def deploy(deployer):
    triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({'from': deployer})

    # min debt 0.2 BNB at 10 gwei gas price (killBps 5% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)
    # reserve pool bps 1000 (10%)
    # kill bps 500 (5%)
    bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
        2 * 10**17, 1000, 500, triple_slope_model, {'from': deployer})

    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': deployer})
    bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': deployer})
    bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config),
        {'from': deployer})
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)

    oracle = SimplePriceOracle.deploy({'from': deployer})

    # strats
    add_strat = StrategyAllBNBOnly.deploy(router_address, {'from': deployer})
    liq_strat = StrategyLiquidate.deploy(router_address, {'from': deployer})
    rem_strat = StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading.deploy(router_address,
                                                       {'from': deployer})

    goblin_config = PancakeswapGoblinConfig.deploy(oracle, {'from': deployer})

    print('bank', bank.address)
    print('bank_config', bank_config.address)
    print('all bnb', add_strat.address)
    print('liq', liq_strat.address)
    print('withdraw', rem_strat.address)

    return bank, add_strat, liq_strat, rem_strat, bank_config, goblin_config, oracle
def setup():
    deployer = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]
    worker = accounts[9]

    alpha = interface.IAny('0xa1faa113cbE53436Df28FF0aEe54275c13B40975')
    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking_impl = AlphaStaking.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        staking_impl, proxy_admin,
        staking_impl.initialize.encode_input(alpha, deployer),
        {'from': deployer})
    staking = interface.IAny(staking)

    # set deployer as worker
    staking.setWorker(worker, {'from': deployer})

    # mint tokens
    mint_tokens(alpha, alice)
    mint_tokens(alpha, bob)
    mint_tokens(alpha, deployer)
    mint_tokens(alpha, worker)

    # approve
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': bob})
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': deployer})
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': worker})

    return deployer, alice, bob, worker, alpha, proxy_admin, staking_impl, staking
def main():
    deployer ='0xCB8cF8E6f61A3a0E383A3dcd9625d7ACe7436De4', force=True)
    user ='0x435Fd10EA3814583eE5fDDfe830330DD4d6Eb4CF', force=True)
    # deployer = accounts.load('staking-kovan')
    # user = accounts.load('kovan-tester')

    token = MockERC20.deploy('mock', 'MOCK', 18, {'from': deployer})
    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking_impl = AlphaStaking.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        staking_impl, proxy_admin, staking_impl.initialize.encode_input(token, deployer), {'from': deployer})

    staking = interface.IAny(staking)
    staking.setWorker(deployer, {'from': deployer})

    # mint tokens to deployer, 10**12 * 10**18, {'from': deployer})
    token.approve(staking, 2**256-1, {'from': deployer})

    staking.stake(1000 * 10**18, {'from': deployer}), 10**12 * 10**18, {'from': user})
    token.approve(staking, 2**256-1, {'from': user})

    staking.stake(10 * 10**18, {'from': user})
def main():
    deployer = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]

    alpha = interface.IAny('0xa1faa113cbE53436Df28FF0aEe54275c13B40975')
    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking_impl = AlphaStaking.deploy({'from': deployer})
    staking = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        staking_impl, proxy_admin,
        staking_impl.initialize.encode_input(alpha, deployer),
        {'from': deployer})
    staking = interface.IAny(staking)

    # mint tokens, 10**30), 10**30), 10**30)

    # approve
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': bob})
    alpha.approve(staking, 2**256 - 1, {'from': deployer})

    print('1. set worker & reward')

    assert staking.worker(
    ) == '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'worker should initially be 0'

    staking.setWorker(alice, {'from': deployer})

    assert staking.worker() == alice, 'incorrect worker'

    staking.setWorker(bob, {'from': deployer})

    assert staking.worker() == bob, 'incorrect worker'

    staking.stake(10**18, {'from': alice})

        staking.reward(0, {'from': alice})
        assert False
    except VirtualMachineError:

        staking.reward(10**18, {'from': alice})
        assert False
    except VirtualMachineError:

