def init( self ): '''''' self.move( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 50, 0, 50 ) ) - breve.vector( 25, 0, 25 ) ) ) self.setVelocity( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 2, 0, 2 ) ) - breve.vector( 1, 0, 1 ) ) ) self.setColor( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ) )
def __init__( self ): breve.BraitenbergVehicle.__init__(self) '''Adds wheels and sensors.''' self.lWheel = self.addWheel (breve.vector( -0.5, 0, -1.5 )) self.rWheel = self.addWheel (breve.vector( -0.5, 0, 1.5 )) self.lFrontSensor = self.addSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, -1.4 ), breve.vector( 0.5, 0, 1 ), 1.57000000, 1.6, "BraitenbergOlfactions", "linear") self.rFrontSensor = self.addSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, 1.4 ),breve.vector( -0.5, 0, 1 ), 1.57000000, 1.6, "BraitenbergOlfactions", "linear") self.lBlockSensor = self.addBlockSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, -1.4 ), breve.vector( 0.5, 0, 1 ), 1.57000000, 1.6, "linear") self.rBlockSensor = self.addBlockSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, 1.4 ),breve.vector( -0.5, 0, 1 ), 1.57000000, 1.6, "linear") '''Links the sensors to the wheels.''' '''Block sensors.''' self.lWheel.setNaturalVelocity(0) self.rWheel.setNaturalVelocity(0) self.lFrontSensor.setBias(6) self.rFrontSensor.setBias(6) self.lBlockSensor.setBias(3) self.rBlockSensor.setBias(3)
def init(self): """""" print """ola""" breve.createInstances(breve.myAgents, 40) breve.createInstances(breve.Floor, 1).setSize(breve.vector(50, 0.100000, 50)) self.pointCamera(breve.vector(0, 0, 0), breve.vector(0, 40, 80))
def init( self ): brush = None self.disableText() self.vel = ( 1.000000 + breve.randomExpression( 9 ) ) self.acc = breve.randomExpression( 1000 ) self.radius = ( 1.000000 + breve.randomExpression( 5 ) ) if ( self.getArgumentCount() == 2 ): self.file = self.getArgument( 1 ) else: self.file = 'images/jon.png' self.image = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( self.file ) self.blur = 0.992000 if ( self.blur > 0.992000 ): self.blur = 0.992000 self.blur = 1.000000 self.setBackgroundColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.enableBlur() self.setBlurFactor( self.blur ) self.radius = ( self.radius * ( self.image.getWidth() / 300.000000 ) ) self.vel = ( self.vel * ( self.image.getWidth() / 300.000000 ) ) self.acc = ( self.acc * ( self.image.getWidth() / 300.000000 ) ) self.shape = breve.createInstances( breve.Sphere, 1 ).initWith( self.radius ) brush = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/brush.png' ) breve.createInstances( breve.Painters, 200 ).setBitmapImage( brush ) self.zoom = ( self.image.getWidth() + 10 ) self.offsetCamera( breve.vector( 0, 0, self.zoom ) ) self.setZClip( ( self.zoom + 100 ) )
def initJoints( self ): self.legJoints = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoints, NBR_LEGS) map(self.addDependency, self.legJoints) bodyOffsets = [] for i in range(0, NBR_LEGS): if( i < NBR_LEGS / 2): widthOffset = self.bodyWidth / 2.0 else: widthOffset = -self.bodyWidth / 2.0 lengthOffset = -self.bodyLength / 2.0 + self.bodyLength / NBR_LEGS + (i % (NBR_LEGS / 2)) * (self.bodyLength / (NBR_LEGS / 2 - 1)) bodyOffsets = bodyOffsets + [breve.vector( widthOffset, lengthOffset, 0.2 )] #bodyOffsets = [ breve.vector( self.bodyWidth / 2.0 - self.bodyWidth * i // (NBR_LEGS / 2), -self.bodyLength / 2.0 + i * self.bodyLength / (NBR_LEGS / 2), 0.2 ) for i in range( 0, NBR_LEGS )] legOffset = breve.vector( 0, 0, self.legLength / 2.0) #bodyOffset specifies the point the joints links to on the body, #and upperLegOffset specifies the point on the leg to link to. for i in range(0, NBR_LEGS): self.legJoints[i].link( ROTATION_NORMAL, bodyOffsets[i], -legOffset, self.legs[ i ], self.bodyLink ) self.legJoints.setDoubleSpring( 700, 0.800000, -0.800000 ) [ joint.setStrengthLimit( 600 ) for joint in self.legJoints ] #400 innan self.allJoints = self.legJoints self.setRoot( self.bodyLink )
def addBlockSensor( self, location , axis, ang, viewAngle, function, name = "BlockSensor"): '''Adds a sensor at location on the vehicle. This method returns the sensor which is created, a OBJECT(BraitenbergSensor). You'll use the returned object to connect it to the vehicle's wheels.''' ''' This sensor only interacts with blocks. ''' joint = None sensor = None sensor = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergBlockSensor, 1 ) sensor.setShape( self.sensorShape ) activationFunction = breve.createInstances(breve.BraitenbergActivationObject, 1) activationFunction.setType(function) sensor.setActivationObject( activationFunction ) sensor.activationObject.setName( name) '''Sets the angle of the sensor''' sensor.setSensorAngle(viewAngle) joint = breve.createInstances( breve.FixedJoint, 1 ) joint.setRelativeRotation( axis, ang ) location, breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ), sensor, self.bodyLink ) joint.setDoubleSpring( 300, 0.010000, -0.010000 ) self.addDependency( joint ) self.addDependency( sensor ) sensor.setColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.sensors.append( sensor ) return sensor
def init( self ): self.vertices[ 0 ] = breve.vector( 0.1, 0, 0 ) self.vertices[ 1 ] = breve.vector( -0.1, 0, 0 ) self.vertices[ 2 ] = breve.vector( 0, 0.5, 0 ) self.addFace( [ self.vertices[ 0 ], self.vertices[ 1 ], self.vertices[ 2 ] ] ) self.finishShape( 1.000000 )
