def sanity_check(vesting_address, vested_amounts): vesting_escrow = if vesting_escrow.initial_locked_supply() != TOTAL_AMOUNT: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected locked supply: {vesting_escrow.initial_locked_supply()}") if vesting_escrow.unallocated_supply() != 0: raise ValueError(f"Unallocated supply remains: {vesting_escrow.unallocated_supply()}") for count, (acct, expected) in enumerate(vested_amounts, start=1): balance = vesting_escrow.initial_locked(acct) if balance != expected: raise ValueError( f"Incorrect vested amount for {acct} - expected {expected}, got {balance}" ) if not count % 250: print(f"{count}/{len(vested_amounts)} balances verified...") print("Sanity check passed!")
def vest_tokens(admin, funding_admins, token_address, confs): start_idx = len(history) # get token Contract object token = # deploy vesting contract start_time = vesting_escrow = VestingEscrow.deploy( token, start_time, start_time + VESTING_PERIOD, False, funding_admins, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }, ) _log_tx( txid=vesting_escrow.tx.txid, fn_name="VestingEscrow.deploy", contract_address=vesting_escrow.address, ) # load vesting data from json with open(config.LP_VESTING_JSON) as fp: vested_pct = {k.lower(): Decimal(v) for k, v in json.load(fp).items()} for addr in BLACKLIST: if addr.lower() in vested_pct: del vested_pct[addr] # calculate absolute amounts to be distributed initial_total = sum(int(v * TOTAL_AMOUNT) for v in vested_pct.values()) adjustment_pct = Decimal(TOTAL_AMOUNT) / initial_total vested_amounts = sorted( ([k, int(v * TOTAL_AMOUNT * adjustment_pct)] for k, v in vested_pct.items()), key=lambda k: k[1], reverse=True, ) if vested_amounts[-1][1] < 0: raise ValueError( f"'{config.LP_VESTING_JSON}' contains negative amounts!") vested_amounts = [i for i in vested_amounts if i[1]] # floats -> int, we expect to be ever so slightly over, so lets fix that final_total = sum(i[1] for i in vested_amounts) if not 0 < abs(final_total - TOTAL_AMOUNT) < len(vested_amounts): raise ValueError( "Imprecision!!! Distribution amounts are too far off!") for i in range(abs(final_total - TOTAL_AMOUNT)): if final_total < TOTAL_AMOUNT: vested_amounts[i][1] += 1 else: vested_amounts[i][1] -= 1 tx = token.approve(vesting_escrow, TOTAL_AMOUNT, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) _log_tx(txid=tx.txid, fn_name=tx.fn_name, spender=vesting_escrow.address, amount=TOTAL_AMOUNT) tx = vesting_escrow.add_tokens(TOTAL_AMOUNT, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) _log_tx(txid=tx.txid, fn_name=tx.fn_name, amount=TOTAL_AMOUNT) # convert vested_amounts into input args for `` calls fund_arguments = [([x[0] for x in vested_amounts[i:i + 100]], [x[1] for x in vested_amounts[i:i + 100]]) for i in range(0, len(vested_amounts), 100)] # final call needs to be extended with zero values zeros = 100 - len(fund_arguments[-1][0]) fund_arguments[-1] = ( fund_arguments[-1][0] + ["0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"] * zeros, fund_arguments[-1][1] + [0] * zeros, ) # use threading to handle the funding across several accounts funding_threads = [] for acct in [admin] + funding_admins: thread = threading.Thread(target=_fund_accounts, args=(acct, vesting_escrow, fund_arguments, confs)) funding_threads.append(thread) thread.start() for thread in funding_threads: thread.join() # burn all the admin accounts! tx = vesting_escrow.disable_fund_admins({ "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) _log_tx(txid=tx.txid, fn_name=tx.fn_name) vesting_escrow.commit_transfer_ownership( "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead", { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) _log_tx(txid=tx.txid, fn_name=tx.fn_name) vesting_escrow.apply_transfer_ownership({ "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) _log_tx(txid=tx.txid, fn_name=tx.fn_name) gas_used = sum(i.gas_used for i in history[start_idx:]) print(f"Distribution complete! Total gas used: {gas_used}") # return the final vested amounts to be used in `sanity_check`, if desired return vesting_escrow, vested_amounts
def vest_tokens(admin, token_address, confs): token = # deploy library and vesting factories target = VestingEscrowSimple.deploy({ "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) factory_contracts = [] for data in config.FACTORY_ESCROWS: factory = VestingEscrowFactory.deploy(target, data["admin"], { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) token.transfer(factory, data["amount"], { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) factory_contracts.append((factory, data["amount"])) # deploy standard escrows start_time = for data in config.STANDARD_ESCROWS: vesting_escrow = VestingEscrow.deploy( token, start_time, start_time + data["duration"], data["can_disable"], [ZERO_ADDRESS] * 4, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }, ) data["contract"] = vesting_escrow total_amount = sum(data["recipients"].values()) token.approve(vesting_escrow, total_amount, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) vesting_escrow.add_tokens(total_amount, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) zeros = 100 - len(data["recipients"]) fund_inputs = tuple(data["recipients"].items()) recipients = [i[0] for i in fund_inputs] + [ZERO_ADDRESS] * zeros amounts = [i[1] for i in fund_inputs] + [0] * zeros, amounts, { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) if "admin" in data: vesting_escrow.commit_transfer_ownership(data["admin"], { "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) vesting_escrow.apply_transfer_ownership({ "from": admin, "required_confs": confs }) print("Deployments finished!\n\nFactories:") for factory, amount in factory_contracts: print(f" {factory.address} : {amount} tokens") print("\nStandard Escrows:") for data in config.STANDARD_ESCROWS: total_amount = sum(data["recipients"].values()) print( f" {data['contract'].address}: {len(data['recipients'])} recipients, " f"{total_amount} total tokens, {data['duration']/YEAR} year lock") return config.STANDARD_ESCROWS, factory_contracts