async def initialize(self): ofcbsapikey = await"ofcbsapi") if ofcbsapikey["api_key"] is None: raise ValueError( "The Official Brawl Stars API key has not been set.") self.ofcbsapi = brawlstats.Client(ofcbsapikey["api_key"], is_async=True)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.client = brawlstats.Client( token=bot.config.bsapi, session=bot.session, is_async=True )
async def setUp(self): self.player_tag = '#GGJVJLU2' self.club_tag = '#QCGV8PG' self.client = brawlstats.Client(TOKEN, is_async=True, base_url=URL, timeout=30)
async def setUp(self): session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) self.client = brawlstats.Client(os.getenv('token'), base_url=os.getenv('base_url'), is_async=True, session=session)
def __init__(self, client): print('Loading BSVerification Data') self.client = client self.basic_club_role = 727782320165355523 self.family_role = 843442036111573003 self.loading_emj = '<a:loading:848756850458361876>' self.failed_emj = '<a:failed:848757026418851840>' self.success_emj = '<a:success:848756404797964288>' with open('secrets.json') as f: bs_token = json.load(f)['bs_api_token'] self.tag_dict = { i['_id']: i['player_tag'] for i in self.client.bs_data.find() } self.club_role_dict = { j['club_tag']: { 'club_name': j['club_name'], 'role_id': j['_id'] } for j in self.client.club_roles_data.find() } self.position_role_dict = { "member": 841908832007487488, "senior": 841908822653534229, "vicepresident": 842630288143417364, "president": 698419850082779196 } self.bs_client = brawlstats.Client(is_async=True, token=bs_token) print("Done.")
def setUp(self): self.player_tag = 'GGJVJLU2' self.club_tag = 'QCGV8PG' self.client = brawlstats.Client(TOKEN, is_async=False, timeout=30, debug=True) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
async def initialize(self): bsapikey = await "bsapi", default={"api_key": None}) if bsapikey["api_key"] is None: raise ValueError( "The Brawl Stars API key has not been set. Use [p]set api bsapi api_key,YOURAPIKEY" ) self.bsapi = brawlstats.Client(bsapikey["api_key"], is_async=True)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.CRregex = re.compile(r"<?(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(link\.clashroyale\.com\/invite\/friend)\b([-a-zA-Z0-9/]*)>?") self.BSregex = re.compile(r"<?(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?(link\.brawlstars\.com\/invite\/friend)\b([-a-zA-Z0-9/]*)>?") self.auth ='crtools').auth self.tags ='crtools').tags self.constants ='crtools').constants self.clash = clashroyale.OfficialAPI(self.auth.getOfficialToken(), is_async=True) self.brawl = brawlstats.Client(self.auth.getBSToken(), is_async=False)
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object message_author = str( brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() mentioned_channel = message.channel_mentions[0] # Get member object brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] list_members = activeServers.members member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(message_author) role = find(lambda r: == 'Moderator', activeServers.roles) role_owner = find(lambda r: == 'Owner', activeServers.roles) if role not in member_object.roles: if role_owner not in member_object.roles: await "You are not authorized to execute this command") return load_variables = open(os.path.join('storage_files', 'saved_id.pkl'), 'rb') id_message = pickle.load(load_variables) vote_message = await mentioned_channel.fetch_message(id_message) participants = [] participantsIds = [] list_reactions = await (vote_message.reactions[0]).users().flatten() for individual_participant in list_reactions: participantsIds.append([str(]) participants.append([str(individual_participant)]) for index in range(len(participants)): if brawl_database.information_present(participantsIds[index][0]): player_info = (brawl_client.get_player( brawl_database.view_information_user( participantsIds[index][0]))) participants[index].append( participants[index].append(str(player_info.trophies)) else: participants[index].append(participants[index][0]) participants[index].append("UnKnown") with open(os.path.join("storage_files", "listParticipants.csv"), "w", newline="") as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(participants) await f"{len(participants) - 1} people have signed up for the tournament!!!" )
async def run(self, client): activeServers = list(client.servers)[0] list_members = activeServers.members brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() print("Start Task") warning_channel = get_channel(client, "warnings") brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() if "ClubTag" not in brawl_database.return_allUsers(): msg = "@everyone Club Tag not added to the database" await client.send_message(warning_channel, msg) else: for member in list_members: member = (str(member)) member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(member) role = [get(member_object.server.roles, name="member")] if or get(member_object.roles, name="owner"): pass elif brawl_database.return_userWarning( member) >= self.allowed_userWarning and get( member_object.roles, name="member"): msg = " removed from server since they did not insert player information in database" await