    staking.reward(0, {'from': deployer})
    staking.reward(0, {'from': bob})
    staking.reward(10**18, {'from': deployer})
    staking.reward(10**18, {'from': bob})
def main():
    deployer ='0xB593d82d53e2c187dc49673709a6E9f806cdC835', force=True)
    # deployer = accounts.load('gh')

    alpha = interface.IAny('0xa1faa113cbE53436Df28FF0aEe54275c13B40975')

    proxy_admin ='0x090eCE252cEc5998Db765073D07fac77b8e60CB2')
    staking_impl = AlphaStaking.deploy({'from': deployer, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})
    staking = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        staking_impl, proxy_admin, staking_impl.initialize.encode_input(alpha, deployer), {'from': deployer, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})

    staking = interface.IAny(staking)

    # approve staking contract
    stake_amt = 10 * 10**18
    alpha.approve(staking, stake_amt, {'from': deployer, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})

    # stake 10 ALPHA
    staking.stake(stake_amt, {'from': deployer, 'gas_price': gas_strategy})
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]

    triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({'from': admin})

    # min debt 0.2 BNB at 10 gwei gas price (killBps 5% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)
    # reserve pool bps 1000 (10%)
    # kill bps 500 (5%)
    bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
        2 * 10**17, 1000, 500, triple_slope_model, {'from': admin})

    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config),
        {'from': admin})
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)

    cake = interface.IAny('0x0E09FaBB73Bd3Ade0a17ECC321fD13a19e81cE82')
    wbnb = interface.IAny('0xbb4cdb9cbd36b01bd1cbaebf2de08d9173bc095c')
    chef = '0x73feaa1ee314f8c655e354234017be2193c9e24e'
    router = '0x05ff2b0db69458a0750badebc4f9e13add608c7f'  # pancake router
    lp = interface.IAny('0xA527a61703D82139F8a06Bc30097cC9CAA2df5A6')
    r0, r1, _ = lp.getReserves()
    cake_price = r1 * 10**18 // r0  # in bnb

    oracle = SimplePriceOracle.deploy({'from': admin})
    oracle.setPrices([cake], [wbnb], [cake_price], {'from': admin})

    # strats
    add_strat = StrategyAllBNBOnly.deploy(router, {'from': admin})
    liq_strat = StrategyLiquidate.deploy(router, {'from': admin})
    rem_strat = StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading.deploy(router, {'from': admin})

    # goblin
    goblin = PancakeswapPool1Goblin.deploy(bank, chef, router, add_strat,
                                           liq_strat, 300, {'from': admin})

    # new strat
    add_strat_2 = StrategyAddTwoSidesOptimal.deploy(router, goblin, cake,
                                                    {'from': admin})
    goblin.setStrategyOk([add_strat_2], True, {'from': admin})

    # set whitelist cake
    add_strat.setWhitelistTokens([cake], [True], {'from': admin})
    liq_strat.setWhitelistTokens([cake], [True], {'from': admin})
    rem_strat.setWhitelistTokens([cake], [True], {'from': admin})

    # mint tokens
    mint_tokens(cake, alice)
    mint_tokens(wbnb, alice)

    # approve tokens
    cake.approve(add_strat_2, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})

    # set goblin in bank config
    # work factor 72.5%
    # kill factor 80%
    # max price diff 1.1x (11000)
    goblin_config = PancakeswapGoblinConfig.deploy(oracle, {'from': admin})
    goblin_config.setConfigs([goblin], [[True, 7250, 8000, 11000]],
                             {'from': admin})
    bank_config.setGoblins([goblin], [goblin_config], {'from': admin})

    # add some BNB to bank
    bank.deposit({'from': bob, 'value': '1000 ether'})

    print('Case 0. set up initial borrow')
    alice = accounts[1]
    bob = accounts[2]

    bank.deposit({'from': bob, 'value': '2 ether'})

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
        0, goblin, 10**18, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [cake.address, 0, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': '1 ether'

    # work (no borrow) with 0 cake
    print('Case 1. work (no borrow) with 0 CAKE')

    deposit_amt = 10**18

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
        0, goblin, 0, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [cake.address, 0, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': deposit_amt

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('alice pos', bank.positionInfo(2))

    pos_health, pos_debt = bank.positionInfo(2)
    assert almostEqual(
        deposit_amt), 'position health should be ~1 BNB (swap fee 0.2%)'
    assert pos_debt == 0, 'position debt should be 0'

