string= ''
   for x in range(len(data)):
     string += '%02x' % data[x]
   return string

print "Locating device ..."
dongle = getFirstDongle()
print "Open Secure Channel ..."
# Open a Secure Channel with the keyset 0x01 to be able to prepare a new key
channel = SecureChannel(dongle, 0x01, BTCHIP_SECURE_CHANNEL_SECURITY_LEVEL_CMAC, "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F", "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F", "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F")
# Create keyset 0x20 as a bitcoin context key. Only the first component of the keyset is used
print "Creating new context key ..."
channel.putKey(0x20, BTCHIP_PUT_KEY_USAGE_BITCOIN_PRIVATE_KEY_CONTEXT, "0000", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F")

btchip = BTChip(dongle)
print "Selecting curve ..."
print "Generating keypair ... please wait ~ 5 seconds"
keypair = btchip.generateKeypair(0x20)
hashToSign = "0102030405060708111213141516171821222324252627283132333435363738"
print "Signing ... please wait ~ 5 seconds"
testSign = btchip.sign(0x20, keypair[1], hashToSign)
print "Signature " + testSign
print "Verifying signature ... please wait ~ 10 seconds"
btchip.verify(keypair[0], hashToSign, testSign)
print "Signature verified"


print "Open Secure Channel ..."
# Open a Secure Channel with the keyset 0x01 to be able to prepare a new key
channel = SecureChannel(dongle, 0x01, BTCHIP_SECURE_CHANNEL_SECURITY_LEVEL_CMAC, "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F", "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F", "404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F")
# Create keyset 0x20 as a bitcoin context key. Only the first component of the keyset is used
print "Creating new context key ..."
channel.putKey(0x20, BTCHIP_PUT_KEY_USAGE_BITCOIN_PRIVATE_KEY_CONTEXT, "0000", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F", "505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F")
btchip = BTChip(dongle)
print "Selecting curve ..."
print "Generating keypair ... please wait ~ 5 seconds"
keypair = btchip.generateKeypair(0x20)
# The context key is known in this sample so the private component can be obtained 
encryptedPrivateComponent = keypair[1]
des ="505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F"), DES3.MODE_CBC, toBinaryDES("0000000000000000"))
privateComponent = toHexDES(des.decrypt(toBinaryDES(encryptedPrivateComponent))[8:])
print "Public key " + keypair[0]
print "Cleartext private key " + privateComponent
# Reimport it for fun & demonstration purposes. In a typical use case, you would do that with an external private key component
print "Importing private component ..."
encryptedPrivateComponent = btchip.importPrivateKey(0x20, privateComponent)
hashToSign = "0102030405060708111213141516171821222324252627283132333435363738"
print "Signing ... please wait ~ 5 seconds"
testSign = btchip.sign(0x20, encryptedPrivateComponent, hashToSign)
print "Signature " + testSign
print "Verifying signature ... please wait ~ 10 seconds"
btchip.verify(keypair[0], hashToSign, testSign)
print "Signature verified"