def iterate( self ): '''Calculates the signal strength according to the closest source that it finds within the it's range.''' i = None objects = 0 angle = 0 strength = 0 total = 0 transDir = breve.vector() dist = breve.vector() minDist=None transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction ) '''Only detects blocks.''' for i in breve.allInstances( "BraitenbergBlocks" ): dist = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() ) angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, dist, transDir ) '''It's inside the angle and it's closer than any other block analyzed so far.''' if angle < self.sensorAngle : t = breve.length(self.getLocation() - i.getLocation()) '''Updates the min distance.''' if minDist == None or t < minDist: minDist = t strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) ) strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) ) total = strength total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias ) self.wheels.activate( total )
def init( self ): self.setBackgroundColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.setDisplayTextColor( breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ) self.setIterationStep(1.0) self.object1 = breve.createInstances( breve.CustomObject, 1) self.object2 = breve.createInstances( breve.CustomObject, 1) self.object3 = breve.createInstances( breve.CustomObject, 1) self.object1.pushInterpreter.pushVector( breve.vector(1, 2, 3) ) self.object2.pushInterpreter.pushVector( breve.vector(100, 200, 300) ) # first run self.object1.pushInterpreter.clearStacks() self.object1.pushCode ) print self.object1.pushInterpreter.getVectorStackTop() self.object2.pushInterpreter.clearStacks() self.object1.pushCode ) print self.object2.pushInterpreter.getVectorStackTop() print self.object3.pushCode.getList() # crossover self.crossover_push(self.object3, self.object1, self.object2) print self.object1.pushCode.getList(), self.object1.pushCode.getSize() print self.object2.pushCode.getList(), self.object2.pushCode.getSize() print self.object3.pushCode.getList(), self.object3.pushCode.getSize() # second run '''self.object1.pushInterpreter.clearStacks()
def dropDead(self, corpse=True): if corpse: c = breve.createInstances( breve.Corpse, 1 ) c.move( self.getLocation() ) c.setColor (self.getColor() ) = #c.lastScale = self.lastScale c.shape = self.shape c.setShape( c.shape ) c.myPoint( breve.vector( 0, 1, 0 ), self.getVelocity()) self.lastScale = 1 self.shape = breve.createInstances( breve.myCustomShape, 1 ) self.setShape( self.shape ) self.adjustSize() self.setColor(breve.vector(0,0,0)) #just to don't overlap the animation self.changePos(-9999,9999) self.changeVel(0,0) self.changeAccel(0,0) self.age = 0 = 1 self.isAlive = False self.controller.pollPredators.append(self) self.controller.numDeadPredators += 1
def init( self ): self.vehicle = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergVehicle, 1 ) self.vehicle ) self.vehicle.move(breve.vector(2,1,10)) self.vehicle.rotate(breve.vector(0,1,0),3.14) self.block = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergSound,1) self.block.move( breve.vector(2,1,15)) self.block = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergSound,1) self.block.move( breve.vector(-20,1,15)) #Wheels and Sensors front_left = self.vehicle.addWheel(breve.vector(0,0,-1.5)) front_right = self.vehicle.addWheel(breve.vector(0,0,1.5)) leftSoundSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor(breve.vector(2.2, 0.1, -1.4),breve.vector( 0.75, 0, 1 ), 1, "Sounds") rightSoundSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor(breve.vector(2.2, 0.1, 1.4),breve.vector( -0.75, 0, 1 ), 1, "Sounds") leftSoundSensor.setActivationType("gauss") rightSoundSensor.setActivationType("gauss") leftSoundSensor.setGauss(0.20, 0.101) rightSoundSensor.setGauss(0.20, 0.101) front_left.setNaturalVelocity(1.2) front_right.setNaturalVelocity(1.2) leftSoundSensor.setBias(0.12) rightSoundSensor.setBias(0.12) breve.myBraitenbergControl = myBraitenbergControl
def iterate( self ): i = None lights = 0 angle = 0 strength = 0 total = 0 transDir = breve.vector() toLight = breve.vector() transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction ) for i in breve.allInstances( "BraitenbergLights" ): toLight = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() ) angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, toLight, transDir ) if ( angle < self.sensorAngle ): strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) ) strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) ) if ( self.activationMethod and self.activationObject ): strength = self.activationObject.callMethod( self.activationMethod, [ strength ] ) if ( strength > 10 ): strength = 10 total = ( total + strength ) lights = ( lights + 1 ) if ( lights != 0 ): total = ( total / lights ) total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias ) self.wheels.activate( total )
def initShape( self, chromosomes ): self.bodyWidth = 4 self.bodyDepth = 1 self.bodyHeight = 4 footWidth = 2.5 self.footHeight = 0.3 self.legLength = 2 self.legWidth = 0.5 self.startingHeight = 2 * self.legLength + self.bodyHeight lowerLegShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( self.legWidth , self.legWidth , self.legLength )) upperLegShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( self.legWidth , self.legWidth , self.legLength )) footShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( footWidth, footWidth, self.footHeight )) bodyShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( self.bodyWidth, self.bodyDepth, self.bodyHeight ) ) self.bodyLink = breve.Link() self.lowerLegs = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) self.upperLegs = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) self.feet = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) [ link.setShape(upperLegShape) for link in self.upperLegs ] [ link.setShape(lowerLegShape) for link in self.lowerLegs ] [ link.setShape(footShape) for link in self.feet ] self.bodyLink.setShape( bodyShape ) #Used for resetting the walker position self.allLinks = [self.bodyLink] + self.upperLegs + self.lowerLegs + self.feet
