def fn(dist): position = dist + 500 sstart, send = motif_coords(side_motif, position) seqlets = [Seqlet(None, cstart, cend, "center", ""), Seqlet(None, sstart, send, "side", "")] # TODO - add also contribution scores du = {"p": p[position], "contrib": contrib[position]} # TODO - order them correctly d = OrderedDict([(f"{prefix}/{task}", du[prefix][task]) for task in p[position] for prefix in ['p', 'contrib']]) ylims = [] for k in d: if k.startswith("p"): ylims.append((0, ymax)) else: ylims.append((0, ymax_contrib)) plot_tracks(d, seqlets, title=dist, ylim=ylims)
def plot_regions(self, regions, ds=None, variants=None, seqlets=[], pred_summary='profile/wn', contrib_method='grad', batch_size=128, # ylim=None, xlim=None, # seq_height=1, rotate_y=0, add_title=True, fig_height_per_track=2, same_ylim=False, fig_width=20): """Plot predictions Args: regions: list of pybedtools.Interval variant: a single instance or a list of bpnet.extractors.Variant ds: DataSpec. If provided, the ground truth will be added to the plot pred_summary: 'mean' or 'max', summary function name for the profile gradients """ out = self.predict_regions(regions, variants=variants, contrib_method=contrib_method, # pred_summary=pred_summary, batch_size=batch_size) figs = [] if xlim is None: xmin = 0 else: xmin = xlim[0] shifted_seqlets = [s.shift(-xmin) for s in seqlets] for i in range(len(out)): pred = out[i] interval = out[i]['interval'] if ds is not None: obs = {task: ds.task_specs[task].load_counts([interval])[0] for task in self.tasks} else: obs = None title = "{i.chrom}:{i.start}-{i.end}, {} {v}".format(i=interval, v=pred.get('variant', '')) # handle the DNase case if isinstance(pred['seq'], dict): seq = pred['seq']['seq'] else: seq = pred['seq'] if obs is None: # TODO - simplify? viz_dict = OrderedDict(flatten_list([[ (f"{task} Pred", pred['pred'][task]), (f"{task} Contrib profile", pred['contrib_score'][f"{task}/{pred_summary}"] * seq), # (f"{task} Contrib counts", sum(pred['grads'][task_idx]['counts'].values()) / 2 * seq), ] for task_idx, task in enumerate(self.tasks)])) else: viz_dict = OrderedDict(flatten_list([[ (f"{task} Pred", pred['pred'][task]), (f"{task} Obs", obs[task]), (f"{task} Contrib profile", pred['contrib_score'][f"{task}/{pred_summary}"] * seq), # (f"{task} Contrib counts", sum(pred['grads'][task_idx]['counts'].values()) / 2 * seq), ] for task_idx, task in enumerate(self.tasks)])) if add_title: title = "{i.chrom}:{i.start}-{i.end}, {} {v}".format(i=interval, v=pred.get('variant', '')), else: title = None if same_ylim: fmax = {feature: max([np.abs(viz_dict[f"{task} {feature}"]).max() for task in self.tasks]) for feature in ['Pred', 'Contrib profile', 'Obs']} ylim = [] for k in viz_dict: f = k.split(" ", 1)[1] if "Contrib" in f: ylim.append((-fmax[f], fmax[f])) else: ylim.append((0, fmax[f])) else: ylim = None fig = plot_tracks(filter_tracks(viz_dict, xlim), seqlets=shifted_seqlets, title=title, fig_height_per_track=fig_height_per_track, rotate_y=rotate_y, fig_width=fig_width, ylim=ylim, legend=True) figs.append(fig) return figs
from bpnet.plot.tracks import plot_tracks, to_neg import seaborn as sns import matplotlib.pyplot as plt cf = ContribFile(contrib_file) profiles = cf.get_profiles() contrib_scores = cf.get_contrib() examples = list({v.max(axis=-2).mean(axis=-1).argmax() for k,v in profiles.items()}) examples tasks = ['Oct4', 'Sox2', 'Nanog'] fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8,8]) xrange = slice(50, 150) for idx in examples: plot_tracks({**{'profile/' + k: to_neg(v[idx,xrange]) for k,v in profiles.items()}, **{'contrib/' + k:v[idx,xrange] for k,v in contrib_scores.items()}}, title=idx, rotate_y=0, fig_width=10, fig_height_per_track=1); sns.despine(top=True, right=True, bottom=True) fig.savefig(f"/groups/lackgrp/ll_members/berkay/SYNTAX/exampleRun/results/train/bpnet/examples/chip-nexus/output/contributions.pdf")
## convert dfi to Seqlet objects xrange = slice(50, 150) seqlets = [s.shift(-xrange.start) for s in dfi2seqlets(dfi[dfi.example_idx == idx], short_name=True)] ## Visualize the locus with motif instances highlighted ## get the contribution scores and profile score for that example idx xrange = slice(300, 700) cf = ContribFile(contrib_file) profiles = cf.get_profiles(idx=idx) contrib_scores = cf.get_contrib(idx=idx) ## Let's focus only on the best match per track dfi_best = dfi[dfi.example_idx == idx].sort_values("match_weighted_p", ascending=False).groupby('tf').first() seqlets = [s.shift(-xrange.start) for s in dfi2seqlets(dfi_best, short_name=True)] fig = plot_tracks({**{'profile/' + k: to_neg(v[xrange]) for k,v in profiles.items()}, **{'contrib/' + k:v[xrange] for k,v in contrib_scores.items()}}, title=idx, rotate_y=0, fig_width=20, seqlets=[s.set_seqname('contrib/' +"/")[0]) for s in seqlets], # plot seqlets to the 'contrib/Nanog' track fig_height_per_track=1); sns.despine(top=True, right=True, bottom=True) fig.savefig(output_file, bbox_inches = "tight")