    def AlembicSwap(self, ModifierName):
        NewCachePath = bpy.context.scene.NewCachePath

        #upload new cache
        NewCache = bpy.data.cache_files.get(basename(NewCachePath))
        #just in case there's been a missmatch because of a previously loaded cache file with the same name...
        if abspath(NewCache.filepath) != abspath(NewCachePath):
            for CF in bpy.data.cache_files:
                if CF.name.contains(basename(NewCachePath)) and abspath(
                        CF.filepath) == abspath(NewCachePath):
                    NewCache = CF

        #look for objects with same current cache
        CurrentCache = bpy.context.active_object.modifiers[
        for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
            if len(obj.modifiers) > 0:
                for mod in obj.modifiers:
                    if mod.type == "MESH_SEQUENCE_CACHE":
                        if mod.cache_file == CurrentCache:
                            #swap cache
                            mod.cache_file = NewCache
                                        'Cache succesfully changed :)')
    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        obj = context.object
        scene = context.scene

        row = layout.row()
        row.label(text="Active object: " + obj.name, icon='OBJECT_DATA')

        IdentifyCache = self.IdentifyCache(obj)
        row = layout.row()
        row.label(text=IdentifyCache["text"], icon=IdentifyCache["icon"])

        if IdentifyCache["CurrentCacheFile"]:

            box = layout.box()
            box.label(text="New Cache File")
            box.prop(scene, "NewCachePath", text="")
            if basename(scene.NewCachePath
                        ) == IdentifyCache["CurrentCacheFile"]["name"]:
                    "Attention: Same cache file name as current, are you sure you want to re-upload?",

            row = layout.row()
                icon='ARROW_LEFTRIGHT').CurrentCacheFile = IdentifyCache[
                    "CurrentCacheFile"]["mod_name"] + '___' + IdentifyCache[
def get_save_ID():
	blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
	rndr = bpy.context.scene.render
	format = rndr.image_settings.file_format \
	= bpy.context.scene.auto_save_format
	if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
	if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
	if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'

	filepath = get_filepath()

	#imagefiles starting with the blendname
	files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
			if f.startswith(blendname) \
			and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]

	highest = 0
	if files:
		for f in files:
			#find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
			suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
			if suffix:
				if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
					highest = int(suffix[-1])

	save_ID =  blendname + '_' + str(highest).zfill(3) + extension
	return save_ID
def get_save_ID():
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    rndr = bpy.context.scene.render
    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format \
    = bpy.context.scene.auto_save_format
    if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
    if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
    if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'

    filepath = get_filepath()

    #imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
      if f.startswith(blendname) \
      and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]

    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])

    save_ID = blendname + '_' + str(highest).zfill(3) + extension
    return save_ID
def find_all_node_slot_images(
):  # type: (bpy.Optional[bpy.ContextType], bool) -> SlotImages
    """use_image_file_name will use the basename of the file path as opposed to the name of the image data block"""
    nodes = nodes_from_context(context)
    if nodes is None:
        return SlotImages(set(), set())
    all_image_names = set()  # type: set[str]
    selected_image_names = set()  # type: set[str]
    for item in nodes:
        node = is_a_scene_node(item)
        if node is None:
        if node.number_of_slots <= 0:
        for i in range(node.number_of_slots):
            image = get_slot_image(node, i + 1)
            if image is None:
            name = basename(
                image.filepath) if use_image_file_name else image.name
            if node.select:
    return SlotImages(all_image_names, selected_image_names)
def get_save_ID():
    rdff = bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    formats=['BMP', 'IRIS', 'PNG', 'JPEG', 'JPEG2000', 'TARGA', 'TARGA_RAW', \
    exts=['.bmp', '.rgb', '.png', '.jpg', '.jp2', '.tga', '.tga', '.cin', \
    '.exr', '.exr', '.hdr', '.tiff', '.avi', '.avi', '.ffmpeg']

    format = bpy.context.scene.auto_save_format
    if format not in formats: format = rdff
    i = 0
    while i < len(formats):
        if formats[i] == format: extension = exts[i]
        i += 1

    filepath = get_filepath()

    # imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath)  \
             if f.startswith(blendname)  \
             and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]

    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            # find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])

    save_ID = blendname + '_' + str(highest).zfill(3) + extension
    return save_ID
    def SerializeString(self, writer, string):
        string = path.basename(string)

        writer.write(struct.pack("B", len(string)))

        for c in string.encode():
            writer.write(struct.pack("b", c))
def auto_save_render(scene):
    if not scene.save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
    if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
    if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
    if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'

    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + '/auto_saves'

    if not exists(filepath):

    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    #imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
            if f.startswith(blendname) \
            and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]

    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])

    save_name = join(filepath,
                     blendname) + '_' + str(highest + 1).zfill(3) + extension

    image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
    if not image:
        print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')

    print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

    if scene.save_blend:
        save_name_blend = join(
            filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest + 1).zfill(3) + '.blend'
        print('Blend_Save:', save_name_blend)
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=save_name_blend, copy=True)

    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
def get_filepath():
	blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
	filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + SEP +'auto_saves'

	if not exists(filepath):

	if bpy.context.scene.auto_save_subfolders:
		filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
		if not exists(filepath):
	return filepath
def get_filepath():
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + SEP + 'auto_saves'

    if not exists(filepath):

    if bpy.context.scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):
    return filepath
def auto_save_render(scene):
    if not scene.save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
    if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
    if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
    if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + '/auto_saves'
    if not exists(filepath):
    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    #imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
            if f.startswith(blendname) \
            and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]
    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])
    save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + extension

    image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
    if not image:
        print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')
    print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

    if scene.save_blend:
    	save_name_blend = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + '.blend'
    	bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=save_name_blend, copy=True)	
    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
def auto_save_render(scene):
    if not scene.save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
    if format == "OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER":
        extension = ".exr"
    if format == "JPEG":
        extension = ".jpg"
    if format == "PNG":
        extension = ".png"

    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition(".")[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + "/auto_saves"

    if not exists(filepath):

    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    # imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [
        for f in listdir(filepath)
        if f.startswith(blendname) and f.lower().endswith((".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".exr"))

    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            # find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall("\d+", f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])

    save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + "_" + str(highest + 1).zfill(3) + extension

    image = bpy.data.images["Render Result"]
    if not image:
        print("Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved")

    print("Auto_Save:", save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
def get_node_slots(inNode, num_slots):
    # type: (bpy.AllSceneNodeTypes, int) -> list[str]
    slots = []  # type: list[str]
    for i in range(num_slots):
        slot_num = i + 1
        image = get_slot_image(inNode, slot_num)
        if image is None:
            raise SceneFramesError(f"There is no image for slot #{slot_num}")
        image_name = basename(image.filepath)
        if image_name == "":
            raise SceneFramesError(f"There is no image for slot #{slot_num}")
    return slots
    def CurrentCacheFile(self, obj, mod_name):
        CacheFile = {"format": None, "name": None, "mod_name": mod_name}
        mod = obj.modifiers[mod_name]

        if mod.type == "MESH_SEQUENCE_CACHE":
            CacheFile["format"] = 'ABC'
            CacheFile["name"] = mod.cache_file.name

        elif mod.type == "MESH_CACHE":
            CacheFile["format"] = mod.cache_format
            CacheFile["name"] = basename(mod.filepath)

        return CacheFile
 def poll(cls, context):
     scene = context.scene
     smurf = scene.smurf
     tree = context.scene.node_tree
     tgt_nodes = []
     '''Checks if the string to be replaced (B) is contained in any of the images' filepath,
     and if the potential outcome of switching it to A would point to an existing file.
     for nodes in tree.nodes:
         if nodes.type == 'IMAGE':
             if nodes.image:
                 if smurf.suf2 in bpath.basename(nodes.image.filepath):
                     nodepath = bpath.abspath(nodes.image.filepath).replace(smurf.suf2, smurf.suf1)
                     if opath.isfile(nodepath):
     return tgt_nodes
from bpy import data
from math import pi