    # work (borrow) with 0 cake
    print('Case 2. work 2x (borrow) with 0 CAKE')

    deposit_amt = 1 * 10**18
    borrow_amt = 1 * 10**18

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
        0, goblin, borrow_amt, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [cake.address, 0, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': deposit_amt

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('alice pos', bank.positionInfo(3))

    pos_health, pos_debt = bank.positionInfo(3)
    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal,
                       -deposit_amt), 'incorrect deposit amt'
    assert almostEqual(pos_debt, borrow_amt), 'debt != borrow amount'
    assert almostEqual(
        pos_health, deposit_amt +
        borrow_amt), 'position health should be ~ deposited + borrow amt'

    # work (no borrow) with cake
    print('Case 3. work (no borrow) with CAKE')

    deposit_amt = 10**18
    cake_amt = 2 * 10**18

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
        0, goblin, 0, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [cake.address, cake_amt, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': deposit_amt

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('alice pos', bank.positionInfo(4))

    pos_health, pos_debt = bank.positionInfo(4)
    assert almostEqual(
        pos_health, deposit_amt + cake_amt * cake_price //
        10**18), 'position health should be ~1 BNB (swap fee 0.2%)'
    assert pos_debt == 0, 'position debt should be 0'

    # work (borrow) with cake
    print('Case 4. work 2x (borrow) with CAKE')

    deposit_amt = 1 * 10**18
    borrow_amt = 1 * 10**18
    cake_amt = 2 * 10**18

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevCakeBal = cake.balanceOf(alice)
        0, goblin, borrow_amt, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [cake.address, cake_amt, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': deposit_amt

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curCakeBal = cake.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('∆ cake alice', curCakeBal - prevCakeBal)
    print('alice pos', bank.positionInfo(5))

    pos_health, pos_debt = bank.positionInfo(5)
    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal,
                       -deposit_amt), 'incorrect deposit amt'
    assert almostEqual(pos_debt, borrow_amt), 'debt != input + borrow'
    assert almostEqual(
        pos_health, deposit_amt + borrow_amt + cake_amt * cake_price //
        10**18), 'position health should be ~ deposited + borrow amt'
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]
    minter = accounts[9]

    alpha = interface.IAny(alpha_address)
    pancake_router = interface.IAny(router_address)

    triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({'from': admin})

    # min debt 0.2 BNB at 10 gwei gas price (killBps 5% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)
    # reserve pool bps 1000 (10%)
    # kill bps 500 (5%)
    bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
        2 * 10**17, 1000, 500, triple_slope_model, {'from': admin})
    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config), {'from': admin})
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)

    # create pair
    factory = interface.IAny(interface.IAny(router_address).factory())
    factory.createPair(alpha_address, bank, {'from': minter})

    # deploy ibBNBRouter
    router = IbBNBRouter.deploy(router_address, bank, alpha_address, {'from': admin})

    # get ibBNB + ALPHA to minter
    bank.deposit({'from': minter, 'value': '100000 ether'})
    mint_tokens(alpha_address, minter)

    # mint ibBNB + ALPHA to alice
    bank.transfer(alice, 1000 * 10**18, {'from': minter})
    mint_tokens(alpha_address, alice)

    # minter approve pancake router
    alpha.approve(router_address, 2**256-1, {'from': minter})
    bank.approve(router_address, 2**256-1, {'from': minter})

    # alice approve ibBNB router
    alpha.approve(router, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    bank.approve(router, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})
    lp = interface.IAny(router.lpToken())
    lp.approve(router, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    # setup liquidity in ibBNB + ALPHA pool
    price = 1000  # 1 ibBNB = 1000 alpha
    bnb_supply = 1000 * 10**18
    pancake_router.addLiquidity(bank, alpha_address, bnb_supply,
                                bnb_supply * price, 0, 0, minter, 2**256-1, {'from': minter})

    # Case 1. add & remove liquidity alpha + bnb
    print('Case 1. add liquidity & remove alpha + bnb')

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()

    # add liquidity
    router.addLiquidityBNB(10**18, 0, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice, 'value': 10**18})

