def write_chem_species(ncfile, filetimes):
    nlev = ncfile.dimensions['lev'].size

    # Find all GEOS variables in the categories defined as static variables
    b = bpch(filetimes.unique_files()[0])
    gc_moz_names = {
    }  # this will be a dictionary with the GC name as the key and the MOZART-like name as the value
    for k in b.variables.keys():
        for cat in gc_categories:
            if cat in k:
                gc_moz_names[k] = geos_to_moz_name(k)

    for gc_name, moz_name in gc_moz_names.iteritems():
        if __debug_level__ > 1:
            shell_msg('  Writing {0} as {1}'.format(gc_name, moz_name))
        val = []
        for fname in filetimes.unique_files():
            b = bpch(fname)
            this_val = b.variables[gc_name]
            this_unit = b.variables[gc_name].units
            if this_unit == 'molec/cm3':
                if __debug_level__ > 1:
                    shell_msg('Converting molec/cm3 to VMR')

                airden = b.variables['TIME-SER_AIRDEN']
                this_val /= airden
                if __debug_level__ > 1:
                    scale = unit_conversion(1.0, 'vmr', this_unit, 'ppp')
                    shell_msg('  Scaling by {0}'.format(scale))
                this_val = unit_conversion(this_val, 'vmr', this_unit, 'ppp')
            sz = list(this_val.shape)
            n_to_add = nlev - sz[1]
            if n_to_add > 0:
                sz[1] = n_to_add
                padding = np.empty(sz)
                this_val = np.concatenate([this_val, padding], 1)
                flip_dim(this_val, 1)
            )  # remember, GEOS-Chem defines z=1 as surface; MOZART says that's TOA

                              dimensions=('time', 'lev', 'lat', 'lon'))
        ncfile.variables[moz_name][:] = np.concatenate(val, 0)
        ncfile.variables[moz_name].units = 'VMR'
def get_values(wd, species, group, month, debug=False):
    print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
    bpch_fname = wd + month + ".ctm.bpch"
    print str(bpch_fname)
    bpch_data = bpch(bpch_fname)
    if debug:
        print 'Data groups:'
        print bpch_data.groups
        print 'Group species:'
        print bpch_data.groups[group].variables

    species_data = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
    # Extract only the data which is in the troposphere.
    # This gives us lots of zeroes, which is bad.
    time_in_trop = bpch_data.groups['TIME-TPS'].variables['TIMETROP']
    species_data = np.multiply(species_data[:, :38, :, :], time_in_trop)
    # Trying surface ozone instead of tropospheric ozone
    species_data = species_data[0, 0, :, :]

    units = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units
    start_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
    end_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']

    start_time, end_time = extract_month(start_time, end_time)

    return species_data, units, start_time, end_time
def get_values( wd, species, group, month, debug=False ):
   print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
   bpch_fname  = wd + month +  ".ctm.bpch"
   print str(bpch_fname)
   bpch_data   = bpch(bpch_fname)
   if debug:
      print 'Data groups:'
      print bpch_data.groups
      print 'Group species:'
      print bpch_data.groups[group].variables

   species_data   =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
   # Extract only the data which is in the troposphere.
# This gives us lots of zeroes, which is bad.
   time_in_trop   =  bpch_data.groups['TIME-TPS'].variables['TIMETROP']
   species_data   =  np.multiply(species_data[:,:38,:,:], time_in_trop)
# Trying surface ozone instead of tropospheric ozone
   species_data   = species_data[0,0,:,:]

   units          =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units
   start_time     =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
   end_time       =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']

   start_time, end_time = extract_month(start_time, end_time)

   return species_data, units, start_time, end_time;
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd, species, group, debug=True):
    print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
    bpch_fname = wd + month + ".ctm.bpch"
    #   bpch_fname = wd + "ctm.bpch"
    bpch_data = bpch(bpch_fname)
    if debug:
        print 'Data groups:'
        print bpch_data.groups
        print 'Group species:'
        print bpch_data.groups[group].variables

    species_data = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
    units = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units
    start_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
    end_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']

    # Turn time from hours from the equinox to YYYY-MM-DD
    epoch = datetime.datetime(1985, 1, 1)
    start_time = epoch + datetime.timedelta(hours=start_time[0])
    end_time = epoch + datetime.timedelta(hours=end_time[0])
    # Obtain only the date
    start_time = start_time.date()
    end_time = end_time.date()

    return species_data, units, start_time, end_time
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd, species, group, debug=True):
    print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
    bpch_fname = wd + "ctm.bpch"
    #   print months
    #   for month in months:
    slice = [2]
    tmp_data = bpch(bpch_fname, timeslice=[slice])
    if debug:
        print 'Data groups:'
        print tmp_data.groups
    tmp_data_group = tmp_data.groups[group]
    if debug:
        print 'Group species:'
        print tmp_data_group.variables
    tmp_data_species = tmp_data_group.variables[species]
    tmp_data_units = tmp_data_species.units

    print tmp_data_species.shape
    data = tmp_data_species
    #   print range(6)[timeslice]
    # combine list into single array
    debug = True
    if debug:
        print 'data length = ' + str(data.dimensions)
        #      print data
        print 'data units = ' + tmp_data_units

