def test_path_exists(mocked_ext): mocked_ext['path'].exists.side_effect = [ True, False, ] assert utils.path_exists('p1') assert not utils.path_exists('p2')
def check_init_opts(self): self.init_compose = True self.init_datastore = True self.init_history = True self.init_gateway = True self.init_eventbus = True if utils.path_exists('./docker-compose.yml'): self.init_compose = not utils.confirm( 'This directory already contains a docker-compose.yml file. ' + 'Do you want to keep it?') if utils.path_exists('./redis/'): self.init_datastore = not utils.confirm( 'This directory already contains Redis datastore files. ' + 'Do you want to keep them?') if utils.path_exists('./victoria/'): self.init_history = not utils.confirm( 'This directory already contains Victoria history files. ' + 'Do you want to keep them?') if utils.path_exists('./traefik/'): self.init_gateway = not utils.confirm( 'This directory already contains Traefik gateway files. ' + 'Do you want to keep them?') if utils.path_exists('./mosquitto/'): self.init_eventbus = not utils.confirm( 'This directory already contains Mosquitto config files. ' + 'Do you want to keep them?')
def test_path_exists(mocker): m_path = mocker.patch(TESTED + '.Path').return_value m_path.exists.side_effect = [ True, False, ] assert utils.path_exists('p1') assert not utils.path_exists('p2')
def check_lib(): if utils.is_brewblox_cwd() \ and not utils.path_exists('./brewblox_ctl_lib/') \ and utils.confirm( 'brewblox-ctl requires extensions that match your Brewblox release. ' + 'Do you want to download them now?'): utils.load_ctl_lib(utils.ContextOpts(dry_run=False, verbose=True))
def check_ports(): if utils.path_exists('./docker-compose.yml'):'Stopping services...') sh(f'{utils.optsudo()}docker-compose down') ports = [ int(utils.getenv(key, const.ENV_DEFAULTS[key])) for key in [ const.HTTP_PORT_KEY, const.HTTPS_PORT_KEY, const.MQTT_PORT_KEY, ] ] try: port_connnections = [ conn for conn in psutil.net_connections() if conn.laddr.ip in ['::', ''] and conn.laddr.port in ports ] except psutil.AccessDenied: utils.warn( 'Unable to read network connections. You need to run `netstat` or `lsof` manually.' ) port_connnections = [] if port_connnections: port_str = ', '.join( set(str(conn.laddr.port) for conn in port_connnections)) utils.warn(f'Port(s) {port_str} already in use.') utils.warn( 'Run `brewblox-ctl service ports` to configure Brewblox ports.') if not utils.confirm('Do you want to continue?'): raise SystemExit(1)
def install_ctl_package(download: str = 'always'): # always | missing | never exists = utils.path_exists('./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz') release = utils.getenv(const.CTL_RELEASE_KEY) or utils.getenv( const.RELEASE_KEY) if download == 'always' or download == 'missing' and not exists: sh(f'wget -q -O ./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz{release}/brewblox-ctl.tar.gz' ) sh('python3 -m pip install ./brewblox-ctl.tar.gz')
def add_particle_udev_rules(): rules_dir = '/etc/udev/rules.d' target = f'{rules_dir}/50-particle.rules' if not utils.path_exists(target) and utils.command_exists('udevadm'):'Adding udev rules for Particle devices...') sh(f'sudo mkdir -p {rules_dir}') sh(f'sudo cp {const.CONFIG_DIR}/50-particle.rules {target}') sh('sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger')
def prepare_flasher(release, pull): tag = utils.docker_tag(release) sudo = utils.optsudo() if pull:'Pulling flasher image...') sh('{}docker pull brewblox/firmware-flasher:{}'.format(sudo, tag)) if utils.path_exists('./docker-compose.yml'):'Stopping services...') sh('{}docker-compose down'.format(sudo))
def usage_hint(ex): if ex.message and 'No such command' in ex.message and not utils.is_brewblox_cwd( ): default_dir = path.expanduser('~/brewblox') prompt = [ '', 'Many commands only work if your current directory is a Brewblox directory.', ] if utils.path_exists('{}/docker-compose.yml'.format(default_dir)): prompt += [ 'It looks like you installed Brewblox in the default location.', 'To navigate there, run:', '', ' cd {}'.format(default_dir), '' ] click.echo('\n'.join(prompt))