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    delta1 = curBNBBal - prevBNBBal

    assert lp.balanceOf(alice) > 0

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()

    # remove liquidity
    router.removeLiquidityBNB(lp.balanceOf(alice), 0, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    delta2 = curBNBBal - prevBNBBal

    assert almostEqual(delta1, -10**18 // price), 'incorrect BNB input amount'
    assert almostEqual(delta2, 10**18 // price), 'incorrect BNB output amount'

    # Case 2. add liquidity two sides optimal
    print('Case 2. add liquidity two sides optimal')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.addLiquidityTwoSidesOptimal(10**18, 0, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ibBNB input amount'

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.addLiquidityTwoSidesOptimal(0, 10**18, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ALPHA input amount'

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.addLiquidityTwoSidesOptimal(2 * 10**18, 10**18, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal, -2 * 10**18), 'incorrect ibBNB input amount'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ALPHA input amount'

    # Case 3. add liquidity two sides optimal bnb
    print('Case 3. add liquidity two sides optimal bnb')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.addLiquidityTwoSidesOptimalBNB(10**18, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ALPHA input amount'

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

        0, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice, 'value': '1 ether'})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ibBNB input amount'

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

        2 * 10**18, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice, 'value': '1 ether'})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal, -10**18), 'incorrect ibBNB input amount'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, -2 * 10**18), 'incorrect ALPHA input amount'

    # Case 4. remove liquidity alpha + bnb
    print('Case 4. remove liquidity alpha + bnb')

    r0, r1, _ = lp.getReserves()
    supply = lp.totalSupply()

    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.removeLiquidityBNB(lp.balanceOf(alice) // 10, 0, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, -prevLPBal // 10), 'incorrect LP withdraw amount'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, r0 * prevLPBal //
                       10 / supply), 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal, r1 * prevLPBal //
                       10 / supply), 'incorrect BNB received'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'

    # Case 5. remove liquidity all alpha
    print('Case 5. remove liquidity all alpha')

    r0, r1, _ = lp.getReserves()
    supply = lp.totalSupply()

    prevLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.removeLiquidityAllAlpha(lp.balanceOf(alice) // 10, 0,
                                   alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curLPBal = lp.balanceOf(alice)
    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curLPBal - prevLPBal, -prevLPBal // 10), 'incorrect LP withdraw amount'
    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, 2 * r0 * prevLPBal //
                       10 / supply), 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert curBNBBal == prevBNBBal, 'BNB not equal'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'

    # Case 6. swap exact bnb for alpha
    print('Case 6. swap exact bnb for alpha')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.swapExactBNBForAlpha(0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice, 'value': '1 ether'})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, 10**18 * price), 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == -10**18, 'BNB not equal'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'

    # Case 7. swap alpha for exact bnb
    print('Case 7. swap alpha for exact bnb')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.swapAlphaForExactBNB(10**16, 2000 * 10**16, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert almostEqual(curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal, -10**16 * price), 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == 10**16, 'BNB not equal'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'

    # Case 8. swap exact alpha for bnb
    print('Case 8. swap exact alpha for bnb')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.swapExactAlphaForBNB(10**18, 0, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal == -10**18, 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal, 10**18 // price), 'BNB not equal'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'

    # Case 9. swap bnb for exact alpha
    print('Case 9. swap bnb for exact alpha')

    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    router.swapBNBForExactAlpha(10**18, alice, 2**256-1, {'from': alice, 'value': '1 ether'})

    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curAlphaBal = alpha.balanceOf(alice)

    assert curAlphaBal - prevAlphaBal == 10**18, 'incorrect ALPHA received'
    assert almostEqual(curBNBBal - prevBNBBal, -10**18 // price), 'BNB not equal'
    assert prevIbBNBBal == curIbBNBBal, 'ibBNB not equal'
def main():
    admin = accounts[0]
    alice = accounts[1]

    triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({'from': admin})

    # min debt 0.2 BNB at 10 gwei gas price (killBps 5% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)
    # reserve pool bps 1000 (10%)
    # kill bps 500 (5%)
    bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
        2 * 10**17, 1000, 500, triple_slope_model, {'from': admin})