def initJoints( self ): self.upperLegJoints = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoints, NBR_LEGS) self.lowerLegJoints = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoints, NBR_LEGS) self.footJoints = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoints, NBR_LEGS) self.allJoints = self.upperLegJoints + self.lowerLegJoints + self.footJoints map(self.addDependency, self.allJoints) left = breve.vector( self.bodyWidth / 2.0, 0, self.bodyHeight/2 ) right = breve.vector( -self.bodyWidth / 2.0, 0, self.bodyHeight/2 ) bodyOffsets = [left, right] legOffset = breve.vector( 0, 0, self.legLength/2.0) footOffset = breve.vector( 0, 0, self.footHeight/2.0) #bodyOffset specifies the point the joints links to on the body, #and upperLegOffset specifies the point on the leg to link to. for i in range(0, NBR_LEGS): self.upperLegJoints[i].link( ROTATION_NORMAL, bodyOffsets[i], -legOffset, self.upperLegs[ i ], self.bodyLink ) self.lowerLegJoints[i].link( ROTATION_NORMAL, legOffset, -legOffset, self.lowerLegs[ i ], self.upperLegs[ i ] ) self.footJoints[i].link( ROTATION_NORMAL, legOffset + footOffset, breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ), self.feet[ i ], self.lowerLegs[ i ] ) self.upperLegJoints.setDoubleSpring( 700, 0.800000, -0.800000 ) self.lowerLegJoints.setDoubleSpring( 700, 0.800000, -0.800000 ) self.footJoints.setDoubleSpring( 999, 0.400000, -0.400000 ) #kolla [ joint.setStrengthLimit( 500 ) for joint in self.allJoints ] #400 innan self.setRoot( self.bodyLink )
def init( self ): self.setShape( breve.createInstances( breve.PolygonCone, 1 ).initWith( 3, 0.500000, 0.060000 ) ) self.move( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 10, 10, 10 ) ) - breve.vector( 5, -5, 5 ) ) ) self.setVelocity( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 20, 20, 20 ) ) - breve.vector( 10, 10, 10 ) ) ) self.setColor( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ) ) self.handleCollisions( 'Terrain', 'land' ) self.setNeighborhoodSize( 3.000000 )
def init(self): self.shape = breve.createInstances(breve.Cube, 1).initWith(breve.vector(1000, 5, 1000)) self.move(breve.vector(0, -2.500000, 0)) self.setShape(self.shape) self.setColor(breve.vector(0.350000, 0.800000, 0.450000)) self.catchShadows() self.setTextureImage(breve.createInstances(breve.Image, 1).load("images/noise.png"))
def goToJail(self): """ Puts the player in jail. """ # if we're in jail we don't need to go to jail if self.in_jail: return # set out in_jail flag to true self.in_jail = True # stick yourself in a random spot in red prison. # Add one to the capture count if == 1: self.jailed_location = self.controller.getRedJailLocation() self.jailed_location += breve.randomExpression(breve.vector(1, 0, 1)) self.jailed_location -= breve.vector(.5, -.5, .5) self.controller.changePrisoners(RED_TEAM, 1) # stick yourself in a random spot in red prison. # Add one to the capture count else: self.jailed_location = self.controller.getBlueJailLocation() self.jailed_location += breve.randomExpression(breve.vector(1, 0, 1)) self.jailed_location -= breve.vector(.5, -.5, .5) self.controller.changePrisoners(BLUE_TEAM, 1) # Move to that location self.move(self.jailed_location)
def __init__(self): """ Initalizes all of the variables for the CTFPlayer. Then initalizes it. """ # Parent constructor call. Necissary. CTFMobile.__init__(self) # Variable initalization self.shape = None self.velocity = 0.0 self.angle = 0.0 self.heading = breve.vector() self.turning_left = False self.turning_right = False self.at_edge = False self.carrying = None self.team_home = breve.vector() self.in_jail = False self.jailed_location = breve.vector() self.id_number = 0 # Initalization and instance storage. self.init() CTFPlayer.players.append(self)
def resetWorld(self): """ Resets the state of the world for a new match. """ # Generate the randomness for the flag position location_randomizer = breve.randomExpression(breve.vector(0, 0, WORLD_SIZE/2)) location_randomizer -= breve.vector(0, 0, WORLD_SIZE/4) # Reset flag locations self.blue_flag.move(breve.vector(-1*WORLD_SIZE/2+5, 1, 0) + location_randomizer) self.blue_flag.resetFlag() self.red_flag.move(breve.vector(WORLD_SIZE/2-5, 1, 0) + location_randomizer) self.red_flag.resetFlag() # Reset all of the player locations # This call varies from traditional breve python syntax. To iterate over all # objects of a certian class the call is usually: # for item in breve.allInstances(CTFPlayer) # But since CTFPlayer is a pure python subclass it is not added to the # breve object counter properly. We have to handle our own player count. for item in CTFPlayer.players: item.resetPlayer() # set the pause timer, reset the iteration count # reset the red and blue caputer count # Display the winners of the match properly. self.pause_track = PAUSE_TIME self.iterations = 1 self.red_players_captured = 0 self.blue_players_captured = 0 self.total_red_flag_time = 0.0 self.total_blue_flag_time = 0.0 self.setDisplayText(self.winners_str % \ (self.red_wins, self.blue_wins, self.ties), -.3, .8, 3)
