def test_utility_functions():
    Test the (non-public) random_matrix and random_matrix_fixed_column
    # Convenience functions to make the testing a bit easier
    def assert_size_and_value(matrix, shape, value):
        assert issparse(matrix)
        assert matrix.shape == shape
        rows, cols = matrix.nonzero()
        for row, col in zip(rows, cols):
            if callable(value):
                if value.func_code.co_argcount == 0:
                    assert matrix[row, col] == value()
                elif value.func_code.co_argcount == 2:
                    assert matrix[row, col] == value(row, col)
                    raise AssertionError('Illegal value argument')
                assert matrix[row, col] == value

    def assert_entries_per_column(matrix, n_entries):
        for col_idx in range(matrix.shape[1]):
            entries = matrix[:, col_idx].nonzero()[0]
            assert len(entries) == n_entries, 'number of entries is %d not %d!' % (len(entries), n_entries)
    # with fixed probability 
    p = 1.    
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=p)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), 1.)
    # with fixed probability and value
    p, value = 1., 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=p, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), 2.)
    # Note: p can also be a function (like value), but as this is not
    # documented, this is also not tested
    # with a constant function for value
    value = lambda : 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=1., value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), value)
    # with an index dependent function for value
    value = lambda i, j : (i != j) * 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=1., value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), value)

    # Test random matrix with fixed number of entries per column
    # with fixed probability 
    p = 0.5    
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=p)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), 1.)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)
    # with fixed probability and value
    p, value = 0.5, 2.
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=p, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), 2.)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)
    # Note: p can also be a function (like value), but this is not documented
    # with a constant function for value
    value = lambda : 2.
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=0.5, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), value)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)
    # with an index dependent function for value
    value = lambda i, j : (i != j) * 2. + 1
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=0.5, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), value)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from brian.network import clear
    from brian.connections.construction import random_matrix
    from brian.stdunits import mV,ms
    import numpy as np

    NE = 8000          # Number of excitatory cells
    NI = NE/4          # Number of inhibitory cells
    epsilon = 0.15      # Sparseness of synaptic connections
    mon_bin = 1*ms
    dt = 0.1*ms

    C_e  = random_matrix(NE, NE+NI,epsilon, value=0.3)
    C_ii = random_matrix(NI, NI,   epsilon, value=3.0)
    C_ie = random_matrix(NI, NE,   epsilon, value=2.0)
    v_init = -80*np.random.rand(NE+NI)*mV

    rme1, rmi1 = run_stdp(NE,NI,v_init,C_e,C_ii,C_ie,mon_bin,dt)
    rme2, rmi2 = run_stdp(NE,NI,v_init,C_e,C_ii,C_ie,mon_bin,dt)

    filter_width = 200*ms
    width_dt = int(filter_width / mon_bin) # width in number of bins
    window = np.exp(-np.arange(-2 * width_dt, 2 * width_dt + 1) ** 2 * 1. / (2 * (width_dt) ** 2))

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax_inh = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
    ax_exc = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
def test_utility_functions():
    Test the (non-public) random_matrix and random_matrix_fixed_column

    # Convenience functions to make the testing a bit easier
    def assert_size_and_value(matrix, shape, value):
        assert issparse(matrix)
        assert matrix.shape == shape
        rows, cols = matrix.nonzero()
        for row, col in zip(rows, cols):
            if callable(value):
                if value.func_code.co_argcount == 0:
                    assert matrix[row, col] == value()
                elif value.func_code.co_argcount == 2:
                    assert matrix[row, col] == value(row, col)
                    raise AssertionError('Illegal value argument')
                assert matrix[row, col] == value

    def assert_entries_per_column(matrix, n_entries):
        for col_idx in range(matrix.shape[1]):
            entries = matrix[:, col_idx].nonzero()[0]
            assert len(
                entries) == n_entries, 'number of entries is %d not %d!' % (
                    len(entries), n_entries)

    # with fixed probability
    p = 1.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=p)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), 1.)

    # with fixed probability and value
    p, value = 1., 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=p, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), 2.)

    # Note: p can also be a function (like value), but as this is not
    # documented, this is also not tested

    # with a constant function for value
    value = lambda: 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=1., value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), value)

    # with an index dependent function for value
    value = lambda i, j: (i != j) * 2.
    r_m = random_matrix(2, 4, p=1., value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (2, 4), value)

    # Test random matrix with fixed number of entries per column
    # with fixed probability
    p = 0.5
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=p)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), 1.)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)

    # with fixed probability and value
    p, value = 0.5, 2.
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=p, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), 2.)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)

    # Note: p can also be a function (like value), but this is not documented

    # with a constant function for value
    value = lambda: 2.
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=0.5, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), value)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)

    # with an index dependent function for value
    value = lambda i, j: (i != j) * 2. + 1
    r_m = random_matrix_fixed_column(100, 4, p=0.5, value=value)
    assert_size_and_value(r_m, (100, 4), value)
    assert_entries_per_column(r_m, 50)