def bs_checkAllFileTexturePathIsComingFromEnv(): """ @ check all file texture path is coming from environment. @ run this function if all path are same. Returns: bool. """ # get env details and sourceimage directory. envRoot = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath'] assetDept, assetType, assetName, uid = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetDetails( ) sourceImageDir = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetDir( astType=assetType, astDept=assetDept, astName=assetName)['dept'] + 'sourceimages/' sourceImageEnvDir = None notEnvPath = list() allFileTextures ='file') for each in allFileTextures: ftn = each.ftn.get() if ftn.find('$') != -1: sourceImageEnvDir = '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/' + sourceImageDir.replace( envRoot, '') if sourceImageEnvDir: for each in allFileTextures: ftn = each.ftn.get() filtSourceImageDir = sourceImageEnvDir if not ftn.find(filtSourceImageDir) != -1: notEnvPath.append(each) if notEnvPath: return False return sourceImageEnvDir
def bs_getAllFileTexturePathIfValid(): """ @ query all file texture path and, @ return if all are coming from same valid path. Returns: sourceimages directory (str). """ # get env details and sourceimage directory. envRoot = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath'] assetDept, assetType, assetName, uid = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetDetails( ) sourceImageDir = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetDir( astType=assetType, astDept=assetDept, astName=assetName)['dept'] + 'sourceimages/' allFileTextures ='file') validPath = list() invalidPath = list() for each in allFileTextures: ftn = each.ftn.get() filtSourceImageDir = sourceImageDir.replace(envRoot, '') if ftn.find(filtSourceImageDir) != -1: validPath.append(each) else: invalidPath.append(each) if not invalidPath: return sourceImageDir bs_qui.bs_displayMessage('error', 'all path not from same path..') return False
def bspb_sceneName(): """ @ query and return scene name from current scene. Returns: scene name. """ projectName = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['projectName'].lower() # get shot details. epi, seq, shot, stage = bs_pathGenerator.bs_shotDetailsCheckAndReturn() return '{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_{4}'.format(projectName, epi, seq, shot, stage)
def openSourceImageDir(self): urp = self.bstm_convertPath_le.text() if urp.startswith('$BSW_PROD_SERVER/'): resolvedPath = urp.replace( '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/', bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath']) bs_os.bs_openDirInExplorer(resolvedPath) bs_qui.bs_displayMessage( 'success', 'sourceimage directory opened in your os explorer.') return True bs_qui.bs_displayMessage('error', 'directory not found..') return False
def bs_getItemsFromLwFilterAndReturnPath(allAssetsListWidget): """ @ get all items from list widget and sort it with prefix ('ch_', 'pr_', 'bg_', 'vh_') Args: allAssetsListWidget (QtGui.QTabWidget): list widget who has a all types of assets sorted by ["ch_", "pr_"] etc. Returns: all assets paths with environment variable. """ serverPath = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath'] chars = list() props = list() sets = list() vehicles = list() for x in range(allAssetsListWidget.count()): assetName = allAssetsListWidget.item(x).text() if assetName.startswith('ch_'): astDict = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetFileAndVersions( 'Character', 'Rig', assetName[3:])[0] if len(astDict.keys()) != 1: continue chars.append(astDict[astDict.keys()[0]]['path']) elif assetName.startswith('pr_'): astDict = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetFileAndVersions( 'Prop', 'Rig', assetName[3:])[0] if len(astDict.keys()) != 1: continue props.append(astDict[astDict.keys()[0]]['path']) elif assetName.startswith('bg_'): astDict = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetFileAndVersions( 'Set', 'Rig', assetName[3:])[0] if len(astDict.keys()) != 1: continue sets.append(astDict[astDict.keys()[0]]['path']) elif assetName.startswith('vh_'): astDict = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetFileAndVersions( 'Vehicle', 'Rig', assetName[3:])[0] if len(astDict.keys()) != 1: continue vehicles.append(astDict[astDict.keys()[0]]['path']) mainList = chars + props + sets + vehicles environPaths = list() for each in mainList: newPath = each.replace(serverPath, '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/') environPaths.append(newPath) return environPaths
def bs_getReference(): """ @ get all references from the scene and check if it came from valid directory. @ and filter it with asset type like (char, prop, set, vehicle.) Returns: dict. # return dictionary format. mainDict = { 'char':{refNode: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}, refNode1: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}}, 'prop':{refNode: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}, refNode1: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}}, 'set':{refNode: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}, refNode1: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}}, 'vehicle':{refNode: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}, refNode1: {'node':'', 'path':'', 'name':''}}, } """ allRef = pm.getReferences() # Declare dictionary. mainDict = dict() charDict = dict() propDict = dict() setDict = dict() vehicleDict = dict() for each in allRef.keys(): eachRef = pm.getReferences()[each] projectFolder = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['projectFolder'] basePath = '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/' + projectFolder + '/01_pre/' if str(eachRef.unresolvedPath()).startswith(basePath): astDict = dict() astDict['node'] = astDict['path'] = str(eachRef.path) astDict['name'] = str( if str('_')[1] == 'ch': charDict[] = astDict elif str('_')[1] == 'pr': propDict[] = astDict elif str('_')[1] == 'bg': setDict[] = astDict elif str('_')[1] == 'vh': vehicleDict[] = astDict mainDict['char'] = charDict mainDict['prop'] = propDict mainDict['set'] = setDict mainDict['vehicle'] = vehicleDict return mainDict
def referenceElements(self): # get environments. serverPath = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath'] # query current set. dept, assetType, assetName, uid = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetDetails() if dept == 'Not Exist' or assetType == 'Not Exist' or assetName == 'Not Exist': bs_qui.bs_displayMessage('error', 'No Set Found in Scene.....') return False elements = list() for x in range(self.bssm_selectedItems_LW.count()): elements.append(self.bssm_selectedItems_LW.item(x).text()) # reference and parent all selected setElements. for each in elements: mainFile, verFiles = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getAssetFileAndVersions( 'SetElement', 'Rig', each) if len(mainFile.keys()) == 1: filePath = mainFile[mainFile.keys()[0]]['path'] filePath = filePath.replace(serverPath, '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/') ns = bs_reference.bs_createReference(filePath, prefixStyle='fileName') pm.parent(ns.namespace + ':rig_grp', 'setElements_grp') self.refresh()
def runInitialStartup(): """ @ run this function on maya start. Returns: None. """ # make groups. topGrp = pm.PyNode('geo') modelGrp = pm.PyNode('test_grp') # get asset data from temp directory using json. jsonFilePath = tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\zSetAssetData.json' with open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), jsonFilePath)) as fd: astData = json.load(fd) # set Values. pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetName', astData['name']) pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetName', l=True) pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetGrade', astData['grade']) pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetGrade', l=True) pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetUID', astData['uid']) pm.setAttr(topGrp + '.assetUID', l=True) modelGrp.rename(astData['name']) # get back to gpu folder. gpuPath = str() for each in astData['path'].split('.')[0].split('/')[:-1]: gpuPath += each + '/' if not os.path.isdir(gpuPath): os.makedirs(gpuPath) print 'path created.' # change gpu cache path. cacheFilePath = astData['path'].replace('.ma', '.abc') cacheNode = pm.PyNode('gpuCache') serverPath = bs_pathGenerator.bs_getEnvDetails()['rootPath'] cacheFilePath = cacheFilePath.replace(serverPath, '$BSW_PROD_SERVER/') cacheNode.cacheFileName.set(cacheFilePath) # save as file. pm.saveAs(astData['path']) return topGrp