def changeDrivers( self ): newDriver = 0 newOffset = breve.vector() if self.locked: return newOffset = ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 30, 6, 30 ) ) + breve.vector( -15, 1, -15 ) ) if ( breve.length( newOffset ) < 9 ): newOffset = ( ( 9 * newOffset ) / breve.length( newOffset ) ) self.panCameraOffset( newOffset, 30 ) self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].setDistance( breve.length( self.wigglyThing.getLocation() ) ) self.currentSeat = ( self.currentSeat + 1 ) if ( self.currentSeat > 3 ): self.breedNewMonkeys() self.pickDrivers() newDriver = self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].getNumber() if self.wigglyThing: breve.deleteInstances( self.wigglyThing ) self.wigglyThing = breve.createInstances( breve.Creature, 1 ) self.wigglyThing.initWith( self.seats[ self.currentSeat ].getGenome() ) self.wigglyThing.move( breve.vector( 0, 3, 0 ) ) self.wigglyThing ) self.schedule( 'changeDrivers', ( self.getTime() + 20.000000 ) ) self.displayCurrentDriver()
def init( self ): self.setShape( breve.createInstances( breve.Sphere, 1 ).initWith( 0.100000 ) ) self.move( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 10, 10, 10 ) ) - breve.vector( 5, -5, 5 ) ) ) self.setVelocity( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 20, 20, 20 ) ) - breve.vector( 10, 10, 10 ) ) ) self.setColor( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 1, 1, 1 ) ) ) self.handleCollisions( 'Floor', 'land' ) self.setNeighborhoodSize( 3.000000 )
def initializeRandomly( self ): self.pushCode.makeRandomCode( self.pushInterpreter, 80 ) self.move( ( breve.randomExpression( breve.vector( 10, 0, 10 ) ) - breve.vector( 5, 3, 5 ) ) ) self.setVelocity( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.hue = breve.randomExpression( 1.000000 ) self.setColor( self.controller.getRgbColor( breve.vector( ( self.hue * 360 ), 1, 1 ) ) ) = ( 0.800000 + breve.randomExpression( 0.200000 ) )
def iterate( self ): location = breve.vector() velocity = breve.vector() birdLocation = breve.vector() topDiff = 0 self.updateNeighbors() for self.item in self.birds: self.birds ) location = ( location + self.item.getLocation() ) location = ( location / self.birds ) topDiff = 0.000000 for self.item in self.birds: if ( topDiff < breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) ) ): topDiff = breve.length( ( location - self.item.getLocation() ) ) if self.cameraControl: self.aimCamera( location ) self.zoomCamera( ( ( 0.500000 * topDiff ) + 10 ) ) breve.Control.iterate( self )
def fly(self): pos = self.getLocation() self.changePos(pos.x, pos.y) self.myPoint( breve.vector( 0, 1, 0 ), self.getVelocity()) vel = self.getVelocity() vel_x = vel.x vel_y = vel.y self.changeVel(vel_x, vel_y) self.pushCode ) accel = self.pushInterpreter.getVectorStackTop() if ( ( ( ( ( breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isinf( self, accel.x ) or breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isnan( self, accel.x ) ) or breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isinf( self, accel.y ) ) or breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isnan( self, accel.y ) ) or breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isinf( self, accel.z ) ) or breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.isnan( self, accel.z ) ): accel = breve.vector( 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 ) self.changeAccel(accel.x, accel.y) # eat neighbors = self.getNeighbors() for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor.isA( 'Bird' ) and neighbor.isAlive: norm = ((self.pos_x-neighbor.pos_x)**2 + (self.pos_y-neighbor.pos_y)**2)**0.5 if norm <= max(neighbor.lastScale,3): self.addEnergy(-0.01-0.005*self.tail) self.adjustSize() self.age += 1 #if < 0.5 or self.age > 300: if < 0.5: self.dropDead()
def init( self ): number = 0 item = None self.locked = 0 self.enableLighting() self.enableSmoothDrawing() self.enableFastPhysics() self.setFastPhysicsIterations( 5 ) self.floor = breve.createInstances( breve.Floor, 1 ) self.floor.catchShadows() self.floor.setET( 0.900000 ) self.floor.setMu( 1.000000 ) self.setBackgroundTextureImage( breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/clouds.png' ) ) self.enableReflections() self.setBackgroundColor( breve.vector( 0.400000, 0.600000, 0.900000 ) ) self.monkeys = breve.createInstances( breve.Monkeys, 15 ) for item in self.monkeys: item.setNumber( number ) number = ( number + 1 ) self.pickDrivers() self.lockMenu = self.addMenu( '''Lock Driver''', 'toggleDriverLock' ) self.addMenuSeparator() self.addMenu( '''Save Current Genome''', 'saveCurrentGenome' ) self.addMenu( '''Load Into Current Genome''', 'loadIntoCurrentGenome' ) self.schedule( 'changeDrivers', ( self.getTime() + 20.000000 ) ) self.displayCurrentDriver() self.wigglyThing = breve.createInstances( breve.Creature, 1 ) self.wigglyThing.initWith( self.seats[ 0 ].getGenome() ) self.wigglyThing.move( breve.vector( 0, 3, 0 ) ) self.offsetCamera( breve.vector( -3, 3, 13 ) ) self.wigglyThing )
def init( self ): self.vehicle = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergVehicle, 1 ) self.vehicle.move(breve.vector(2,1,10)) self.vehicle.rotate(breve.vector(0,1,0),3.14) self.vehicle ) self.block = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergSound,1) self.block.move( breve.vector(2,1,15)) self.block = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergSound,1) self.block.move( breve.vector(-18,1,15)) '''Adds wheels and sensors.''' lWheel = self.vehicle.addWheel (breve.vector( 0, 0, -1.5 )) rWheel = self.vehicle.addWheel (breve.vector( 0, 0, 1.5 )) #Correct values lFrontSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, -1.4 ), breve.vector( 0.75, 0, 1 ),1, "Sounds") rFrontSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor (breve.vector( 2.2, 0.1, 1.4 ),breve.vector( -0.75, 0, 1 ),1, "Sounds") lFrontSensor.setActivationType("gauss") rFrontSensor.setActivationType("gauss") '''Links the sensors to the wheels.''' #Correct values lWheel.setNaturalVelocity(1.16) rWheel.setNaturalVelocity(1.16) #Correct values lFrontSensor.setBias(0.005) rFrontSensor.setBias(0.005) breve.myBraitenbergControl = myBraitenbergControl