def save(file, force): """Save Brewblox directory to snapshot. This can be used to move Brewblox installations between hosts. To load the snapshot, use `brewblox-ctl install --snapshot ARCHIVE` or `brewblox-ctl snapshot load --file ARCHIVE` Block data stored on Spark controllers is not included in the snapshot. """ utils.check_config() utils.confirm_mode() dir = Path('./').resolve() if utils.path_exists(file): if force or utils.confirm(f'`{file}` already exists. ' + 'Do you want to overwrite it?'): sh(f'rm -f {file}') else: return sh(f'sudo tar -C {dir.parent} --exclude .venv -czf {file} {}') click.echo(Path(file).resolve())
def migrate_couchdb(): urllib3.disable_warnings() sudo = utils.optsudo() opts = utils.ctx_opts() redis_url = utils.datastore_url() couch_url = 'http://localhost:5984''Migrating datastore from CouchDB to Redis...') if opts.dry_run:'Dry run. Skipping migration...') return if not utils.path_exists('./couchdb/'):'couchdb/ dir not found. Skipping migration...') return'Starting a temporary CouchDB container on port 5984...') sh(f'{sudo}docker rm -f couchdb-migrate', check=False) sh(f'{sudo}docker run --rm -d' ' --name couchdb-migrate' ' -v "$(pwd)/couchdb/:/opt/couchdb/data/"' ' -p "5984:5984"' ' treehouses/couchdb:2.3.1') sh(f'{const.CLI} http wait {couch_url}') sh(f'{const.CLI} http wait {redis_url}/ping') resp = requests.get(f'{couch_url}/_all_dbs') resp.raise_for_status() dbs = resp.json() for db in ['brewblox-ui-store', 'brewblox-automation']: if db in dbs: resp = requests.get(f'{couch_url}/{db}/_all_docs', params={'include_docs': True}) resp.raise_for_status() docs = [v['doc'] for v in resp.json()['rows']] # Drop invalid names docs[:] = [d for d in docs if len(d['_id'].split('__', 1)) == 2] for d in docs: segments = d['_id'].split('__', 1) d['namespace'] = f'{db}:{segments[0]}' d['id'] = segments[1] del d['_rev'] del d['_id'] resp ='{redis_url}/mset', json={'values': docs}, verify=False) resp.raise_for_status()'Migrated {len(docs)} entries from {db}') if 'spark-service' in dbs: resp = requests.get(f'{couch_url}/spark-service/_all_docs', params={'include_docs': True}) resp.raise_for_status() docs = [v['doc'] for v in resp.json()['rows']] for d in docs: d['namespace'] = 'spark-service' d['id'] = d['_id'] del d['_rev'] del d['_id'] resp ='{redis_url}/mset', json={'values': docs}, verify=False) resp.raise_for_status()'Migrated {len(docs)} entries from spark-service') sh(f'{sudo}docker stop couchdb-migrate') sh('sudo mv couchdb/ couchdb-migrated-' +'%Y%m%d'))
def migrate_influxdb( target: str = 'victoria', duration: str = '', services: List[str] = [], offsets: List[Tuple[str, int]] = [], ): """Exports InfluxDB history data. The exported data is either immediately imported to the new history database, or saved to file. """ opts = utils.ctx_opts() sudo = utils.optsudo() date ='%Y%m%d_%H%M') utils.warn('Depending on the amount of data, this may take some hours.') utils.warn( 'You can use your system as normal while the migration is in progress.' ) utils.warn('The migration can safely be stopped and restarted or resumed.') utils.warn( 'For more info, see' ) if opts.dry_run:'Dry run. Skipping migration...') return if not utils.path_exists('./influxdb/'):'influxdb/ dir not found. Skipping migration...') return'Starting InfluxDB container...') # Stop container in case previous migration was cancelled sh(f'{sudo}docker stop influxdb-migrate > /dev/null', check=False) # Start standalone container # We'll communicate using 'docker exec', so no need to publish a port sh(f'{sudo}docker run ' '--rm -d ' '--name influxdb-migrate ' '-v "$(pwd)/influxdb:/var/lib/influxdb" ' 'influxdb:1.8 ' '> /dev/null') # Do a health check until startup is done inner_cmd = 'curl --output /dev/null --silent --fail http://localhost:8086/health' bash_cmd = f'until $({inner_cmd}); do sleep 1 ; done' sh(f"{sudo}docker exec influxdb-migrate bash -c '{bash_cmd}'") # Determine relevant measurement # Export all of them if not specified by user if not services: services = _influx_measurements()'Exporting services: {", ".join(services)}') # Export data and import to target for svc in services: offset = next((v for v in offsets if v[0] == svc), ('default', 0))[1] _copy_influx_measurement(svc, date, duration, target, offset) # Stop migration container sh(f'{sudo}docker stop influxdb-migrate > /dev/null', check=False)
