def plot_uvj_vs_icd(): galaxies = pickle.load(open('galaxies.pickle', 'rb')) galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ICD_IH != None, galaxies) galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.sersic != None and \ galaxy.ston_I > 10, galaxies) #Upper and Lower limit arrow verts arrowup_verts = [[0., 0.], [-1., -1], [0., 0.], [0., -2.], [0., 0.], [1, -1]] #arrowdown_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., 1], [0.,0.], # [0.,2.], [0.,0.], [1, 1]] F = pyl.figure(1, figsize=(8, 3)) grid = AxesGrid(F, 111, nrows_ncols=(1, 4), axes_pad=0.1, add_all=True, aspect=False, share_all=False) ax1 = grid[0] ax2 = grid[1] ax3 = grid[2] ax4 = grid[3] for galaxy in galaxies: if galaxy.sersic < 1.: if galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 < 50: col1 = ax1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') else: col1 = ax1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 50, marker=None, s=100, verts=arrowup_verts) if 1. < galaxy.sersic < 2.: if galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 < 50: col2 = ax2.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') else: col2 = ax2.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 50, marker=None, s=100, verts=arrowup_verts) if 2. < galaxy.sersic < 3.: if galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 < 50: col3 = ax3.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') else: col3 = ax3.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 50, marker=None, s=100, verts=arrowup_verts) if 3. < galaxy.sersic: if galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 < 50: col4 = ax4.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') else: col4 = ax4.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 50, marker=None, s=100, verts=arrowup_verts) # Add the box and whiskers galaxies1 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 10. and \ galaxy.sersic < 1, galaxies) galaxies1 = pyl.asarray(galaxies1) galaxies2 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 10. and \ 1 < galaxy.sersic < 2, galaxies) galaxies2 = pyl.asarray(galaxies2) galaxies3 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 10. and \ 2 < galaxy.sersic < 3, galaxies) galaxies3 = pyl.asarray(galaxies3) galaxies4 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 10. and \ 3 < galaxy.sersic, galaxies) galaxies4 = pyl.asarray(galaxies4) x1 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies1] x2 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies2] x3 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies3] x4 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies4] grid1 = [] grid2 = [] grid3 = [] grid4 = [] from boxplot_percentile_width import percentile_box_plot as pbp bins_x = pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 11]) for i in range(bins_x.size - 1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i + 1] cond = [cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x1 >= xmin, x1 < xmax)] grid1.append(galaxies1.compress(cond)) icd1 = [] for i in range(len(grid1)): icd1.append([galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 for galaxy in grid1[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x, -1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 bp1 = pbp(ax1, icd1, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x = pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11.5]) for i in range(bins_x.size - 1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i + 1] cond = [cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x2 >= xmin, x2 < xmax)] grid2.append(galaxies2.compress(cond)) icd2 = [] for i in range(len(grid2)): icd2.append([galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 for galaxy in grid2[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x, -1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 bp2 = pbp(ax2, icd2, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x = pyl.array([8.5, 9.5, 10., 11.]) for i in range(bins_x.size - 1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i + 1] cond = [cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x3 >= xmin, x3 < xmax)] grid3.append(galaxies3.compress(cond)) icd3 = [] for i in range(len(grid3)): icd3.append([galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 for galaxy in grid3[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x, -1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 index[0] = index[0] + 0.25 bp3 = pbp(ax3, icd3, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x = pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 12.]) for i in range(bins_x.size - 1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i + 1] cond = [cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x4 >= xmin, x4 < xmax)] grid4.append(galaxies4.compress(cond)) icd4 = [] for i in range(len(grid4)): icd4.append([galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 for galaxy in grid4[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x, -1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 print 'ajsdf' bp4 = pbp(ax4, icd4, indexer=list(index), width=width) ax1.