#   print data

    return data
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd,species,group, debug=True):
   print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
   bpch_fname = wd+"ctm.bpch"
#   print months
#   for month in months:
   slice = [2]
   tmp_data          = bpch(bpch_fname,timeslice = [slice] )
   if debug:
      print 'Data groups:'
      print tmp_data.groups
   tmp_data_group    = tmp_data.groups[group]
   if debug:
      print 'Group species:'
      print tmp_data_group.variables
   tmp_data_species  = tmp_data_group.variables[species]
   tmp_data_units    = tmp_data_species.units

   print tmp_data_species.shape
#   print range(6)[timeslice]
   # combine list into single array
   debug =  True
   if debug:
      print 'data length = '  + str(data.dimensions)
#      print data
      print 'data units = '   + tmp_data_units
#   print data

   return data;
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd,species,group, debug=True):
   print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
   bpch_fname = wd + month + ".ctm.bpch"
#   bpch_fname = wd + "ctm.bpch"
   bpch_data          = bpch(bpch_fname)
   if debug:
      print 'Data groups:'
      print bpch_data.groups
      print 'Group species:'
      print bpch_data.groups[group].variables

   species_data   =   bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
   units          =   bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units
   start_time     =   bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
   end_time       =   bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']
   # Turn time from hours from the equinox to YYYY-MM-DD
   epoch = datetime.datetime(1985,1,1)
   start_time     = epoch +  datetime.timedelta(hours=start_time[0])
   end_time       = epoch +  datetime.timedelta(hours=end_time[0])
   # Obtain only the date
   start_time  = start_time.date()
   end_time    = end_time.date()

   return species_data, units, start_time, end_time;
def write_chem_species(ncfile, filetimes):
    nlev = ncfile.dimensions['lev'].size

    # Find all GEOS variables in the categories defined as static variables
    b = bpch(filetimes.unique_files()[0])
    gc_moz_names = {} # this will be a dictionary with the GC name as the key and the MOZART-like name as the value
    for k in b.variables.keys():
        for cat in gc_categories:
            if cat in k:
                gc_moz_names[k] = geos_to_moz_name(k)

    for gc_name, moz_name in gc_moz_names.iteritems():
        if __debug_level__ > 1:
            shell_msg('  Writing {0} as {1}'.format(gc_name, moz_name))
        val = []
        for fname in filetimes.unique_files():
            b = bpch(fname)
            this_val = b.variables[gc_name]
            this_unit = b.variables[gc_name].units
            if this_unit == 'molec/cm3':
                if __debug_level__ > 1:
                    shell_msg('Converting molec/cm3 to VMR')

                airden = b.variables['TIME-SER_AIRDEN']
                this_val /= airden
                if __debug_level__ > 1:
                    scale = unit_conversion(1.0, 'vmr', this_unit, 'ppp')
                    shell_msg('  Scaling by {0}'.format(scale))
                this_val = unit_conversion(this_val, 'vmr', this_unit, 'ppp')
            sz = list(this_val.shape)
            n_to_add = nlev - sz[1]
            if n_to_add > 0:
                sz[1] = n_to_add
                padding = np.empty(sz)
                this_val = np.concatenate([this_val, padding], 1)
            val.append(flip_dim(this_val, 1))  # remember, GEOS-Chem defines z=1 as surface; MOZART says that's TOA

        ncfile.createVariable(moz_name, np.float32, dimensions=('time','lev','lat','lon'))
        ncfile.variables[moz_name][:] = np.concatenate(val, 0)
        ncfile.variables[moz_name].units = 'VMR'
def bpch(fi,group,tracer):
    from bpch import bpch
##    print 'Using file: '+fi

    tau0 = bc.variables['tau0']
    layer = bc.variables['layer']

    return data, lat, lon, layer, tau0
    def populate_times(self, bfiles):
        tmp_name_list = []
        tmp_date_list = []

        for filename in bfiles:
            f = bpch(filename)
            times = f.variables['time']
            for t in times:
                tmp_date_list.append(gc_base_date + dt.timedelta(hours=t))