def init( self ): self.startTexture = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/star.png' ) self.flag = breve.createInstances( breve.Mobile, 1 ) self.flag.disablePhysics() self.flag.setBitmapImage( self.startTexture ) self.flag.setColor( breve.vector( 1, 1, 0 ) ) self.flag.setLabel( 'Start' ) self.flag.disableShadows() self.setMountainSkybox() self.blockTexture = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/noise.png' ) self.floor = breve.createInstances( breve.Floor, 1 ) self.floor.setTextureImage( breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/ground.png' ) ) self.floor.setColor( breve.vector( 0.800000, 0.800000, 0.800000 ) ) self.enableFastPhysics() self.setFastPhysicsIterations( 30 ) self.enableShadowVolumes() self.parser = breve.createInstances( breve.MorphologyParser, 1 ) = self.controller.dearchiveXml( 'breveCreatures.xml' ) if ( not ): print '''Making new GA''' = breve.createInstances( breve.SimsGA, 1 ) 45 ) 'SimsGAIndividual' ) 25 ) 30 ) 30 ) self.addDependency( ) self.updateText()
def initShape( self, chromosomes ): self.bodyWidth = chromosomes[BODY_WIDTH] self.bodyLength = self.bodyWidth # might remove footWidth = chromosomes[FOOT_WIDTH] self.footHeight = FOOT_HEIGHT self.upperLegLength = chromosomes[UPPER_LEG_WIDTH] self.lowerLegLength = chromosomes[LOWER_LEG_WIDTH] self.startingHeight = self.upperLegLength + self.lowerLegLength + self.footHeight + 5 lowerLegShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( LEG_WIDTH , LEG_WIDTH , self.lowerLegLength )) upperLegShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( LEG_WIDTH , LEG_WIDTH , self.upperLegLength )) footShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( footWidth, footWidth, self.footHeight )) bodyShape = breve.Cube().initWith( breve.vector( self.bodyWidth, self.bodyWidth, 0.400000 ) ) self.bodyLink = breve.Link() self.lowerLegs = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) self.upperLegs = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) self.feet = breve.createInstances( breve.Links, NBR_LEGS ) [ link.setShape(upperLegShape) for link in self.upperLegs ] [ link.setShape(lowerLegShape) for link in self.lowerLegs ] [ link.setShape(footShape) for link in self.feet ] self.bodyLink.setShape( bodyShape ) #Used for resetting the walker position self.allLinks = [self.bodyLink] + self.upperLegs + self.lowerLegs + self.feet
def addBlockSensor( self, location , axis, ang, function, lowerBound = -1000, upperBound = 1000): '''Adds a sensor at location on the vehicle. This method returns the sensor which is created, a OBJECT(BraitenbergSensor). You'll use the returned object to connect it to the vehicle's wheels.''' ''' This sensor only interacts with blocks. ''' joint = None sensor = None sensor = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergBlockSensor, 1 ) sensor.setShape( self.sensorShape ) activationFunction = breve.createInstances(breve.BraitenbergActivationObject, 1) activationFunction.setType(function) activationFunction.setLowerBound(lowerBound) activationFunction.setUpperBound(upperBound) sensor.setActivationObject( activationFunction ) joint = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoint, 1 ) joint.setRelativeRotation( axis, ang ) breve.vector( 1, 0, 0 ), location, breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ), sensor, self.bodyLink ) joint.setDoubleSpring( 300, 0.010000, -0.010000 ) self.addDependency( joint ) self.addDependency( sensor ) sensor.setColor( breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) ) self.sensors.append( sensor ) return sensor
def iterate( self ): i = None lights = 0 angle = 0 strength = 0 total = 0 transDir = breve.vector() toLight = breve.vector() transDir = ( self.getRotation() * self.direction ) '''It's by the sensorType string that we distinguish between a sound, olfaction or light sensor. ''' for i in breve.allInstances( self.sensorType ): toLight = ( i.getLocation() - self.getLocation() ) angle = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle( self, toLight, transDir ) if ( angle < self.sensorAngle ): strength = breve.length( ( self.getLocation() - i.getLocation() ) ) strength = ( 1.000000 / ( strength * strength ) ) if ( self.activationObject ): strength = self.activationObject.activate(strength) if ( strength > 10 ): strength = 10 total = ( total + strength ) lights = ( lights + 1 ) if ( lights != 0 ): total = ( total / lights ) total = ( ( 50 * total ) * self.bias ) self.wheels.activate( total )
def dropDead(self, corpse=True): if corpse: c = breve.createInstances(breve.Corpse, 1) c.move(self.getLocation()) c.setColor(self.getColor()) = #c.lastScale = self.lastScale c.adjustSize() c.myPoint(breve.vector(0, 1, 0), self.getVelocity()) self.setColor(breve.vector(0, 0, 0)) #just to don't overlap the animation self.changePos(-500, 500) self.pushInterpreter.clearStacks() self.age = 0 = 1 self.isAlive = False self.controller.pollPredators.append(self) self.controller.num_dead_predators += 1
def getAngle(self, otherMobile): tempVector = breve.vector() if (breve.length(self.getVelocity()) == 0): return 0 tempVector = (otherMobile.getLocation() - self.getLocation()) return breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle(self, self.getVelocity(), tempVector)
