def Obtain_eigs(obj, no_of_evs):
    :param obj: object of the class ``BrakeClass``
    :param no_of_evs: the required number of eigenvalues to be covered close to the center of the target region
    :return: ``la`` - eigenvalues, ``evec`` - eigenvectors
     The la and evec are obtained as follows:
     - load the various component matrices.
     - assemble the various component matrices together to form the mass(M) and stiffness matrix(K)
       according to the classical modal transformation approach.
     - because we are interested in inner eigenvalues around a certain shift point, 
       so we transform the qevp using shift and invert spectral transformations.
    #object attributes used in the function
    LOG_LEVEL = obj.log_level
    logger_t = obj.logger_t
    logger_i = obj.logger_i

    #Making the shift point as the center of the target rectangular region
    tau = complex((obj.target[0] + obj.target[1]) / 2,
                  (obj.target[2] + obj.target[3]) / 2)
    check_flag = 0

    #------------------------------Reading Data Files-----------------------------------
    begin_read = timeit.default_timer()
    sparse_list = load.load_matrices(obj)
    end_read = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_assemble = timeit.default_timer()
    M = sparse_list[0].tocsr()
    C = 0 * M
    K = sparse_list[5].tocsr() + sparse_list[7].tocsr()
    end_assemble = timeit.default_timer()

    n = M.shape[0]

    #save the matrices before shift
    M_orig = M
    C_orig = C
    K_orig = K

    begin_shift = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K = shift.shift_matrices(obj, M, C, K, tau)
    end_shift = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_scale = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K, gamma = scale.scale_matrices(obj, M, C, K)
    end_scale = timeit.default_timer()\

    #---Diagonal Scaling----------------
    begin_diagscale = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K, D2 = diagscale.diag_scale_matrices(obj, M, C, K)
    end_diagscale = timeit.default_timer()

    saveEVS = obj.evs_per_shift
    obj.evs_per_shift = no_of_evs
    begin_solver = timeit.default_timer()
    la, evec = solver.qev_sparse(obj, M, C, K)

    end_solver = timeit.default_timer()
    obj.evs_per_shift = saveEVS

    #Residual check for the quadratic eigenvalue problem
    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        begin_rescheck1 = timeit.default_timer()
        res_qevp_prior = residual.residual_qevp(M, C, K, la, evec[0:n])
        end_rescheck1 = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_unfolding = timeit.default_timer()

    #obtaining the original eigenvalues
    #undo scaling
    la = la * gamma
    #undo shifting
    la = tau + la

    #obtaining the original eigenvectors
    evec = unlinearize.unlinearize_matrices(evec)  #evec = evec_after_diagscale
    evec = D2 * evec
    #D2 = DR

    #normalizing the eigenvector(why is it needed ?)
    DD = diagscale.normalize_cols(evec)
    evec = evec * DD

    end_unfolding = timeit.default_timer()

    #---------------------------Post Processing-----------------------------------------
    #---------------------------Error Analysis------------------------------------------
    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        begin_rescheck2 = timeit.default_timer()
        res_qevp_post = residual.residual_qevp(M_orig, C_orig, K_orig, la,
        end_rescheck2 = timeit.default_timer()

        'Calculating eigenpairs of the QEVP corressponding to the Traditional Projection'
    brake.printEigs(obj, la, 'target', 'terminal')
    print('largest real part of obtained eigenvalue = '), numpy.max(la.real)

    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        logger_i.info('Eigenvalues : ')
        brake.printEigs(obj, la, 'target', 'file')

    if (check_flag):
        scipy.io.savemat('evec_py.mat', mdict={'data': evec})
        scipy.io.savemat('eval_py.mat', mdict={'data': la})

    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        #----------------Logging Result--------------
        logger_i.info('Maximum Residual error(solver) for the QEVP is ' +
        logger_i.info('Maximum Residual error = ' + str(max(res_qevp_post)))

        #----------------Logging Time Complexity-----
        logger_t.info("\n" + "\n" + '------------------------------------')
        logger_t.info('Reading: ' + "%.2f" % (end_read - begin_read) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Assembling: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_assemble - begin_assemble) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Shifting: ' + "%.2f" % (end_shift - begin_shift) +
                      ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Scaling: ' + "%.2f" % (end_scale - begin_scale) +
                      ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Diagonal Scaling: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_diagscale - begin_diagscale) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Total Eigenvalue Computation Time: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_solver - begin_solver) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Unfolding: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_unfolding - begin_unfolding) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Error Analysis1(standard QEVP): ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_rescheck1 - begin_rescheck1) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Error Analysis2(after unfolding): ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_rescheck2 - begin_rescheck2) + ' sec')

    return la, evec
if not os.path.exists(obj.output_path + 'dataAnalysis'):
    os.makedirs(obj.output_path + 'dataAnalysis')

hdlr_i = logging.FileHandler(obj.output_path +

obj.logger_i.info("\n" + "\n" + 'Beginning Data Analysis')

print "\n" + "\n" + 'Beginning Data Analysis'

