capture: paddle_imported.add(filename) paddle_found.add(filename) if capture and ('module_import' in capture or 'module_imports' in capture or 'module_nickname' in capture): paddle_found.add(filename) if filename not in imports_map: imports_map[filename] = {} if 'module_import' in capture: leaf = capture['module_import'] if leaf.type == token.NAME: old_name = leaf.value.strip() new_name = str( capture['module_name']).strip() + '.' + old_name imports_map[filename][old_name] = new_name if 'module_imports' in capture: for leaf in capture['module_imports']: if leaf.type == token.NAME: old_name = leaf.value.strip() new_name = str( capture['module_name']).strip() + '.' + old_name imports_map[filename][old_name] = new_name if 'module_nickname' in capture: old_name = str(capture['module_nickname']).strip() new_name = str(capture['module_name']).strip() imports_map[filename][old_name] = new_name return True # convert to full module path def _full_module_path(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): if not (isinstance(node, Leaf) and node.type == token.NAME): return if filename not in imports_map: return logger.debug("{} [{}]: {}".format(filename, list(capture), node)) # skip import statement if utils.is_import_node(node): return # skip left operand in argument list if utils.is_argument_node(node) and utils.is_left_operand(node): return # skip if it's already a full module path if node.prev_sibling is not None and node.prev_sibling.type == token.DOT: return rename_dict = imports_map[filename] if node.value in rename_dict: # find old_name and new_name old_name = node.value new_name = rename_dict[old_name] if node.parent is not None: _node = utils.code_repr(new_name).children[0].children[0] _node.parent = None new_node = _node new_node.children[0].prefix = node.prefix if node.parent.type == python_symbols.power: node.replace(new_node.children) else: node.replace(new_node) log_info( filename, node.get_lineno(), "{} -> {}".format(utils.node2code(node), utils.node2code(new_node))) q.modify(_full_module_path) # remove as_import and from_import def _remove_import(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): if not is_import(node): return _node = capture.get('as_import', None) or capture.get( 'from_import', None) if _node is not None: prefix = _node.prefix p = _node.parent _node.remove() log_warning(filename, p.get_lineno(), 'remove "{}"'.format(utils.node2code(_node))) # delete NEWLINE node after delete as_import or from_import if p and p.children and len( p.children) == 1 and p.children[0].type == token.NEWLINE: p.children[0].remove() # restore comment p.next_sibling.prefix = prefix + p.next_sibling.prefix q.modify(_remove_import) # add "import paddle" if needed def _add_import(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): if node.type != python_symbols.file_input: return if filename in paddle_imported: return if filename in paddle_found: touch_import(None, 'paddle', node, force=True) log_info(filename, node.get_lineno(), 'add "import paddle"') paddle_imported.add(filename) q.modify(_add_import) return q
def api_rename(q: Query, change_spec): """ 1. rename old api to new api. e.g. origin code snippet: ``` a = old_path.old_to.old_api(1, 2) ``` refactored code snippet: ``` a = new_path.new_to.new_api(1, 2) ``` 2. print warning if specified api are used. """ # construct api rename mapping and api warning mapping rename_map = {} warning_map = {} for main_alias, v in change_spec.items(): new_api_name = v.get('update_to', None) if new_api_name is not None: rename_map[main_alias] = new_api_name warning = v.get('warning', None) if warning is not None: warning_map[main_alias] = warning pattern = """ power< 'paddle' trailer< any* >* > """ def _api_rename(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): code = '' for leaf in node.leaves(): code = code + leaf.value found_rename = False found_warning = False api = None for _api in rename_map.keys(): if utils.startswith(code, _api): found_rename = True api = _api break for _api in warning_map.keys(): if utils.startswith(code, _api): found_warning = True api = _api break if not found_rename and not found_warning: return # if found rename, replace old_api with new_api if found_rename: utils.replace_module_path(node, api, rename_map[api]) # if not found rename and found warning, print warning elif found_warning: log_warning(filename, node.get_lineno(), warning_map[api]) return q