import sys
argv = sys.argv
argv = argv[argv.index("--") + 1:]  # get all args after "--"

blenderVersion = app.version
blenderVersionChar = app.version_char
blenderBuildBranch = app.build_branch

scene = context.scene
scene.render.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG'
scene.render.image_settings.compression = 25
sceneName = path.basename(context.blend_data.filepath)

scene.render.resolution_percentage = 40

meshName = 'gpiow_book00'

if meshName == 'gpiow_book01':
    scene.render.resolution_x = 1080
    scene.render.resolution_y = 1920
    active_cam = context.scene.camera
    data.cameras[active_cam.name].lens = 16
    data.objects[active_cam.name].rotation_euler[0] = 100 * pi / 180

print('Scene: {}'.format(sceneName))
print('Resolution: {} x {}'.format(scene.render.resolution_x,
def get_texture_name(self):
    if self.image:
        return basename(self.image.filepath).split('.')[0]
    return "None"
def auto_save_render(scene):
    if not scene.save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format
    if   format == 'BMP': extension = '.bmp'
    elif format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
    elif format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
    elif format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'
    elif format == 'IRIS': extension = '.iris'
    elif format == 'JPEG2000': extension = '.jpg'
    elif format == 'TARGA': extension = '.tga'
    elif format == 'TARGA_RAW': extension = '.tga'
    elif format == 'CINEON': extension = '.cineon'
    elif format == 'DPX': extension = '.dpx'
    elif format == 'OPEN_EXR': extension = '.exr'
    elif format == 'HDR': extension = '.hdr'
    elif format == 'TIFF': extension = '.tif'

#    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
#    if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
#    if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
#    if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + '/auto_saves'
    if not exists(filepath):
    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    #imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
            if f.startswith(blendname) \
            and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]
    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[0]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[0])
    framenum = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
    save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + "-f" + str(framenum) + extension

    image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
    if not image:
        print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')
    print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=bpy.context.scene)

    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
def auto_save_render(scene):
    render_time = datetime.now() - TIMER
    if not scene.save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
    if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
    if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
    if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + '/auto_saves'
    if not exists(filepath):
    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    #imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
            if f.startswith(blendname) \
            and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]
    highest = 0
    if files:
        for f in files:
            #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
            suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
            if suffix:
                if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                    highest = int(suffix[-1])
    save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + extension

    image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
    if not image:
        print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')
    print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

    if scene.save_blend:
    	save_name_blend = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + '.blend'
    	bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=save_name_blend, copy=True)

    if scene.logfile:
        md_textname = 'save log'
        if not md_textname in bpy.data.texts:
            bpy.data.texts[md_textname].filepath = join(filepath, blendname + '_log.md') 
        save_name = basename(save_name)
        link_text = save_name.rpartition('.')[0]
        text = '\n**{}** '.format(link_text) \
                 + datetime.now().strftime('{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M}  \n') \
                 + '![]({})  \n'.format(save_name) \
                 + 'Render time: {}  \n'.format(render_time)
    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
def get_scene_frames(scene):
    # type: (bpy.types.Scene) -> bpy.SceneInfoType
    """Go through each frame one by one and 
    find the position and visibility of each sprite"""

    empty_images = [
        o for o in [image_object(o) for o in scene.objects]
        if (o is not None
            and not ('font_disable_export' in o and o['font_disable_export']))
    out = []  # type: "list[bpy.FrameInfo]"
    highest_slot = 0  # type: int
    found_slots = set()  # type: set[int]

    for frame in range(scene.frame_start, scene.frame_end + 1,
        # using show_empty_image_orthographic instead of visibility
        # because visibility makes editing keyframes
        # very hard.
        # Edit show_empty_image_orthographic in
        # Properties > Object Data Properties > Empty > Show in > Orthographic
        # make sure you set it as a keyframe

        visible_images = [
            o for o in empty_images if image_is_visible(o, frame=frame)