    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': admin})
    bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config), {'from': admin})
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)

    # deposit & withdraw

    deposit_amt = 10**18

    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    bank.deposit({'from': alice, 'value': deposit_amt})

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('∆ ibBNB alice', curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal)

    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == -(curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal), 'first depositor should get 1:1'
    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == -deposit_amt

    # withdraw 1/3
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    bank.withdraw(curIbBNBBal // 3, {'from': alice})

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('∆ ibBNB alice', curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal)

    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == -(curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal), 'first depositor should get 1:1'
    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == deposit_amt // 3

    # withdraw remaining
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
    prevIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    bank.withdraw(curIbBNBBal, {'from': alice})

    curBNBBal = alice.balance()
    curIbBNBBal = bank.balanceOf(alice)

    print('∆ bnb alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)
    print('∆ ibBNB alice', curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal)

    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == -(curIbBNBBal - prevIbBNBBal), 'first depositor should get 1:1'
    assert curBNBBal - prevBNBBal == deposit_amt - deposit_amt // 3
def main():
    # deployer = accounts[0]
    # deployer ='0x1dcEf12e93b0aBF2d36f723e8B59Cc762775d513', force=True)
    deployer = accounts.add(

    # ====================================
    # 部署相关合约
    # bank, add_strat, liq_strat, rem_strat, bank_config, goblin_config, oracle = deploy(deployer)
    # 或者关联到已部署合约
    bank_config =
    bank =
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)
    oracle ='0xf3e2206a87014A3acE8def4Bd65BE84CC9B2b388')
    add_strat =
    liq_strat =
    rem_strat =
    goblin_config =
    print('bank', bank.address)
    print('bank_config', bank_config.address)
    print('all ht', add_strat.address)
    print('liq', liq_strat.address)
    print('withdraw', rem_strat.address)
    print('goblin_config', goblin_config.address)
    # ====================================

    pools = [
            'name': 'sashimi',
            'token': sashimi_address,
            'lp': sashimi_lp_address,
            'pid': 1,
            'goblinConfig': [True, 6250, 7000, 11000]
        # ====================================
        #  屏蔽无需测试的token
        # ,
        # {
        #     'name': 'busd',
        #     'token': busd_address,
        #     'lp': busd_lp_address,
        #     'pid': 2,
        #     'goblinConfig': [True, 7000, 8000, 11000]
        # },
        # {
        #     "name": "btcb",
        #     "token": btcb_address,
        #     "lp": btcb_lp_address,
        #     "pid": 15,
        #     "goblinConfig": [True, 7000, 8000, 11000]
        # },
        # {
        #     "name": "eth",
        #     "token": eth_address,
        #     "lp": eth_lp_address,
        #     "pid": 14,
        #     "goblinConfig": [True, 7000, 8000, 11000]
        # },
        # {
        #     "name": "usdt",
        #     "token": usdt_address,
        #     "lp": usdt_lp_address,
        #     "pid": 17,
        #     "goblinConfig": [True, 7000, 8000, 11000]
        # },
        # {
        #     "name": "alpha",
        #     "token": alpha_address,
        #     "lp": alpha_lp_address,
        #     "pid": 16,
        #     "goblinConfig": [True, 6250, 7000, 11000]
        # }
        # ====================================

    # ====================================
    # deploy pools
    # registry = deploy_pools(deployer, bank, add_strat, liq_strat, rem_strat,
    #                         bank_config, goblin_config, oracle, pools)
    # 或者使用已部署的池子
    registry = {}
    goblin =
    add_strat_2 =
    registry['sashimi'] = {
        'goblin': goblin,
        'two_side': add_strat_2,
        'token': '0xc2037C1c13dd589e0c14C699DD2498227d2172cC'
    print('registry[ sashimi ]:', registry['sashimi'])
    # ====================================

    wht = interface.IAny(wht_address)
    fToken = interface.IAny(sashimi_address)

    # oracle.setPrices([wht], [fToken], [10**18 * 300], {'from': deployer, 'gas_price':1000000000})

    # # set whitelist tokens to add_strat (no sashimi)
    # add_fTokens = list(map(lambda pool: pool['token'], pools[1:]))
    # print('add_fTokens:', add_fTokens)
    # print('add_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    # add_strat.setWhitelistTokens(add_fTokens, [True] * len(add_fTokens), {'from': deployer, 'gas_price':1000000000})