def norm_api_alias(q: Query, change_spec): """ rename all alias to main alias. e.g. origin code snippet: ``` a = path1.to1.alias1() ``` refactored code snippet: ``` a = path2.to2.main_alias() ``` """ # construct alias mapping alias_map = {} for main_alias, v in change_spec.items(): for alias in v.get('alias', []): alias_map[alias] = main_alias pattern = """ power< 'paddle' trailer< any* >* > """ def _norm(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): code = '' for leaf in node.leaves(): code = code + leaf.value found_alias = False alias = None for _alias in alias_map.keys(): if utils.startswith(code, _alias): found_alias = True alias = _alias break if not found_alias: return main_alias = alias_map[alias] update_to = change_spec[main_alias].get('update_to', None) # if main_alias contains "update_to" field, rename alias to "update_to" directly utils.replace_module_path(node, alias, main_alias) log_info(filename, node.get_lineno(), '{} -> {}'.format(alias, main_alias)) return q
def transform_imports(query: Query, old_name: str, new_name: str) -> Query: params = dict( name=old_name, dotted_name=' '.join(quoted_parts(old_name)), power_name=' '.join(power_parts(old_name)), ) for modifier_class in modifiers: modifier = modifier_class(old_name=old_name, new_name=new_name) selector = modifier.selector.format(**params) query = return query
def refactor_with(q: Query, change_spec): """ refactor with syntax, e.g. origin code snippet: ``` with paddle.fluid.dygraph.guard(place): ``` refactored code snippet: ``` paddle.disable_static(place) ``` """ pattern = "with=with_stmt< 'with' guard=(power< api=(( 'paddle' | 'fluid' | 'dygraph' ) trailer< '.' NAME >* trailer< '.' 'guard' > ) arg_list=trailer< '(' any* ')' > >) any* suite=suite< any* > any* >" def _remove_with_dygraph_guard(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): # index of with_node, with_node will be replaced with simple_stmt node with_node = capture['with'] parent = with_node.parent idx = None for i, child in enumerate(parent.children): if child is with_node: idx = i break # create simple_stmt node for "paddle.disable_static" arg_list_nodes = capture['arg_list'] simple_stmt_disable_static = Node(python_symbols.simple_stmt, [utils.newline_node(node)]) _node = utils.code_repr('paddle.disable_static' + str(arg_list_nodes)).children[0].children[0] _node.parent = None simple_stmt_disable_static.insert_child(0, _node) simple_stmt_disable_static.prefix = with_node.prefix # create simple_stmt node for "paddle.enable_static" simple_stmt_enable_static = Node(python_symbols.simple_stmt, [utils.newline_node(node)]) simple_stmt_enable_static _node = utils.code_repr( 'paddle.enable_static()').children[0].children[0] _node.parent = None simple_stmt_enable_static.insert_child(0, _node) simple_stmt_enable_static.prefix = utils.get_indent(with_node) suite_node = capture['suite'] # remove first newline for node in suite_node.children: if not isinstance(node, Leaf): continue if node.type == token.NEWLINE: node.remove() break # remove first indent node, and add indent prefix to sibling node. indent = None for node in suite_node.children: if not isinstance(node, Leaf): continue if node.type == token.INDENT: indent = node.value if node.next_sibling is not None: node.next_sibling.prefix = node.prefix + indent node.remove() break # transfer post leading dedent node prefix to sibling of with node leaves = [leaf for leaf in suite_node.leaves()] # visit all leaves in reversed order last_dedent_leaf_idx = len(leaves) for leaf in leaves[::-1]: if leaf.type == token.DEDENT: with_node.next_sibling.prefix = leaf.prefix + with_node.next_sibling.prefix leaf.prefix = "" else: break # remove dedenet node corresponding to with node for node in suite_node.children[::-1]: if not isinstance(node, Leaf): continue if node.type == token.DEDENT: node.remove() break # unindent all code in suite for node in suite_node.leaves(): if node.type == token.INDENT: node.value = utils.dec_indent(node.value) else: node.prefix = utils.dec_indent(node.prefix) with_node.remove() parent.insert_child(idx, simple_stmt_disable_static) idx += 1 for node in suite_node.children: parent.insert_child(idx, node) idx += 1 parent.insert_child(idx, simple_stmt_enable_static) return q