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax2.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) ax3.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax4.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) ax1.set_ylim(0, 50) ax2.set_ylim(0, 50) ax3.set_ylim(0, 50) ax4.set_ylim(0, 50) ax1.set_xlim(8, 12.5) ax2.set_xlim(8, 12.5) ax3.set_xlim(8, 12.5) ax4.set_xlim(8, 12.5) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\xi[i_{775},H_{160}]$ (%)') ax1.set_title('n < 1') ax2.set_title('1 < n < 2') ax3.set_title('2 < n < 3') ax4.set_title('3 < n') pyl.figtext(.5, .05, r'Log Mass $(M_{\odot})$', fontsize=18, horizontalalignment='center') ax1.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax2.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax3.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax4.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) import matplotlib.font_manager line1 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='o', mfc='0.8', mec='0.8', markersize=8, linewidth=0) line2 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='s', mec='#348ABD', mfc='None', markersize=10, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=2) line3 = pyl.Line2D([], [], color='#A60628', linewidth=2) prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='small') ax3.legend((line1, line2, line3), ('Data', 'Quartiles', 'Medians'), loc='upper center', prop=prop, ncol=1) pyl.tight_layout() pyl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.21, left=0.11)
def plot_icd_vs_mass(): galaxies = pickle.load(open('galaxies.pickle', 'rb')) galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: 0.06 * galaxy.halflight *\ astCalc.da(galaxy.z)*1000/206265. > 2, galaxies) # Make figure f1 = pyl.figure(1, figsize=(6, 4)) f1s1 = f1.add_subplot(121) f1s2 = f1.add_subplot(122) # f1s3 = f1.add_subplot(223) # f1s4 = f1.add_subplot(224) #Upper and Lower limit arrow verts arrowup_verts = [[0., 0.], [-1., -1], [0., 0.], [0., -2.], [0., 0.], [1, -1], [0, 0]] #arrowdown_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., 1], [0.,0.], # [0.,2.], [0.,0.], [1, 1]] for galaxy in galaxies: if galaxy.ston_I > 30. and galaxy.ICD_IH != None: # Add arrows first if galaxy.ICD_IH > 0.5: f1s1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 0.5 * 100, s=100, marker=None, verts=arrowup_verts) else: f1s1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') f1s2.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') ''' if galaxy.ston_J > 30. and galaxy.ICD_JH != None: # Add arrows first if galaxy.ICD_JH > 0.12: f1s3.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 12, s=100, marker=None, verts=arrowup_verts) else: f1s3.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_JH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') f1s4.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_JH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') ''' # Add the box and whiskers galaxies2 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 30., galaxies) galaxies2 = pyl.asarray(galaxies2) x = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies2] ll = 8.5 ul = 12 #bins_x =pyl.arange(8.5, 12.5, 0.5) bins_x = pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 12.]) grid = [] for i in range(bins_x.size - 1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i + 1] cond = [cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x >= xmin, x < xmax)] grid.append(galaxies2.compress(cond)) icd = [] for i in range(len(grid)): icd.append([galaxy.ICD_IH * 100 for galaxy in grid[i]]) from boxplot_percentile_width import percentile_box_plot as pbp #bp1 = f1s1.boxplot(icd, positions=pyl.delete(bins_x,-1)+0.25, sym='') width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x, -1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 pbp(f1s1, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) pbp(f1s2, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) ''' # Add the box and whiskers galaxies2 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_J > 30., galaxies) galaxies2 = pyl.asarray(galaxies2) x = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies2] ll = 8.5 ul= 12 #bins_x =pyl.linspace(ll, ul, 7) #bins_x =pyl.arange(8.5, 12.5, 0.5) bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 12.]) grid = [] for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x>=xmin, x<xmax)] grid.append(galaxies2.compress(cond)) icd = [] for i in range(len(grid)): icd.append([galaxy.ICD_JH*100 for galaxy in grid[i]]) #bp2 = f1s2.boxplot(icd, positions=pyl.delete(bins_x,-1)+0.25, sym='') width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 pbp(f1s3, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) pbp(f1s4, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) ''' # Finish Plot # Tweak colors on the boxplot #pyl.setp(bp1['boxes'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp1['whiskers'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp1['medians'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp2['boxes'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp2['whiskers'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp2['medians'], lw=2) #pyl.setp(bp['fliers'], color='#8CFF6F', marker='+') #f1s1.axvspan(7.477, 9, facecolor='#FFFDD0', ec='None', zorder=0) #f1s1.axvspan(11, 12, facecolor='#FFFDD0', ec='None', zorder=0) #f1s2.axvspan(7.477, 9, facecolor='#FFFDD0', ec='None', zorder=0) #f1s2.axvspan(11, 12, facecolor='#FFFDD0', ec='None', zorder=0) f1s1.set_xlim(8, 12) f1s2.set_xlim(8, 12) # f1s3.set_xlim(8,12) # f1s4.set_xlim(8,12) f1s1.set_ylim(-10, 50) f1s2.set_ylim(0, 15) # f1s3.set_ylim(-5,12) # f1s4.set_ylim(-1,3) f1s1.