    # # set whitelist tokens to liq_strat, rem_strat
    # fTokens = list(map(lambda pool: pool['token'], pools))
    # print('fTokens:', fTokens)
    # print('liq_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    # liq_strat.setWhitelistTokens(fTokens, [True] * len(fTokens), {'from': deployer, 'gas_price':1000000000})
    # print('rem_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    # rem_strat.setWhitelistTokens(fTokens, [True] * len(fTokens), {'from': deployer, 'gas_price':1000000000})

    # test work

    print('开始测试token: sashimi ...')
    print('bank.nextPositionID=', bank.nextPositionID())
    print('goblin.shares[]=', goblin.shares(1))
def deploy(deployer):
    triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000

    # min debt 1 BNB at 10 gwei gas price (avg gas fee = ~0.006 BNB) (killBps 1% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)
    # reserve pool bps 2000 (20%)
    # kill bps 100 (1%)
    print('部署 bank_config...')
    bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
        10 * 17, 2000, 100, triple_slope_model, {
            'from': deployer,
            'gas_price': 1000000000
    print('部署 ProxyAdminImpl...')
    proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000
    print('部署 Bank...')
    bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': deployer, 'gas_price': 1000000000})
    print('部署 TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl...')
    bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
        bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config),
            'from': deployer,
            'gas_price': 1000000000
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)
    print('部署 SimplePriceOracle...')
    # oracle = SimplePriceOracle.deploy({'from': deployer, 'gas_price':1000000000})
    oracle ='0xf3e2206a87014A3acE8def4Bd65BE84CC9B2b388')

    # strats
    print('部署 StrategyAllHTOnly... router_address =', router_address)
    add_strat = StrategyAllHTOnly.deploy(router_address, {
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000
    print('部署 StrategyLiquidate...')
    liq_strat = StrategyLiquidate.deploy(router_address, {
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000
    print('部署 StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading...')
    rem_strat = StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading.deploy(router_address, {
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000
    print('部署 PancakeswapGoblinConfig...')
    goblin_config = PancakeswapGoblinConfig.deploy(oracle, {
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000

    print('bank', bank.address)
    print('bank_config', bank_config.address)
    print('all ht', add_strat.address)
    print('liq', liq_strat.address)
    print('withdraw', rem_strat.address)

    # bank 0x87b8D8337A8086385326fC23b0c95A39cCA2D45D
    # bank_config 0x86e2Cd710a6fC950506c718b81A8E791b0F24884
    # all ht 0x13e60be414955aF08261b9B2B01C012c9B2E1D0E
    # liq 0x272fFA2cf090815e5cac7B89aD5e3266800f0fF4
    # withdraw 0x1d151C966B875188583E35500B3473eB84E75d71
    return bank, add_strat, liq_strat, rem_strat, bank_config, goblin_config, oracle
def main():
    # deployer = accounts[0]
    # deployer ='0x1dcEf12e93b0aBF2d36f723e8B59Cc762775d513', force=True)
    deployer = accounts.add(
    alice = accounts.add(
    bob = accounts.add(

    # =====开始:重新部署合约===============================
    # print('1 部署 银行配置合约...')

    # print('  部署3段式利率模型 triple_slope_model...')
    # triple_slope_model = TripleSlopeModel.deploy({'from': deployer})

    # print('  部署可配银行配置合约 ConfigurableInterestBankConfig...')
    # print('  min debt 0.2 HT at 10 gwei gas price (avg gas fee = ~0.006 HT) (killBps 1% -> at least 0.01BNB bonus)')
    # print('  reserve pool bps 2000 (20%)')
    # print('  kill bps 100 (1%)')
    # bank_config = ConfigurableInterestBankConfig.deploy(
    #     2 * 10*17, 2000, 100, triple_slope_model, {'from': deployer})