        # a frame can only position a maximum of 64 images
        # old warning we can have as many images as
        # we want now
        # if len(visible_images) > 64:
        #     raise SceneFramesError(
        #         f"Too many images in a frame #{frame}. Maximum is 64 but found {len(visible_images)} images")

        words = {}  # type: dict[int,bpy.SpriteWordInfo]
        sprites = {}  # type: bpy.SpriteList
        slots = {}  # type: bpy.SlotList

        for empty_image_o in visible_images:
            x, y = get_location(empty_image_o, frame=frame)
            if "font_word_id" in empty_image_o:
                word = empty_image_o["font_word"]
                if len(word) != 1:
                    word_id = empty_image_o["font_word_id"]
                    if word_id in words:
                        # already handled this word
                    parent = empty_image_o.parent
                    if parent is None:
                        raise Exception(
                            f"Word {word} {word_id} does not have a parent, so can't find a location for it.\nObject: {empty_image_o.name}\nScene: {scene.name}"
                    word_position = empty_image_o["font_word_position"]
                    x_location = _get_location(parent,
                                               accum=(word_position[0], 0))
                    # TODO This rely's on the assumption that all words are the same y position
                    words[word_id] = {"word": word, "x": x_location[0], "y": y}
                # not really a word because there is only
                # one char. It's more of a sprite
                # so let's add it to sprites instead

            position = {
                'x': fea_position(x),
                'y': fea_position(y)
            }  # type: bpy.FrameInfoPosition
            slot_info = get_slot_info(empty_image_o)
            if slot_info is not None:
                highest_slot = max(slot_info.number, highest_slot)
                key = f"slot{slot_info.number}"
                positions = slots.setdefault(str(slot_info.number), [])
            key = (basename(empty_image_o.data.filepath)
                   if not empty_image_o.name.startswith("MissingDingNo") else
            positions = sprites.setdefault(key, [])

        out_words = {}  # type: bpy.SpriteList
        for word_info in words.values():
            positions = out_words.setdefault(word_info["word"], [])
                "x": fea_position(word_info["x"]),
                "y": fea_position(word_info["y"])
        out_info = {
            "sprites": sprites,
        }  # type: bpy.FrameInfoBaked
        if len(words) > 0:
            out_info["words"] = out_words
        if len(slots) > 0:
            out_info["slots"] = slots
    number_of_slots = len(found_slots)
    if number_of_slots > 0 and number_of_slots < (highest_slot + 1):
        raise SceneFramesError(
            f"Missing slot!. Go to slot number #{highest_slot} but there are only {number_of_slots} used. All found slots: ${found_slots}"
    return {'frames': out, 'slots': number_of_slots}
def auto_save_render(scene):
    if not scene.auto_save_after_render or not bpy.data.filepath:
    rndr = scene.render
    original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

    if scene.auto_save_format == 'SCENE':
        if original_format not in IMAGE_FORMATS:
            print('{} Format is not an image format. Not Saving'.format(
    elif scene.auto_save_format == 'PNG':
        rndr.image_settings.file_format = 'PNG'
    elif scene.auto_save_format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER':
        rndr.image_settings.file_format = 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER'
    elif scene.auto_save_format == 'JPEG':
        rndr.image_settings.file_format = 'JPEG'

    frame_current = bpy.context.scene.frame_current
    extension = rndr.file_extension
    blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]
    filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + '/auto_saves'

    if not exists(filepath):

    if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
        filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