def __init__( self ): breve.Link.__init__( self ) self.bias = 0 self.direction = breve.vector() self.sensorAngle = 0 self.wheels = breve.objectList() self.lowerBound = 0.0 #default self.upperBound = 10.0 #default self.upperX = () #default BraitenbergBallSensor.init( self )
def iterate(self): location = breve.vector() topDiff = 0 highLoc = breve.vector() self.updateNeighbors() for self.item in self.birds: location = (location + self.item.getLocation()) if (breve.length(self.item.getLocation()) > breve.length(highLoc)): highLoc = self.item.getLocation() location = (location / breve.length(self.birds)) topDiff = 0.000000 for self.item in self.birds: if (topDiff < breve.length((location - self.item.getLocation()))): topDiff = breve.length((location - self.item.getLocation())) self.aimCamera(location) breve.Control.iterate(self)
def checkPenetration(self): link = None self.running = 1 if self.body.checkSelfPenetration(): breve.deleteInstances(breve.allInstances("breve.Links")) breve.allInstances("SineJoints").activate() self.startlocation = breve.vector(0, 0, 0) for link in breve.allInstances("Links"): link.setStartLocation() self.startlocation = (self.startlocation + link.getLocation()) if breve.length(breve.allInstances("Links")): self.startlocation = (self.startlocation / breve.length(breve.allInstances("Links"))) self.flag.move( (self.startlocation - breve.vector(0, (self.startlocation.y - 2), 0)))
def addWheel( self, location ): '''Adds a wheel at location on the vehicle. This method returns the wheel which is created, a OBJECT(BraitenbergWheel). You'll use the returned object to connect it to the vehicle's sensors.''' joint = None wheel = None wheel = breve.createInstances( breve.BraitenbergWheel, 1 ) wheel.setShape( self.wheelShape ) joint = breve.createInstances( breve.RevoluteJoint, 1 ) joint.setRelativeRotation( breve.vector( 1, 0, 0 ), 1.570800 ) breve.vector( 0, 0, 1 ), location, breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ), wheel, self.bodyLink ) wheel.setET( 0.800000 ) wheel.setJoint( joint ) joint.setStrengthLimit( ( joint.getStrengthHardLimit() / 2 ) ) wheel.setColor( breve.vector( 0.600000, 0.600000, 0.600000 ) ) wheel.setMu( 100000 ) self.addDependency( joint ) self.addDependency( wheel ) self.wheels.append( wheel ) return wheel
def setDisplayMessage(self, theString, messageNumber, xLoc, yLoc, textColor=breve.vector(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)): '''Sets a text string in the simulation display. xLoc and yLoc represent the location of the text. The coordinate system used goes from (-1, -1) to (1, 1) with (-1, -1) at the lower left hand corner, (0, 0) in the center of the window and (1, 1) in the top right hand corner. The color of the text is set to textColor. <p> Up to 8 messages can be displayed in the simulation window. messageNumber specifies which message "slot" to modify. Subsequent calls to this method with the same slot number erase previous entries.''' breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.cameraSetText( self, theString, messageNumber, xLoc, yLoc, textColor)
def dearchive(self): if (not self.realWorldPointer): self.realWorldPointer = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.addStationary( self, self.controller.getGenericShape().getPointer(), breve.vector(0, 0, 0), breve.matrix(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)) if self.shadowCatcher: self.catchShadows() return breve.Real.dearchive(self)
def getCurrentCritterFitness(self): t = breve.vector() link = None for link in breve.allInstances("Links"): t = (t + link.getLocation()) if breve.length(breve.allInstances("Links")): t = (t / breve.length(breve.allInstances("Links"))) return breve.length((t - self.startlocation))
def initializeRandomly( self, x, y, gener): self.changePos(x,y) vel_x = random.uniform(-self.maxVel, self.maxVel) vel_y = random.uniform(-self.maxVel, self.maxVel) self.changeVel(vel_x, vel_y) self.changeAccel(0,0) self.gener = gener self.setNewColor() self.pushInterpreter.pushVector( breve.vector(self.vel_x,self.vel_y,0) )
def dropDead(self, corpse=True): if corpse: c = breve.createInstances(breve.Corpse, 1) c.move(self.getLocation()) c.setColor(self.getColor()) = #c.lastScale = self.lastScale c.adjustSize() c.myPoint(breve.vector(0, 1, 0), self.getVelocity()) self.setColor(breve.vector(0, 0, 0)) #just to don't overlap the animation self.changePos(-9999, 9999) self.changeVel(0, 0) self.changeAccel(0, 0) self.age = 0 = 1 self.isAlive = False self.controller.pollPreys.append(self) self.controller.numDeadPreys += 1
def dropDead( self ): c = None self.controller.incrementDeaths() c = breve.createInstances( breve.Corpse, 1 ) c.move( self.getLocation() ) c.point( breve.vector( 0, 1, 0 ), self.getVelocity() ) breve.deleteInstances( self.pushCode ) breve.deleteInstances( self.pushInterpreter ) breve.deleteInstances( self.shape ) breve.deleteInstances( self )
def __init__(self): breve.Object.__init__(self) self.archiveBitmapImage = None self.archiveLightmapImage = None self.archiveLocation = breve.vector() self.archiveRotation = breve.matrix() self.archiveTextureImage = None self.archiveTextureScaleX = 0 self.archiveTextureScaleY = 0 self.collisionHandlerList = breve.objectList() self.collisionShape = None self.color = breve.vector() self.displayShape = None self.e = 0 self.lines = breve.objectList() self.menus = breve.objectList() = 0 self.neighborhoodSize = 0 self.realWorldPointer = None Real.init(self)