client.send_message(warning_channel, member_object.mention + msg) await client.remove_roles(member_object, *role) elif member not in brawl_database.return_allUsers(): brawl_database.insert_user_warning(member) msg = " did not insert player information in database" await client.send_message(warning_channel, member_object.mention + msg) elif not brawl_database.information_present(member): brawl_database.append_user_warning(member) msg = " did not insert player information in database" await client.send_message(warning_channel, member_object.mention + msg) elif get(member_object.roles, name="member"): brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) with open('tags.txt', 'r') as f: brawl_tag = list_users = [] list_users.extend( brawl_client.get_club_members( brawl_database.view_information_user("ClubTag"))) for tag in brawl_tag: list_users.extend(brawl_client.get_club_members(tag)) if member not in list_users: msg = " removed from server since they are not part of the club" await client.send_message(warning_channel, member_object.mention + msg) await client.remove_roles(member_object, *role)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.user_history = {} self.joined = [] self.welcome = dataIO.load_json('data/legendbs/welcome.json') self.auth ='crtools').auth self.tags ='crtools').tags self.clubs ='crtools').clubs self.brawl = brawlstats.Client(self.auth.getBSToken(), is_async=False)
def connect(): # Load API Token with open('BrawlStars/token.txt', 'r') as tokenfile: token = # Initialize connection with Brawl Stars API print("Connecting to Brawl Stars API...") client = brawlstats.Client(token) print("Connected!") return client
async def init(app, loop): app.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop) app.brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(token=app.config.BRAWLSTATS_TOKEN, session=app.session, is_async=True) app.oauth = Oauth2( app.config.DISCORD_CLIENT_ID, app.config.DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET, scope='identify', redirect_uri= f"http{'s' if not app.config.DEV else ''}://{app.config.DOMAIN}/callback", session=app.session)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.auth ='crtools').auth self.clans ='crtools').clans self.clubs ='crtools').clubs self.tags ='crtools').tags self.clash = clashroyale.OfficialAPI(self.auth.getOfficialToken(), is_async=True) self.brawl = brawlstats.Client(self.auth.getBSToken(), is_async=False) self.member_log = dataIO.load_json('data/clanlog/member_log.json') self.bs_member_log = dataIO.load_json('data/clanlog/bs_member_log.json') self.discord_log = dataIO.load_json('data/clanlog/discord_log.json') self.last_count = 0 self.bs_last_count = 0
async def api_init(self): """"Initializes the api, don't call this.""" token = await "brawlstars" ) # todo check here if it's not saved, just make sure to save it using !set api brawlstars,token if token['token'] is None: print( "Brawl Stars token is not set, use [p]set api brawlstars token,YOURAPITOKEN" ) raise ValueError self.brawl = brawlstats.Client( token['token'], is_async=False ) # Yes defining class attrs (self) outside __init__ is not a good practice but this is to get around the async issues
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object user_name = str( player_id = str(params[0]) brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) list_clubs = [ line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join('config_files', 'tags.txt')) ] print(list_clubs) activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(user_name) variable_set = False for i in range(len(list_clubs)): if variable_set: break club = brawl_client.get_club((list_clubs[i]).upper()) club_name = club_info = club.members embed_msg = Embed(title=f'{club_name} Member', color=0x00ff00) for member in club_info: if player_id.lower() in (" ", "")).lower(): embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Name",, inline=True) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Tag", value=member.tag, inline=True) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Trophies", value=member.trophies, inline=True) embed_msg.set_footer(text=user_name, icon_url=member_object.avatar_url) variable_set = True break if variable_set: await else: msg = f" The User {player_id} does not exist in the clubs" await
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object user_name = str( activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(user_name) brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() role = find(lambda r: == 'Moderator', activeServers.roles) role_owner = find(lambda r: == 'Owner', activeServers.roles) if role not in member_object.roles: if role_owner not in member_object.roles: await "You are not authorized to execute this command") return try: discord_id = str(message.mentions[0].id) message_author = str( mentioned_object = activeServers.get_member_named(message_author) except Exception: await "Please, provide valid Discord Id") return if not brawl_database.information_present(discord_id): player_club = False else: player_info = brawl_client.get_player((brawl_database.view_information_user(discord_id)).upper()) player_club = embed_msg = Embed(title='User Information', color=0x00ff00) embed_msg.add_field(name="User Tag", value=brawl_database.view_information_user(discord_id), inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="User Club", value=player_club, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="User Warning", value=brawl_database.return_userWarning(discord_id), inline=False) embed_msg.set_footer(text=discord_id, icon_url=mentioned_object.avatar_url) await
