def test_numpyro_codegen(N, formula_str, non_real_cols, contrasts, family,
                         priors, expected):
    # Make dummy data.
    formula = parse(formula_str)
    cols = expand_columns(formula, non_real_cols)
    metadata = metadata_from_cols(cols)
    desc = makedesc(formula, metadata, family, priors, code_lengths(contrasts))

    # Generate model function and data.
    modelfn = numpyro_backend.gen(desc).fn

    df = dummy_df(cols, N)
    data = data_from_numpy(numpyro_backend,
                           makedata(formula, df, metadata, contrasts))

    # Check sample sites.
    rng = random.PRNGKey(0)
    trace = numpyro.trace(numpyro.seed(modelfn, rng)).get_trace(**data)
    expected_sites = [site for (site, _, _) in expected]
    sample_sites = [
        name for name, node in trace.items() if not node['is_observed']
    assert set(sample_sites) == set(expected_sites)
    for (site, family_name, maybe_params) in expected:
        numpyro_family_name = dict(LKJ='LKJCholesky').get(
            family_name, family_name)
        fn = trace[site]['fn']
        params = maybe_params or default_params[family_name]
        assert type(fn).__name__ == numpyro_family_name
        for (name, expected_val) in params.items():
            if family_name == 'LKJ':
                assert name == 'eta'
                name = 'concentration'
            val = fn.__getattribute__(name)
            assert_equal(val._value, np.broadcast_to(expected_val, val.shape))
def test_pyro_codegen(N, formula_str, non_real_cols, contrasts, family, priors,
    # Make dummy data.
    formula = parse(formula_str)
    cols = expand_columns(formula, non_real_cols)
    # Generate the model from the column information rather than from
    # the metadata extracted from `df`. Since N is small, the metadata
    # extracted from `df` might loose information compared to the full
    # metadata derived from `cols` (e.g. levels of a categorical
    # column) leading to unexpected results. e.g. Missing levels might
    # cause correlations not to be modelled, even thought they ought
    # to be given the full metadata.
    metadata = metadata_from_cols(cols)
    desc = makedesc(formula, metadata, family, priors, code_lengths(contrasts))

    # Generate model function and data.
    modelfn = pyro_backend.gen(desc).fn

    df = dummy_df(cols, N)
    data = data_from_numpy(pyro_backend,
                           makedata(formula, df, metadata, contrasts))

    # Check sample sites.
    trace = poutine.trace(modelfn).get_trace(**data)
    expected_sites = [site for (site, _, _) in expected]
    assert set(trace.stochastic_nodes) - {'obs'} == set(expected_sites)
    for (site, family_name, maybe_params) in expected:
        pyro_family_name = dict(LKJ='LKJCorrCholesky').get(
            family_name, family_name)
        fn = unwrapfn(trace.nodes[site]['fn'])
        params = maybe_params or default_params[family_name]
        assert type(fn).__name__ == pyro_family_name
        for (name, expected_val) in params.items():
            val = fn.__getattribute__(name)
            assert_equal(val, torch.tensor(expected_val).expand(val.shape))
文件: fit.py 项目: neerajprad/brmp
def fitted(fit, what='expectation', data=None):
    assert type(fit) == Fit
    assert what in ['sample', 'expectation', 'linear', 'response']
    assert data is None or type(data) is pd.DataFrame

    get_param = fit.samples.get_param
    location = fit.samples.location
    to_numpy = fit.backend.to_numpy
    expected_response = fit.model.expected_response_fn
    sample_response = fit.model.sample_response_fn
    inv_link = fit.model.inv_link_fn

    mu = location(fit.data if data is None else data_from_numpy(
        fit.backend, predictors(fit.formula, data, fit.metadata, fit.contrasts)