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) # f1s1.set_xticklabels([]) f1s2.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) # f1s2.set_xticklabels([]) # f1s3.set_xticks([8,9,10,11,12]) # f1s4.set_xticks([8,9,10,11,12]) # f1s4.set_yticks([-1, 0, 1, 2, 3]) f1s1.set_ylabel(r"$\xi[i_{775},H_{160}]$ (%)") f1s1.set_xlabel(r"Log Mass ($M_{\odot})$") f1s2.set_xlabel(r"Log Mass ($M_{\odot})$") # f1s3.set_ylabel(r"$\xi[J_{125},H_{160}]$ (%)") import matplotlib.font_manager line1 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='o', mfc='0.8', mec='0.8', markersize=8, linewidth=0) line2 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='s', mec='#348ABD', mfc='None', markersize=10, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=2) line3 = pyl.Line2D([], [], color='#A60628', linewidth=2) prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='small') pyl.figlegend((line1, line2, line3), ('Data', 'Quartiles', 'Medians'), 'lower center', prop=prop, ncol=3) from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionPatch xy = (12, 15) xy2 = (8, 15) con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=f1s1, axesB=f1s2) xy = (12, 0) xy2 = (8, 0) con2 = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=f1s1, axesB=f1s2) f1s1.add_artist(con) f1s1.add_artist(con2) xy = (12, 3) xy2 = (8, 3) # con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', # axesA=f1s3, axesB=f1s4) xy = (12, -1) xy2 = (8, -1) # con2 = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', # axesA=f1s3, axesB=f1s4) # f1s3.add_artist(con) # f1s3.add_artist(con2) pyl.draw()
def plot_icd_vs_mass(): galaxies = pickle.load(open('galaxies.pickle','rb')) # galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: 0.06 * galaxy.halflight *\ # astCalc.da(galaxy.z)*1000/206265. > 2, galaxies) # Make figure f1 = pyl.figure(1, figsize=(6,4)) f1s1 = f1.add_subplot(121) f1s2 = f1.add_subplot(122) # f1s3 = f1.add_subplot(223) # f1s4 = f1.add_subplot(224) #Upper and Lower limit arrow verts arrowup_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., -1], [0.,0.], [0.,-2.], [0.,0.], [1,-1], [0,0]] #arrowdown_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., 1], [0.,0.], # [0.,2.], [0.,0.], [1, 1]] for galaxy in galaxies: if galaxy.ston_I > 10. and galaxy.ICD_IH != None: # Add arrows first if galaxy.ICD_IH > 0.5: f1s1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 0.5*100, s=100, marker=None, verts=arrowup_verts) else: f1s1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') f1s2.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100, c='0.8', marker='o', s=25, edgecolor='0.8') # Add the box and whiskers galaxies2 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 10., galaxies) galaxies2 = pyl.asarray(galaxies2) x = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies2] ll = 8.5 ul= 12 bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 12.]) grid = [] for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x>=xmin, x<xmax)] grid.append(galaxies2.compress(cond)) icd = [] for i in range(len(grid)): icd.append([galaxy.ICD_IH*100 for galaxy in grid[i]]) from boxplot_percentile_width import percentile_box_plot as pbp #bp1 = f1s1.boxplot(icd, positions=pyl.delete(bins_x,-1)+0.25, sym='') width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 pbp(f1s1, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) pbp(f1s2, icd, indexer=list(index), width=width) f1s1.set_xlim(8,12) f1s2.set_xlim(8,12) f1s1.set_ylim(-10,50) f1s2.set_ylim(0,15) f1s1.set_xticks([8,9,10,11,12]) f1s2.set_xticks([8,9,10,11,12]) f1s1.set_ylabel(r"$\xi[i_{775},H_{160}]$ (%)") f1s1.set_xlabel(r"Log Mass ($M_{\odot})$") f1s2.set_xlabel(r"Log Mass ($M_{\odot})$") import matplotlib.font_manager line1 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='o', mfc='0.8', mec='0.8', markersize=8, linewidth=0) line2 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='s', mec='#348ABD', mfc='None', markersize=10, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=2) line3 = pyl.Line2D([], [], color='#A60628', linewidth=2) prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='small') pyl.figlegend((line1, line2, line3), ('Data', 'Quartiles', 'Medians'), 'lower center', prop=prop, ncol=3) from matplotlib.patches import ConnectionPatch xy = (12, 15) xy2 = (8, 15) con = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=f1s1, axesB=f1s2) xy = (12, 0) xy2 = (8, 0) con2 = ConnectionPatch(xyA=xy, xyB=xy2, coordsA='data', coordsB='data', axesA=f1s1, axesB=f1s2) f1s1.add_artist(con) f1s1.add_artist(con2) xy = (12, 3) xy2 = (8, 3) xy = (12, -1) xy2 = (8, -1) pyl.draw()