    # imagefiles starting with the blendname
    files = [f for f in listdir(filepath)
             if f.startswith(blendname)
             and f.lower().endswith(IMAGE_EXTENSIONS)]

    def save_number_from_files(files):
        Returns the new highest count number from file names
        as 3 digit string.
        highest = 0
        if files:
            for f in files:
                # find last numbers in the filename
                suffix = findall(r'\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
                if suffix:
                    if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                        highest = int(suffix[-1])
        return str(highest+1).zfill(3)

    def this_frame_files(files):
        Filters out files which have the current frame number in the file name
        match_files = []
        frame_pattern = r'_f[0-9]{4}_'
        for file in files:
            res = search(frame_pattern, file)
            if res:
                if int(res[0][2:-1]) == frame_current:
        return match_files

    if scene.auto_save_use_framenumber:
        if scene.auto_save_use_continuous:
            save_number = save_number_from_files(files)
            frame_files = this_frame_files(files)
            save_number = save_number_from_files(frame_files)
        frame_number = 'f' + str(frame_current).zfill(4)
        save_name = '_'.join([blendname, frame_number, save_number])
        save_number = save_number_from_files(files)
        save_name = '_'.join([blendname, save_number])
    save_name += extension
    save_name = join(filepath, save_name)

    image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
    if not image:
        print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')

    print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
    image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

    if scene.auto_save_blend:
        save_name_blend = join(filepath, save_name) + '.blend'
        print('Blend_Save:', save_name_blend)
        bpy.ops.wm.save_as_mainfile(filepath=save_name_blend, copy=True)

    rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format
    def execute(self, context):

        # # # # # # # #

        old_path = bpy.context.scene.render.filepath
        old_fileformat = bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format
        old_extension = bpy.context.scene.render.use_file_extension
        old_x = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
        old_y = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y
        old_percentage = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage
        old_aspect_x = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x
        old_aspect_y = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y

        # # # # # # # #

        # path to the folder
        file_path = bpy.data.filepath
        file_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(file_path)
        file_ext = '.blend'
        file_dir = file_path.replace(file_name + file_ext, '')

        mainScreen = bpy.context.screen

        #current scene
        scene = mainScreen.scene
        #set render settings
        scene.render.resolution_x = 128
        scene.render.resolution_y = 128
        scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100

        #render from view (set view_context = False for the camera render)

        # # # # # # # #

        rndr = scene.render
        original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

        format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
        if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
        if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
        if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'
        blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]

        #         self.filepath_z = str(addon_prefs.filepath_x) # Set path for instant meshes
        #         if self.filepath_z == "":
        #             print("Path to 'instant Meshes' not specified. Terminating...")
        #             return {'CANCELLED'}

        #        else:
        #        filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + str(addon_prefs.filepath) #'/auto_saves'
        #        filepath = os.path.basename(context.user_preferences.addons["save_thumbnail"].preferences.filepath_x)

        addon_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[
        filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + addon_preferences.filepath_x

        #         user_preferences = context.user_preferences
        #         addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences
        #         self.filepath_x = str(addon_prefs.filepath_x) # Set path for instant meshes
        #         info = ("Path: %s" % (addon_prefs.filepath_x))
        #         if self.filepath_x == "":
        #             print("Path to 'instant Meshes' not specified. Terminating...")
        #             return {'CANCELLED'}

        if not exists(filepath):

        if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
            filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

        # # # # # # # #


        #imagefiles starting with the blendname
        files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
                if f.startswith(blendname) \
                and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]

        highest = 0
        if files:
            for f in files:
                #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
                suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
                if suffix:
                    if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                        highest = int(suffix[-1])


        # # # # # # # #

        active_object = bpy.context.active_object
        name = active_object.name

        #save and load the render (you can't keep the render result)
        #save_name = name + ".png"
        #        save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + extension
        #save_name = scene.name+".png"

        #改良前        save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + name + ".png"
        #        save_name = join(filepath) + name + ".png"
        save_name = join(filepath) + name + ".png"

        image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
        if not image:
            print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')

        print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
        image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

        rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format

        # # # # # # # #

        # restore old settings
        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = old_path
        bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = old_fileformat
        bpy.context.scene.render.use_file_extension = old_extension
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = old_x
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = old_y
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage = old_percentage
        bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x = old_aspect_x
        bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y = old_aspect_y