        date_list = sorted(tmp_date_list)
        name_list = []
        for d in date_list:
            i = tmp_date_list.index(d)

        return name_list, date_list
    def populate_times(self, bfiles):
        tmp_name_list = []
        tmp_date_list = []

        for filename in bfiles:
            f = bpch(filename)
            times = f.variables['time']
            for t in times:
                tmp_date_list.append(gc_base_date + dt.timedelta(hours=t))

        date_list = sorted(tmp_date_list)
        name_list = []
        for d in date_list:
            i = tmp_date_list.index(d)

        return name_list, date_list
co = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
nox = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
acet = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
isop = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
c2h6 = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
c3h8 = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
ald2 = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
alk4 = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
ch2o = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
mek = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))
prpe = np.empty((len(files), len(lat_c), len(lon_c)))

for i in range(len(files)):
    data = bpch(
    group_pl = data.groups['PORL-L=$']
    po3 = group_pl.variables['PO3']
    lo3 = group_pl.variables['LO3']
    po3 = po3[:, 0, :, :]
    lo3 = lo3[:, 0, :, :]
    o3_prod[i, :, :] = po3
    o3_loss[i, :, :] = lo3

    #need to convert voc species from ppbC to ppbV by dividing by number of Carbon atoms in molecule
    group_ave = data.groups['IJ-AVG-$']
    o3[i, :, :] = group_ave.variables['O3'][:, 0, :, :]
    co[i, :, :] = group_ave.variables['CO'][:, 0, :, :]
    nox[i, :, :] = group_ave.variables['NOx'][:, 0, :, :]
def define_dimensions(ncfile, filetimes):
    Defines all relevant dimensions in the netCDF file and writes any time invariant variables used to describe those
    :param ncfile: an instance of netCDF4.Dataset that is the file to be written to
    :param filetimes: a FilesAndTimes instance listing all the BPCH files
    if not isinstance(ncfile, ncdf.Dataset):
        raise TypeError('ncfile must be an instance of netCDF4.Dataset')

    if not isinstance(filetimes, FilesAndTimes):
        raise TypeError('filetimes must be an instance of FilesAndTimes')

    bfile = bpch(filetimes.files[0])

    lon = bfile.variables['longitude']
    lon[lon <
        0] += 360  # MOZART gives longitude W as positive numbers where -179 -> 181 and -1 -> 359
    lat = bfile.variables['latitude']
    psurf = bfile.variables['PEDGE-$_PSURF']

    # Write the dimensions
    ncfile.createDimension('lon', size=len(lon))
    ncfile.createDimension('lat', size=len(lat))
    ncfile.createDimension('lev', size=len(gc_hya_mid))
    ncfile.createDimension('ilev', size=len(gc_hya))
    ncfile.createDimension('time', size=0)  # unlimited

    # and the variables that define their values
    ncfile.createVariable('lon', np.float32, dimensions=('lon'))
    ncfile.variables['lon'][:] = lon
    ncfile.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude'
    ncfile.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east'

    ncfile.createVariable('lat', np.float32, dimensions=('lat'))
    ncfile.variables['lat'][:] = lat
    ncfile.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude'
    ncfile.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north'

    # Time dimensions
    ncfile.createVariable('time', np.float64, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['time'].long_name = 'simulation_time'
    ncfile.variables['time'].units = 'days since 0000-01-01'
    ncfile.variables['time'].calendar = 'gregorian'

    ncfile.createVariable('secs', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['secs'].long_name = 'seconds to complete elapsed days'
    ncfile.variables['secs'].units = 's'

    ncfile.createVariable('date', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
        'date'].long_name = 'current date as 8 digit integer (YYYYMMDD)'

    ncfile.createVariable('datesec', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['datesec'].long_name = 'seconds to complete current date'
    ncfile.variables['datesec'].units = 's'

    date_int, date_sec, days_since, sec_since = mozdate_array(
    ncfile.variables['date'][:] = date_int
    ncfile.variables['datesec'][:] = date_sec
    ncfile.variables['time'][:] = days_since
    ncfile.variables['secs'][:] = sec_since

