async def bet(ctx, betAmount): '''If bets are open, places a bet of the specified amount.''' global betsOpen if in global_constants.validChannels: if global_constants.deleteUserMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete() if betsOpen == True: betAmount = float(betAmount.strip('$')) # Sanitise input. dbUser = userInDatabase( if dbUser == False: await ctx.send( embed=dialogBox('warning', 'You don\'t have a wallet yet!', 'Type `$balance` to create one.')) elif in currentBets: dbUser = userInDatabase( dbUser.update( wallet=dbUser.wallet + currentBets[]) # Refund the first bet. dbUser.update(wallet=dbUser.wallet - betAmount) # Refund the first bet. currentBets[] = betAmount await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'dollar', '{name} has changed their bet to {amount}!'. format(name=dbUser.real_name, amount=asMoney(betAmount)), 'They now have **{amtLeft}** left in their wallet.'.format( amtLeft=asMoney(dbUser.wallet)))) elif int(betAmount) > dbUser.wallet: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'warning', 'You\'re trying to bet more money than you have in your wallet!', 'Type `$balance` to see how much you have.')) # elif int(betAmount) % 10 != 0: # await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox('gear', 'Please only bet in multiples of 10, sorry!', 'Jess is lazy and forgot to account for decimal points in the code. This is going to be fixed in a later update.')) else: # If the planets align... dbUser = userInDatabase( # Get the user from the database. currentBets[ id] = betAmount # Add their bet to the in-memory table of bets. currentWalletAmount = dbUser.wallet # Get the user's current wallet amount from the database. dbUser.update( wallet=currentWalletAmount - betAmount) # Take the bet from the user's wallet. # Log statistics dbUser.update(total_bets=dbUser.total_bets + 1) Bets.create(, bet_amount=betAmount) await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'dollar', '{name} has bet {amount}!'.format( name=dbUser.real_name, amount=asMoney(betAmount)), 'They now have **{amtLeft}** left in their wallet.'.format( amtLeft=asMoney(dbUser.wallet)))) else: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'warning', 'Bets aren\'t open yet', 'Get the dealer to open them with `$openbets`.'))
async def stats(ctx, userMention=''): '''Pull up the lifetime stats for yourself or another user.''' if in global_constants.validChannels: # If a user was mentioned, pull the database record for them. # If no mention, default to using the author's message ID as passed through via context. if userMention: await ctx.send(embed=debugMessage('Using mentioned user...')) dbUser = userInDatabase(convertMentionToID(userMention)) else: await ctx.send(embed=debugMessage( 'No mention passed. Using message author...')) dbUser = userInDatabase( # Check if user exists in database. If so, collect stats and display them. if dbUser == False: None else: await ctx.send( embed=debugMessage('`Command will run for {name}/{id}`'.format( name=dbUser.real_name, id=dbUser.dc_uniqueid))) largestBetInfo = largestBet(dbUser.dc_uniqueid) finaldialog = dialogBox( 'die', 'Lifetime statistics for {user}'.format(user=dbUser.real_name)) finaldialog.set_thumbnail( url=getAvatarURL(ctx, dbUser.dc_uniqueid)) finaldialog.add_field(name='Total funds:', value=asMoney(dbUser.wallet), inline=True) finaldialog.add_field(name='Hands played:', value=dbUser.total_bets, inline=True) finaldialog.add_field(name='Wins:', value=dbUser.total_wins, inline=True) finaldialog.add_field(name='Losses:', value=dbUser.total_losses, inline=True) finaldialog.add_field(name='Buy-ins:', value=dbUser.total_buyins, inline=True) finaldialog.add_field(name='Largest bet:', value='{amount} at {time}'.format( amount=asMoney( largestBetInfo['betAmount']), time=largestBetInfo['betTime'], winorlose=largestBetInfo['wasAWin']), inline=True) # finaldialog.set_footer(text='Wins include blackjacks and any payouts of at least 1.1x and above. The largest bet will not show whether the bet was a win or a loss if the bet was made before PLACEHOLDER.') await ctx.send(embed=finaldialog)
async def doubledown(ctx): '''Doubles your bet. Can be done at any time, even if bets are closed.''' if in global_constants.validChannels: if global_constants.deleteUserMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete() dbUser = userInDatabase( currentWalletAmount = dbUser.wallet #await message.delete() if not in currentBets: await ctx.send( embed=dialogBox('warning', 'You haven\'t placed a bet.')) elif currentBets[] > dbUser.wallet: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'warning', 'You\'re trying to double or split your bet, but you don\'t have enough in your wallet to do so.', 'Type `$balance` to see how much you have.')) else: dbUser.update(wallet=currentWalletAmount - currentBets[]) currentBets[user_id] = currentBets[user_id] * 2 await ':dollar: **<@!{name}> has doubled their bet from ${originalAmount} to ${doubledAmount}!** They now have ${amtLeft} left in their wallet.' .format(name=user_id, originalAmount=currentBets[user_id] / 2, doubledAmount=currentBets[user_id], amtLeft=wallets[user_id])) await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'dollar', '<@!{name}> has doubled their bet from ${originalAmount} to ${doubledAmount}!' .format(, originalAmount=currentBets[] / 2, doubledAmount=currentBets[]), 'They now have ${amtLeft} left in their wallet.'.format( amtLeft=wallets[])))