def init( self ): floor = None self.addMenu( '''Smoosh The Birdies''', 'squish' ) self.addMenuSeparator() self.obedientMenu = self.addMenu( '''Flock Obediently''', 'flockObediently' ) self.normalMenu = self.addMenu( '''Flock Normally''', 'flockNormally' ) self.wackyMenu = self.addMenu( '''Flock Wackily''', 'flockWackily' ) self.enableLighting() self.enableSmoothDrawing() self.moveLight( breve.vector( 0, 20, 20 ) ) self.breveTexture = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/breve.png' ) self.cloudTexture = breve.createInstances( breve.Image, 1 ).load( 'images/clouds.png' ) floor = breve.createInstances( breve.Floor, 1 ) floor.catchShadows() self.birds = breve.createInstances( breve.Birds, 80 ) self.birds.setBitmapImage( self.breveTexture ) self.flockNormally() self.setBackgroundTextureImage( self.cloudTexture ) self.offsetCamera( breve.vector( 5, 1.500000, 6 ) ) self.enableShadows()
def catchShadows(self): '''Informs this object that it should display shadows (and/or reflections) of Mobile objects. The shadows and reflections will always be shown on the plane of the object pointing upwards on the Y axis--that is to say, the plane with normal (0, 1, 0). If the object does not have a plane with normal (0, 1, 0), the shadows and reflections will not be displayed correctly. This method must be used in conjunction with the method OBJECTMETHOD(Control:enable-shadows). <P> Before using this method, you should also refer to an improved shadowing technique outlined in OBJECTMETHOD( ''' if (not self.realWorldPointer): raise Exception( '''method 'catch-shadows' cannot be called before Stationary object is registered.''' ) self.shadowCatcher = 1 breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.setShadowCatcher( self, self.realWorldPointer, breve.vector(0, 1, 0)) self.controller.setShadowCatcher()
def __init__(self): breve.PhysicalControl.__init__(self) self.blockTexture = None self.body = None self.flag = None self.floor = None = None self.parser = None self.running = 0 self.startTexture = None self.startlocation = breve.vector() VirtualCreatures.init(self)
def __init__( self ): breve.Control.__init__( self ) self.birds = breve.objectList() self.cloudTexture = None self.item = None self.normalMenu = None self.obedientMenu = None self.selection = None = None self.visionDirection = breve.vector() self.wackyMenu = None Swarm.init( self )
def init( self ): self.setShape( breve.createInstances( breve.Shape, 1 ).initWithSphere( 0.400000 ) ) self.setColor( breve.vector( 1, 0, 0 ) ) self.enablePhysics() self.setE(1) self.handleCollisions('BraitenbergTarget', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('BraitenbergVehicle', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('BraitenbergWheel', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('BraitenbergBallSensor', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('Mobile', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('Stationary', 'accelerate') self.handleCollisions('Link', 'accelerate')
def adjustSize(self): newScale = 0 radius = 0 radius = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.sqrt(self, newScale = ((radius * 2) + 0.000010) if (newScale == self.lastScale): return newScale = (newScale / self.lastScale) self.shape.scale(breve.vector(newScale, newScale, newScale)) self.lastScale = ((radius * 2) + 0.000010)
def randomizeLocation(self): '''Move the Wanderer to a random location within the wander space.''' randomVector = breve.vector() self.move( (self.wanderMag * ((2 * breve.randomExpression(self.wanderVec)) - self.wanderVec))) randomVector = (breve.randomExpression( (2 * self.wanderVec)) - self.wanderVec) randomVector = (randomVector / breve.length(randomVector)) self.setVelocity((self.topVelocity * randomVector))
def addLine(self, otherObject, theColor=breve.vector(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), theStyle="----------------"): '''Adds a line to be drawn from this object to otherObject. The line can be removed later using METHOD(remove-line). <P> The optional argument theColor specifies the color of the line. The default color is the vector (0, 0, 0), black. <P> The optional argument theStyle specifies a pattern for the line. theStyle is a string of 16 spaces and/or dashes which specify the line pattern to be drawn. A dotted line, for example, would use the pattern "- - - - - - - - ". A thickly dashed line would use the pattern "-------- ". If no style is given, a solid line is drawn. <P> If a line to otherObject already exists, its color and/or style will be updated.''' line = None self.removeLine(otherObject) line = breve.createInstances(breve.Line, 1) line.connect(self, otherObject, theColor, theStyle) self.lines.append(line)
def setPatchColorsToChemicalConcentrations( self ): color = breve.vector() color = breve.vector( 0, 0, 0 ) breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.matrix3DSetAll( self, self.tempMatrix, 0.000000 ) if self.redChemicalMatrix: breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.patchGridCopyColorFrom3DMatrix( self, self.gridPointer, self.redChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 0, 1.000000 ) breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.matrix3DAddScaled( self, self.tempMatrix, self.redChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 0.330000 ) if self.greenChemicalMatrix: breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.patchGridCopyColorFrom3DMatrix( self, self.gridPointer, self.greenChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 1, 1.000000 ) breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.matrix3DAddScaled( self, self.tempMatrix, self.greenChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 0.330000 ) if self.blueChemicalMatrix: breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.patchGridCopyColorFrom3DMatrix( self, self.gridPointer, self.blueChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 2, 1.000000 ) breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.matrix3DAddScaled( self, self.tempMatrix, self.blueChemicalMatrix.getMatrixPointer(), 0.330000 ) breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.patchGridCopyColorFrom3DMatrix( self, self.gridPointer, self.tempMatrix, 3, 1.000000 )