    # GEOS-Chem uses the hybrid sigma-eta coordinate system
    # (http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/GEOS-Chem_vertical_grids#Vertical_grids_for_GEOS-5.2C_GEOS-FP.2C_MERRA.2C_and_MERRA-2)
    # and we usually run on the 47-layer reduced vertical grid. The A and B coefficients are given at the above link
    # and the formula for converting to actual pressure levels is given at
    # http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/GEOS-Chem_vertical_grids#Hybrid_grid_definition
    # and is Pedge(I,J,L) = Ap(L) + [ Bp(L) * Psurface(I,J) ], Pcenter(I,J,L) = [ Pedge(I,J,L) + Pedge(I,J,L+1) ]/2
    # In MOZBC, pressures are computed as ps_mozi(I,J) * hybm + ps0 * hyam; where hybm and hyam are vectors (that are
    # the same for every column) of the A and B corefficients at level midpoints, ps_mozi is the MOZART surface pressure
    # interpolated to the WRF grid, and ps0 is just a constant, always 100000 Pa. The GEOS-Chem B parameter and the
    # MOZART B parameter are both unitless. The GC and MOZART A parameters just differ by a scaling factor, A_moz * P0 =
    # A_gc * 100 (GC A is in hPa, moz P0 has units of Pa).
    # MOZART uses the GMAO standard that the first index in the vertical dimension is the top of the
    # atmosphere, whereas GEOS-Chem says the first index is the surface.

    ncfile.createVariable('lev', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['lev'][:] = 1000 * (gc_hya_mid + gc_hyb_mid)
        'lev'].long_name = 'hybrid level at layer midpoints (1000*(A+B))'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].units = 'hybrid_sigma_pressure'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].positive = 'down'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].A_var = 'hyam'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].B_var = 'hybm'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].P0_var = 'P0'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].PS_var = 'PS'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].bounds = 'ilev'

    ncfile.createVariable('ilev', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['ilev'][:] = 1000 * (gc_hya + gc_hyb)
        'ilev'].long_name = 'hybrid level at layer interface (1000*(A+B))'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].units = 'hybrid_sigma_pressure'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].positive = 'down'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].A_var = 'hyai'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].B_var = 'hybi'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].P0_var = 'P0'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].PS_var = 'PS'

    ncfile.createVariable('hyam', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['hyam'][:] = gc_hya_mid
        'hyam'].long_name = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints'

    ncfile.createVariable('hybm', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['hybm'][:] = gc_hyb_mid
        'hybm'].long_name = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints'

    ncfile.createVariable('hyai', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['hyai'][:] = gc_hya
        'hyai'].long_name = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces'

    ncfile.createVariable('hybi', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['hybi'][:] = gc_hyb
        'hybi'].long_name = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces'

    ncfile.createVariable('P0', np.float32)  # scalar
    ncfile.variables['P0'][:] = 1e5
    ncfile.variables['P0'].long_name = 'reference pressure'
    ncfile.variables['P0'].units = 'Pa'


    # Surface pressure has a time component, so first we need to concatenate all the values
    ps_list = []
    for fname in filetimes.unique_files():
        b = bpch(fname)
        ps_list.append(b.variables['PEDGE-$_PSURF'][:, 0, :, :].squeeze() *
                       100)  # get surface only and convert from hPa to Pa

    ncfile.createVariable('PS', np.float32, dimensions=('time', 'lat', 'lon'))
    ncfile.variables['PS'][:] = np.concatenate(ps_list, 0)
    ncfile.variables['PS'].units = 'Pa'
文件: dene.py 项目: BenNewsome/GCPlot
import glob
import datetime as datetime

species = 'O3'

#set up plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 12))
ax = fig.add_axes([.05, .1, .9, .8])

#bpch_fname = "bpch_files/4x5_GEOS5/ctm.bpch_4x5_GEOS5_2006-2012"
bpch_fname = "/work/home/bn506/Rate_Sensetivity/Batch_runs/HO2_NO_p0/ctm.bpch"

get_times = [1]

f = bpch(bpch_fname)  #,timeslice = get_times)

#lat = f.dimensions['lat']

#lat = f.variables['lat']
#lon = f.variables['lon']

lat = np.arange(-88, 90, 4)
lat = np.insert(lat, 0, -90)
lat = np.append(lat, 90)

lon = np.arange(-182.5, 179, 5)
print lon
tautime = f.variables['tau0']
tautime_end = f.variables['tau1']
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd,species,group,month, debug=True):
   print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
   bpch_fname = wd + month + ".ctm.bpch"
#   print months
#   for month in months:
   bpch_data          = bpch(bpch_fname )
   if debug:
      print 'Data groups:'
      print bpch_data.groups
      print 'Group species:'
      print bpch_data.groups[group].variables
   species_data   = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
   units          = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units
   start_time     =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
   end_time       =  bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']

   start_time, end_time = extract_month(start_time, end_time)

# #Turn species data from ppbv to moles

   #Convert from ppbv to species_moles
   air_mass    = bpch_data.groups['BXHGHT-$'].variables['AD'] 
   air_moles = (air_mass*1E3)# / ( 0.78*28.0 + 0.22*32.0 )
   species_moles   = air_moles * species_data