sparse_list = load.load_matrices(obj)

obj.logger_i.info("\n" + 'Matrices in CSC format converted to CSR')

obj.logger_i.info("\n\n" + 'Properties of various component matrices' + "\n")

for i in range(0, len(sparse_list)):
    componentMatrix = sparse_list[i]

    csrForm = componentMatrix.tocsr()
    normMatrix = onenormest(csrForm,
def Obtain_eigs(obj, freq_i, qevp_j, omega, next_shift):
    :param obj: object of the class ``BrakeClass``
    :param freq_i: the index of the base angular freq
    :param qevp_j: the index of the shift point
    :param omega: ith base angular freq
    :param next_shift: jth shift point in the target region
    :return: ``la`` - eigenvalues, ``evec`` - eigenvectors
     The la and evec are obtained as follows:
     - load the various component matrices
     - assemble the various component matrices together(for the given angular frequency
       omega) to form the mass(M), damping(C) and stiffness matrix(K).
     - because we are interested in inner eigenvalues around certain shift points
       next_shift, so we transform the qevp using shift and invert spectral

    #object attributes used in the function
    LOG_LEVEL = obj.log_level
    logger_t = obj.logger_t
    logger_i = obj.logger_i
    evs_per_shift = obj.evs_per_shift

    tau = next_shift
    check_flag = 0

    #------------------------------Reading Data Files-----------------------------------
    begin_read = timeit.default_timer()
    sparse_list = load.load_matrices(obj)
    end_read = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_assemble = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K = assemble.create_MCK(obj, sparse_list, omega)
    end_assemble = timeit.default_timer()

    n = M.shape[0]

    #save the matrices before shift
    M_orig = M
    C_orig = C
    K_orig = K

    begin_shift = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K = shift.shift_matrices(obj, M, C, K, tau)
    end_shift = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_scale = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K, gamma = scale.scale_matrices(obj, M, C, K)
    end_scale = timeit.default_timer()\

    #---Diagonal Scaling----------------
    begin_diagscale = timeit.default_timer()
    M, C, K, D2 = diagscale.diag_scale_matrices(obj, M, C, K)
    end_diagscale = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_solver = timeit.default_timer()
    la, evec = solver.qev_sparse(obj, M, C, K)
    end_solver = timeit.default_timer()

    #Residual check for the quadratic eigenvalue problem
    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        begin_rescheck1 = timeit.default_timer()
        res_qevp_prior = residual.residual_qevp(M, C, K, la, evec[0:n])
        end_rescheck1 = timeit.default_timer()

    begin_unfolding = timeit.default_timer()

    #obtaining the original eigenvalues
    #undo scaling
    la = la * gamma
    #undo shifting
    la = tau + la

    #obtaining the original eigenvectors
    evec = unlinearize.unlinearize_matrices(evec)  #evec = evec_after_diagscale
    evec = D2 * evec
    #D2 = DR

    #normalizing the eigenvector(why is it needed ?)
    DD = diagscale.normalize_cols(evec)
    evec = evec * DD

    end_unfolding = timeit.default_timer()

    #---------------------------Post Processing-----------------------------------------
    #---------------------------Error Analysis------------------------------------------
    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        begin_rescheck2 = timeit.default_timer()
        res_qevp_post = residual.residual_qevp(M_orig, C_orig, K_orig, la,
        end_rescheck2 = timeit.default_timer()
    #print 'eigen values sorted by real part'

    print('Eigenvalues for shift',qevp_j,'=',next_shift,\
                ' and frequency',freq_i,'=',"%.2f" % omega,'are')
    brake.printEigs(obj, la, 'target', 'terminal')

    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        logger_i.info('Eigenvalues : ')
        brake.printEigs(obj, la, 'target', 'file')

    if (check_flag):
        scipy.io.savemat('evec_py.mat', mdict={'data': evec})
        scipy.io.savemat('eval_py.mat', mdict={'data': la})

    if (LOG_LEVEL):
        #----------------Logging Result--------------
        logger_i.info('Maximum Residual error(solver) for the QEVP is ' +
        logger_i.info('Maximum Residual error = ' + str(max(res_qevp_post)))

        #----------------Logging Time Complexity-----
        logger_t.info("\n" + "\n" + '------------------------------------')
        logger_t.info('Reading: ' + "%.2f" % (end_read - begin_read) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Assembling: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_assemble - begin_assemble) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Shifting: ' + "%.2f" % (end_shift - begin_shift) +
                      ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Scaling: ' + "%.2f" % (end_scale - begin_scale) +
                      ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Diagonal Scaling: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_diagscale - begin_diagscale) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Total Eigenvalue Computation Time: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_solver - begin_solver) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Unfolding: ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_unfolding - begin_unfolding) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Error Analysis1(standard QEVP): ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_rescheck1 - begin_rescheck1) + ' sec')
        logger_t.info('Error Analysis2(after unfolding): ' + "%.2f" %
                      (end_rescheck2 - begin_rescheck2) + ' sec')

    return la, evec