def __init__(self): vals = getDefaultPosition() x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=4) y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8) y_sc.reverse = True x_sc.allow_padding = False y_sc.allow_padding = False # -1 are the empty squares (not in output from network) col_sc = ColorScale(min=-1, max=1, colors=['red', 'white', 'black']) x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc) y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical') bg = plt.gridheatmap(vals, scales={ 'column': x_sc, 'row': y_sc, 'color': col_sc }) self.board = bg fig = Figure(marks=[bg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax]) fig.min_aspect_ratio = 0.63 # Idfk why this makes it have an aspect ratio around 0.5 but w/e fig.max_aspect_ratio = 0.63 self.fig = fig
def __init__(self): # Setup & Axis stuff... x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8) y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8) x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc) y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical') y_sc.reverse = True col_sc = ColorScale(min=-1, max=1, colors=['white', 'blue', 'red']) bg = plt.gridheatmap(np.zeros((16, 16)), scales={ 'column': x_sc, 'row': y_sc, 'color': col_sc }) bg.row = np.arange(16) / 2 bg.column = np.arange(16) / 2 self.board = bg fig = Figure(marks=[bg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax]) # Force square. fig.min_aspect_ratio = 1 fig.max_aspect_ratio = 1 # Give random data self.update(np.random.random((8, 4, 4))) self.fig = fig
def __init__(self, canInteract=True): # Setup & Axis stuff... x_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8) y_sc = LinearScale(min=0, max=8) y_sc.reverse = True x_ax = Axis(label='X', scale=x_sc) y_ax = Axis(label='Y', scale=y_sc, orientation='vertical') # Display starting position for checkers game. # Colour checkerboard... Extra stuff for alignment to grid. vals = np.zeros((8, 8)) vals[::2, ::2] = -1 vals[1::2, 1::2] = -1 col_sc = ColorScale(colors=['white', 'lightgray']) bg = plt.gridheatmap(vals, scales={ 'column': x_sc, 'row': y_sc, 'color': col_sc }) bg.row = np.arange(8) bg.column = np.arange(8) = bg # Foreground... # colors of pieces col_sc = ColorScale(colors=['firebrick', 'black']) # Create empty scatter grid. fg = Scatter(x=[], y=[]) fg.scales = {'x': x_sc, 'y': y_sc, 'color': col_sc} fg.color = [] fg.default_size = 550 fg.enable_move = canInteract print(fg.drag_size) fg.drag_size = 0.1 print(fg.drag_size) self.fg = fg fig = Figure(marks=[bg, fg], axes=[x_ax, y_ax]) # Force square. fig.min_aspect_ratio = 1 fig.max_aspect_ratio = 1 # display(fig) self.fig = fig
def sidebarCalendarHeatmap(PI): dataframe = pd.read_json('./Data/PIcontribution/{}.json'.format(PI)) figs, years = [], np.unique(dataframe.index.year) #-- Calendar Heatmap by bqplot. for year in years[: -1]: #-- years[:-1] is because the end year + 1 is the upper bound. data = dataframe[str(year)] data = pd.DataFrame({ 'data': data.trajectory, 'fill': 1, 'day': data.index.dayofweek, 'week': data.index.isocalendar().week }) data.loc[(data.index.month == 1) & (data.week > 50), 'week'] = 0 data.loc[(data.index.month == 12) & (data.week < 10), 'week'] = data.week.max() + 1 fill_data = data.pivot('day', 'week', 'fill').values[::-1] fill_data =, fill_data) plot_data = data.pivot('day', 'week', 'data').values #[::-1] plot_data =, plot_data) monthlabels = np.arange(data.index[0], data.index[-1] + np.timedelta64(1, 'D'), dtype='datetime64[D]')[::7] daylabels = list(['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thr', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']) Layout = widgets.Layout(width='auto', height='200px') #Layout = widgets.Layout(width='100%',height='200px') fig = bplt.figure( layout=Layout, fig_margin=dict(top=20, bottom=20, left=60, right=40), padding_y=0, ) xmin, xmax = np.datetime64('{:04d}-01-01'.format(year)), np.datetime64( '{:04d}-12-31'.format(year)) bplt.scales( scales={ 'x': DateScale( min=xmin, max=xmax, offset={'value': 1}, ), 'y': OrdinalScale(reverse=True) }) bplt.gridheatmap(fill_data, row=daylabels, column=monthlabels, stroke='white', opacity=0.3, scales={'color': ColorScale(scheme='Grays')}, axes_options={'color': { 'visible': False }}) grid_map = bplt.gridheatmap( plot_data, row=daylabels, column=monthlabels, opacity=0.7, stroke='white', scales={'color': ColorScale(colors=['whitesmoke', 'darkgreen'])}, axes_options={ 'row': { 'label_offset': '3em', 'label': str(year), 'num_ticks': 4, 'grid_lines': 'none' }, 'column': { 'num_ticks': 5, 'grid_lines': 'none' }, 'color': { 'visible': False } }) figs.append(fig) return widgets.VBox(figs, layout=widgets.Layout( align_items='center', justify_content='center', margin='2%', ))