# Get tropopause information   
   Fraction_of_time_in_the_troposphere = bpch_data.groups["TIME-TPS"].variables['TIMETROP'] 
   if debug:
      print Fraction_of_time_in_the_troposphere
# Extract only moles in the troposphere
# by multipling the 4d species concentrations by the fraction of time they were in the troposphere ( 1 = aff trop, 0 = no trop, other = tropopause ).
   species_moles = np.multiply(species_moles[:,:38,:,:] , Fraction_of_time_in_the_troposphere)
   if debug:
      print 'species_moles shape = ' + str(species_moles.shape)

#  get the total column moles.
   total_column   =  species_moles[0,:,:,:].sum( axis=0 )     # total_column[t,lat,lon]
   if debug:
      print' total_column shape =  ' + str(total_column.shape)

# Get the surface area
   print 'Getting the surface area.'
   surface_area = bpch_data.groups['DXYP'].variables['AREA']
   if debug:
      print 'surface_area shape = ' + str(surface_area.shape)
#  surface_area[ lat, long ]

   #Convert from total mols to total Volume
   conversion_factor = 1E-7#1E-12 * 6.02e23 / 2.69e20
   column_volume = np.multiply( total_column, conversion_factor )  
   #Convert to Dobson units.
   dobson_data = np.divide( column_volume , surface_area )
   if debug:
      print 'dobson_data shape = ' + str(dobson_data.shape)

   return dobson_data, units, start_time, end_time;
def pacific_ol(area,dates,pacific_sat_dir,geos_dir,save_location,geosfilestr='ts_satellite_omi'):

    #(ref_n,ref_s,ref_e,ref_w) = (40.,0.,180.,160.) #reference area.
    (ref_n,ref_s,ref_e,ref_w) = area #reference area.

    load_pickle = False #update an existing pickle (True) or create a new one (False)
    do_obs = True #work out median obs in reference sector
    do_geos = True #work out median model column in reference sector

    first_date = date(2014,1,1)
    last_date = date(2014,12,31)
    (first_date,last_date) = dates

    #get a list of dates
    list_of_dates = []
    dateclock = first_date
    while dateclock <= last_date:
        dateclock += td(days=1)

    #Load/save loaction
    #pickle_location = "/group_workspaces/jasmin/geoschem/local_users/lsurl/CL_PP/bark_2014b.p"

    #data locations
    #pacific_data_dir = "/group_workspaces/cems2/nceo_generic/nceo_ed/OMHCHO_pacific_bark/"
    #geos_dir = "/group_workspaces/jasmin/geoschem/local_users/lsurl/runs/geosfp_2x25_tropchem_2012-2014/"


    #assign dates to files
    if do_obs:
        files_in_obs_folder = [f for f in listdir(pacific_sat_dir) if isfile(join(pacific_sat_dir, f))] #all files in folder
        files_in_obs_folder = [f for f in files_in_obs_folder if f.startswith('OMI-Aura_L2-OMHCHO_')] #only OMI files
        obs_file_dates = []
        for f in files_in_obs_folder:
            this_year = int(f[19:23])
            this_month = int(f[24:26])
            this_day= int(f[26:28])
    if do_geos:
        geosfilestr  ='ts_satellite_omi'
        print "Looking for ND51 files that begin with '%s'." %geosfilestr
        files_in_geos_folder = [f for f in listdir(geos_dir) if isfile(join(geos_dir, f))] #all files in folder
        print len(files_in_geos_folder)
        #print files_in_geos_folder
        files_in_geos_folder = [f for f in files_in_geos_folder if f.startswith(geosfilestr)] #only ND51 files
        print len(files_in_geos_folder)
        geos_file_dates = []
        for f in files_in_geos_folder:
            this_year = int(f[len(geosfilestr)+1:len(geosfilestr)+5])
            this_month = int(f[len(geosfilestr)+5:len(geosfilestr)+7])
            this_day= int(f[len(geosfilestr)+7:len(geosfilestr)+9])

    all_corrections = []
    #Cycle through dates
    for dateclock in list_of_dates:

        today_correction = correction(dateclock)
        #observation median
        if do_obs:
            today_files = [files_in_obs_folder[i] for i in range(0,len(files_in_obs_folder)) if obs_file_dates[i] == dateclock]
            today_SC = np.array([])
            for f in today_files:
                    f_HDF = h5py.File(join(pacific_sat_dir, f))
                except IOError: #dud files
                    #print "Cannot open %s" %f
                df = f_HDF['HDFEOS']['SWATHS']['OMI Total Column Amount HCHO']['Data Fields']
                gf = f_HDF['HDFEOS']['SWATHS']['OMI Total Column Amount HCHO']['Geolocation Fields']
                #get data
                this_lat = np.array(gf['Latitude']).flatten()
                this_lon = np.array(gf['Longitude']).flatten()
                this_SC =  np.array(df['ColumnAmount']).flatten()
                this_XTQF = np.array(gf['XtrackQualityFlags']).flatten()
                this_MDQF = np.array(df['MainDataQualityFlag']).flatten()

