def _elements_to_dict(
    data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, result: Any = None
) -> Any:
    """Decode a BSON document into result."""
    if result is None:
        result = opts.document_class()
    end = obj_end - 1
    while position < end:
        key, value, position = _element_to_dict(data, view, position, obj_end, opts)
        result[key] = value
    if position != obj_end:
        raise InvalidBSON("bad object or element length")
    return result
def _bson_to_dict(data: Any, opts: CodecOptions) -> Any:
    """Decode a BSON string to document_class."""
    data, view = get_data_and_view(data)
        if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
            return opts.document_class(data, opts)
        _, end = _get_object_size(data, 0, len(data))
        return _elements_to_dict(data, view, 4, end, opts)
    except InvalidBSON:
    except Exception:
        # Change exception type to InvalidBSON but preserve traceback.
        _, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
        raise InvalidBSON(str(exc_value)).with_traceback(exc_tb)
def _get_object(
    data: Any, view: Any, position: int, obj_end: int, opts: CodecOptions, dummy: Any
) -> Tuple[Any, int]:
    """Decode a BSON subdocument to opts.document_class or bson.dbref.DBRef."""
    obj_size, end = _get_object_size(data, position, obj_end)
    if _raw_document_class(opts.document_class):
        return (opts.document_class(data[position : end + 1], opts), position + obj_size)

    obj = _elements_to_dict(data, view, position + 4, end, opts)

    position += obj_size
    # If DBRef validation fails, return a normal doc.
    if (
        isinstance(obj.get("$ref"), str)
        and "$id" in obj
        and isinstance(obj.get("$db"), (str, type(None)))
        return (DBRef(obj.pop("$ref"), obj.pop("$id", None), obj.pop("$db", None), obj), position)
    return obj, position