        # # # # # # # #

        return {'FINISHED'}
    def execute(self, context):

        # # # # # # # #

        old_path = bpy.context.scene.render.filepath
        old_fileformat = bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format
        old_extension = bpy.context.scene.render.use_file_extension
        old_x = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x
        old_y = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y
        old_percentage = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage
        old_aspect_x = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x
        old_aspect_y = bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y

        # # # # # # # #

        # path to the folder
        file_path = bpy.data.filepath
        file_name = bpy.path.display_name_from_filepath(file_path)
        file_ext = '.blend'
        file_dir = file_path.replace(file_name+file_ext, '')

        mainScreen = bpy.context.screen

        #current scene
        scene = mainScreen.scene 
        #set render settings
        scene.render.resolution_x = 128
        scene.render.resolution_y = 128
        scene.render.resolution_percentage = 100

        #render from view (set view_context = False for the camera render)
        bpy.ops.render.opengl(view_context = True)

        # # # # # # # #

        rndr = scene.render
        original_format = rndr.image_settings.file_format

        format = rndr.image_settings.file_format = scene.auto_save_format
        if format == 'OPEN_EXR_MULTILAYER': extension = '.exr'
        if format == 'JPEG': extension = '.jpg'
        if format == 'PNG': extension = '.png'  
        blendname = basename(bpy.data.filepath).rpartition('.')[0]

#         self.filepath_z = str(addon_prefs.filepath_x) # Set path for instant meshes
#         if self.filepath_z == "":
#             print("Path to 'instant Meshes' not specified. Terminating...")
#             return {'CANCELLED'}

#        else:
#        filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + str(addon_prefs.filepath) #'/auto_saves'
#        filepath = os.path.basename(context.user_preferences.addons["save_thumbnail"].preferences.filepath_x)

        addon_preferences = bpy.context.user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences
        filepath = dirname(bpy.data.filepath) + addon_preferences.filepath_x


#         user_preferences = context.user_preferences
#         addon_prefs = user_preferences.addons[__name__].preferences
#         self.filepath_x = str(addon_prefs.filepath_x) # Set path for instant meshes
#         info = ("Path: %s" % (addon_prefs.filepath_x))
#         if self.filepath_x == "":
#             print("Path to 'instant Meshes' not specified. Terminating...")
#             return {'CANCELLED'}

        if not exists(filepath):

        if scene.auto_save_subfolders:
            filepath = join(filepath, blendname)
        if not exists(filepath):

        # # # # # # # #


        #imagefiles starting with the blendname
        files = [f for f in listdir(filepath) \
                if f.startswith(blendname) \
                and f.lower().endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.exr'))]
        highest = 0
        if files:
            for f in files:
                #find last numbers in the filename after the blendname
                suffix = findall('\d+', f.split(blendname)[-1])
                if suffix:
                    if int(suffix[-1]) > highest:
                        highest = int(suffix[-1])


        # # # # # # # #

        active_object = bpy.context.active_object
        name = active_object.name

        #save and load the render (you can't keep the render result)
        #save_name = name + ".png"
#        save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + '_' + str(highest+1).zfill(3) + extension
        #save_name = scene.name+".png"

#改良前        save_name = join(filepath, blendname) + name + ".png"
#        save_name = join(filepath) + name + ".png"
        save_name = join(filepath) + name + ".png"

        image = bpy.data.images['Render Result']
        if not image:
            print('Auto Save: Render Result not found. Image not saved')
        print('Auto_Save:', save_name)
        image.save_render(save_name, scene=None)

        rndr.image_settings.file_format = original_format

        # # # # # # # #

        # restore old settings
        bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = old_path
        bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = old_fileformat
        bpy.context.scene.render.use_file_extension = old_extension
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = old_x
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = old_y
        bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_percentage = old_percentage
        bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_x = old_aspect_x
        bpy.context.scene.render.pixel_aspect_y = old_aspect_y

        # # # # # # # #
        return {'FINISHED'}