                #geo and quality filter
                keep = np.logical_and.reduce((this_lat > ref_s,
                       this_lat < ref_n,
                       this_lon > ref_w,
                       this_lon < ref_e,
                       this_XTQF == 0,
                       this_MDQF == 0,
                       this_SC != np.nan))
                this_SC = this_SC[keep]
                #print len(this_SC)
                today_SC = np.append(today_SC,this_SC)
            today_correction.med_obs = np.median(today_SC)
            print "Median observed slant    column for %s: %g" %(dateclock.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),today_correction.med_obs)
        #geos median
        if do_geos:
            today_files = [files_in_geos_folder[i] for i in range(0,len(files_in_geos_folder)) if geos_file_dates[i] == dateclock]
            if len(today_files) != 1:
                today_correction.med_geos = np.nan
                print "Median modelled vertical column for %s: nan" %dateclock.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
                f = bpch(join(geos_dir, today_files[0]))
                this_hcho = np.array(f.variables["IJ-AVG-$_CH2O"]) * 1e-9 #convert to v/v
                box_height = np.array(f.variables['BXHGHT-$_BXHEIGHT']) * 100 #box height in cm
                air_den =    np.array(f.variables['TIME-SER_AIRDEN'])  # air density molec.cm-3
                air_amount = np.multiply(box_height,air_den) #air per grid box molec.cm-2
                this_data_col = np.sum(np.multiply(this_hcho,air_amount),axis=1) #column molec.cm-2
                today_correction.med_geos = np.median(this_data_col)
                print "Median modelled vertical column for %s: %g" %(dateclock.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),today_correction.med_geos)

    print "saving..."
no2_prod = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))
no2_loss = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))

ox_prod = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))
ox_loss = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))

o3_ave = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))
no2_ave = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))
no_ave = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))
isop_ave = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))

up_flx = np.empty((len(files), 91, 144))

for i in range(len(files)):
    data = bpch(files[i], tracerinfo='valid_tracerinfo.dat')
    group_pl = data.groups['PORL-L=$']
    group_ave = data.groups['IJ-AVG-$']
    group_up = data.groups['UP-FLX-$']

    po3 = group_pl.variables['PO3']
    print po3.units
    lo3 = group_pl.variables['LO3']
    pno2 = group_pl.variables['PNO2']
    lno2 = group_pl.variables['LNO2']
    pox = group_pl.variables['POX']
    lox = group_pl.variables['LOX']
    o3_a = group_ave.variables['O3']
    no_a = group_ave.variables['NOx']
    #no2_a = group_ave.variables['NO2']
    isop_a = group_ave.variables['ISOP']
def get_species_data_from_bpch(wd, species, group, month, debug=True):
    print 'Extracting data from the bpch.'
    bpch_fname = wd + month + ".ctm.bpch"
    #   print months
    #   for month in months:
    bpch_data = bpch(bpch_fname)
    if debug:
        print 'Data groups:'
        print bpch_data.groups
        print 'Group species:'
        print bpch_data.groups[group].variables
    species_data = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species]
    units = bpch_data.groups[group].variables[species].units

    start_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau0']
    end_time = bpch_data.groups[group].variables['tau1']

    start_time, end_time = extract_month(start_time, end_time)

    # #Turn species data from ppbv to moles

    #Convert from ppbv to species_moles
    air_mass = bpch_data.groups['BXHGHT-$'].variables['AD']
    air_moles = (air_mass * 1E3)  # / ( 0.78*28.0 + 0.22*32.0 )
    species_moles = air_moles * species_data

    # Get tropopause information
    Fraction_of_time_in_the_troposphere = bpch_data.groups[
    if debug:
        print Fraction_of_time_in_the_troposphere

# Extract only moles in the troposphere
# by multipling the 4d species concentrations by the fraction of time they were in the troposphere ( 1 = aff trop, 0 = no trop, other = tropopause ).
    species_moles = np.multiply(species_moles[:, :38, :, :],
    if debug:
        print 'species_moles shape = ' + str(species_moles.shape)

#  get the total column moles.
    total_column = species_moles[0, :, :, :].sum(
        axis=0)  # total_column[t,lat,lon]
    if debug:
        print ' total_column shape =  ' + str(total_column.shape)