def plot_uvj_vs_icd(): galaxies = pickle.load(open('galaxies.pickle','rb')) galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ICD_IH != None, galaxies) galaxies = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.sersic != None and \ galaxy.ston_I > 30, galaxies) #Upper and Lower limit arrow verts arrowup_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., -1], [0.,0.], [0.,-2.], [0.,0.], [1,-1]] #arrowdown_verts = [[0.,0.], [-1., 1], [0.,0.], # [0.,2.], [0.,0.], [1, 1]] F = pyl.figure(1,figsize=(8,3)) grid = AxesGrid(F, 111, nrows_ncols=(1,4), axes_pad = 0.1, add_all=True, aspect=False, share_all = True) ax1 = grid[0] ax2 = grid[1] ax3 = grid[2] ax4 = grid[3] for galaxy in galaxies: if galaxy.sersic < 1.: col1 =ax1.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') if 1. < galaxy.sersic < 2.: col2 =ax2.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') if 2. < galaxy.sersic < 3.: col3 =ax3.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') if 3. < galaxy.sersic: if galaxy.ICD_IH*100 < 50: col4 =ax4.scatter(galaxy.Mass, galaxy.ICD_IH * 100., s=25, c='0.8', edgecolor='0.8') else: col4 = ax4.scatter(galaxy.Mass, 50, marker=None, s=100, verts=arrowup_verts) # Add the box and whiskers galaxies1 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 30. and \ galaxy.sersic < 1, galaxies) galaxies1 = pyl.asarray(galaxies1) galaxies2 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 30. and \ 1 < galaxy.sersic < 2, galaxies) galaxies2 = pyl.asarray(galaxies2) galaxies3 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 30. and \ 2 < galaxy.sersic < 3, galaxies) galaxies3 = pyl.asarray(galaxies3) galaxies4 = filter(lambda galaxy: galaxy.ston_I > 30. and \ 3 < galaxy.sersic, galaxies) galaxies4 = pyl.asarray(galaxies4) x1 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies1] x2 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies2] x3 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies3] x4 = [galaxy.Mass for galaxy in galaxies4] grid1 = [] grid2 = [] grid3 = [] grid4 = [] from boxplot_percentile_width import percentile_box_plot as pbp bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 11]) for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x1>=xmin, x1<xmax)] grid1.append(galaxies1.compress(cond)) icd1 = [] for i in range(len(grid1)): icd1.append([galaxy.ICD_IH*100 for galaxy in grid1[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 bp1 = pbp(ax1, icd1, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5 ,11.5]) for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x2>=xmin, x2<xmax)] grid2.append(galaxies2.compress(cond)) icd2 = [] for i in range(len(grid2)): icd2.append([galaxy.ICD_IH*100 for galaxy in grid2[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 bp2 = pbp(ax2, icd2, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9.5, 10., 11.]) for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x3>=xmin, x3<xmax)] grid3.append(galaxies3.compress(cond)) icd3 = [] for i in range(len(grid3)): icd3.append([galaxy.ICD_IH*100 for galaxy in grid3[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 index[0] = index[0] + 0.25 bp3 = pbp(ax3, icd3, indexer=list(index), width=width) bins_x =pyl.array([8.5, 9., 9.5, 10., 10.5, 11., 12.]) for i in range(bins_x.size-1): xmin = bins_x[i] xmax = bins_x[i+1] cond=[cond1 and cond2 for cond1, cond2 in zip(x4>=xmin, x4<xmax)] grid4.append(galaxies4.compress(cond)) icd4 = [] for i in range(len(grid4)): icd4.append([galaxy.ICD_IH*100 for galaxy in grid4[i]]) width = pyl.diff(bins_x) index = pyl.delete(bins_x,-1) + 0.25 index[-1] = index[-1] + 0.25 print 'ajsdf' bp4 = pbp(ax4, icd4, indexer=list(index), width=width) ax1.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax2.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax3.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax4.set_xticks([8, 9, 10, 11]) ax1.set_ylim(0, 50) ax2.set_ylim(0, 50) ax3.set_ylim(0, 50) ax4.set_ylim(0, 50) ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\xi[i_{775},H_{160}]$ (%)') ax1.set_title('n < 1') ax2.set_title('1 < n < 2') ax3.set_title('2 < n < 3') ax4.set_title('3 < n') pyl.figtext(.5, .05, r'Log Mass $(M_{\odot})$',fontsize=18, horizontalalignment='center') ax1.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax2.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax3.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) ax4.axhline(0, lw=2, zorder=0) import matplotlib.font_manager line1 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='o', mfc='0.8', mec='0.8', markersize=8, linewidth=0) line2 = pyl.Line2D([], [], marker='s', mec='#348ABD', mfc='None', markersize=10, linewidth=0, markeredgewidth=2) line3 = pyl.Line2D([], [], color='#A60628', linewidth=2) prop = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size='small') ax3.legend((line1, line2, line3), ('Data', 'Quartiles', 'Medians'), loc='upper center', prop=prop, ncol=1) pyl.tight_layout() pyl.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.21, left=0.11)