    # print('2 部署 银行合约...')
    # print('  部署 ProxyAdminImpl...')
    # proxy_admin = ProxyAdminImpl.deploy({'from': deployer})
    # print('  部署 Bank...')
    # bank_impl = Bank.deploy({'from': deployer})
    # print('  部署 TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl...')
    # bank = TransparentUpgradeableProxyImpl.deploy(
    #     bank_impl, proxy_admin, bank_impl.initialize.encode_input(bank_config), {'from': deployer})
    # bank = interface.IAny(bank)
    # print('3 部署 测试用的预言机合约...')
    # print('  部署 SimplePriceOracle...')
    # # oracle = SimplePriceOracle.deploy({'from': deployer})
    # oracle ='0xf3e2206a87014A3acE8def4Bd65BE84CC9B2b388')

    # # strats
    # print('4 部署 策略合约...')
    # print('  部署 StrategyAllHTOnly... router_address =',router_address)
    # add_strat = StrategyAllHTOnly.deploy(router_address, {'from': deployer})
    # print('  部署流动性策略 StrategyLiquidate...')
    # liq_strat = StrategyLiquidate.deploy(router_address, {'from': deployer})
    # print('  部署提款策略 StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading...')
    # rem_strat = StrategyWithdrawMinimizeTrading.deploy(router_address, {'from': deployer})
    # print('  部署goblin的配置,传入oracle合约地址 PancakeswapGoblinConfig...')
    # goblin_config = PancakeswapGoblinConfig.deploy(oracle, {'from': deployer})
    # =====结束:重新部署合约===============================
    # ====================================
    # 或者关联到已部署合约
    bank_config =
    bank =
    bank = interface.IAny(bank)
    oracle ='0xf3e2206a87014A3acE8def4Bd65BE84CC9B2b388')
    add_strat =
    liq_strat =
    rem_strat =
    goblin_config =
    # ====================================

    print('  部署后合约地址汇总:')
    print('  bank', bank.address)
    print('  bank_config', bank_config.address)
    print('  all ht', add_strat.address)
    print('  liq', liq_strat.address)
    print('  withdraw', rem_strat.address)
    print('  goblin_config', goblin_config.address)

    pools = [{
        'name': 'sashimi',
        'token': sashimi_address,
        'lp': sashimi_lp_address,
        'pid': 1,
        'goblinConfig': [True, 6250, 7000, 11000]

    wht = interface.IAny(wht_address)
    print(' WHT的地址是:', wht_address)
    # =====开始:重新配置交易池===============================
    # registry = {}
    # print('5 部署交易池...')
    # for pool in pools:
    #     print('  ==============================')
    #     print('  部署交易对:wht -',pool['name'],'地址是:',pool['token'])
    #     fToken = interface.IAny(pool['token'])

    #     if pool['pid'] == 1:
    #         # reinvest 0.3% (avg gas fee ~0.006 BNB)
    #         print('  部署 pid=1 的交易对的gobilin PancakeswapPool1Goblin ... reinvest 0.3%')
    #         goblin = PancakeswapPool1Goblin.deploy(
    #                     ank,
    #                     chef_address,
    #                     router_address,
    #                     add_strat,
    #                     liq_strat,
    #                     30,
    #                     {'from': deployer})
    #     else:
    #         # reinvest 0.3% (avg gas fee ~0.006 BNB)
    #         print('  部署 pid>1 的交易对的gobilin PancakeswapGoblin ... reinvest 0.3%')
    #         goblin = PancakeswapGoblin.deploy(
    #                     bank,
    #                     chef_address,
    #                     router_address,
    #                     pool['pid'],
    #                     add_strat,
    #                     liq_strat,
    #                     30,
    #                     {'from': deployer})
    #     print('  配置goblin的配置数据到配置合约中 goblin_config.setConfigs ...',pool['goblinConfig'])
    #     goblin_config.setConfigs([goblin], [pool['goblinConfig']], {'from': deployer})

    #     print('  部署双边策略合约:add_strat_2 StrategyAddTwoSidesOptimal ...')
    #     add_strat_2 = StrategyAddTwoSidesOptimal.deploy(
    #         router_address, goblin, fToken, {'from': deployer})
    #     print('  配置双边策略add_strat_2到 goblin goblin.setStrategyOk ...')
    #     goblin.setStrategyOk([add_strat_2, rem_strat], True, {'from': deployer})
    #     print('  配置goblin到银行配置合约 bank_config.setGoblins ...')
    #     bank_config.setGoblins([goblin], [goblin_config], {'from': deployer})