async def push(ctx, userMentionString): '''DEALER ONLY. Refunds a user's bet in the event of a push. An alias of $pay <user> 1x.''' if in global_constants.validChannels: if isDealer( if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete() dbUser = userInDatabase(int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString))) if int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)) not in currentBets: await ctx.send( dialogBox( 'warning', 'No bets currently standing for this user.', 'They may have not placed a bet, or the dealer may have already paid them out.' )) else: payoutResponse = payUserOut(ctx, userMentionString, 1, 'win') finaldialog = dialogBox( 'push', '{user} pushes!'.format( user=payoutResponse['userWhoGotPaid'].real_name), 'The house has refunded <@!{userID}>\'s bet of **{amount}**, and their wallet balance is now back at **{balance}**.' .format(userID=dbUser.dc_uniqueid, amount=asMoney(payoutResponse), balance=asMoney(dbUser.wallet))) finaldialog.set_thumbnail( url=getAvatarURL(ctx, dbUser.dc_uniqueid)) await ctx.send(embed=finaldialog) else: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
def payUserOut(ctx, userMention, payoutRatio, winState): '''Takes the user's ID, pay-out ratio, and win-state. Pays out the user, tracks it in the database, then returns the user's name and pay-out amount.''' userID = convertMentionToID( userMention) # Chop of the first three chars and the last one. dbUser = userInDatabase(userID) if userID not in currentBets: return False else: payAmount = float( currentBets[userID] * float(payoutRatio.strip('x')) ) # Calculate pay-out amount (current bet * pay-out ratio). currentWalletAmount = dbUser.wallet # Cache the wallet balance pre-winnings. dbUser.update(wallet=currentWalletAmount + float(payAmount) ) # Add the money to the user's wallet in the database. # Add the win/loss to the user's record in the database. if winState == 'win' or winState == 'blackjack': dbUser.update(total_wins=dbUser.total_wins + 1) dbUser.update(total_winnings=dbUser.total_winnings + (payAmount - currentBets[userID])) elif winState == 'loss': dbUser.update(total_losses=dbUser.total_losses + 1) dbUser.update(total_winnings=dbUser.total_winnings - (currentBets[userID])) # Remove the user's bet from the in-memory bets table. del currentBets[userID] return payAmount
async def pay(ctx, userMentionString, payoutRatio): '''DEALER ONLY. Pays the @'ed user out. For example, `$pay @Jess 2x` will give Jess back $100 on a bet of $50. Ensure that the username after the @ is an actual mention (i.e. it pings the user).''' if in global_constants.validChannels: if isDealer( if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete() dbUser = userInDatabase(int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString))) if int(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)) not in currentBets: await ctx.send( dialogBox( 'warning', 'No bets currently standing for this user.', 'They may have not placed a bet, or the dealer may have already paid them out.' )) else: payoutResponse = payUserOut(ctx, userMentionString, payoutRatio, 'win') finaldialog = dialogBox( 'winner', '{user} wins!'.format(user=dbUser.real_name), 'The house has paid <@!{userID}> a total of **{amount}**, and their wallet balance is now **{balance}**.' .format(userID=dbUser.dc_uniqueid, amount=asMoney(payoutResponse), balance=asMoney(dbUser.wallet))) finaldialog.set_thumbnail( url=getAvatarURL(ctx, dbUser.dc_uniqueid)) await ctx.send(embed=finaldialog) else: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))
async def balance(ctx): '''Shows your current wallet balance. Creates a wallet for you if you do not have one.''' if in global_constants.validChannels: if userInDatabase( ) == False: # If user not found found in database, create a wallet for them. await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'gear', 'You don\'t have a wallet yet!', 'Creating one with a balance of **{amt}**...'.format( amt=asMoney(global_constants.defaultWalletAmount)))) User.create(,,, ) dbUser = userInDatabase( await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'moneybag', '{name}\'s current wallet balance is {balance}'.format( name=dbUser.real_name, balance=asMoney(dbUser.wallet)))) if global_constants.deleteUserMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete()
async def buyin(ctx, userMentionString): '''DEALER ONLY. Adds $100 to a user's wallet.''' if in global_constants.validChannels: if isDealer( if global_constants.deleteDealerMessages == True: await ctx.message.delete() dbUser = userInDatabase(convertMentionToID(userMentionString)) dbUser.update(wallet=dbUser.wallet + float(100)) dbUser.update(total_buyins=dbUser.total_buyins + 1) await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'handshake', '{} has bought in!'.format(dbUser.real_name), 'The dealer has topped up {name}\'s wallet with an extra **$100**, bringing their funds up to **{amt}**.' .format(name=dbUser.real_name, amt=asMoney(dbUser.wallet)))) else: await ctx.send(embed=dialogBox( 'error', 'Only the dealer has access to this command.'))