def myPoint(self, theVertex, theLocation): v = breve.vector() a = 0 v = self.cross(theVertex, theLocation) a = breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.angle(self, theVertex, theLocation) if (breve.length(v) == 0.000000): self.rotate(theVertex, 0.100000) return self.rotate(v, a)
def mostEnergizedNeighbor(self): neighbors = self.getNeighbors() me_x = 0 me_y = 0 energy = 0 for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor.isA('Predator') and neighbor.isAlive: if > energy: me_x = neighbor.pos_x - self.pos_x me_y = neighbor.pos_y - self.pos_y energy = self.pushInterpreter.pushVector(breve.vector(me_x, me_y, 0))
def register(self, theShape, theLocation=breve.vector(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), theRotation=breve.matrix(1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)): '''Registers a stationary object using shape theShape at the location specified by theLocation.''' self.setShape(theShape) self.move(theLocation) self.setRotationMatrix(theRotation) return self
def init( self ): number = 0 item = None self.locked = 0 self.setRandomSeedFromDevRandom() self.enableFastPhysics() self.setIntegrationStep( 0.004000 ) self.enableLighting() self.moveLight( breve.vector( 0, 10, 0 ) ) self.setBackgroundColor( breve.vector( 0.400000, 0.600000, 0.900000 ) ) self.setMountainSkybox() self.terrain = breve.createInstances( breve.Terrain, 1 ) self.terrain.generate( 0.340000, 40 ) self.terrain.setScale( 6 ) self.terrain.setValleyColor( breve.vector( 0.350000, 0.800000, 0.450000 ) ) self.terrain.setPeakColor( breve.vector( 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 ) ) self.enableShadowVolumes() self.walker = breve.createInstances( breve.Creature, 1 ) self.walker.move( breve.vector( 0, 6, 0 ) ) self.offsetCamera( breve.vector( 3, 13, -13 ) ) self.walker ) self.monkeys = breve.createInstances( breve.Monkeys, 15 ) for item in self.monkeys: item.setNumber( number ) number = ( number + 1 ) self.pickDrivers() self.lockMenu = self.addMenu( '''Lock Driver''', 'toggleDriverLock' ) self.addMenuSeparator() self.addMenu( '''Save Current Genome''', 'saveCurrentGenome' ) self.addMenu( '''Load Into Current Genome''', 'loadIntoCurrentGenome' ) self.schedule( 'changeDrivers', ( self.getTime() + 20.000000 ) ) self.displayCurrentDriver()
def createNode(self, root, n): rootNode = None nodeParams = breve.objectList() size = breve.vector() scaleFactor = 0 self._linkCount = (self._linkCount + 1) if ((n > 6) or (self._linkCount > 20)): return 0 nodeParams = root.getParameters() scaleFactor = (((6 + 1) - ((0.500000 + (0.450000 * breve.length(nodeParams[10]))) * n)) / (6 + 1)) rootNode = breve.createInstances(breve.CreaturesLink, 1) rootNode.move(breve.vector(0, 15, 0)) rootNode.setColor((scaleFactor * breve.vector(1, 1, 1))) size = ((6 * breve.vector(breve.length(nodeParams[0]), breve.length(nodeParams[1]), breve.length(nodeParams[2]))) + breve.vector(0.300000, 0.300000, 0.300000)) rootNode.setColor( breve.vector(breve.length(nodeParams[3]), breve.length(nodeParams[4]), breve.length(nodeParams[5]))) rootNode.setShape( breve.createInstances(breve.Cube, 1).initWith( (scaleFactor * size))) rootNode.setTextureImage(self.controller.getBlockTexture()) return rootNode
def init(self): self.n = 0 while (self.n < 10): breve.createInstances(breve.BraitenbergLight, 1).move( breve.vector((20 * breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.sin( self, ((self.n * 6.280000) / 10))), 1, (20 * breve.breveInternalFunctionFinder.cos( self, ((self.n * 6.280000) / 10))))) self.n = (self.n + 1) self.vehicle = breve.createInstances(breve.BraitenbergVehicle, 1) self.vehicle.move(breve.vector(0, 2, 18)) self.leftWheel = self.vehicle.addWheel( breve.vector(-0.500000, 0, -1.500000)) self.rightWheel = self.vehicle.addWheel( breve.vector(-0.500000, 0, 1.500000)) self.leftWheel.setNaturalVelocity(0.000000) self.rightWheel.setNaturalVelocity(0.000000) self.rightSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor( breve.vector(2.000000, 0.400000, 1.500000)) self.leftSensor = self.vehicle.addSensor( breve.vector(2.000000, 0.400000, -1.500000)) self.leftSensor.setBias(15.000000) self.rightSensor.setBias(15.000000) = breve.createInstances(breve.Image, 1), 144) self.depth = breve.createInstances(breve.Image, 1) self.depth.setSize(176, 144) self.startTime = self.getRealTime()
def collide(self, food): newLoc = breve.vector() if food.getOwner(): return if (self.justCollided > 0): self.justCollided = 2 return self.justCollided = 2 if self.carrying: newLoc = food.getLocation() newLoc = (newLoc + (breve.randomExpression(breve.vector(2, 2, 2)) - breve.vector(1, 1, 1))) self.carrying.move(newLoc) self.carrying.setOwner(0) self.carrying = 0 return food.setOwner(self) self.carrying = food
def separation(self): neighbors = self.getNeighbors() s_x = 0 s_y = 0 for neighbor in neighbors: if neighbor.isA( 'Predator' ) and neighbor.isAlive: d = (self.pos_x-neighbor.pos_x)**2+(self.pos_y-neighbor.pos_y)**2 if 0 < d < self.radius: v_x = (self.pos_x - neighbor.pos_x) / d**2 v_y = (self.pos_y - neighbor.pos_y) / d**2 s_x += v_x*self.lastScale**2 s_y += v_y*self.lastScale**2 self.pushInterpreter.pushVector( breve.vector(s_x,s_y,0) )