    #     # re-assign two side strat as add strat for pool 1 goblin
    #     if pool['pid'] == 1:
    #        print('  对于pid=1的交易池 配置更严格的策略add_strat_2到goblin ...')
    #         goblin.setCriticalStrategies(add_strat_2, liq_strat, {'from': deployer})
    #         print(' 配置add_strat到goblin goblin.setStrategyOk ...')
    #         goblin.setStrategyOk([add_strat], False, {'from': deployer})  # unset add_strat

    #     registry[pool['name']] = {'goblin': goblin,
    #                               'two_side': add_strat_2,
    #                               'token': fToken.address}
    #     print('  交易池配置完成!! registry[',pool["name"],']:',registry[pool['name']])
    # =====结束:重新配置交易池===============================

    # 或者使用已部署的池子
    registry = {}
    goblin =
    add_strat_2 =

    registry['sashimi'] = {
        'goblin': goblin,
        'two_side': add_strat_2,
        'token': '0xc2037C1c13dd589e0c14C699DD2498227d2172cC'
    print('registry[ sashimi ]:', registry['sashimi'])
    # ====================================

    wht = interface.IAny(wht_address)
    sashimi = interface.IAny(sashimi_address)
    lp = interface.IAny(sashimi_lp_address)
    r0, r1, _ = lp.getReserves()
    sashimi_price = r1 * 10**18 // r0  # in bnb
    oracle.setPrices([sashimi], [wht], [sashimi_price], {'from': deployer})
    print('6 配置交易对的价格 sashimi对wht的价格的价格是', sashimi_price / 10**18)
    print('  lptoken 总供应量是:', lp.totalSupply() / 10**18)
    print('  当前bank存款:', bank.totalSupply() / 10**18)

    # set whitelist tokens to add_strat (no sashimi)
    add_fTokens = list(map(lambda pool: pool['token'], pools[1:]))
    print('add_fTokens:', add_fTokens)
    print('add_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    add_strat.setWhitelistTokens(add_fTokens, [True] * len(add_fTokens), {
        'from': deployer,
        'gas_price': 1000000000

    # set whitelist tokens to liq_strat, rem_strat
    fTokens = list(map(lambda pool: pool['token'], pools))
    print('fTokens:', fTokens)
    print('liq_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    liq_strat.setWhitelistTokens(fTokens, [True] * len(fTokens),
                                 {'from': deployer})
    print('rem_strat.setWhitelistTokens ...')
    rem_strat.setWhitelistTokens(fTokens, [True] * len(fTokens),
                                 {'from': deployer})
    # mint tokens
    # mint_tokens(sashimi, alice)
    # approve tokens
    sashimi.approve(add_strat_2, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    wht.approve(bank, 2**256 - 1, {'from': alice})
    # test work

    print('  开始测试token: sashimi ...')
    print('  bank.nextPositionID=', bank.nextPositionID())
    print('  接收债务吗? ', bank_config.acceptDebt(registry['sashimi']['goblin']))
    print('  minDebtSize= ', bank_config.minDebtSize())
        '  minDebtSize.workFactor= ',
    print('  workFactor= ',
          bank_config.workFactor(registry['sashimi']['goblin'], 10**17))

    # ========================
    prevBNBBal = alice.balance()
        0, registry['sashimi']['goblin'], 10**17, 0,
        eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'bytes'], [
            eth_abi.encode_abi(['address', 'uint256', 'uint256'],
                               [registry['sashimi']['token'], 0, 0])
        ]), {
            'from': alice,
            'value': '0.05 ether',
            'gas_price': 1000000000
    curBNBBal = alice.balance()

    print('  bank.nextPositionID=', bank.nextPositionID())
    pos_id = bank.nextPositionID() - 1
    print('  goblin.shares=', goblin.shares(pos_id))
    print('  goblin.shareToBalance(goblin.shares)=',

    print('  ∆ ht alice', curBNBBal - prevBNBBal)

    print('  alice pos', bank.positionInfo(pos_id))