def test_x_model_not_string(minimal_swagger_dict):
    minimal_swagger_dict['definitions']['Foo'] = {
        'x-model': {
            'x-vendor': 'Address'
    swagger_spec = Spec(minimal_swagger_dict)
    assert not is_model(swagger_spec,
def unmarshal_schema_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value):
    """Unmarshal the value using the given schema object specification.

    Unmarshaling includes:
    - transform the value according to 'format' if available
    - return the value in a form suitable for use. e.g. conversion to a Model

    :type swagger_spec: :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`
    :type schema_object_spec: dict
    :type value: int, float, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, etc

    :return: unmarshaled value
    :rtype: int, float, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, object (in
        the case of a 'format' conversion', or Model type
    deref = swagger_spec.deref
    schema_object_spec = deref(schema_object_spec)

    obj_type = schema_object_spec.get('type')

    if 'allOf' in schema_object_spec:
        obj_type = 'object'

    if not obj_type:
        if swagger_spec.config['default_type_to_object']:
            obj_type = 'object'
            return value

    if obj_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return unmarshal_primitive(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'array':
        return unmarshal_array(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if swagger_spec.config['use_models'] and \
            is_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec):
        # It is important that the 'model' check comes before 'object' check.
        # Model specs also have type 'object' but also have the additional
        # MODEL_MARKER key for identification.
        return unmarshal_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'object':
        return unmarshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'file':
        return value

    raise SwaggerMappingError(
        "Don't know how to unmarshal value {0} with a type of {1}".format(
            value, obj_type))
def unmarshal_schema_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value):
    """Unmarshal the value using the given schema object specification.

    Unmarshaling includes:
    - transform the value according to 'format' if available
    - return the value in a form suitable for use. e.g. conversion to a Model

    :type swagger_spec: :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`
    :type schema_object_spec: dict
    :type value: int, float, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, etc

    :return: unmarshaled value
    :rtype: int, float, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, object (in
        the case of a 'format' conversion', or Model type
    deref = swagger_spec.deref
    schema_object_spec = deref(schema_object_spec)

    obj_type = schema_object_spec.get('type')

    if 'allOf' in schema_object_spec:
        obj_type = 'object'

    if not obj_type:
        if swagger_spec.config['default_type_to_object']:
            obj_type = 'object'
            return value

    if obj_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return unmarshal_primitive(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'array':
        return unmarshal_array(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if swagger_spec.config['use_models'] and \
            is_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec):
        # It is important that the 'model' check comes before 'object' check.
        # Model specs also have type 'object' but also have the additional
        # MODEL_MARKER key for identification.
        return unmarshal_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'object':
        return unmarshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'file':
        return value

    raise SwaggerMappingError(
        "Don't know how to unmarshal value {0} with a type of {1}"
        .format(value, obj_type))
def marshal_schema_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value):
    """Marshal the value using the given schema object specification.

    Marshaling includes:
    - transform the value according to 'format' if available
    - return the value in a form suitable for 'on-the-wire' transmission

    :type swagger_spec: :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`
    :type schema_object_spec: dict
    :type value: int, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, Model type

    :return: marshaled value
    :rtype: int, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict
    :raises: SwaggerMappingError
    deref = swagger_spec.deref
    schema_object_spec = deref(schema_object_spec)
    obj_type = schema_object_spec['type']
    if 'int' in str(type(value)) and obj_type == 'string':
        schema_object_spec['type'] = 'integer'

    if obj_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return marshal_primitive(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'array':
        return marshal_array(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if is_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec):

        # Allow models to be passed in as dicts for flexibility.
        if is_dict_like(value):
            return marshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

        # It is important that the 'model' check comes before 'object' check
        # below. Model specs are of type 'object' but also have a MODEL_MARKER
        # key for identification.
        return marshal_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'object':
        return marshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'file':
        return value

    raise SwaggerMappingError('Unknown type {0} for value {1}'.format(
        obj_type, value))
def marshal_schema_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value):
    """Marshal the value using the given schema object specification.

    Marshaling includes:
    - transform the value according to 'format' if available
    - return the value in a form suitable for 'on-the-wire' transmission

    :type swagger_spec: :class:`bravado_core.spec.Spec`
    :type schema_object_spec: dict
    :type value: int, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict, Model type

    :return: marshaled value
    :rtype: int, long, string, unicode, boolean, list, dict
    :raises: SwaggerMappingError
    deref = swagger_spec.deref
    schema_object_spec = deref(schema_object_spec)
    obj_type = schema_object_spec.get('type')

    if obj_type in SWAGGER_PRIMITIVES:
        return marshal_primitive(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'array':
        return marshal_array(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if is_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec):

        # Allow models to be passed in as dicts for flexibility.
        if is_dict_like(value):
            return marshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

        # It is important that the 'model' check comes before 'object' check
        # below. Model specs are of type 'object' but also have a MODEL_MARKER
        # key for identification.
        return marshal_model(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if is_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec):
        return marshal_object(swagger_spec, schema_object_spec, value)

    if obj_type == 'file':
        return value

    raise SwaggerMappingError('Unknown type {0} for value {1}'.format(
        obj_type, value))
def test_ref(minimal_swagger_dict, model_spec):
    minimal_swagger_dict['definitions']['Foo'] = model_spec
    swagger_spec = Spec(minimal_swagger_dict)
    assert is_model(swagger_spec, {'$ref': '#/definitions/Foo'})
def test_true(minimal_swagger_spec, model_spec):
    assert is_model(minimal_swagger_spec, model_spec)
def test_false(minimal_swagger_spec, object_spec):
    assert not is_model(minimal_swagger_spec, object_spec)