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) try: player_tag = str(params[0]) print(player_tag) if player_tag[:1] != "#": raise Exception("Incorrect Player Tag. Be sure to add #") specific_user = brawl_client.get_profile(player_tag) except Exception: await client.send_message(, "Please, provide valid player tag") return brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() user_name = str( if user_name in brawl_database.return_allUsers( ) and brawl_database.information_present(user_name): await client.send_message(, "The User has already been linked to an account") return if player_tag in brawl_database.return_allPlayers(): await client.send_message(, "The Tag has already been linked to other user") return brawl_database.insert_user(user_name, player_tag) brawl_database.save_database() msg = get_emoji( ":ok_hand:" ) + f" The User {player_tag} has been linked to {user_name} in the database!" await client.send_message(, msg)
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object user_name = str( club_id = str(params[0]) brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) list_clubs = [line.rstrip() for line in open(os.path.join('config_files', 'tags.txt'))] if "#" in club_id: club = brawl_client.get_club(club_id.upper()) club_name = club_info = club.members elif int(club_id) in range(len(list_clubs)): club_id = int(club_id) - 1 club = brawl_client.get_club((list_clubs[club_id]).upper()) club_name = club_info = club.members activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(user_name) embed_msg = Embed(title=f'{club_name} Club List', color=0x00ff00) for i in range(5): try: embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Name", value=club_info[i].name, inline=True) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Tag", value=club_info[i].tag, inline=True) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Trophies", value=club_info[i].trophies, inline=True) except Exception: break embed_msg.set_footer(text=user_name, icon_url=member_object.avatar_url) await
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object user_name = str(message.mentions[0].id) message_author = str( brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(message_author) if not brawl_database.information_present(user_name): await "The User did not insert player tag") return brawl_tag = brawl_database.view_information_user(user_name) player_info = brawl_client.get_player(brawl_tag.upper()) embed_msg = Embed(title='Brawl Stars Statistics', color=0x00ff00) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Name",, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Club",, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player Trophies", value=player_info.trophies, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Player PP Points", value=player_info.power_play_points, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="3v3 Victories", value=player_info.x3vs3_victories, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Duo Victories", value=player_info.duo_victories, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Solo Victories", value=player_info.solo_victories, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Robo Rumble Time", value=player_info.best_robo_rumble_time, inline=False) embed_msg.add_field(name="Big Brawler Time", value=player_info.best_time_as_big_brawler, inline=False) embed_msg.set_footer(text=user_name, icon_url=member_object.avatar_url) await
async def handle(self, params, message, client): # 'params' is a list that contains the parameters that the command # expects to receive, t is guaranteed to have AT LEAST as many # parameters as specified in __init__ # 'message' is the Message object for the command to handle # 'client' is the bot Client object user_name = str(message.mentions[0].id) message_author = str( brawl_database = database.SQL_Server() # Get member object brawl_client = brawlstats.Client(self.brawl_api) activeServers = list(client.guilds)[0] member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(message_author) role = find(lambda r: == 'Moderator', activeServers.roles) role_owner = find(lambda r: == 'Owner', activeServers.roles) if role not in member_object.roles: if role_owner not in member_object.roles: await "You are not authorized to execute this command") return try: player_tag = str(params[0]) if player_tag[:1] != "#": raise Exception("Incorrect Player Tag. Be sure to add #") specific_user = brawl_client.get_profile(player_tag) except Exception: await"Please, provide valid player tag") return if user_name in brawl_database.return_allUsers( ) and brawl_database.information_present(user_name): await "The User has already been linked to an account") return if player_tag.upper() in brawl_database.return_allPlayers(): await "The Tag has already been linked to other user") return brawl_database.insert_user(user_name, player_tag) brawl_database.save_database() msg = get_emoji( ":ok_hand:" ) + f" The User {player_tag} has been linked to {str(message.mentions[0])} in the database!" member_object = activeServers.get_member_named(str( message.mentions[0])) name_club =[-1] name_role = f"{name_club} Member" list_roles = [] for role in activeServers.roles: list_roles.append( if name_role not in list_roles: role_permissions = Permissions(send_messages=False, read_messages=True) await member_object.guild.create_role(name=name_role, permissions=role_permissions, hoist=True, club_role = get(member_object.guild.roles, name=name_role) member_role = get(member_object.guild.roles, name="Member") unverified_role = [get(member_object.guild.roles, name="Unverified")] await member_object.add_roles(club_role) await member_object.add_roles(member_role) await member_object.remove_roles(*unverified_role) # Set nickname printable = set(string.printable) clean_name = ''.join( filter(lambda x: x in printable, if != clean_name or member_object.nick != clean_name: try: await member_object.edit(nick=clean_name) except errors.Forbidden: pass await
import brawlstats client = brawlstats.Client('token') # Do not post your token on a public github player = client.get_profile('GGJVJLU2') print(player.trophies) # access attributes using dot.notation print(player.solo_showdown_victories) # access using snake_case instead of camelCase club = player.get_club() print(club.tag) best_players = club.members[0:3] # members sorted by trophies, gets best 3 players for player in best_players: print(, player.trophies) # prints name and trophies leaderboard = client.get_leaderboard('players', count=5) # gets top 5 players for player in leaderboard: print(, player.position) events = client.get_events() print(events.current[0].map_name) misc = client.get_misc() print(misc.time_until_season_ends) search = client.search_club('Cactus Bandits') print(search[0].tag)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.client = brawlstats.Client('token', is_async=True)
import asyncio import brawlstats # Do not post your token on a public github! client = brawlstats.Client('token', is_async=True) # await only works in an async loop async def main(): player = await client.get_profile('V2LQY9UY') print(player.trophies) # access attributes using dot.notation print(player.solo_victories) # use snake_case instead of camelCase club = await player.get_club() if club is not None: # check if the player is in a club print(club.tag) members = await club.get_members() # members sorted by trophies # gets best 5 players or returns all members if the club has less than 5 members index = max(5, len(members)) best_players = members[:index] for player in best_players: print(, player.trophies) # prints name and trophies # get top 5 players in the world ranking = await client.get_rankings(ranking='players', limit=5) for player in ranking: print(, player.rank) # get top 5 mortis players in the US
from os import getenv import brawlstats from jinja2 import Template client = brawlstats.Client(getenv('BS_TOKEN')) player = client.get_profile(getenv('PLAYER_TAG')) # get profile brawlers = len(player.brawlers) template = Template(open('sketch_template.ino', 'r').read()).render( player=player, brawlers=brawlers ) # render the jinja template with the data inside open('sketch/sketch.ino', 'w+').write(template) # write to the file to be uploaded
import discord from discord.ext import commands import brawlstats #client = discord.Client() client= commands.Bot(command_prefix="!") clientbs = brawlstats.Client('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsImtpZCI6IjI4YTMxOGY3LTAwMDAtYTFlYi03ZmExLTJjNzQzM2M2Y2NhNSJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzdXBlcmNlbGwiLCJhdWQiOiJzdXBlcmNlbGw6Z2FtZWFwaSIsImp0aSI6IjM1NzBhODRjLTAxODctNGJjZi05YThiLWFlNDI0MWE0NmQ3YiIsImlhdCI6MTU5NzU5Mzk1MSwic3ViIjoiZGV2ZWxvcGVyLzhiMDgyMTJhLWVmYTItMGE2Mi0yMmQyLTY4YjgxYmY1MGUxOSIsInNjb3BlcyI6WyJicmF3bHN0YXJzIl0sImxpbWl0cyI6W3sidGllciI6ImRldmVsb3Blci9zaWx2ZXIiLCJ0eXBlIjoidGhyb3R0bGluZyJ9LHsiY2lkcnMiOlsiMTkwLjUyLjE5Ni4xODciLCI1NC44NC4xMzguNjAiLCI1NC44NC42Ni4xMDkiXSwidHlwZSI6ImNsaWVudCJ9XX0.h3vYdN8RYmzxGyblskngtplQ8_quNyddvMB6xJUGqkezlN-QAJ_QpMbnFcYiIgV0Bmf72ixEB6J-juJCp_OtzA') lista=list() contador=list() contador.append(1) @client.event async def on_ready(): print('We have logged in as {0.user}'.format(client)) @client.event async def on_message(message): if == client.user: return mytext = message.content myex = re.compile(r"(!torneo| )") final_str = re.sub(myex, '', mytext) x = final_str.split(",", 3) player1 = clientbs.get_profile(x[0]) player2 = clientbs.get_profile(x[1]) player3 = clientbs.get_profile(x[2]) print(x) nlista = str(len(contador)) if x[0] in lista: print('duplicado') await player1.tag + "| " + + " ya se encuentra en otro equipo")
def __init__(self, token_path, tag): self.token = open(Path(token_path)).read().strip() self.client = brawlstats.Client(self.token) self.tag = tag
def setUp(self): self.player_tag = 'GGJVJLU2' self.band_tag = 'QCGV8PG' self.client = brawlstats.Client(TOKEN, is_async=False, timeout=30)
def __init__(self, bot): = bot self.client = brawlstats.Client(bot.config.bsapi, is_async=True)
def __init__(self, token: str): self.client = brawlstats.Client(token, is_async=True)