# Get the surface area
    print 'Getting the surface area.'
    surface_area = bpch_data.groups['DXYP'].variables['AREA']
    if debug:
        print 'surface_area shape = ' + str(surface_area.shape)

#  surface_area[ lat, long ]

#Convert from total mols to total Volume
    conversion_factor = 1E-7  #1E-12 * 6.02e23 / 2.69e20
    column_volume = np.multiply(total_column, conversion_factor)

    #Convert to Dobson units.
    dobson_data = np.divide(column_volume, surface_area)
    if debug:
        print 'dobson_data shape = ' + str(dobson_data.shape)

    return dobson_data, units, start_time, end_time
import glob
import datetime as datetime

species = 'CHBr3'

#set up plot
ax = fig.add_axes([.05, .1, .9, .8])

#bpch_fname = "bpch_files/4x5_GEOS5/ctm.bpch_4x5_GEOS5_2006-2012"
bpch_fname = "/home/bn506/GEOS-Run/Budget/Flex/ctm.bpch"

get_times = [4,5,6,8,9]

f = bpch(bpch_fname,timeslice = get_times)

#lat = f.dimensions['lat']

#lat = f.variables['lat']
#lon = f.variables['lon']

lat = np.arange(-88,90,4)
lat = np.insert(lat,0,-90)
lat = np.append(lat,90)

lon = np.arange(-182.5,179,5)
print lon
tautime = f.variables['tau0']
tautime_end = f.variables['tau1']
o3_loss = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
o3 = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
co = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
nox = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
acet = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
isop = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
c2h6 = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
c3h8 = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c))) 
ald2 = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
alk4 = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
ch2o = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
mek = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))
prpe = np.empty((len(files),len(lat_c),len(lon_c)))

for i in range(len(files)):
    data = bpch(files[i],tracerinfo='/work/home/db876/modelling/GEOS_CHEM/v90103/2x2.5/2x2.5_GEOS5_fullgrid/run/valid_tracerinfo.dat')
    group_pl = data.groups['PORL-L=$']
    po3 = group_pl.variables['PO3']
    lo3 = group_pl.variables['LO3']
    po3 = po3[:,0,:,:]
    lo3 = lo3[:,0,:,:]
    o3_prod[i,:,:] = po3
    o3_loss[i,:,:] = lo3

#need to convert voc species from ppbC to ppbV by dividing by number of Carbon atoms in molecule    
    group_ave = data.groups['IJ-AVG-$']
    o3[i,:,:] = group_ave.variables['O3'][:,0,:,:]
    co[i,:,:] = group_ave.variables['CO'][:,0,:,:]
    nox[i,:,:] = group_ave.variables['NOx'][:,0,:,:] 
    acet[i,:,:] = group_ave.variables['ACET'][:,0,:,:]/3. 
    isop[i,:,:] = group_ave.variables['ISOP'][:,0,:,:]/5. 
def define_dimensions(ncfile, filetimes):
    Defines all relevant dimensions in the netCDF file and writes any time invariant variables used to describe those
    :param ncfile: an instance of netCDF4.Dataset that is the file to be written to
    :param filetimes: a FilesAndTimes instance listing all the BPCH files
    if not isinstance(ncfile, ncdf.Dataset):
        raise TypeError('ncfile must be an instance of netCDF4.Dataset')

    if not isinstance(filetimes, FilesAndTimes):
        raise TypeError('filetimes must be an instance of FilesAndTimes')

    bfile = bpch(filetimes.files[0])

    lon = bfile.variables['longitude']
    lon[lon<0] += 360 # MOZART gives longitude W as positive numbers where -179 -> 181 and -1 -> 359
    lat = bfile.variables['latitude']
    psurf = bfile.variables['PEDGE-$_PSURF']

    # Write the dimensions
    ncfile.createDimension('lon', size=len(lon))
    ncfile.createDimension('lat', size=len(lat))
    ncfile.createDimension('lev', size=len(gc_hya_mid))
    ncfile.createDimension('ilev', size=len(gc_hya))
    ncfile.createDimension('time', size=0)  # unlimited

    # and the variables that define their values
    ncfile.createVariable('lon', np.float32, dimensions=('lon'))
    ncfile.variables['lon'][:] = lon
    ncfile.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude'
    ncfile.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east'

    ncfile.createVariable('lat', np.float32, dimensions=('lat'))
    ncfile.variables['lat'][:] = lat
    ncfile.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude'
    ncfile.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north'