def install(use_defaults, apt_install, docker_install, docker_user, no_reboot, dir, release): """Create Brewblox directory; install system dependencies; reboot. Brewblox can be installed multiple times on the same computer. Settings and databases are stored in a Brewblox directory (default: ./brewblox). This command also installs system-wide dependencies (docker). After `brewblox-ctl install`, run `brewblox-ctl setup` in the created Brewblox directory. A reboot is required after installing docker, or adding the user to the 'docker' group. By default, `brewblox-ctl install` attempts to download packages using the apt package manager. If you are using a system without apt (eg. Synology NAS), this step will be skipped. You will need to manually install any missing libraries. \b Steps: - Install apt packages. - Install docker. - Add user to 'docker' group. - Create Brewblox directory (default ./brewblox). - Set variables in .env file. - Reboot. """ utils.confirm_mode() apt_deps = 'curl net-tools libssl-dev libffi-dev' user = utils.getenv('USER') default_dir = path.abspath('./brewblox') prompt_reboot = True if use_defaults is None: use_defaults = utils.confirm('Do you want to install with default settings?') # Check if packages should be installed if not utils.command_exists('apt'):'Apt is not available. You may need to find another way to install dependencies.')'Apt packages: "{}"'.format(apt_deps)) apt_install = False if apt_install is None: if use_defaults: apt_install = True else: apt_install = utils.confirm('Do you want to install apt packages "{}"?'.format(apt_deps)) # Check if docker should be installed if utils.command_exists('docker'):'Docker is already installed.') docker_install = False if docker_install is None: if use_defaults: docker_install = True else: docker_install = utils.confirm('Do you want to install docker?') # Check if user should be added to docker group if utils.is_docker_user():'{} already belongs to the docker group.'.format(user)) docker_user = False if docker_user is None: if use_defaults: docker_user = True else: docker_user = utils.confirm('Do you want to run docker commands without sudo?') # Check used directory if dir is None: if use_defaults or utils.confirm("The default directory is '{}'. Do you want to continue?".format(default_dir)): dir = default_dir else: return if utils.path_exists(dir): if not utils.confirm('{} already exists. Do you want to continue?'.format(dir)): return if not no_reboot: prompt_reboot = utils.confirm('A reboot is required after installation. ' + 'Do you want to be prompted before that happens?') # Install Apt packages if apt_install:'Installing apt packages...') sh([ 'sudo apt update', 'sudo apt upgrade -y', 'sudo apt install -y {}'.format(apt_deps), ]) else:'Skipped: apt install.') # Install docker if docker_install:'Installing docker...') sh('curl -sL | sh') else:'Skipped: docker install.') # Add user to 'docker' group if docker_user:"Adding {} to 'docker' group...".format(user)) sh('sudo usermod -aG docker $USER') else:"Skipped: adding {} to 'docker' group.".format(user)) # Create install directory'Creating Brewblox directory ({})...'.format(dir)) sh('mkdir -p {}'.format(dir)) # Set variables in .env file'Setting variables in .env file...') dotenv_path = path.abspath('{}/.env'.format(dir)) sh('touch {}'.format(dotenv_path)) utils.setenv(const.RELEASE_KEY, release, dotenv_path) utils.setenv(const.CFG_VERSION_KEY, '0.0.0', dotenv_path) utils.setenv(const.SKIP_CONFIRM_KEY, str(use_defaults), dotenv_path)'Done!') # Reboot if not no_reboot: if prompt_reboot:'Press ENTER to reboot.') input() else:'Rebooting in 10 seconds...') sleep(10) sh('sudo reboot') else:'Skipped: reboot.')