def refactor_kwargs(q: Query, change_spec): """ rename, remove or add kwargs. e.g. origin code snippet: ``` a ='v1', k2='v2') ``` refactor rule is: [('k1', 'k2_rename'), ('k2', ''), ('', 'k3', 'v3')] refactored code snippet: ``` a ='v1', k3='v3') ``` """ # find all func call start with paddle pattern = """ ( power< api=('paddle' any*) trailer_node=trailer< '(' any* ')' > > ) """ def _refector_args(node: LN, capture: Capture, filename: Filename): #get full api, e.g. paddle.fluid.layers.Layer api_name = utils.node2code(capture["api"]).strip() if api_name not in change_spec: return trailer_node = capture["trailer_node"] utils.norm_arglist(trailer_node) args_change = change_spec[api_name].get('args_change', []) for change in args_change: # add new keyword argument if len(change) == 3: old_arg = change[0].strip() new_arg = change[1].strip() arg_val = change[2].strip() # old_arg is not empty, do nothing if old_arg != "" or new_arg == "": logger.error( 'add argument error. api: "{}", args_change: "{}", format should be ["", "new_arg", "default_value"]' .format(api_name, change)) continue utils.add_argument(filename, trailer_node, new_arg, arg_val) # delete or rename keyword argument elif len(change) == 2: old_arg = change[0].strip() new_arg = change[1].strip() if old_arg == "" and new_arg == "": logger.error( 'api: "{}", args_change: "{}", format should be ["arg", ""] or ["old_arg", "new_arg"]' .format(api_name, change)) continue if new_arg == '': removed_value = utils.remove_argument( filename, trailer_node, old_arg) if old_arg == 'act' and removed_value is not None: transformers.act_transformer(filename, trailer_node, removed_value) else: utils.rename_argument(filename, trailer_node, old_arg, new_arg) else: logger.error( 'api: "{}", args_change: "{}", format should be ["arg", ""] or ["old_arg", "new_arg"] or ["", "new_arg", "default_value"]' .format(api_name, change)) # if api in args_warning, print warning info args_warning = change_spec[api_name].get("args_warning", {}) def _print_warning(argument_node): if argument_node.type != python_symbols.argument: return if len(argument_node.children) == 3: key = argument_node.children[0].value if key in args_warning: warning_msg = args_warning[key] log_warning(filename, argument_node.get_lineno(), warning_msg) utils.apply_argument(filename, trailer_node, _print_warning) # run customized transformer if "args_transformer" in change_spec[api_name]: transformer_func = eval("transformers." + change_spec[api_name]["args_transformer"]) transformer_func(node, capture, filename) return q
def args_to_kwargs(q: Query, change_spec): """ convert args to kwargs. e.g. origin code snippet: ``` a =, 2) ``` refactored code snippet: ``` a =, y=2) ``` """ # find all func call start with paddle pattern = """ ( power< api=('paddle' any*) trailer_node=trailer< '(' any* ')' > > ) """ def _modify_args_to_kwargs(node, capture, filename): #get full api, e.g. paddle.fluid.layers.Layer api_name = utils.node2code(capture["api"]).strip() if api_name not in change_spec: return trailer_node = capture["trailer_node"] utils.norm_arglist(trailer_node) args_list = change_spec[api_name].get('args_list', None) encounter_kwarg = False idx = 0 def _add_arg_name(argument_node): nonlocal encounter_kwarg nonlocal idx if args_list is None: return if encounter_kwarg: return if idx >= len(args_list): msg = 'args_list: "{}" is shorter than positional arguments.'.format( args_list) log_error(filename, argument_node.get_lineno(), msg) return if len(argument_node.children) >= 3: encounter_kwarg = True msg = 'args_list: "{}" is longer than positional arguments, redundant arguments will be skipped.'.format( args_list) log_info(filename, argument_node.get_lineno(), msg) return key = args_list[idx] argument_node.insert_child(0, Leaf(token.EQUAL, "=")) argument_node.insert_child(0, Name(key)) argument_node.children[0].prefix = argument_node.children[2].prefix argument_node.children[2].prefix = "" idx += 1 msg = 'add argument name "{}" for {}-th argument.'.format(key, idx) log_debug(filename, argument_node.get_lineno(), msg) utils.apply_argument(filename, trailer_node, _add_arg_name) return q
from bowler import Query from bowler.imr import FunctionArgument from bowler.types import TOKEN, Leaf pattern = ''' power< string=STRING trailer< '.' 'format' > trailer< '(' args=any* ')' > > ''' def modifier(node, capture, filename): string = capture['string'] args = capture['args'] fargs = FunctionArgument.build_list(args, False) values = [f'{{{a.value}}}' for a in fargs] f_string = 'f' + str(string).format(*values) return Leaf(TOKEN.STRING, f_string) q = Query('test/') q.modify(modifier) q.idiff()