    # Time dimensions
    ncfile.createVariable('time', np.float64, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['time'].long_name = 'simulation_time'
    ncfile.variables['time'].units = 'days since 0000-01-01'
    ncfile.variables['time'].calendar = 'gregorian'

    ncfile.createVariable('secs', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['secs'].long_name = 'seconds to complete elapsed days'
    ncfile.variables['secs'].units = 's'

    ncfile.createVariable('date', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['date'].long_name = 'current date as 8 digit integer (YYYYMMDD)'

    ncfile.createVariable('datesec', np.int32, dimensions=('time'))
    ncfile.variables['datesec'].long_name = 'seconds to complete current date'
    ncfile.variables['datesec'].units = 's'

    date_int, date_sec, days_since, sec_since = mozdate_array(filetimes.datetimes)
    ncfile.variables['date'][:] = date_int
    ncfile.variables['datesec'][:] = date_sec
    ncfile.variables['time'][:] = days_since
    ncfile.variables['secs'][:] = sec_since

    # GEOS-Chem uses the hybrid sigma-eta coordinate system
    # (http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/GEOS-Chem_vertical_grids#Vertical_grids_for_GEOS-5.2C_GEOS-FP.2C_MERRA.2C_and_MERRA-2)
    # and we usually run on the 47-layer reduced vertical grid. The A and B coefficients are given at the above link
    # and the formula for converting to actual pressure levels is given at
    # http://wiki.seas.harvard.edu/geos-chem/index.php/GEOS-Chem_vertical_grids#Hybrid_grid_definition
    # and is Pedge(I,J,L) = Ap(L) + [ Bp(L) * Psurface(I,J) ], Pcenter(I,J,L) = [ Pedge(I,J,L) + Pedge(I,J,L+1) ]/2
    # In MOZBC, pressures are computed as ps_mozi(I,J) * hybm + ps0 * hyam; where hybm and hyam are vectors (that are
    # the same for every column) of the A and B corefficients at level midpoints, ps_mozi is the MOZART surface pressure
    # interpolated to the WRF grid, and ps0 is just a constant, always 100000 Pa. The GEOS-Chem B parameter and the
    # MOZART B parameter are both unitless. The GC and MOZART A parameters just differ by a scaling factor, A_moz * P0 =
    # A_gc * 100 (GC A is in hPa, moz P0 has units of Pa).
    # MOZART uses the GMAO standard that the first index in the vertical dimension is the top of the
    # atmosphere, whereas GEOS-Chem says the first index is the surface.

    ncfile.createVariable('lev', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['lev'][:] = 1000*(gc_hya_mid + gc_hyb_mid)
    ncfile.variables['lev'].long_name = 'hybrid level at layer midpoints (1000*(A+B))'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].units = 'hybrid_sigma_pressure'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].positive = 'down'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].A_var = 'hyam'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].B_var = 'hybm'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].P0_var = 'P0'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].PS_var = 'PS'
    ncfile.variables['lev'].bounds = 'ilev'

    ncfile.createVariable('ilev', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['ilev'][:] = 1000*(gc_hya + gc_hyb)
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].long_name = 'hybrid level at layer interface (1000*(A+B))'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].units = 'hybrid_sigma_pressure'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].positive = 'down'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].A_var = 'hyai'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].B_var = 'hybi'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].P0_var = 'P0'
    ncfile.variables['ilev'].PS_var = 'PS'

    ncfile.createVariable('hyam', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['hyam'][:] = gc_hya_mid
    ncfile.variables['hyam'].long_name = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer midpoints'

    ncfile.createVariable('hybm', np.float32, dimensions='lev')
    ncfile.variables['hybm'][:] = gc_hyb_mid
    ncfile.variables['hybm'].long_name = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer midpoints'

    ncfile.createVariable('hyai', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['hyai'][:] = gc_hya
    ncfile.variables['hyai'].long_name = 'hybrid A coefficient at layer interfaces'

    ncfile.createVariable('hybi', np.float32, dimensions='ilev')
    ncfile.variables['hybi'][:] = gc_hyb
    ncfile.variables['hybi'].long_name = 'hybrid B coefficient at layer interfaces'

    ncfile.createVariable('P0', np.float32) # scalar
    ncfile.variables['P0'][:] = 1e5
    ncfile.variables['P0'].long_name = 'reference pressure'
    ncfile.variables['P0'].units = 'Pa'


    # Surface pressure has a time component, so first we need to concatenate all the values
    ps_list = []
    for fname in filetimes.unique_files():
        b = bpch(fname)
        ps_list.append(b.variables['PEDGE-$_PSURF'][:,0,:,:].squeeze()*100) # get surface only and convert from hPa to Pa

    ncfile.createVariable('PS', np.float32, dimensions=('time', 'lat', 'lon'))
    ncfile.variables['PS'][:] = np.concatenate(ps_list, 0)
    ncfile.variables['PS'].units = 'Pa'