    if what == 'sample' or what == 'expectation':
        args = [
            mu if name == 'mu' else get_param(name)
            for name in free_param_names(fit.model_desc.response.family)
        response_fn = sample_response if what == 'sample' else expected_response
        return to_numpy(response_fn(*args))
    elif what == 'linear':
        return to_numpy(mu)
    elif what == 'response':
        return to_numpy(inv_link(mu))
        raise 'Unhandled value of the `what` parameter encountered.'
文件: test_brm.py 项目: pyro-ppl/brmp
def test_sampling_from_prior_smoke(N, backend, formula_str, non_real_cols,
                                   contrasts, family, priors, expected):
    formula = parse(formula_str)
    cols = expand_columns(formula, non_real_cols)
    metadata = metadata_from_cols(
    )  # Use full metadata for same reason given in comment in codegen test.
    desc = makedesc(formula, metadata, family, priors, code_lengths(contrasts))
    model = backend.gen(desc)
    df = dummy_df(cols, N, allow_non_exhaustive=True)
    data = data_from_numpy(backend, makedata(formula, df, metadata, contrasts))
    samples = backend.prior(data, model, num_samples=10, seed=None)
    assert type(samples) == Samples
 def generate(self, backend=_default_backend):
     assert type(backend) == Backend
     model = backend.gen(self.desc)
     data = data_from_numpy(backend, self.data)
     return GenerateResult(self, backend, model, data)
文件: fit.py 项目: pyro-ppl/brmp
    def fitted(self, what='expectation', data=None, seed=None):
        Produces predictions from the fitted model.

        Predicted values are computed for each sample collected during inference,
        and for each row in the data set.

        :param what: The value to predict. Valid arguments and their effect are described below:

                     .. list-table::
                        :widths: auto

                        * - ``'expectation'``
                          - Computes the expected value of the response distribution.
                        * - ``'sample'``
                          - Draws a sample from the response distribution.
                        * - ``'response'``
                          - Computes the output of the model followed by any
                            inverse link function. i.e. The value of the location
                            parameter of the response distribution.
                        * - ``'linear'``
                          - Computes the output of the model prior to the application
                            of any inverse link function.

        :type what: str
        :param data: The data from which to compute the predictions. When omitted,
                     the data on which the model was fit is used.

        :type data: pandas.DataFrame
        :param seed: Random seed. Used only when ``'sample'`` is given as the ``'what'`` argument.
        :type seed: int
        :return: An array with shape ``(S, N)``. Where ``S`` is the number of samples taken
                 during inference and ``N`` is the number of rows in the data set used for prediction.
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray

        assert what in ['sample', 'expectation', 'linear', 'response']
        assert data is None or type(data) is pd.DataFrame
        assert seed is None or type(seed) == int

        get_param = self.samples.get_param
        location = self.samples.location
        to_numpy = self.backend.to_numpy
        expected_response = partial(self.backend.expected_response,
        sample_response = partial(self.backend.sample_response, self.assets,
        inv_link = partial(self.backend.inv_link, self.assets)

        mu = location(self.data if data is None else data_from_numpy(
            predictors(self.formula, data, self.metadata, self.contrasts)))

        if what == 'sample' or what == 'expectation':
            args = [
                mu if name == 'mu' else get_param(name, False)
                for name in free_param_names(self.model_desc.response.family)
            response_fn = sample_response if what == 'sample' else expected_response
            return to_numpy(response_fn(*args))
        elif what == 'linear':
            return to_numpy(mu)
        elif what == 'response':
            return to_numpy(inv_link(mu))
            raise ValueError(
                'Unhandled value of the `what` parameter encountered.')
 def encode(self, df):
     data = self.model.encode(df)
     return data_from_numpy(self.backend, data)
 def run_algo(self, name, backend, *args, df=None, **kwargs):
     assert type(backend) == Backend
     data = self.model.encode(df) if df is not None else self.data
     assets_wrapper = self.model.gen(backend)
     return assets_wrapper.run_algo(name, data_from_numpy(backend, data), *args, **kwargs)